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Sermon5/6/18 3:14 PM
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Who is Israel?
Todd Nibert
“ Israel, Christians & Foreign Policy ”
Recommend the sermon "Israel and Apostasy" by D Scott Meadows on Sermon Audio which is relevant to this subject. Israel was destroyed in 70 AD as Jesus prophesied. MODERN Israel is not biblical Israel. Don't listen to Modern false teachers who use Old Testament promises about Israel, and curses, to gain Evangelical financial and political support for Israel and it's Wars. Entire infomercials and TV evangelists spread disinformation and propaganda by this confusion regarding the modern state Israel.

Sermon4/8/18 8:36 AM
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Great Sermon! ”
The sermon is highly relevant to the MLK50 conference involving SBC. Because they have thrown away exegetical faithfulness to passages like this on slavery the racial division in churches will only continue to increase along with religious, political, and social turmoil. The Leaven of false teaching and abolitionism started it all. A major division regarding race and MLK within Christianity is currently being tweeted and blogged about vigorously. This message is biblically faithful but heretical to a Democratic Socialist worldview. Divisions are therefore necessary as evidenced by Romans 16 verses 17 + 18 to Mark and avoid those contrary to the doctrine of scripture.

Sermon3/15/18 6:05 AM
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A Survey of Apostasy II
D. Scott Meadows
“ Apostasy, Why O.T. Israel is no more! ”
A very needed message regarding the complete apostasy and total Destruction of Israel ending in 70 A.D.. This was the historic Christian understanding of Israel & the Jews until the rise of dispensational eschatology and its heretical & political movement of Christian Zionism largely led by John Hagee which teaches that the new political Israel formed in 1948 requires Christian support as if it is revived Israel of the O.T. and prophetic fulfillment. Modern Judaizers use this false teaching to gain financial and unconditional foreign policy support for Modern Israel using O.T. verses for O.T. Israel. The pastor focuses on true Israel's apostasy, destruction and it's warning spiritually for Christians.

News Item3/14/18 6:06 AM
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Jezebel painted herself. Interestingly that is not mentioned of any other woman in the Bible. She was a master manipulator. It did not work with Jehu

News Item3/7/18 5:27 AM
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I was wondering what it would be like if John Knox suddenly appeared before them.

Sermon2/4/18 5:18 AM
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God's Dress Code
Robert W. Reed
“ You are what you wear, Christian or not. ”
Should Christians dress the same way as Society does? Many conservative pastors today are teaching that Christians should dress in a manner "appropriate" to the surrounding culture, without exceptions. But the scriptures clearly teach and forbid wearing certain fashions and maintaining standards contrary to pagan culture and Society. This includes distinguishing clearly between the sexes. What is fashionable among men is abomination before God. Under the pretense of Christian Liberty it is now common for professing Christians to imitate the world without thinking or caring. The sermon traces the Christian cultural downgrade vs. the scriptures.

Sermon1/28/18 6:37 PM
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Head Coverings Today
Derek Carlsen
“ Appearances matter in church ”
Up until the 1950s it was Universal for women to wear hats in church. They still do in all the Presbyterian churches in Scotland . I was surprised at this interpretation which seems largely based on one selective phrase Calvin uses (About men) which is then extrapolated much farther. For Calvin continues, "Paul now maintains from other considerations, that it is unseemly for women to have their heads bare. Nature itself, says he, abhors it. To see a woman shaven is a spectacle that is disgusting and monstrous... Should any one now object, that her hair is enough, as being a natural covering, Paul says that it is not, for it is such a covering as requires another thing to be made use of for covering it." Society and culture today only confuses us because it revolutionizes to raise up women to equality and even superiority over men by dress and appearance. Only a Biblical norm and example will guide us against the rebellious and twisted culture, which Paul is defining to remove contentions. Christians will appear different when Society is out of order.

Sermon1/28/18 1:58 AM
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Context Explains the Rule
Derek Carlsen
“ Hermeneutics: Not about you & your employer! ”
This also contrasts Free Market Economics & Slavery verses Modern Welfare & Communism. The sermon is a breath of fresh air in sharp contrast to most preaching on the passages regarding slavery.

