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News Item6/29/07 1:15 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Post tribber

you are the mind control victim...I don't even have to read the rest of your last post to know this. Your very name "post tribber" gives you away as one who has been dupped by the false prophecy teachers.

You call yourself "post" tribber as opposed to a "pre" or "mid" tribber, but you fail to see that the whole premise is false. You cannot scripturally be any of the above.

Let me guess. You've been decieved to believe that there will be a future 7 year tribulation on the whole earth, an antichrist world ruler will come on the scene, all hell will break loose on earth, then after 7 years Christ will return in the clouds on a giant horse with a big sword sticking out of his mouth, he will destroy the beast at the battle of armegeddon, and then he will "rapture" and resurrect all the saints.

Hog wash. FICTION. Stuff for the movies, that has no bearing in scripture.

You are another mind control victim of the false prophets.

And just so you know that I'm not alone in my opinion, here are some men, famous Christian leaders at the national level, you may know that agree with me.

RC Sproul
Hank Hanegraff
Gary Demar

These men are students of "Scripture", not fictional prophecy that belongs in a hollywood movie.

Try reading some "nonfiction" books

News Item6/29/07 11:32 AM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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Not one of the things you mentioned is a fulfillment of any prophecy. Your reading your own thoughts into the scriptures.

The scriptures do not prophecy this New World Order, RFD or computerized marking, secret societies, etc. etc. Nor does it prophecy the view of Antichrist that you are holding.

I would like to see you try and quote scripture in context that supports any of this "fantasy" dooms day garbage.

What types of books are you reading?

I imagine you are reading books that are authored by guy's who make millions of dollars writing this "fiction" and pay to have it promoted as biblical "prophecy". These books have been written and rewritten hundreds of times over, and misguided Christian's still buy the crap. John Walvword has 3 books that are exactly the same, but with different covers, talking about "prophecy" and the middle east crisis. He is just slapping different covers and titles on the same book and changes them slightly depending on what's popular in the news. (Hal Lindsey, Van Impe, Hagee, Lehay...they all do the same).

If you want to be set free from this sensationalistic fale teaching, then learn how to read and interpret the scriptures according to the scriptures (not according to fiction writers).

Try www.Americanvision.org

News Item6/28/07 3:21 PM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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Not to pick a fight or anything, but after reading some of your posts and your mentionings about Romans 13, I am convinced that if all Christians throughout history held to your warped view of this passage that there would not be such a thing as Christianity.

And...the Revolutionary war was fought because of the Presbyterian preachers CORRECT view of Romans 13. If your view was common in their day and people held to it, we would still be paying taxes to a british king.

News Item6/28/07 2:57 PM
Shawn | Denver, CO  Find all comments by Shawn
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You've went over the deep end. Everything you said would fit great in a holywood movie, or an end time finatics prophecy book, but nothing you stated is even close to being scriptural. Sorry to be so blunt.
FYI- the term "antichrist" cannot even be found in the book of Revelation. The prophecy teachers "antichrist" is a fictional character invented to suplement their system.

I can't discuss much with you here because of the word count restraint, but if you would like to discuss eschatology or "end times", (which you seem to be a fan of) then I would recommend a great forum where this is discussed quite often.


I think everything you said is patently false. It was Christendom (the spreading of Christian culture) that founded and established this nation. Without the gospel hope and the law of God there would never of been an America. Without the Scottish Presbyterians and Calvinism in particular there would not of been an America.

News Item6/27/07 3:34 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Sticking your kid in an institution of depravity for 8 hours a day surely does not help. Telling the kids that they evolved from pond slime, that there existence is an accident, that there is no meaning to life, and that the only way you can be of benefit to anyone is to get a good job so you can keep making the civil government money so they can provide you with "free" health care.

Such thinking is even starting to make me sick, and I only thought about it for 5 minutes.

News Item6/25/07 12:50 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Sorry Jeremy, but your parents sinned by sending you to that Godless school system to begin with. You were not allowed to speak because you don't belong there.

That's like me being allowed to give a speach in a hoar house. I should not be there in the first place!!!

