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News Item3/3/08 5:45 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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fuzzy logic wrote:
To add, man's pride is what God cannot overcome even with the death of His Son. Pride prevents us from seeing our own vileness and our desperate need of salvation IN THIS life.
My friend you are so right on the latter part of your statement and so wrong in the first part. If God could not overcome human pride then no one would be saved. For it is certain that we cannot overcome our own pride. That is why God must first break you, break your heart and show you for what you really are. The world does not need to be saved from poverty. It needs to be saved from sin - and it has because God has sent His Son into the world and He said, "It is finished!" It is in how we treat others that we demonstrate the love of God in our hearts. Jesus says, "You say you love Me? Show it!" He doesn't want you to just sing about it on Sunday. He wants you to live it in every second of your life. You cannot be a true Christian and close your eyes to injustice or turn your back on the poor.

Survey3/3/08 5:35 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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There is one body of Christ, one people of God through all ages. There is one way of salvation for no man comes to God exept through Jesus Christ. There is only one Name given by which any, OT and NT, may be saved. Abraham did not know the name, but he knew the Person and he was glad. Jesus said He would draw all men unto Himself. If by this He means all people without exception or distinction then He was wrong and did not succeed. But God does not fail so Jesus did not mean all without distinction. He meant all as in all that the Father gave Him. All that had been promised to Him. He means those of whom He said in Hebrews, "Here am I and the children whom God has given Me." This refers to those whom He brought into glory when He Himself ascended. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all His people be made alive. They died with Him, rose with Him, ascended with Him into heaven and are now seated in the heavenly places. From righteous Abel to the last saint to be brought into the kingdom - one glorious body, redeemed by the Lamb slain from before all time. This is the work of our Sovereign God, who sent His Son into the world to redeem HIS people. Anything else is another gospel and is anathema.

Survey3/3/08 5:27 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Didn't God hate the unborn infant Esau? Paul is clear, God judged him before he was born or had done any evil. The text means exactly what it says which is why it bothers so many Christians. They jump to false conclusions about the justice of God - all of which Paul anticipates and answers; "Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid!" He then proves his statement by using Pharaoh as another example of someone who was conceived, born, grew up and opposed God, all so that God could use him for His glory. The Bible is clear - Pharaoh was under the sovereign control of God, who hardened his heart as He had said He would. Paul again anticipates your human logic and says, "Who are you to reply against God?" He then likens each person in the world to a vessel, which God made for His own purpose - some predestined for heaven and some for hell. You don't like it? I understand that, I don't like it either. Is it in the Bible? You know darn well it is. Now it is up to you, you who call yourself a Bible believer, to take God at His word or to try to explain it away. But to all your reasonings the Word of God will say, "Who do you think you are answering back to God?" Ex4:21; 7:13,22; 9:12,35; 14:8; Isa 6:10; 63:17.

Survey3/3/08 5:16 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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jago wrote:
Are you saying Jesus needed to repent?
I agree with Mr J Jesus' baptism was for his priestly role.
It is strange that no baptist folk have come on line to defend their stand on full immersion. I can not see it in Scripture.
It is an indefensible position. The OT Jews knew nothing of immersion for it totally contradicts their whole concept of cleansing. So when the Pharises asked John "why then are you baptising?" he can not have been immersing. There is no way they would have allowed the disciples, shortly after their imprisonment and injunction to quit preaching, to use the city waterpools for the immersion of thousands. JD is good at saying that people are wrong in their opinion, but not so good at backing up his claims. As usual his opinions are like a ringing gong - all sound and no substance.
FACT - bapto and baptizo have many meanings and immersion is but one of them. Hebrews 9 speaks of various baptisms. It is not possible to have various immersions as there is only one way to have immersion - dunk under the water. The Hebrews 9 then gives some examples of these baptisms which I have posted before. JD's insinuation that I do not know the Word is strange. I constantly supply Biblical support. I have yet to see his.

