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News Item1/9/14 7:05 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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The gospel is a message about a King and a kingdom. It is called the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God (Mark 1:1) and the gospel of the kingdom (Matthew 4:24, 9:35, more) The full message about King Jesus and His Kingdom is called the gospel by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

The gospel of the kingdom will continue to go out. Jesus said: "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matthew 24).

Where there is a King and a kingdom, there are laws and commands. The king must be obeyed.

Speaking up about Jesus is not really an option for those who want to enter Christ's eternal kingdom and not be denied. Jesus said: "Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven" (Matthew 10:32-33). See also Luke 12:9-10 about Christ confessing or denying men before the angels of God.

Admittedly, there can be a cost to confessing the claims of the kingdom of God among the kingdoms of men. The cost can come as persecution.

Jesus paid a high cost of suffering in order that men and women might be justly pardoned and enter His Kingdom forever.

News Item1/5/14 10:26 PM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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God loves righteousness and hates wickedness and Jesus was glad about this. (Psalm 45:7, Hebrews 1:9)

Yes, we need grace but life and breath are a grace. God gives grace. God gives natural and spiritual graces. God is a righteous and all-powerful ruler. His kingdom will be forever. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). God delights in both mercy and justice. This is good news.

Irresistible grace is a doctrine of Dordt. It is unfair to reduce the teachings of John Calvin to five points that John Calvin never penned.. Irresistible response applies to computers and robots. Human beings have free will and are responsible for their use of it.

We are to be stewards of the grace of God (1 Peter 4:10). Stewards must give an account (Luke 16:2)

Jesus said simply “Repent and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:15). That message still needs to go out without erecting complications and stumbling blocks to hinder a response.

God calls all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17: 30). Let’s not stumble people with election and predestination as obstacles to repentance and faith.

God still answers this sincere prayer: Lord, have mercy upon me, a sinner.

News Item1/5/14 8:48 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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They may not know it but those who put labels of "Calvinism" and "Five points of Calvinism" on the doctrines of the Synod of Dordt are really slandering John Calvin.


News Item1/5/14 8:28 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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1517 wrote:
You are correct, "Calvinist" is an unfortunate term for two reasons. One, a man's name shouldn't be attached to biblical truth, as if the man is the focus. Two, Calvin didn't come up with TULIP, that was attributed to him...
Agreed. The general resurrection of all who have ever lived (John 5:28), general judgment (2 Corinthians 5:10), and eternal existence of the soul in heaven or hell (Matthew 25:46), love for God and neighbor (Matt 22:36ff) are additional doctrines that are needing a revival.

Not all have physical hearing. Some are deaf. Not all have spiritual hearing and understanding. But, the responsibility remains to use the gifts, graces and abilities that Almighty God has already given to each of us while seeking Him for more. Seek first the Kingdom of God (and the full extent of both imputed and practical righteousness that goes with that - Matthew 6:33).

Salvation is of the Lord. God must do the supernatual work of giving the new birth (John 3). Yet the commands are given: Repent. Believe the gospel.

Hear and heed.

News Item1/5/14 8:03 AM
watch and pray | USA  Find all comments by watch and pray
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Much of the extensive and pioneering writings of John Calvin (1509-1564) are regularly ignored while the canons of the Synod of Dordt (1618-1619) are presented by the name of the five points of Calvinism or simply Calvinism.

A revival of John Calvin's teachings could be truly helpful but alas what we really have is a revival of the canons of Dort with their inherent suppression of notions of human responsibility.

Doctrines that teach the necessity of human dependence upon the supernatural grace and spirit of God are largely correct. Denial of human responsibility is incorrect.

News Item11/5/13 7:35 AM
watch and pray  Find all comments by watch and pray
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Here's one big reason why there was a big jump in debt:

In the continuing resolution deal sealed by President Barack Obama and the Republican congressional leadership in mid-October, the legal limit on the federal debt was suspended until February 7 of next year.

News Item2/28/13 2:09 PM
watch and pray  Find all comments by watch and pray
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The Twitter account for @nytimesworld is sending many tweets today in apparent excitement over the Pope's departure from his office.

The Pope is off his throne. Almighty God is still on His throne.

The eyes of the LORD continue to be in everyplace beholding the evil and the good.

Survey4/22/10 4:49 PM
watch and pray  Find all comments by watch and pray
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"Do you think having so many modern translations of the English Bible has had a positive or negative affect?"

A NEGATIVE effect. Definitely!!

But that is precisely what Satan had in mind as the master of confusion.

Thus we must trust in the Lord to set us free by the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit. God certainly did NOT wait till the 20th century to produce HIS Bible.

Just as you will find them in the churches, reprobates and heretics have been involved in translation and production of bibles. Since the Bible is so important as the Word of God, it was bound to be attacked by Satan and his forces.

"Modern versions" strictly speaking relates to versions produced in the 20th century, but "other" versions of Greek text and bible's have emerged before this.

Modern versions have used other various Greek texts, (and textual criticisms) which have been recovered/discovered in the last couple of centuries. Whereas the KJV specifically used the [URL=http://www.trinitarianbiblesociety.org/site/articles/tr-art.asp]]]TEXTUS RECEPTUS[/URL]

Men fought and died to bring an english language Bible to the people of God. The best copy of this Sword of the Spirit was the KING JAMES BIBLE. "OTHER" versions have been produced to compete with the KJB, one must wonder why???

News Item10/25/09 11:34 AM
Watch and Pray  Go to homepageFind all comments by Watch and Pray
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Why in the world would u need to train a pastor, when the LORD has sent his HOLY SPIRIT

News Item5/18/09 10:57 AM
Watch and Pray | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Watch and Pray
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Satan and all his sons and daughters hate marriage, because it is ordained by GOD. They all want the result's of marriage without the responsibilities,
Self is on the throne of life, when the SON should be on there. Men shall be lover's of self, The great day of the LORD is at hand. Halelujah, and he shall give every man according as his work shall be, PRAISE THE LORD.

News Item2/7/09 10:22 AM
Watch and Pray. | Canada  Find all comments by Watch and Pray.
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This is sickening,but no doubt satan and his henchmen would like to accomplish this.
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