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News Item8/10/07 11:52 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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You are right on when it comes to a "preaching church" being an "outreach church". This is a problem for me that I just don't understand. If a local church really believes what they say/preach, how can they stay to themselves and not share? I know of some churches that preach good, Biblical teaching and yet have no outreach. If my neighbor's house is on fire, shouldn't I yell to him to get out for your lifes' sake? And yet churches are preaching that there is a hell to come for unbelievers and judgment coming and never go out of there local congregation to warn these poor folk. It's a mystery I've struggled with for some years now. Do these people believe with only their heads and not their hearts??????????

Survey8/10/07 11:01 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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I don't know where you're coming from. I don't know what to make of your "voice" here in this room. I'm amazed that people take verses of the Bible that are very clear as to what they mean, and for some reason, want to oppose them. I said earlier that I don't understand "God's election plan", but because it is so clearly taught in the Bible, I have to believe it. We don't allow women in the pulpit, for example, because this also is clearly taught in the Bible that women cannot have authority over men, and that women are to remain silent in the congregation, etc. Yet, many go against this very clear truth and go ahead anyway and let the women preach, etc. On and on the false teachings, etc. go. People today are not asking the Lord for "spiritual light" to guide and teach them the true meaning of many Biblical verses. They are, like yourself, coming to false conclusions thinking they are absolutely right when indeed they are wrong when Scripture is compared with Scripture. The Bible says "in THY light we see the light". That's what we all need. I love people too much to read so much error and wrong opinions being talked about in these rooms. It really bothers me because we all have a never dying soul for eternity. Even if the truth hurts , give me TRUTH!

Survey8/10/07 5:55 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Discerning believer,

I was not aware of that and stand to be corrected. Thanks much for letting me know. If we are believers, we want to be honest and truthful at all times! Thanks again!!!

Survey8/10/07 5:06 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Hello Lurker,

I had hoped to get back to you sooner. Thanks for the encouragement re: God's "sovereignty" vs. "man's responsibility". Lurker, I don't understand why God chooses some and not the other. I've kinda been confused my whole life about this. I willnot deny though what the Scriptures say about election vs. freewill. By the way, the word election is in the Bible, the word freewill is not. When I read the feedback in this room re: the topic of election, I can't for the life of me understand why people outright deny this fact. In Acts we read, "and the Lord added daily to the church, SUCH as should be saved". Again "I am found of them who sought me not". This space is too small to quote all the texts that show clearly that election is a Biblical doctrine, freewill is not. Again, I say, I don't understand this doctrine at all, but it's so clear that a child can see it written in the Scriptures. I believe the Bible teaches God's sovereignty and man's responsiblity. Yet another verse that comes to mind, " and you hath He quickened who were DEAD in tresspasses and in sin". A spiritually dead man cannot choose the Lord in the true sense of the word. Again, Romans 6,7 and 8 will make it totally clear that it is God who has to do the saving, no freewill whatsoever.

Survey8/9/07 1:19 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Maybe it's the late hour and my mind is foggy, but are you agreeing with me regarding God's sovereignty or not? Thanks!

Survey8/9/07 12:53 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Abigail.... thanks for responding. For the life of me, I don't understand that some people have a problem with something that is soooooo clear in the Scriptures. It boggles my mind. "Jacob have I loved, but Esau I have hated". By my human nature, I think, this doesn't sound fair at all, but am I going to change the meaning of this verse to something that means something else? Not at all. I say, let God be God. By my natural mind and thinking I say, why does there have to be a hell? Couldn't God send everyone to Heaven? I love people, I really do. I cannot try to think that a certain verse in Scripture that is quite clear in and of itself, such as the one I quoted in Romans, might mean something else. When Jesus restored an ear on Malchus, I don't think we have to look for another meaning. Perhaps it didn't mean an ear, something else perhaps. There are verses in the Bible that we CAN take for face value. A rainbow in the sky was a rainbow. As I said before, we must pray that God will use His Holy Spirit to open our 'blind' eyes! May God have mercy on us all!