Survey3/3/08 5:09 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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israeltheou wrote:
The Scripture declares, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man BECAME a living soul."
or "creature") prior to the moment in which the Lord God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life?
In that it terminates a pregnancy, abortion almost always destroys the POSSIBILITY that the foetus shall be born, take its first inhale, and thereupon become a living being. But does that make abortion murder?
Your 'intellectual philosophising' is leading you into dangerous territory my friend. Since God breathed life into Adam, human life has existed being passed on from generation to generation. Each person is deemed a living soul from conception. For in sin my mother conceived me and before I formed you in the womb I knew you. And your idea of soul sleep or annihilation is totally contrary to Scripture. Lazarus was immediately taken into comfort and the rich man immediately into torment. Annihilation is nonsensical. Jesus said of Judas it would have been better for him if he had never been born.

Survey3/3/08 3:37 AM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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On this site does no response mean "I give up" or "I can't be bothered anymore?" So far I feel like I haven't been stretched past first gear yet. Oh well.

News Item3/3/08 12:45 AM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Walt wrote:
That Presbyterial Church Government and manner of worship are alone of divine right and unalterable; and that the most perfect model of these as yet attained, is exhibited in the Form of Government and Directory for Worship, adopted by the Church of Scotland in the Second Reformation.
I am a firm believer in the old reverent style of worship and abhor the new casual approach. To me it is not worship, but man-serving idolatry. That said, you will have a hard to proving that the Presbyterian form of church government is Scriptural because it is not to be found in Scripture. It is the Westminster form of government which was already in existence and was expediently taken over. I am Presbyterian also, love the Reformed doctrines and hate the new directions. But I can not find Scriptural warrant for the Westminster form of government.

News Item3/2/08 8:46 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Poverty is not an accident, but an act of God. He makes poor and rich.(Deut 8:17,18; ISam2:7). It is our attitude to the poor which the Bible addresses; that we should not discriminate and only give regard to the wealthy. But many times when the Bible talks about the poor it refers not to those lacking material wealth, but those lacking spiritual wealth, ie, those who are poor in spirit (Mat5:3; Rev3:17). What the Bible does teach from beginning to end is that God has special regard for those who cannot fend for themselves; the poor, the widows, the orphans etc. This is because God is just and righteous and He despises unrighteousness and injustice. There is no need to produce a Bible which emphasises social issues - for that is not the focus of the gospel. We are not to address social issues but to preach the gospel. It is through the gospel that the social issues get addressed. First man needs to be saved, to deny self and turn to Christ. Only then will he have eyes to see the unrighteousness and injustice in the world in the right light.

Survey3/2/08 7:14 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Mike wrote:
Did the serpent lie when he told Eve, 'Ye shall not surely die'?
Sure did.
He is the master liar and the father of all untruth. He continues to lie with all his might and will accuse you before God for your sin and wrongdoing. But he has been defeated, for the Great High Priest has made the supreme sacrifice and has conquered death,hell and all principalities and powers. He intercedes for us and continues to be our Sun and Shield. Nothing that exists, in this world or the next, can seperate us from God's love which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Beside this great and glorious truth, all baptistic, millenial and other denominational differences fade into insignificance, for this is the sum and substance of the gospel; Jesus Christ died to save sinners!

Survey3/2/08 7:09 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Mr. J
Thank You for your post.
You seem to be a different from several who have commented here on SermonAudio claiming to be Calvinists. Perhaps we don't see things exactly the same way but I very much appreciate your comment about striving to serve Jesus Christ with every fibre of our being and will pray that God gives you the grace to do this to His glory and your exceeding joy.
Thank you my brother. This is why we are commanded to pray for each other, because our Christian walk is a daily struggle against sin, temptation and the flesh. Sometimes I think our greatest enemy is our own sinful self. We know the truth, we know that we are in all things totally dependent on our Saviour for everything but we always think we can stand on our own. When Jesus said, 'without Me you can do nothing', He was not even slightly exagerrating. I also believe that differences of opinion in our theology is more often healthy than not. It reminds us of our fallibility, our frailness and how our focus should not waver from Christ. The Psalmist had to LIFT his eyes to the hills. If he had kept his eyes on the hills he would have been much better off. But our eyes and hearts tend to wander. May God grant us all His grace so we can serve Him.

