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Survey9/18/07 6:15 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Thanks Tim, aka cbcpreacher. I may be wrong, but I don't think God will judge us by how many "souls we won" to the Lord, but in how faithful we are in preaching the gospel. We can only show them, but it is the Holy Spirit that does the convicting and God who does the saving. If we get our focus on honoring the Lord and quit being concerned of getting our picuture in the fundamentalist soul-winner's gazette, God will use us for His honor and glory, not our own.

You may believe the doctrines of grace, but for some reason since you started posting here, I have a gained lot of respect for you.

Survey9/18/07 1:03 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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At that point, all the sinner sees is himself lost in sin, convicted of the Holy Spirit and and that there is nothing he can do of himself to change his eternal destiny but to repent of his dead works of self righteousness and commit faith and trust in the sacrifical Lamb Jesus Christ. All the rest is technicality that he will learn as he grows in the grace and knowledge of God.

Survey9/18/07 12:47 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Robert, in that I wholey agree.

Where the hyper-calvinist have problems with is that the gospel compels the sinner to come to Christ. They consider any action on the part of a sinner as works salvation even calling upon the name of the Lord.

Where I differ from those like JD, Yamil etal is that I hold that because of the fall man's complete nature is in total depravity and that in that state the natural man cannot come to God of his own volition and power. Arminians disagree. Man cannot come to Christ until God's grace intercedes and draws him by the power of the Holy Spirit. Salvation is totally of the Lord and not through man's cooperative efforts to come by his own natural freewill which is in bondage and given to the lust of the flesh.

Survey9/18/07 12:01 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Not only David Silversides but Sinclair Ferguson has a good message on the free offer of the gospel.

"I know that only the elect will, but neither I nor the listeners Know who is elect or not."

That presents a problem. If the listener doesn't even know if he is elect or not then what assurance do you have that you are one of the elect. The devils believe the gospel too, but we know they are not. They know all the facts and know that they are true, but they are not part of the elect of God.

Survey9/18/07 11:36 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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I was not asking how the men you listed present the gospel, but how do you and Seaton present the gospel to the lost.

"bow your stuborn hearts, and confess that God is the author of salvation, not the forseen will, and work of man." AMEN However bowing is an conscious act of the heart so wouldn't that be considered a work.

Survey9/18/07 10:58 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Michael, JD,

One of the mysteries that puzzles me is how do people like Seaton present the gospel of God's saving grace to those who are lost. Afterall, it was for them who Christ came to seek and to save. Can they honestly tell them that if they repent and believe the gospel they are saved? Can they honestly tell them that Christ took their place and shed his blood for their sins as the perfect sacrifice and by faith they can receive the free gift of salvation by believing on his name?

Since they know not who the elect are, do they tell them to pray that God would give them the gift of faith to believe knowing full well in their minds that if they aren't elect, God won't grant it to them anyway?

We know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. God brings one to salvation by the washing and regeneration of His word. It is in the power of the Word of God through the Holy Spirit that the lost are quickened and enlightened to the things of God.

Survey9/12/07 5:57 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Persevere means: to persist in a state, enterprise, or undertaking in spite of counterinfluences, opposition, or discouragement.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

PERSEVE'RE, v.i. L.persevero. The last component part of this word, severo,must be the same as in assevero, with the radical sense of set, fixed or continued. So persist is formed with per and sisto, to stand. Constant and continue have a like primary sense. So we say, to hold on.

To persist in any business or enterprise undertaken; to pursue steadily any design or course commenced; not to give over or abandon what is undertaken; applied alike to good and evil.

Thrice happy, if they know

Their happiness, and persevere upright!

To persevere in any evil course, makes you unhappy in this life.

Webster 1828 Dictionary

You can persevere in your Christian walk because your security is already established in God's grace alone. It is God's covenant with his elect, signed, sealed and delivered until the day of redemption.

Survey9/9/07 2:52 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Seaton wrote:
Eph 2:1 "And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins"
"Quickened" here means made alive.
"Dead" here does not mean half alive.
Very true, however why would God grant His elect faith to begin with? What is the purpose of faith? Is it so that they might BELIEVE on Christ? Is it that they might BELIEVE the gospel? To believe is an action verb that implies to place ones full trust and confidence in someone or something. You seem to deny that one must believe in the promises of God to be saved and that man has no human responsibility to repent and believe the gospel. Am I correct.

Given the fact that faith is a gift of God, for what intended purpose did he give it if is not to be exercised to believe on Him.

Survey8/31/07 9:46 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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So what you are basically saying is that a hellboind sinner, who is lost, dead in tresspasses and sin, walking in opposition and rebellion to God can somehow of his own power and volition turn himself aroung and seek after God without the intervention of the Father seeking after him and without the Holy Spirit's intervention to draw him to Christ.

