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Sermon1/1/17 5:14 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The first recorded professional tattoo artist in the United States was a German immigrant, Martin Hildebrandt-1846. The first professional tattooist in Britain- was in the 1870s. Californian Ward regarded as "the founding father of modern body piercing". In 1975, Ward opened a home-based piercing business in West Hollywood, which was followed in 1978 by the opening of Gauntlet Enterprises, "the first professional body piercing specialty studio in America." Also Ladyday it was 'The Village People' 1977 to 85 and the openly gay New Yorker Felipe Rose (the Red Indian) each one playing a different gay fantasy figure; he was an openly gay pop artist, as in the UK no one came out until the 80’s. (The openly gay founder Morali was infected by HIV in the mid-1980s and died of AIDS in 1991). The most openly gay 70’s pop star was American ‘Queen of Disco’ Sylvester, he attended the Castro's 1988 Gay Freedom Parade in a wheelchair dying of aids that same year. So America first exported sodomite music entertainers to the UK and particularly flamboyant Liberace back in the late 50’s, with Sylvester “an openly gay man throughout his career, Sylvester came to be seen as a spokesman for the gay community.” (Sylvester was brought up a Pentecostal).

Sermon1/1/17 10:51 AM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Warning against 'Pop Culture' ”
In the UK another influencing for evil sexual deviant 80's pop 'star' also died this year-Pete Burns Beware of the influence of trendy TV... "Doctor Who returned to the BBC 2005, the latest project of homosexual Russell T Davies writer of 'Queer as Folk' who introduced explicit gay sex to prime time TV, in charge of a kids show?"  Then replaced by "From Sherlock to Doctor Who to Wolf Hall, Homosexual writer/actor/director Mark Gatiss is 'Mr Television' at the moment...his fingerprints all over the biggest and best shows on television". Gays are recreating the meaning of 'lurv' and normalising sodomy whether pop culture or other mediums, so be careful what we watch and what songs we sing, as it is the Devil's handiwork that provides the above 'finger prints all over TV'. Philippians 4:8 Gays should never be our entertainment and in every UK soap. Here's a few from the UK top 25 '(Gay)Pride power list 2016' to be wary of in 2017. The top 2: Ian McKellen actor Stephen Fry actor and also: Angela Eagle First Shadow Secretary of State, Labour Party Alan Carr comedian Phyll Opoku-Gyimah Co-Founder, UK Black Pride Rosie Spaughton & Rose Ellen Dix British vloggers who regularly vlog about sexuality and LGBT issues. Peter Tatchell LGBT campaigner & activist

Sermon10/26/16 2:43 PM
Wayne | Central Illinois  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dealing With Difficulties
Dr. Carl Herbster
“ Needed That ”
Thanks .. I really needed that. It was great

Sermon8/7/16 12:17 PM
Wayne | Blyth Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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Wood, Qureshi, Dunn
Dr. James White
“ Interesting but... ”
'Reset 2016- Pope Francis himself (via video- a featured speaker.' A Berean would have concerns about why those evangelicals joined together with Popery(and with any educated evangelical apologist who is pretty vague on Rome, no matter how good on other issues), so I wonder if Seth was so way off beam to raise a few red flags that rightly needed addressing? I providentially came across his article and then your DVL, not knowing anything about 'Seth', but having searched for info re: Nabeel. 'RZIM does not have an official ministry position on the doctrines of the Catholic tradition; RZIM focuses its ministry on evangelism and apologetics and strives to stay true to that vision…” Ravi Zacharias International Ministries' 'Qureshi, he considers his cousin, a Roman Catholic Priest a brother in Christ. This is a cousin who apparently works at the Vatican. How could any educated Protestant theologian not see Roman Catholicism as something to “cut ties” over? Thank God Luther did. Luther put his life one the line to refute the Pope. Qureshi speaks with him.' Seth Dunn: http://pulpitandpen.org/2016/07/31/nabeel-qureshi-redux/ Nabeel is a global speaker with RZIM Ravi Zacharias' reading books: http://www.takeheed.info/news-from-the-front-september-2006/

Sermon6/26/16 11:28 PM
Wayne | Texas  Find all comments by Wayne
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Why is it?
A. W. Pink
“ Great Sermon! ”

News Item2/26/16 5:19 PM
Wayne | Tassie  Find all comments by Wayne
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Because it's naive, does he think he could do a better job? Does he really know what's going on and if someone was to tell him would he listen or just suck up to John, when john denounces any conspiracies. I work in government and you people think you know...yes they are corrupt but they are far from peanut heads or jelly beans, they are smarter than the like of the people on here.

