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News Item4/2/07 1:43 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant,

How can I categorically say what?

News Item4/2/07 1:39 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I have no intention of being Baptized again because when I was Baptized as an infant it was a valid Baptism because it was done in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit which is what the New Testament states about what formula is to be used when Baptizing. The New Testament states to Baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. My late Uncle converted from the RCC to the Baptist Church and he was not Baptized again because he thought also that his Baptism as an infant was a valid Baptism and my late Uncle's Baptist minister agreed that my late Uncle did not have to be Baptized again because of having been Baptized once in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

News Item4/2/07 1:32 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Mormonism is not a True Chistian Church because Mormonism denies the Deity Of Christ and the Holy Trinity. However the RCC is a True Christian Church because the RCC acknowledges the Deity Of Christ and the Holy Trinity.

News Item4/2/07 10:53 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Brother Williams,

Of course Baptism is totally superfluous in terms of salvation. Salvation is only wrought by receiving Christ as ones Savior. If there is no such thing as a Non Born Again Chiristian then why is there the term Born Again Christian then?

News Item4/2/07 8:34 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Benedict XVI is 100 percent right that a society will fall without a Christian conscience. Benedict XVI is a Christian but most likely not a Born Again Christian. There is a difference between being a Christian and being a Born Again Christian. A Christian is an individual who was Baptized a Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox or Mainline Protestant but has not yet received Christ as their Savior. A Born Again Christian is an individual who was Baptized a Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Mainline Protestant or Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestant and has received Christ as their Savior.

Survey4/1/07 2:51 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant and Kenny,

The minister at the Non Denominational Church that my brother belongs to does not require the women to wear headcoverings to the worship services. And that minister is Born Again as is my brother and everybody else at that Non Denominational Church.

Survey4/1/07 1:40 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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But the wearing of headcoverings is not required for gaining entrance into Heaven. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that one of the requirements for gaining entrance into Heaven is that headcoverings be worn. The only requirement for gaining entrance into Heaven is to receive Christ as ones Savior. My brother's wife and no other woman at that Non Denominational Church wear hats or veils to the worship services and yet my brother's wife and every other woman at that Non Denominational Church is saved because of having received Christ as their Savior and they will gain entrance into Heaven eventhough they do not wear hats or veils to the worship services.

Survey4/1/07 1:25 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Yes of course headcoverings are scriptural because they are mentioned in the Bible but it is not requred for gaining entrance into Heaven that headcoverings be worn because nowhere in the Bible does it equate the wearing of headcoverings with gaining entrance into Heaven. If it is not required for gaining entrance into Heaven that headcoverings be worn then why wear headcoverings?

News Item3/31/07 12:25 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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In otherwords my brother and his minister and everybody else at that Non Denominational Church and all Baptists, Pentecostals and I who have prayed to Christ and asked Him to come into their heart and become our Savior are not saved because you think that prayer is not the way to have Christ become ones Savior?

News Item3/31/07 11:19 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Wesley who was the founder of Methodism got saved during an Altar Call(Revival Meeting) by praying to Christ and asking Him to come into Wesley's heart and become Wesley's Savior. The method of salvation by praying to Christ and asking Him to come into ones heart and become ones Savior has been going on for over 500 years ever since the Protestant Reformation took place. Christ does not save anyone unless they pray to Him and ask Him to become their Savior.

News Item3/31/07 11:05 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Baptist Churches, Non Denominational Churches and Pentecostal Churches teach that the way to get saved is by receiving Christ as ones Savior by praying to Him and asking Him to come into ones heart and become ones Savior. Prayer is really the only way to have Christ become ones Savior. Christ does not save anybody unless they pray to Him and ask Him to become their Savior.

News Item3/31/07 8:38 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Endicott Michael,

Just who do you think you are anyway to state categorically who is saved and who is not saved? Can you see into the hearts of mankind to tell who is saved and who is not saved? Just because an RC who has received Christ as their Savior does not leave the RCC and does not join an Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestant Church does not mean that they are not saved. There are Born Again Christians in the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches. Born Again Christians are not just in Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestant Churches. If I have dispensed with the unscriptural RCC doctrines and the unscriptural parts to the Mass and I only participate in the scriptural parts to the Mass then I am not sinning because the scriptural parts to the Mass are not sin if they are scriptural. That is logic.

News Item3/31/07 6:09 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant,

There really is only one way to receive Christ as ones Savior and that is by prayer to Christ to ask Him to come into ones heart and become ones Savior.

News Item3/30/07 1:36 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant,

Yes, if I received Christ as my Savior then I am washed and sanctified because everybody who receives Christ as their Savior becomes washed and sanctified. And the answer to the second question is yes and no. Yes if I received Christ as my Savior then I am being guided by the Holy Spirit to preach to other RC's on discussion forums and tell them that in order for them to be saved and gain entrance into Heaven that they must receive Christ as their Savior. And no I do not have the other signs of the Baptism In The Holy Spirit. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is the Holy Spirit that I am being guided by because everybody who receives Christ as their Savior starts to be guided by the Holy Spirit.

News Item3/30/07 1:25 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Well Hillary is nuts for not believing that homosexuality is not immoral but if Hillary gets the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 I will vote for Hillary. In fact whoever gets the Democratic nomination for president in 2008 I will vote for them because I am a registerd Democrat and I will always be a Democrat in appreciation for what the Democratic party did for my Father and Grandparents during the Great Depression by providing jobs for my Father in the Works Progress Administration and the Civilian Conservation Corps to send money home to my Grandparents.

News Item3/30/07 1:18 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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I have a man first cousin who is 6 Foot 10 Inches tall which is also pretty tall.

News Item3/30/07 6:55 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant,

Isn't it true that when someone receives Christ as their Savior that the Holy Spirit starts to guide them? The description that you gave concerning the Holy Spirit power only takes place when individuals receive the Baptism Of The Holy Spirit and that does not take place when someone receives Christ as their Savior. And thus I have not received the Baptism Of The Holy Spirit. Have you received the Baptism Of The Holy Spirit?

News Item3/29/07 2:44 PM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Pennsylvania Mike,

The power of the Holy Spirit feels differently to each individual who has received Christ as their Savior and the Holy Spirit starts to guide them. In my case it felt like a feeling of total peace came over me the minute that I received Christ as my Savior.

News Item3/23/07 11:58 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Tennessee Dan,

What is your problem anyway with Evangelical/Fundamentalist Protestants getting together with Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and Mainline Protestants to eliminate abortion? Don't you want abortion to be eliminated? And 2 Corinthians 6:14 only applies to marriage to someone who is not a subscriber to Christian doctrines. Even if it applied to groups getting together it would not apply to the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches because the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches are not unbelievers because they acknowledge the Deity Of Christ, the Holy Trinity and the other historical Christian doctrines. And why do you state that the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches are in league with the devil?

Survey3/23/07 11:14 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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It will never become a criminal offense to be a Christian in the United States because the First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of religion without government interference.

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