Christians, get out of the federal schools. Parents, sending your kids there is breaking covenant with God and breaking the greatest commandment in all of scripture.

Deut 6
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. 6 And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children.

The application of the greatest commandment is to teach them to your children

News Item6/25/07 12:42 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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The real DANGER is the civil and world governments involvement in education. The whole evolution and creation debate is not what's important, we need to get to the core of the problem, which is state involvement in education. Get rid of the states involvement in education and all the other problems will be solved.

I'm for the separation of school and state.


News Item6/24/07 11:31 AM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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People, please note that I never used the word "temptation" in my post, I used the word "desire".
Jesus was tempted by the Devil, the devil tried to get Jesus to bow down to him, JESUS DID NOT "DESIRE" TO BOW DOWN, that would of been a sin.
Sinful 'desire' is a SIN, not a temptation.

Homoesexual desire is not a temptation, it is a SINFUL DESIRE. There is a big difference folks.

News Item6/22/07 3:03 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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It is a great insult to the disabled to compare sinful homosexual desires as being similar to a disability like downes syndrome. Theirs is a physical defect which God gave them for his own glory. The disciples asked "why was this man born blind, Jesus said for the Glory of God".

Homosexual desire flows from an evil heart, not a physical defect. If you have the desires then you are sinning. You say that you want God to take them away, but you really don't because you still have the desires. It is YOU who has the desires, it is the Law of God in your conscience that wants those desires taken away. But again, if you have the desires, then it is you who are sinning, your heart cannot want holiness and wickedness. Can a well bring fourth fresh and salt water? No.

Your heart has the desires because it is evil and sinful. Your consceince is contrary to those desires because of the law of God. If you continue in those desires, then you are continuing in sin. Yes, pray God will take them away, but it is your responsibilty to stop having them.

If I desire to get drunk I sin, even though I pray God to take the desire away. I must simply stop desiring to get drunk, wether I pray or not, the deire is the problem. STOP DESIRING THE SIN. That's the answer.

News Item6/22/07 1:44 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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"Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep…if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly…the Lord knows how to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, 10 and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion.
Bold and willful, they do not tremble as they blaspheme.. like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming..they will also be destroyed in their destruction, 13 suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing. They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions…They have eyes full of sexual immorality, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!"

For them the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved. 18 For, speaking loud boasts of folly, they entice by sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. 2 Peter 2

News Item6/22/07 12:25 PM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep…if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly…the Lord knows how to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, 10 and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion.

Bold and willful, they do not tremble as they blaspheme.. like irrational animals, creatures of instinct, born to be caught and destroyed, blaspheming..they will also be destroyed in their destruction, 13 suffering wrong as the wage for their wrongdoing. They count it pleasure to revel in the daytime. They are blots and blemishes, reveling in their deceptions…They have eyes full of sexual immorality, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!

For them the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved. 18 For, speaking loud boasts of folly, they entice by sensual passions of the flesh those who are barely escaping from those who live in error. 19 They promise them freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption. 2 Peter 2

News Item6/22/07 12:13 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Bravo 777

If you or someone else was actually born gay, with inate sexual desires towards someone of the same sex, then that would make God the author of an intensely gross depraved sin. God is not the author of sin nor does he create men with a natural inclination to commit that abomination.
You compare it to a man's natural desire for women, but this is natural, God DID create man's sexual desire for woman, but God DID NOT create man to desire man. DON'T BLAME A HOMOSEXUAL'S DISTURBING DEPRAVITY ON GOD.

A sodomite is not born that way, he chooses to desire what is unnatural because he is utterly depraved, a sick twisted individual who lusts after the most sinful of sinful acts. Now, only such a sick twisted and sinful person can blame God for being born that way.

Can we see the depravity of these people. Not only do the commit such gross immorality, but they actually blame God for there desires to commit them. To allow such people as this into the church will do nothing but infect the whole. Purge out the leaven from among us. There is a reason why sodomy is a capital crime in the scriptures, to purge out those who may infect the whole society. It's better to cut off a hand then for the whole body to burn in hell.