News Item2/26/16 3:44 PM
Wayne | Tassie  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dave wrote:
Well peanut brained jelly leg government, leased our northern port of Darwin, 99years. oh and slight oversight, we decided not to tell the USA until the Chinese came sailing into Darwin. What a bunch of nongs!
Under a month later and its panic stations now trying to build pour armed force's up to meet China once of aggression, and the Chinese are arrogant enough to have a go at our PM because China don't think Australia has a right to expand it's fighting capabilities!
C'mon guy's ww3 here, things are more precarious than ever in the world stage,
Someone asks will China start ww3 , no they won't, it's been decreed by God. China,Russia and even Turkey will soon be allies, Turkey is cranky with Russia, but they'll flip sides soon enough..
And what an announcement " Russia and USA come to peace deal on Syria? " in my life time we've been to war many times by proxy with Russia,
Come quickly Lord
Do you mind dave, who are you to have a go at our government, what do you know...better ask John from uk what he thinks...

News Item12/13/15 9:03 AM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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To John Yurich. I'd like to see the information or data that you have to backup your statement. Stats, anything would be appreciated.

News Item11/4/15 4:53 AM
Wayne | Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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'A warning to America and Israel from an ex-Muslim'

Some very wise words

Sermon10/26/15 9:37 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Good typical ”
Pastors, I listen to your commentaries all the time and appreciate your views on most topics including this one. However I disagree with you on tongues never being genuine. I have attended 2 Assembly of God churches and have experienced a lot of what I would say is not what is called for in Corinthians but have also been a part of genuine speaking in tongues with an interpretation and it appeared to edify the church. Not trying to argue, just giving my experience. I do agree that there is more abuse of tongues than not. I always enjoy your podcasts and look forward to them in the future.

Sermon9/9/15 7:19 PM
Wayne | S C  Find all comments by Wayne
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Massah, Meribah, and the Gospel
Voddie Baucham
“ Great insight ”
I bave listened to this sermon multiple times gleaning something new eacb time and have shared with many friends thank you for your ministry

News Item8/18/15 5:39 AM
Wayne | Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Because the KJV is a Catholic Bible, q
I trust you mean 'Catholic' in the real sense of Church Universal (excluding therefore the cult of Rome) as of course the KJV was indeed the only Protestant Bible (English) for centuries as you and Doug well know.

Therefore the RC church is the truth if millions have been converted through er,um, ....this RC bible filled with false doctrine? SermonAudio is also part of the same seeing though it is based on the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster and America and strongly Traditional Text?

Next you'll be saying it is a JW Bible because they once used it (when the whole of Christendom still used the same, hence even the cults). Wonder why they abandoned the KJV

I'll try and help you...have a look at my sermon comment here where JW's are convicted through a scripture not their NWT or in your own bible:


Amazing grace, eh...Mr Lincoln? Or did God err again with another trophy of GRACE through this RC bible?

News Item8/9/15 4:29 PM
Wayne | Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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Observer wrote:
What will it take to push you over the edge? Lol
You know a few months ago no one cared about a flag, until some stupid liberal stood up and alleged its connection to racism then all the liberals were up in arms.
Same with Jim. His "experts" say be upset about the KJV and suddenly Jimbo's apoplectic with concern and wants it buried.
Here's some of Jim's earlier comments which will push Albert over the edge..

AV is really a niche Bible for Shakespearean actors 1/17/11

The Devil has been using the AV for 400 years, it's time to give a clear message 1/15/11

If Satan were to choose which Bible he preferred it would definitely be the AV! 1/15/11

Alas Jim is already babbling to himself as he looks in the mirror, and he should be ashamed when he answers how did God convert many 1,000's at the Baptist Metropolitan Tabernacle using the (anglican) KJV (The Devil's bible)?

