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Sermon3/27/11 5:19 PM
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The Vile Sin of Homosexuality
Prof D. Engelsma
“ Relevant Sermon! ”
The drawing out of several things was helpful: 1. "men and women", says the preacher is actually "males and females" in the Greek, thus here the "gender identity" propaganda is refuted; there are "males and females" only, and no other. There is no other "sexual orientation" except it be the perversion of a warped and irrational, depraved mind that seeks a justification, i.e. "this is who I am....God makes no mistakes" (what blasphemous untruth). 2. "to things inconvenient"; the preachers says "unfitting", contrary to human sexuality, and Anatomy 101, i.e. contrary to natural function, design of each "male and female" gender. Inconvenient, unfitting, unnatural indeed! 3. "shame" is something that this exceedingly gross and unnatural sin brings upon the people and society where they are active. Yet "shame" is what the LGBT revolutionaries try to throw at Christians or anyone else who teaches "shame" on them. Even the animal kingdom in nature stands in astonishment at the unnatural "mating" of human beings as weird and unfitting, contrary to their own "narrow" behavior.

News Item3/20/11 9:29 PM
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Despite all the denial and double-speak, one word sums up his message and damnable heresy: Neo-Universalism.

And let's be honest. 'Billy Graham and friends' have trouble answering (by their own admission) precisely the same question asked by the host because they no longer believe in or preach the Justice and Sovereignty of God to punish sinners or do whatever, whenever He pleases.

In many ways Modern Christianity by mis-defining and abusing the "love of God" (as if "love does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth"--1 Cor. 13) have created a perfect foundation for the New Rise of Universalism which paints the doctrines of Justice and Divine Wrath as contrary to the (sentimental) laws of Political Correctness, and labeled as "hateful".

Sermon2/26/11 10:10 PM
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056, The sin of Sodom
Max Doner
“ Practical! ”
Additional thoughts. Listen seriously about the politicization of homosexuality discussed in this message and their turning government to their defense, and their hateful persecution of Christians or any who oppose. In hearing about the destruction of Sodom toward the end of this, it brought to mind that Mount St. Helens had an earthquake in early 2011. It erupted and blew its top in 1980 covering Portland in ash, the same year the "Gay rights" group Dignity started there. The entire west coast is a range of volcanoes from Washington to California, as well as one of the most earthquake active faults in the world. Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed by brimstone and fire raining down, were located near "tar pits", "salt", and other post-Flood attributes of geological upheaval. God's hand is not shortened, neither does he change, and the stage is observably set should he choose to smite again in similar fashion. 1980 could be a warning. Remember Pompeii and Mt. Vesuvius.

Sermon2/26/11 9:24 PM
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056, The sin of Sodom
Max Doner
“ Very Practical Sermon! ”
Listen and hear the very practical points made during this sermon. There are many. It is impossible to prevent homosexuality from its aggressive expansion if we "tolerate" it (upon command). Look and note the aggressiveness of Sodomites, today as well as then. Chrysostom said when they are in majority they become violent toward those who dissent or accuse them of sin. Now think about this. Was it not our last generations that bowed to "living together" (living in sin, fornication, mocking marriage and God) since the 1960s and 70s? And what has been the result? The same will happen with homosexuality. Are any Christians, who are supposed to be righteous, "vexed" in soul about the current generation? "Righteous Lot" was vexed, an evidence of righteousness. Listen to the tactics used by homosexual activists presently, blatant infiltration to get children to join them. They are infiltrating and hijacking government at all levels to serve their purpose.

Sermon2/6/11 9:17 PM
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Headcoverings: The Foundation
William O. Einwechter
“ Christian Culture Addressed ”
This so far has been an avoided and "untouchable" subject, because the cloak of "Christian liberty" has been thrown over it. Calvin Klein has thus had more influence on even the most conservative Christian churches than John Calvin or his Calvinistic successors, such as Matthew Henry, Whitefield, or Spurgeon. After the Civil War in America, and the Downgrade days, these things began to change. In R.L. Dabney's "Anti-Biblical Theories of Rights", about the abuse of Gal. 3:28, "there is neither male or female...ye are all one in Christ", writes: "The apostle demonstrates that he never designed the levelling sense to be put upon his words by proceeding after he uttered them to *subject women to an INEQUALITY by imposing upon them ecclesiastical subordination, and *even a different dress* [i.e. head coverings] in the church". An excellent further examination on this important subject can be found here: http://www.covenantofgrace.com/christian_clothing.htm

