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Sermon5/13/15 8:43 PM
Anon | Georgia  Find all comments by Anon
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If The World Hate You
Edward Dixon
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon4/7/15 6:24 PM
Anon | United States  Find all comments by Anon
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God's Pattern for Children, #2A
Pastor John MacArthur
“ Helpful counsel about ADHD ”
Incredible perspective on ADHD! A few key quotes: "We have a whole generation of disobedient children in our nation who are proud, self-centered, and indulgent to their own drives and lusts. Parents who have been programmed not to spank them because that’s been reclassified as child abuse, parents who really don’t know what moral system to teach them...Parents are now trying to deal with these children in the most frightening ways." "turning that child into a drug addict, is that a solution?" "'Studies indicate that those with untreated ADHD are more likely to become alcoholics, smokers or drug abusers than the general population.' Sure, undisciplined people with no self-control are more likely to behave like that." On the 6 signs a child has ADHD: "You know who they’re describing? All of our children." "every time I took home a note like that, I got spanked... I’m glad my parents didn’t turn me into a drug addict. "

Sermon4/4/15 1:23 PM
Anon | Perelandra  Find all comments by Anon
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“ Of inestimable help! ”
This preaching was an inestimable help to me during my trials with cancer. God's word is sufficient! I learned all the more to turn to God's word above and before any writing of man. This sermon also helped to further my departure from the charismatic church. Years ago, when I was in really hard trials I used to turn to the Bible plus certain charismatic books, and even "The Imitation of Christ", where the authors claim revelation from God. I also used to turn to really emotional, repetitive music, like Hillson. This sermon, and the trials I have gone through, have really broken me into believing and knowing that God's word alone is the counsel to turn to. How incredible it is that the Scriptures come through ever time for every problem.

Sermon3/31/15 11:04 AM
Anon | Glasgow  Find all comments by Anon
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Understanding Scripture
Rev. Trevor Kirkland
“ Great Sermon! ”
Which Ministers are doing Ballyclare Doagh Free Church OF Scotland Continuing's Communion Services in 10 Days time DV?

Sermon3/17/15 2:46 PM
Anon | Glasgow  Find all comments by Anon
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The believer's spiritual state
Rev. Trevor Kirkland
“ Great Sermon! ”
What a delight to hear Rev Kirkland at Knightswood FCC the other night

Sermon2/15/15 11:25 PM
Anon | GA  Find all comments by Anon
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Noah Saved His Family
Scott Matthews
“ Great Sermon! ”

Blog1/26/15 5:16 PM
Anon | Glasgow  Find all comments by Anon
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What a load of good sense. Well said

Blog1/22/15 7:47 AM
Anon | Glasgow  Find all comments by Anon
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Maybe people were OUT when Rev Allan visited them after the service in Clarence Court Nursing Home. Also some people may be frightened to open their doors to complete strangers too!

Sermon12/25/14 5:51 AM
Anon | Glasgow  Find all comments by Anon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
On Lord's Day 21 September 2014 and 8 June 2014, the pracher in Wattisham Strict Baptist Chapel Suffolk was named as "Allan MacDonald". My quiry is, is that the same Allan MacDonald who was a Minister fir a few years in Farr Daviot Inverness-Shire just outside Inverness in the Highlands of Scotland?

Sermon12/15/14 2:41 PM
Anon. | Wisconsin  Find all comments by Anon.
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“ Thank you, brother Washer ”
What Mr. Washer preaches about the false gospel and youth ministry in this nation is so true and vital. I can confirm what he is preaching against. 14 years ago, my sister started attending an e-free youth group with a youth pastor who was the most popular and well-liked of any. My sister and many other non-Christians got swept away by this man's incredible personality. 14 years later, I can testify that none of them are following Jesus Christ. My sister is a whole-hearted atheist. I attended UW Madison and was saved in 2005. I did not know anything about Christianity and began attending Campus Crusade for Christ, where hundreds of students are brought in to their weekly "Prime Time" meetings by rock music, the preaching of popular UW athletes and charismatic personalities, and a false gospel. I lived in a huge campus crusade house of 24 guys, all of them born out of Primetime. There was incredibly dirty speech, drunkenness, and all sorts of sin in that community. A zoning problem arose where we found the house could not have more than 20 people, and the guys rearranged their rooms and lied to the inspector. I was treated contemptibly and despised because I refused to join in any of this. Mr. Washer's preaching serves to protect Christians from danger and false brethren.

Sermon12/10/14 11:56 PM
Anon | Georgia  Find all comments by Anon
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“ Helpful! ”
This was a very helpful sermon to me as I have been concerned about some things I've heard Billy Graham say and do. The preacher gives a straightforward Bible examination regarding things that Billy Graham should not have done and taught, such as ecumenical associations and not preaching about the blood of Jesus Christ. I really respect this pastor Ashbrook and love discovering preachers of his quality on sermonaudio. I wish there could be more of his sermons posted on here. And may we all pray for Billy Graham.

Sermon10/21/14 10:46 AM
Anon | Perth, WA  Find all comments by Anon
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The Church
Richard L Pike
“ Great Sermon! ”
So important to recognise that the LORD saves sinners through the faithful preaching of His Word and through the work of the Holy Spirit, who draws people to Him. We cannot save ourselves and we certainly cannot by any modern evangelical method save others. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Faith is a gift of God, it cannot be induced artificially and it certainly is not man made. Therefore, we need to wait on God and pray that He will save sinners. Do we do nothing while we are waiting ? Heaven forbid! We should continue to carry out our Lord's commission to spread the good news to the four corners of the globe. Thank you, Pastor, for your faithful preaching over so many years. We pray that you may see God's blessing on your ministry and a harvest of many souls before too much longer.

Sermon10/8/14 1:12 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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“ I Disagree ”
Anyone calling this story garbage probably hasn't read the books. I haven't seen the movies yet, but the books go out of their way to emphasize how terrible the violence is. They're not intended to be a fun, entertaining series; they're supposed to make you think about things like political power and the effect that violence has on individuals. The fact that children are fighting to the death is not intended to entertain you, it's supposed to make you think.

News Item10/7/14 7:38 PM
anon.  Contact via emailFind all comments by anon.
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I apologize as my comment was in pride, not in love

News Item10/7/14 1:02 AM
anon.  Contact via emailFind all comments by anon.
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I dont believe antibiotics are actually effective against viruses.

News Item9/24/14 12:24 PM
anon.  Contact via emailFind all comments by anon.
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Sorry Penned, I see the link when not using tablet. Thanks

News Item9/24/14 12:17 PM
anon.  Contact via emailFind all comments by anon.
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Penned, Im interested in reading what you know. Can you provide links?

News Item8/5/14 10:51 PM
anon.  Contact via emailFind all comments by anon.
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God has ganted repentance to other terrible sinners. I myself am a terrible sinner. Let us pray for God to save these persecutors and to give strength to the persecuted. May we forsake worldly things and timewasters to be on our knees for these souls and for brothers and sisters, andfor those who are harmed yet do not truly know God. God is still mighty and I believe He would be glorified greatly.

News Item8/5/14 10:28 PM
anon.  Contact via emailFind all comments by anon.
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Convicted of my lack of care and how little I pray for those who suffer for the Lord; and also to pray for those who persecute. Heartbreaking for more than 1 reason.

Sermon5/17/14 9:39 AM
Anon | Glasgow  Find all comments by Anon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great ainging
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