News Item8/9/07 12:09 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Abigail.....you're a "breath of fresh air" from the west"! You're from Oregon? I'm near the Atlantic Ocean over hear in New Jersey. I just had to respond back to you. I just don't understand why some people say the things [false things] that they say. I said to someone earlier that because I may not understand something in the Bible, a certain doctrine such as election, predestination, etc., I'm still not going to blatantly deny something so clearly taught in the Bible. I do not want to decieve myself for eternity. I don't want to go to hell. I have my own struggles with certain sins at it is. I don't need false teaching on top of it. Do you understand what I'm saying? You seem to be a very caring person, am I right?

Survey8/8/07 11:58 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Hopalong....I can understand that you would say the things that you said in the next response. No, thankfully I have no mental problems. I've just touched a sore spot with not only you, but many, many more people who will, for some reason, not bow under what the Bible says on some things. If you have some knowledge of the Bible, you've got to know what I've talked about. Like I said, I don't understand why God predestinated some and not others. Romans 6,7,8. These verses are crystal clear regarding God doing the saving. For your own eternal welfare, pray to God for and understanding of these things. Tell Him you don't understand these verses throughout the whole Bible re" God's election, predestination, etc. I'm only saying this becasue I care about people and their souls. Please don't take my word for it. Check this out for yourself!

News Item8/8/07 10:30 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Abigail...I've been reading some of your postings in a few of the different forums. It sounds like you're "right on" re" what the Bible has to say, etc. It sounds like you've done your homework comparing Scripture with Scripture! It struck me when you said God is a God of love but also a God of wrath. So true! I don't understand how a preacher who is supposed to know the Word, how he can with a clear consience decieve people. A verse that comes to mind is " our God is a consuming fire".... and there are many more places in the Bible that talk aboput the wrath of God. I, myself want to know the whole truth. I don't want to be decieved. Eternity is too long to fool around with "picking and choosing" just the verses we want to hear. Blessings to you and keep up the good work!

Survey8/8/07 10:09 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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JD...I can "kinda" see where you're coming from re: Jesus dying for the sins of the whole world. You also quoted a few other texts that would seem supportive of your views. If we take your viewpoint, the many, many other texts in the Bible wouldn't square at all. I believe that Jesus' blood was more than sufficient to save the whole world. If we believe that Jesus died for everyone in the world, then obviously no one would go to hell. That's very obvious. God's sovereignty is something we really can't understand. I struggle with "freewill vs. God's sovereignty" but when I compare scripture with scripture, I do come up with God's sovereignty and no freewill whatsoever. We need God's Spirit to show us these things. "in Thy light we see the light"!

Survey8/7/07 12:13 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Mary...Thanks for sharing your excellent comment regarding the Sabbath Day. I wrote back on July 12th about this subject and was baffled that some did not agree with something that is so clear in the Bible. Imagine, God gave us this day for our own good, etc. As I said back then, I remember when Sunday was a day of worship. Most people went to church. Much more then than now. Most stores were closed. Monday was a new week. Look at the mess now. One day runs into the other. Some stores never close. 24/7 !!! People missing church because they have to work on Sunday or are too tired to attend church. We cannot thank God enough for the 10 commandments. Thankfully, every Sunday we have the 10 commandments read at the beginning of the morning service. My heart goes out to those who disagree!! Those who have ears to hear, let them hear!!!!!!

Survey8/5/07 11:49 PM
Donnie | New Jersey ...USA  Find all comments by Donnie
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Dear bro. Norman,

Thank you so much for your input here today! I enjoyed what you had to say, immensely. I don't think the thief on the cross knew much about what's been talked about today, here. There is soooo much "religion" in this world, creeds,confessions,denominations of all kinds, etc., etc.,. I wish we could go only by the Bible alone. That's just how I feel about all of this. You were a "breath of fresh air" regarding what you had to say! I wish you lived closer by!

Donnie from New Jersey....USA

Survey8/5/07 11:40 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Imagine someone who is not a believer or who is confused because of all the different opinions out there, coming into this forum. I, myself go to a church where we hear "Belgic confession, Calvinism, etc.". As I read all what has happened in "this room" today regarding "to which confession....."etc. do you belong to, I'm wondering if we should stay with the Bible only! I think it's good that a church or denomination takes a stand as to what they believe, but, make it simple. This forum on "confession of faith" has given me "food for thought". I don't think that the walkers to Emaus talked like this when they walked with Jesus. I'm really confused after about confessions at this point. I don't think much of what was "exchanged" here today was edifying. I must be honest, brothers and sisters!