Survey3/2/08 5:48 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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You are right because sin is not just a genetic defect - sin caused genetic defects. Adam was our representative head, that is, he sinned on behalf of the whole human race - much the same way in which all USA is at war with Iraq because of George W. But Adam's nature changed because of sin. It is by imputation we are sinners, but it is also ingrained in the very fibre of our being. It is not just judicial, or else we would only need to be justified. But we need to be regenerated because we are dead. We need to be sanctified because we are filthy. We are God's enemy by nature, and He is ours. An eg is seen in Joshua just prior to Jericho. He is commanded, to circumcise all the males. There you see regeneration. Israel is then commanded to celebrate Passover, which is justification. Then the Angel tells him he is walking on holy ground - sanctification. God is telling him, "The enemy is not out there; I am the enemy. If you are not under the blood you are dead. If you are not godly, you are dead. If you do not have a new heart, record and life I will cut you off." It is sad that today's churches preach the importance of being born again yet neglect the 2 other acts of God which are necessary to salvation. And as for Adam - he had a choice, and chose to rebel. We are born rebels!

Survey3/2/08 5:37 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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You abuse the word 'dogmatic' and really abuse the word 'calvinist'. To be dogmatic is to hold fast to the word of truth and not be swayed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. To be calvinist is, in the common use of the term, to hold fast to the 5 points of the Canons of Dort which defeat the 5 points of the Remonstrance and were named after the long-dead Calvin. A true Calvinist would never deny man's responsibility to repent, renounce sin, cry out to the only Saviour for His grace and strive forever to serve Him with every fibre of your being. There are many, in all denominations and doctrinal positions, who are not true to their profession of faith. Even in Apostolic days there were those who were hypocrites, who fell away, who twisted the Scriptures. There are those of all denominations who think they are saved because they were baptised, are member of the 'doctrinally correct' church, speak in tongues or whatever. There are those who call themselves 'calvinists' who deny the universal call of the gospel and therefore disobey the Great Commission. But they are not worthy of the name Calvinist - for Calvin himself was an evangelist and pastor before he was a theologian. He would shudder to see his name atached to some of the things happening in the church today.

Survey3/2/08 2:20 AM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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israeltheou wrote:
Do I presume correctly that you address me?
Salvation in every age is the same. Before the Cross, men looked forward to the sacrifice of the Lamb of God; today we look back to the same sacrifice.
It is the New Covenant which provides salvation for everyone, for the
NC is the ultimate and everlasting covenant. Those who lived before the inauguration of the NC were made partakers of the NC retroactively.
In the Resurrection, there is no distinction in status between "OT saints" and "NT saints": everyone who is justified is "in Christ". This is because everyone -- including Abraham himself -- who partakes of the promises made to Abraham does so through Christ Jesus; see, in particular, the 3rd chapter of Galatians.
Yes, you presume correctly and you gave an excellent, lucid and (above all) Scriptural answer to my question. Thank you, I hope to talk to you again sometime soon.

Survey3/2/08 2:16 AM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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The general knowledge of God that all men could have is the same as the truth that they suppress - but it is not the same as saving knowledge. Without being regenerated, able to see yourself in the light of a Holy God, you are unaware of your sin, and the depth of your depravity and your rebellion. That is why most people think they are good people. They don't see themselves as sinners, and many of them believe in God. But as James indicates, if your belief does not make you tremble (as the demons do)then you do not really believe. Saving knowledge comes with the knowledge that you need to be saved. To have that you need to know the depth of your depravity and rebellion. To know that you need to be made spiritually alive first. The beatitudes in Mat 5 show the sequence of events in a person who is saved, and it always begins with recognising your poverty of spirit which causes you to mourn, which makes you meek which makes you hunger and thirst for righteousness etc. Jesus said it begins with denying self, that is, recognising that there is nothing good in you, nothing worthwhile. No natural man will ever see and recognise that. Therefore you MUST first be made spiritually alive through regeneration.

Survey3/2/08 2:10 AM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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israeltheou wrote:
God is not willing to save any man who refuses to bow the knee to Christ Jesus as king.
According to the Scriptures no one is willing to bow the knee to Christ while in their natural state. Natural man is in rebellion against God, is an enemy of God, hates God and will have nothing to do with Him. Until man's nature is changed in regeneration and he is indwelt by God's Spirit he will never stop rebelling. This rebellion is not random, it is systematic and it is organised. The purpose of God in creating man was that man might worship Him and enjoy Him forever. Sin ruined that, but Christ overcame sin and now through Him God is again creating worshippers.