Case in point, when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden, did he try to find God to confess his sin and ask forgiveness. Or did God first seek him out and confront him with his sin.

Survey8/31/07 9:17 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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"Sorry - I Don't accept that there is a third way."

Actually there is, it is the apostolic doctrines which preceeded both Calvin and Arminius. Theology wasn't invented by neither of these two men, it has always been in existence from the mouth of God to the hands of the writers of Scripture. Neither Calvin nor Arminius can claim infalibility in their writings because their systematic theology was not God breathed on them. They were mere men and students of scriptures like you and I.

The Holy Spirit is not the author of confusion, theologians are on the other hand.

Anyway, was the theology of the RCC the ONLY theology taught prior to Calvin or Arminius. I say NOT.

"TULIP is actually quite a good arbiter in doctrine. The basic point being whether God is in complete control of the move from unsaved to saved.
AND whether man is Totaly Depraved thus can have zero input into the realm of salvation, without divine assistance."

And it that I totally agree.

Survey8/30/07 7:58 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Fellow Saint


Survey8/30/07 6:24 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Tulip1, It should also be pointed out that God saves the elect, not the elite of which you come across as being the latter rather than the former.

I agree that the Arminian camp does not see themselves as lost and depraved as the scripture describes all men. I agree that the Arminian camp places their faith and trust in a sinner's prayer to save them than in the sovereign work of God's grace. That is why they never have any assurance of their salvation.

Survey8/30/07 3:47 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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You don't realize how prideful and conceited your comments are. It is only by the grace of God that He has chosen us unto salvation. We did not deserve His love and mercy whereby we were redeemed by the blood of His only begotten Son. If it were not for God's unmerited favor, we would all be hellbound sinners and many of us would be leading the pack.

I think that what Mike from NY was trying to point out is that John Calvin didn't believe in Calvinism by today's standards.

Survey8/29/07 1:33 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Thanks Hopalong and Abigail for the correction.

Survey8/27/07 7:22 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Take note of the phrase "for our lamps are gone out." Wouldn't this imply that the lamps were previously lit, and thus were previously filled with oil, but the oil was used up and the lamps went dry.

I do believe in the preservation of the saints as well as the perseverance of the saints, however this parable may not be interpreted according to its intended purpose.

Survey8/23/07 6:01 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Question 1: Is salvation/eternal life (A) a gift or (B) a reward

Question 2: Is a gift (A) something you have to work for or (B) something you freely receice

I await your response, then I'll proceed to answer the rest concerning repentance. These first two are imperitive before going any further.

KK, Can you answer those two simple questions?

Survey8/23/07 5:15 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Question 1: Is salvation/eternal life (A) a gift or (B) a reward

Question 2: Is a gift (A) something you have to work for or (B) something you freely receice

I await your response.

Survey8/23/07 3:58 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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(John 10:25-30)

25. Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me.

26. But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.

27. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28. And I give [διδωμι] (verb - Present, Active, Indicative) unto them eternal [αιωνιον] (Adjective - accusative case meaning perpetual, everlasting, forever) life; and they shall never [ου μη] (Conjunction meaning absolutely will not) perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.

30. I and my Father are one.

Why would God keep you in the power of His hands if your security is based on your good works. No man including yourself can pluck yourself out. If you are disobedient to God's commands, then you are claiming that Satan has the power to pluck open the mighty hand of God and pluck you out.

Survey8/23/07 2:37 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Why did Jesus suffer the agony of the crucifixion and the death on the cross?

Was it so you can work for your own salvation. You still cannot answer the question, if salvation and eternal life is a gift, then why must you treat is as a reward for good behavior. If you must earn it, then it is no longer a gift, but wages.

I am sorry Abigail, but your camp is following the Romanist. We do earn crowns to cast at the feet of Jesus after we are saved. We can't earn salvation because all of your works will be considered putrid leporsy filled filthy rags before the God of heaven if that is what wou are basing your salvation on to get you to heaven and not the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

You still want to get the glory for yourself for your salvation and give none to Christ, who died on the cross for our sins.

I am trying to be loving and kind to you in presenting the truth, but the more I read your post, the more I am reminded of the RCC that I left after the Lord saved me by his grace.

Survey8/23/07 8:50 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Sermonaudio also carries a huge inventory of Orthodox, Free and Reformed Presbyterian broadcasters as well, probably more so than Baptist.

"The KJV-only quackery is found here too."

At least they stand for the Word of God and not trying to rip it apart or correct it. If you want some sound biblical preaching then stick to someone who preaches from it and not some watered down humanistic liberal interpretation.

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