Survey8/5/07 4:40 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Fellow Saint, Thanks mcuh for what you said re: reverse it, the other way around, using God's word as the filter! Thanks for your input. This is what I call "edifying" one another!

Donnie from NJ

Survey8/5/07 4:23 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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May I give my input.... The Bible is our only true guide. It is and should always be number 1. Every other book written has to be checked out with the Bible. I believe God used many men of old [and current] also, to write good, instructive books, etc. I have questions myself re: words such as "confession of faith", Calvinist, pre-mil, denomination, etc., etc. None of these words/terms are in the Bible. Churches have split over these very words. We therefore, should not make too big of a deal re: Calvinist, etc. The main question should be " are we born-again", are we searching, mainly, the BIBLE? When we sidetrack from God's Word, we see what can happen. Instead of talking about Christ, our salvation, how good God is, etc. , we wind up arguing over topics/words that aren't even in the Bible. Again, I know there have been many good books written. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say in my own simple way. Any feedback??? I want to keep learning!

News Item8/4/07 10:28 PM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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What a breath of fresh air to see that awesome picture of 17 beautiful and healthy looking children! They also look quite happy. When you think of the millions of unborn children who have been aborted and didn't have such a beautiful chance like this family has had, it should make those people who gave such negative response on this forum think again!!!! I hope this mom reaches her dream of 25 children!!

News Item8/2/07 1:43 AM
Donnie | New Jersey ...USA  Find all comments by Donnie
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Davey, It sounds like you know about the human heart. Very true, we take the same, evil heart with is wherever we go. We can't leave it in the car when we go shopping, etc.


News Item8/2/07 1:39 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Thank you so much,,Abigail and Fellow Saint!! You both were an encouragement to me, each in your own way. Praise God. You both gave me some wonderful insight from God's Word and also your own personal way in which you sturdy, read, pray, etc. Isn't it a blessing that we have this room? We don't know eachother, however we/I can still feel a kindred spirit that the world does not understand. I come to these rooms once and awhile and get discouraged by some people and how they knock each other, etc. You BOTH are NOT one of them. Have a Blessed night/day. It's 1:30 a.m. here in New Jersey. Just can't sleep!


News Item8/2/07 12:38 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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Hi Jerry, I can see your point to a certain extent re: "the last days", etc. Everybody and his brother has talked about "the alst days" for years , if not decades. The difference, I believe is this. Jesus said in one of the "last days" texts, that "knowledge shall be increased". I think this verse gives it away that we are definately in the "last days". We know that knowledge has never increased so rapidly in such a short period of time [25-45] years....There are other key verses as well, such as "when the son of man cometh, will He find faith on the earth"? I believe Jesus meant true, saving faith. With hardly any church preaching the pure truth anymore, I believe this verse also applies to these times. The Sabbath Day [Sunday} is totalyy ignored by most church folk. Up to 30-40 yrs. ago, this was not so. On and on the Bible goes re: these are DEFINATELY the last days. Are people, you/I, truly saved? That's what amtters in the first place.

News Item8/2/07 12:13 AM
Donnie | New Jersey  Find all comments by Donnie
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I believe many preachers today are preaching "about the Christian life, etc. and not out of it". This is a night and day difference..to talk about it and not out of it. It shouldn't surprise us that we see what we are seeing in the church today. Scripture says' "the natural man recieves not the things of God, because they are spiritually discerned. If a pastor is not taught by the Lord, Himself, and His Holy Spirit, what can we expect?? The Holy Spirit inspired "men of old" to write the Bible and if that same Spirit does not TRUELY open pastors minds and understanding, you're liable to hear anything that's not truly Biblical. The Bible says that in the last days [in which we are now in], "when the Son of man cometh, will He find faith on the earth?" I believe the true church of Christ is rather small compared to all the so-called churches out there today. Just go to the average church and compare what you hear and see, with the Bible and you'll see what I'm talking about. I still believe the true church is NOT a country club, but it is a "hospital" for sinners!!

Donnie from N.J.

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