Survey3/1/08 9:36 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Susan Miller wrote:
I do think that God has provided grace enough to all that all *might* be saved. Many reject God. Those that accept the gift of God receive a new nature and eternal life. I agree that we are dead in sin - totally unable!
You are trying to unite the unreconcilable. Dead in sin means exactly that. Paul says that the natural man cannot discern spiritual things. Jesus said that without regeneration one cannot even see the kingdom of God. To combine that with the concept that God gives everyone just enough grace to be able to believe is nonsensical. Christ did not come to make salvation possible. He came to make it certain. If it were left to dead, unspiritual man to make a decision the only decisions that would be made would be ones that rejected Christ. So you would have spiritually dead made alive, then presented with a choice? So if they accept then they get to remain regenerated, if they reject then they become spiritually dead again? Can you not see how this makes a mockery of the grace of God and denies His Sovereignty? He has mercy on whom He wills, and the others He hardens. He makes some to honour and some to dishonour. He is the potter, the Author and Finisher, the One who makes alive. It is in His hands, not ours!

Survey3/1/08 7:40 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Susan Miller wrote:
1Cr 13:9 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
And your point is....?

Survey3/1/08 7:39 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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There is no assured evidence that John or any other Jew of his time knew anything of immersion as a God-ordained rite. Proselytes had to be circumcised, and there is no historical evidence that the Jews in Christ's time added anything to God;s direction. John would not follow a procedure so totally without Scriptural warrant and without a word of explanation or justification. If he had done anything other than sprinkle or pour, he would have departed from OT instruction. He would have been hounded by the Pharisees and Scribes. But you read that they had a discussion with him about purification. You read that his baptism of Jesus was to fulfil the law (righteousness is keeping the law). The law states that priests were sprinkled. That is is the reason for Jesus' baptism is seen in Hebrew's explanation of Christ's priestly role, combined with Christ's authority to cleanse the temple. As priest, Christ had to be baptised (sprinkled) by a priest, which John was. The mode of immersion would have nullified and negated the entire concept of ritual cleansing. The promise of the Spirit to come was prefixed with "I will pour out My Spirit". This was echoed by John, "He will baptise you with the Spirit." Where do you read immersion in all these things?

Survey3/1/08 7:25 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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I agree with much of what you say my friend. But tell me, how were the OT saints saved? It can not have been through the observance of the law, therefore it must be by grace, through faith in the blood of the Lamb slain from all eternity. And what did 'saved' mean to them? Was it different than from us? Do not the Gentiles sit to eat with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Read Paul's exposition of Hosea's prophecy (Hos 1:10,11) in Romans 9:24-26. The OT saints were saved on the basis of the promises which were fulfilled in Christ. Abraham saw Christ when he looked at Isaac; he saw heaven when he thought of Canaan; he saw remission of sins when he looked at where his foreskin used to be. He is not the father of the Jews, he is the father of the church. If you are Christ's then you are Abraham's seed. If you are not, then Jesus says you are of your father the devil. Clearer language is impossible.

Survey3/1/08 7:19 PM
Mr. J | Australia  Find all comments by Mr. J
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Adam did not just 'sin'. He committed treason along the same lines as Satan did. His actions determined he was no longer content to be no.2, but wanted to determine his own life. It was a slave telling his master, "I am my own boss now, and you can get knotted!" It did not just condemn him to a future physical death. That is rank heresy! It immediately condemned him to eternal and unalterable seperation from God and ultimately to eternal damnation. He that has not the Son is condemned already, applies to all Adam's progeny. Anything less than a recognition that by one act Adam plunged the human race into eternal ruin is rank heresy. It took the second Adam to resurrect the ruin. Because of Adam we are all born spiritually dead, seperated from God and deserving of eternal hell. Even now, as a regenerated/justifiedsanctified Christian, by rights, you deserve eternal condemnation. It is only by God's grace that you are breathing at this moment, let alone heading for glory. Never slight the awfulness of sin. It's just reward is eternal death. It's release from that took the life and death of God's eternal Son. Lessen what sin is, and what sin did, and you destroy the whole gospel. By sin, came death in all its manifestations. By Christ came life, in all its glory.
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