Have a look and be ashamed
Tabernacle Conversions in 1860


From The Sword & Trowel 2014, issue 2 by Church Elders, 1860

Jim would even be an embarrassment to the likes of James White, as a prime specimen of a 'CT modern version onlyist' as rabid as any KJO Ruckmanit

News Item8/4/15 11:42 AM
Wayne | Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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Observer wrote:
The issue really is whether God has preserved his word historically

RE: J MacArthur, possibly he could handle grave concerns better-view the correspondence with a preacher on SermonAudio re: 'the Manhatton Declaration'-MacArthur's Disturbing Reply


Church History can be most relevant. Read the KJV 2 Thess 2: 7. Read the same in the Geneva version and examine the notes. Read again the dedication in the KJV. See the WCF 25.6 and LBC 1689. The KJV is a PROTESTANT Bible. Now read the NKJV-note the subtle CAPITAL change and alteration altogether of the Protestant Geneva interpretation held by so many faithful preachers-Bunyan, Whitefield, Spurgeon.

Now read the General Editor of the Enlish Standard Version and does the alarm bell sound? Another one behind the same Manhatton Declaration...a must read

J I Packer and ‘Mother’ Teresa


Now ask yourself-what is behind the ESV commencing with its ecumenical editor? Why does the NKJV revise the KJV reading that is the same in the Geneva Bible?

Sermon7/27/15 6:15 AM
Wayne | Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Very interesting. ”
Very good and all very interesting and edifying! It was good to see the video you posted on your blog and Robert Truelove's conclusion from 57.40 onwards and his perceptive comment about the Critical Text disciples of James White occasionally being just as rabid (and just as uninformed) as the KJO Ruckmanites. May we fervently pray that God will be pleased to increase an interest in that "small but growing movement in some Reformed circles to rethink the adoption of the modern critical text and to take seriously the confessional articulation of the doctrine of the divine preservation of Scripture in chapter one of the WCF and the 2LBCF (1689) May the Lord continue to bless your own labours which are most helpful and instructive. Thank you!

News Item7/27/15 5:41 AM
Wayne | Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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US Reformed (see sermons on SermonAudio above) Baptist Pastor Jeff Riddle’s blog (link below) is worth a look as he is doing some excellent scholarly work defending the Textus Receptus position and critiquing even James White.

Interesting to see Dr James White’s response to Reformed Baptist Pastor Robert Truelove and Truelove's response to him. See Robert’s video ‘Ecclesiastical Text-Response to James White’, but first go to the end of it at 57.45. Note the comment about some of James White’s disciple’s as rabid critical text advocates, similar to the KJO Ruckmanites. Both types appear on SA comments, so a well received loving rebuke!

Jeff would differ a little with RT

WM # 40: Rejoinder to James White on Ecclesiastical Text, http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=72515106142

see also:
WM #28: Life and Legacy of Bruce Manning Metzger
WM # 29: James White, Luke 23:34, the PA, and Muslim Apologetics

As Pastor Riddle says: there is a small but growing movement to rethink the adoption of the modern critical text!

Thank you for the excellent posts-'Observer', 'B McCausland' etc.

Sermon7/3/15 11:50 PM
Wayne | Texas  Find all comments by Wayne
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God's sovereign election
A. W. Pink
“ Great Sermon! ”
Wonderful sermon from Bro. Pink. All glory and praise to the Lord for His Sovereign election.

Sermon6/13/15 9:25 AM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great topic. Please keep them coming.

Sermon6/8/15 12:18 PM
Wayne | Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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Led Forth By The Right Way
Stephen Hyde
“ Great Sermon! ”
My daily Bible chapters yesterday just happened to be Psalm 107 and Exodus 33 and the Lord put 'verse 7' of Psalm 107 and verse 14' of Exodus 33 upon my heart. Then 'This Is The Way, Walk Ye In It'. You can appreciate my astonishment to then see your three sermons on the very same! Thank you for being the Lord's blessed instrument to minister such a providential blessing!

Sermon6/8/15 12:08 PM
Wayne | Northumberland  Find all comments by Wayne
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What is it to ask God in Faith?
Pastor Chalan Hetherington
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very helpful sermon heard this Lord's Day June 7th and a particular blessing as I view todays Spurgeon 'Daily Cheque Book' reading and 'Morning and Evening' (this evenings reading) June 8th!
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