Sermon1/28/18 1:07 AM
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Listen to PART 2, next sermon ”
Don't miss listening to part 2 about slavery in the next sermon entitled, "Context Explains the Rule." Great practical insights there. Most pastors and teachers use passages on slavery to teach us rules about employers and employees. This is incorrect since it is contrary to and different from the relationship in slavery. The pastor straightens that out.

Sermon1/21/18 10:22 PM
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Context Explains the Rule
Derek Carlsen
“ Great Sermon! Slavery Part 2 ”
Must hear this which continues from the previous sermon on slavery. Absolutely important and relevant to everyone.

Sermon1/21/18 9:17 PM
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Beautiful Wives
Derek Carlsen
“ Another Great Sermon! ”
The pastor is on a roll in 1st Peter. His opening is powerful and puts the Christian in marriage in context versus the world and it's values. He entirely blasts feminist and liberal ideas of marriage, the role of the wife, which have resulted in social tumult, high divorce rates and infidelity, and popular cohabitation instead of marriage. He underlines real attractiveness and the need for Christian wives to be submissive in the same manner with Christian husbands as they are instructed to be with unbelievers, which is normally overlooked. If a wife does not show respect to her husband, as per this instruction, the marriage is doomed.

Sermon1/21/18 8:19 PM
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Abraham's "Sin"
Derek Carlsen
“ Excellent Teaching, Abraham cleared! ”
Amen to the sermon, another example of conservative versus liberal interpretation. Clears Abraham of false charges from today and honors Sarah as an example of a strong and courageous woman of faith. Abraham acted wisely in a hostile and dangerous situation and Sarah followed his lead. Hear the Psalm comes to mind where God says "touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm". Telling Pharaoh "thou art a Dead man" God defends Abraham and Sarah twice in similar situations using the same strategy where Abraham justly calls Sarah his sister, both for hers and his own sake. Abraham was no paranoid or coward and had previously armed his slaves to rescue Lot when Sodom was taken captive by Kings with a considerably smaller Army. I've never heard a pastor teach this passage this way while always I had considered that Abraham told partial truth wisely for Just Cause, And appeared Vindicated. Here in a passage, which Feminist would call male patriarchy as if abusive, Sarah is shown to be justified and in fact protected by a just husband and faith in God in calling Abraham 'Lord' and obeying him with courage and honor! God's moral and social order is again upheld with dignity.

Sermon1/21/18 7:19 PM
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Bible reveals God's moral social order accurately ”
The previous comment compels a response for the sake of others. Any impartial listener to the sermon will find that these objections are directly addressed: 1. It is totally accurate to say that God ordained the institution of slavery as much as family and marriage. Specifically the 4th and 10th Commandments the pastor shows endorses, legitimizes as good & moral and regulates slavery as much as the 5th and 7th Commandments do for family and marriage. If we disagree that the Ten Commandments defines God's moral laws and social order then we can only conclude that there is a heretical Liberal Christianity and not true Biblical Christianity asserted. (Such was the false Christianity, Deism of Jefferson & false prophet MLK who denied Jesus virgin birth & Resurrection also). Jesus said he came not to abolish the Law but to fulfill. So Slavery passes The Ten Commandments test! 2. Now the Ten Commandments were revealed and written for mankind because of the Fall. Slavery was most often the result of wars or indebtedness. But Poverty can be a result of persecution, such as in the New Testament, as much as of foolishness or sloth. 3. As the pastor says the abuse of an institution does not negate that Institution as legitimate. 4. Slaves is the term intended in the original langua

Sermon1/20/18 6:35 AM
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
The transcript for this excellent message is now available for download to PDF or to your Kindle device. The pastor in this message is right, this really is a litmus test Passage, as with other passages on slavery, as to how faithful pastors and teachers are in honestly and plainly interpreting the scriptures. Are they PC or faithful to Gods Word? Any other conclusion by consequence denies the Holiness of God, the perfectness of Christ as Savior (i.e. Jesus approved slavery) and even the inspiration of scripture as being from God himself. The Bible is absolutely clear on the subject, and only "the fear of man brings a snare." There was great public discussion and tumult regarding the subject in 2017 and this message stands in sharp contrast to the Liberal media's charges about the Southern states, the Founders and American history. Has Social order and morals become better or worse since abolition and the Civil War, from a Biblical perspective?

