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News Item5/27/07 5:57 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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I just wanted to let you know that I like your style! You preach old school "Jonathan Edwards" style? Are you a pastor?

News Item5/26/07 1:02 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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As a resident of California, I can say without exaggeration that this state is obsessed with homosexuality and other froms of sexual deviancy. The judges, politicians, and educators are shoving it down our throats. And NO, I'm not condemning or maliciously judging anyone. It is my prayer and hope that homosexuals would repent and receive the mercy of Jesus Christ.

News Item5/22/07 9:55 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Mexico's brand of Roman Catholicism is even more occultic than what we have seen in the U.S./Europe. Many Mexican Catholics (not all) worship and erect shrines to a dead drug trafficker named Jesus Malverde. Malverde was a "Robin Hood" type marijuana trafficker who lived during the mid to late 19th Century. Drug traffickers provide money to the RC in exchange for Malverde's "blessing." The RC justifies this blood money by saying that it is purified once it is "blessed" by the church. Per Brother Robert's Comments below, we must love these people, pray for them, and give then the true Gospel.

News Item5/6/07 1:41 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Yet NAMBLA is still permitted to spew their perverted venom and encourage sodomites to murder children (ie, Jesse Dirkhising and Adam Curly). NO ONE, including President Bush, has the guts to stand up to them! THAT's protected speech in America!

News Item4/27/07 8:49 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Well that's good to know Brother Williams, because neither of us said we hated anyone. The comments were directed
at those who propagate dispensationalist error. But nice try anyway!

News Item4/26/07 7:13 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Good points by Expositor below. Unfortunately, most pastors today are too comfortable in their little 501 (c)(3) "kindgoms" to risk speaking out against B'nai B'rith. Christians, please stop reading John Hagee books.

News Item4/26/07 4:56 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Yes, unfortunately this "bill" will pass and be eagerly signed by "you know who." Of course, they know that DOJ lacks the resources and time to prosecute EVERY fundamentalist pastor. They'll probably mimic what has been done in Europe and Canada...make an example out of a few. By the way, don't expect this law to be enforced against Muslims!

News Item4/21/07 11:16 PM
Jerry | Germany  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jerry
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Praise God for those who wish to be obedient to His Word in raising up their children the correct way. Here in Germany the whole matter of correct raising of children and corperal punishment has gone down the drain since 2003 as the anti-spanking law came in, now you are looked at as a criminal if you do this,even if you were brought up with it and that mankind has known its effectiveness for thousands of years. The backlash in the society is going to be enourmous, there is no discipline any more and the harder eastern countries are going to find us a push over. Anyway that is the Lord's matter. Please pray for us, because a case has gone in against us and they want to remove our 2 boys from our home, which is absolutely crazy, and could send my wife into hospital. We are under attack here in many ways. The village is Catholic and we are both from afar off and trying to witness for the Lord in many ways. The Lord gives us strength to carry on and I know He will not let his testimony be belitteled.

In the love of the Lord,

Jerry and Monika

News Item4/17/07 10:51 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Quote from the article:
"At services on Sunday morning, the 3,500-seat church was filled to near capacity with worshipers drawn by its charismatic preaching and vibrant musical stage show." That's exactly what they want...to see a show!
Jer 5:31: The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?

News Item4/15/07 1:24 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Good point Mike. George Orwell's "1984" comes to mind.

News Item4/9/07 2:58 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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I call him Joseph Ratzinger...not "Benedict", not "Pope", etc. The only advice he needs is to drop the funny pope hat and staff; repent; acknowledge Jesus Christ as his Lord, Savior, and redeemer; renounce his arrogant claim of being the "spokesman" of Christ; and renounce the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican, and it's blasphemous doctrines. Of course, no "pope" in history has ever done the aformentioned; so I wouldn't expect any different from Ratzinger.

News Item4/8/07 3:49 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Ditto to 33K's and Bravo-777's rebuke of Barry. Sermon audio should delete Barry's post.

News Item4/7/07 1:30 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Okay, challenge accepted? I'm waiting.

News Item4/6/07 12:06 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Good points by KK below. I would challenge anyone to name ONE country whose citizens have had more access to the gospel message then America. We are teeming with Bibles, solid Christian books, ministries, tracts, and yes...even still a few decent churches. Don't misunderstand, we should make every effort to give homosexuals the gospel and pray for their repentance. However, there are only so many times we can repeat the same message. Sooner or later, the homosexual must decide. By the way, KUDOS to Bob Jones III for standing his ground! Amen!

News Item4/1/07 4:13 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Jas 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

News Item3/22/07 1:02 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Interesting article. Notice how the apostate pastorette brags about the "church's" charity work. I recall something about "not practicing our deeds of righteousness before men." I think that deep inside they know their lifestyle is sinful and they are seeking a works based salvation system to compensate. Just a thought!

News Item3/17/07 9:27 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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In a way it's beneficial that the sodomite fascists are on the march in greater droves than ever. It provides an opportunity to separate the wolves from the sheep. Thus far, Al Mohler and Billy Graham have caved in.
But then again, Graham calls the Pope the "Holy Father." Let's see which "Fundamentalist" pastor will next capitulate to New Sodom. Will Bob Jones University hold it's ground? I certainly hope so.

News Item3/13/07 1:42 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Germany is catering to Islam because the German government-like the Muslim religion-is a fascist death cult! Don't you people get it? Germany's
anti-homeschool and hate speech laws are ONLY being targeted at Christians, NOT Muslims. Germany's sodomites, Muslims, secular humanists, and Catholics are part of an unholy alliance to persecute Christ's flock. The good news is that they will lose.

News Item3/11/07 1:15 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Yeah, I kind of agree with Jim Lincoln below. Of course, sodomy is definitely a sin that needs to be confronted in a Christilike and loving manner. However, so is materialism (which is rampant in today's neoevangelical community) Moreover, I don't think the entertainment and "rock for Jesus" method helps. I'm also curious: How much time do these "rock for Jesus" kids spend studying scripture and serving their communities, hmmm? Just a thought.

Sermon3/10/07 3:21 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A clear and concise presentation of the gospel message!
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