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News Item3/18/19 9:39 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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And so it shall go on, in perpetuity, Man killing Man, that is, until The Master returns....
Come soon Lord Jesus.

News Item3/18/19 9:24 AM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Regardless of your view of President Trump, Gods’ man or not !!!

As a Brit observing from the, ‘other side of the pond’ As evidenced by both the statistics and genuine love of his country, one would dare to say, he is the USA’s best President, by some distance for many years.

Just this morning I was in prayer that The Lord would convict him of sin, and bring him too repentance and mercifully into The family of God.

Sermon2/5/19 6:42 PM
Hugh | SOUTH CAROLINA  Find all comments by Hugh
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Infanticide in America
Curtis Knapp
“ Great Sermon! ”
A much needed voice from the Christian church to decry the wickedness in our nation. A voice crying in the wilderness so to speak! Thank GOD for this mesage!

News Item1/31/19 2:44 PM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Proof positive; if it were needed! We are truly in the ‘end of days’

News Item12/31/18 4:05 PM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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Quiet Christian, excellent points you bring up, and I concur completely.
To loose ones family is no small thing, he has my complete sympathy. But as you say QC he gains so much more.

Dr Tim, I shall try to pray often for your missionaries;

Sermon10/7/18 7:13 PM
Hugh | Scotland  Find all comments by Hugh
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How Do I Deal With My Loss
Jeff Arthur
“ Great Sermon! ”
My Brother, may God bless and keep you, you have done so much for me so many times. There is not a shred of doubt in my Spirit, that you are a godly man, and I am proud brother, proud to call you, and the saints at EBC my friends

News Item4/23/18 4:24 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Any improvements are welcomed
That said! What chance an upgrade in the News section, where it allows users to edit the posts they make?
I.E to correct typos etc, which can make all the difference when one is involved in an exchange of views.

News Item4/18/18 11:41 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Musta ran outa gold !!!!

News Item4/16/18 6:31 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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I will buy one of these machines once the inventor goes in it and presses the button !!!!!
Then I will return it for a full refund 😊

News Item4/16/18 6:10 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Frank, this is the second article I have read about this man.
All through school he was ingenious at cheating . He came over as plausible, however it does seem incredulous that he got away with this for 17 years...
But the evidence sais he did.

News Item4/1/18 7:43 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Christopher, well done brother an excellent bit of evangelism , it will. E interesting to see how the conversation goes on your next visit

News Item3/30/18 7:49 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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I would assert that evangelical bible believing pastors whom teach such heresies , should, unless they repent, should be removed from pastorship...

I accept I am probably in the minority, but it grieves me muchly when I hear those I considered Godly men, teach such lies.

News Item3/30/18 7:46 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Oftentimes when as like Mr Page, others have been caught in sexual sin, it is deemed both fitting and appropriate he be removed from pastorship,
Despite in cases of genuine repentance, it is still considered exclusion from pastorship is the best and only way forward..
I am not arguing a necessarily different way forward, although it is worth considering, and reflecting on, say the life of Saul before before his experience on the Damascus Rd ....
What I would like us to consider, what is worse, sexual sin or pastors whom teach blatant untruths to the danger of souls spending eternity in hell!
I example Mr Mcarthur whom is often quoted in various threads here on SA.
This is a pastor whom teaches that it will fine if you take The mark worship the Beast .
He claims, despite Biblical evidence to the contrary that you will still be able to repent and be saved......
This I believe, is an offence to God, if those whom hear this teach others this. The consequences are grim indeed if the son of perdition makes an appearance in our lifetime, and conditions are going to become almost intolerable. Then many will remember Mr Mcarthurs teaching and willingly join the line to take the mark....
I would assert that evangelical bible believing pastors whom teach such heresies , should,

News Item3/26/18 6:03 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Gay Allen, delighted things are working out for you, particularly after what seems a fair bit of wilderness wandering.
Apologies, but you name is new to me as I only pop in from time to time.
Doc Tim, sorry I missed your posts asking for prayer for you and your wife...
I shall have to read these posts more consistently so as to be aware of prayer requests.
Finally, young Asian dude, another point, profound but succinctfully stated
God Bless to all

News Item3/25/18 9:02 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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This surely is politics pure and simple !! But maybe not !!!
Turkey are very far from happy that the USA is pulling out of the airport there, President Trump I believe is sick of its use being held up every time Tuutkey wants to affect USA in extracting concessions .
Same has been decide re Qatar , USA removing airbase , this of course is a very brave decision by the President and he should receive kudos , but in the USA mainstream media that's never going to happen.....
Of course concern is that Russia and Iran will fall over themselves to fill the gap left by the USA, and prophetically that has huge implications.....
We live in interesting times, if that's not a cliche'these days !!

News Item3/23/18 11:38 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Sadly not being a kid, profoundly sad not even being a youngster !!
Ahhh happy days Happy memories!!!
Just two wks ago approaching a set of traffic lights at a busy junction, I accelerated to catch the lights, which I caught safely ;-)
Grimly however, the lights also had an automatic camera , which I assumed was for catching red light jumpers, but alas for me!!
It also catches speeders, going 11mph over the limit for 40 yards or so, cost me £100 and points on an otherwise clean licence . Grrrr
Lesson Learned, it caused no little mirth in the family, as I am normally a slowish driver, I claim safe, they say slow !!!!

News Item3/23/18 11:25 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Not wanting to be a good news pooper, But I am sure I read in a U.K. Newsfeed that. Judge had declared this Bill unlawful!!!
Having written this I really should quote feed!!
I shall go now to find it, lest one is accused of a falsehood. And methinks doc Tim would soon come up with a deserved put down 😁
Blessings fellow saints

News Item3/23/18 8:37 AM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Indeed John indeed,
I reckon however Christopher's explanation is on the money.
There was/is an add comment button but it just doesn't open a dialogue box.
As I mainly post here from my fone, as Chris said twill more than likely be the app I am using....
After all this, it's not as if I had anything profound to add to the conversation;-)
God Blessings on all

News Item3/22/18 6:41 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Many thanks Christopher, mystery solved ;-)

News Item3/22/18 6:39 PM
Hugh | Scotland UK  Find all comments by Hugh
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Well said doc and John .
For Tis through the KJV I was Convicted, Converted and Born again by both hearing it and reading it .
Have tried other translations, but always return KJV
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