Sermon1/7/18 11:17 PM
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Considering Slavery
Derek Carlsen
“ Refutes Modern Christianity, Humanism, PC Orthodoxy on Slavery ”
Best sermon on subject, without any hesitation proving slavery is a moral institution ordained by God as much as family & marriage. Proves by Bible hermeneutics that servants is actually Slaves; Refutes Jeffersonian, Democratic heresy that "God created all men equal"; underlines God's 10 Moral Laws are supreme, not Mans Humanistic laws; States when slavery abolition began so did moral degradation. Destroys common objections. THE IMPLICATIONS are many: That PC beliefs and liberal interpretation are within modern churches, most glaringly and ironic in Southern Baptist churches and Seminary; that the change of gov't and federal dominance since the Civil war has demanded an erroneous Equality that has brought confusion and continuing decline in social order (feminism, gay marriage, etc.), and is a heretical tyranny contrary to the Bible.

Blog11/26/17 10:45 PM
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This is an excellent treatment on the
subject of Halloween and a bit of its
origin, at least within Catholicism. Why do
Christians imitate the world's holidays
which Spring from pagan/Catholic traditions?
It is worth noting, however, the source of
the Pagan tradition as noted which may be,
according to Alfred Rehwinkle's book THE
FLOOD, a cross-civilization historical
commemoration of a Day of the Dead in many
countries marking that catastrophic Global
event which began, he calculates, at the end
of October. Thus The Hauntings from the dead
and the Catholic All Souls day continuing
the same tradition, with variations and
corrupting Christian doctrine until Luther
shined the light.

Sermon10/22/17 10:31 PM
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“ Needed Sermon against growing error. ”
Lays bare the irrational Theory that the Bible on creation can be made compatible with modern-day evolutionary science. The attempt began with BB Warfield at Princeton, then the Gap Theory of fundamentalists and today's Tim Keller (of The Gospel Coalition) while overlooking the perfect clarity of scripture. Liberalism has infiltrated with a seed of error that has continued to grow among conservatives. The infallibility of scripture is at stake. And the premise of Uniformitarianism in science (the rejection of the global Deluge of Noah) is the basis of erroroneus & misleading radio-carbon dating.

News Item10/15/17 7:11 PM
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The Roman Catholic Church using the Bible primarily in Latin had mistranslated the word for the people and misconstrued the word as "penance" instead of "repentance". When Luther distinguished between "doing penance" (ritualistic works for the Forgiveness of sins), and "repent",true repentance appeared and then the Reformation broke out and exposed the corruptions of the Roman Church, which included indulgences on the same premise.

A similar but different mistranslation has appeared on the Protestant side since the days of Spurgeon which began confusing the word "faith" with "trust", as if they are the same, the latter now supplanting the former.

We are commanded to examine everything, and so we should compare what modern churches say vs the apostles in the New Testament.

News Item9/24/17 8:06 PM
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As if Roman Catholic and pagan holidays aren't bad enough. Too many conservative Christians are listening to people like the Orthodox Jew, political columnist Ben Shapiro who has just positions on some morals but who has publicly in his podcast denied the New Testament that Jesus is the son of God, saying it was invented by Paul who came later. The book of Galatians abolishes all Judaism (the traditions of the Elders are unscriptural) and Old Testament rituals, circumcision, ceremonies, Foods, Sabbath and customs.

Sermon9/24/17 7:41 PM
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Jesus' Slave-But Isn't Slavery Evil
Pastor Jeff Black
“ Important timely sermon! ”
As the pastor summarizes what happened in Charlottesville is falsehood for political purposes. Today sadly even the Southern Baptist convention (and AL Mohler) has disowned their forefathers in order to become politically-correct instead of biblically true on this subject. Most of modern Christianity has become totally PC and humanist, democracy-oriented instead of adhering to the Purity and truth of God's word on this subject. The fear of man brings a snare.
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