Sermon6/21/07 3:17 PM
Shawn  Find all comments by Shawn
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Neither Do I Condemn You
Charles Jackson
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful blend of theonomic truth, scholarship, and the grace of God.

News Item6/20/07 11:13 AM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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The point is the destruction of the earth. What, do you think that God promised not to destroy the earth with a flood, but he will destroy it by fire? If so, then that is an inmoral promise. That's like someone promising never to slap someone in the face again, but instead will hit them on the head with a hammer.

Imagine God promising Noah "I'll never destroy the earth again by a flood....but I will burn all up with fire"..Ridiculous!

The flood is the context and it is the only thing Noah knows with regards to the destroying of the earth, that is why flood is used.

The text reads:
never again shall there be a flood to DESTROY THE EARTH.

The point is the destruction of the earth, not the flood.

Ecclesiastes1:4 A generation goes and a generation comes, But the earth remains forever.

News Item6/19/07 3:57 PM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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Setting a date for the worlds end is absoulutely futile being THE WORLD IS NEVER GOING TO END.
This whole end of the world stuff does nothig but sell books, and make prophecy teachers money.

On the other hand, the true church has been singing the "gloria patria" for years which ends with these words:
"world without end...Amen, amen"

If the world ended and was physically destroyed, as some say, then that would make God a covenant breaker, for he promised noah never again to destroy the earth.

The kingdom of God will fill the whole earth, heaven and earth will be as one, the knowledge of God will fill the earth as the waters cover the seas, Jesus Christ will be all in all.

The promises of the gospel is the redemption of creation, not the destruction or ending of the world.

News Item6/18/07 11:39 AM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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Yes. God's law allows the death penalty for not only sodomites, but adulterer's, murderer's, witches, etc. And yes, I support God's law. But, you miss the point, it is not my job, or the churches job to enforce civil law, but to preach the good news. Now it is the states job to punish evil doers with the sword (romans 13). As Paul say's, he (the governer) is a minister of God to punish evil. Evil is defined by God's law, and the sword is obvioulsy capital punishment.

If it was morally right for God to command the death penalty in the scriptures for such crimes, then it is morally right to do so today.

We preach the gospel to men who are on death row, but the state must still put them to death for their crime. We can do the same with the sodomites and adulterer's.

What you'll find is that once sodomy becomes a captial crime again, they will all go back to the closet and the problem solved; we would not even be discussing issues like this.
Would you be an open sodomite if you knew that the state would put you to death for the crime? Probably not.
Don't you understand the Law and the State is in place to restrain evil, for the good of mankind.

Better for a few to die for their crime then for an entire country to perish. Remember sodom and gomarrah?

News Item6/14/07 1:08 PM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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The scriptures command that homosexuals are to be executed (this is morally right according to the word of God).

It makes no sense for them to be members, heck, dead men can't even tithe.

We are not even suppose to pray for those who sin a sin unto death (capital crime) let alone make such members of the church. It would be wrong to take those who should be executed, a sin unto death, and make them members of the Church.

16 If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life—to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. There is sin that leads to death; I do not say that one should pray for that.
1John 5

I'm referring to practicing homosexuals of course.

News Item6/14/07 12:52 PM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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This is what one lady said:

"I've been around in this denomination a long time," said Doris Smedes, 82, of Grand Rapids. "I'm just delighted this is finally happening."

This is what she really said:

"Oh yea, I'm so happy that the denomination is going to reject the word of God and go the way of the world"..."I've never really liked God's word anyhow"..."now that I'm part of a denomination that rejects God's word, I feel a lot more comfortable being I've always rejected it, now I can fit in"

News Item6/12/07 2:01 PM
Shawn | denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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I believe that Democrats evolved from monkey's, (are still monkey like)but republicans were created by God in his image.

News Item6/1/07 5:57 PM
Shawn | Denver  Find all comments by Shawn
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Maybe the pope should authorize a free pass through purgatory for all new members. Either that or offer to let the deceased relatives of new mebmers out of purgatory.
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