Sermon2/6/11 8:05 PM
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Headcoverings: The Foundation
William O. Einwechter
“ Present Church Culture and Philosophy Challenged ”
While conservative churches claim to reject Feminism and affirm Scriptural authority, this message proves and exposes the anti-Christian, humanistic, and anti-authoritarian social philosophy that has infiltrated Americas churches, primarily beginning in the 20th century. Prior to then it was politically-incorrect for women NOT to wear hats during Christian services. (Presbyterians today in Scotland almost universally still require women wear hats in services). The sermon focuses on that God has a Social Order, since Creation, and a distinctly "Christian Culture" that is divinely ordered for Christian churches to observe. Reference is also made to the distinctions between men and women, and what they wear: "A woman shall not wear what pertaineth to a man, nor a man of a woman" (unisex cross-dressing) is forbidden by the Word of God--but common since the 60s! The error based upon *twisting* the verse that "all are one in Christ" is is shown to be no basis for rejecting this teaching from Paul's doctrine of "headship". Pauls says "If any be contentious, we have no other practice in the churches". Most all are "contentious" today.

Sermon2/6/11 7:13 PM
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The Chief Publican's Conversion
Hanserd Knollys
“ Practical Sermon on Authentic Conversion ”
This might be the most thorough sermon on authentic conversion ever given, which is absolutely loaded with both doctrinal and experimental teachings and insights. How many conversions are like this one scriptural example? Look at the birth-pangs of the New Birth of a truly convicted sinner! Look at the impotence of mere intellectual assent, belief or "free will" to actually save, and how hard under REAL conviction for someone to "believe" in Christ! What a contrast to today's Instant Christianity--poof!--upon profession alone! Finally, the sermon includes the relationship of the believer after salvation to the Law--this is the historic baptist position on that confusing matter. This message is worth studying and listening to several times.

Sermon2/6/11 6:46 PM
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“ Practical, Relevant Message! ”
The message title may cause many to fear that this implies blind obedience and submission to pastors, but Fuller quickly dispels that with this message that includes: 1. How pastors are to be elected, not imposed. 2. The criteria for submission to pastors, which is limited and qualified, not absolute nor arbitrary. 3. Criteria for hiring and firing pastors; what pastors are worthy of obedience. 4. The need for willing submission of people to their pastors, how they should behave toward faithful ones. 5. Get this: PEOPLE SHOULD EXPECT "PERSONAL VISITS" FROM THEIR PASTOR, to address personal matters! What pastors today engage in personal visits, to "watch out for your souls", outsides of Sunday sermons? This historic message rebukes the anti-authoritarian spirit of this present age, which rejects obedience and submission, and also the tyranny or disconnectedness, or lack of qualified pastors in today's churches.

Sermon1/9/11 9:02 PM
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Awake, Awake, Awake; A Triple Alarm
Rev. Michael Fintelman
“ Timely Sermon! ”
Although rather formally preached, a very timely, relevant message to AWAKE O SLEEPER. There is an evil deadness within the churches while sin is being entertained, as the text lays out very plainly, and the speaker lays out very practically. Sin carries with it an intoxication to habits that making an awakening of conscience almost impossible apart from a faithful preacher who calls, rebukes, and shakes the person out of stupidity and slumber with a holy violence. "It is high time to awake out of sleep...." in and from this present evil age.

Sermon1/9/11 7:16 PM
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The Apostate Clergymen
James R Hamilton
“ Great Sermon! ”
Jesus Christ challenged the Pharisaical "conservative" and orthodox clergy (who justly opposed the "liberal" Sadducees) by challenging and even **deliberately offending them to their hypocritical faces**, contrary to the laws of Political Correctness, as a guest at their own dinner party. This UK preacher proves how relevant this sermon is today and how similar reproofs and charges are met with by Today's modern pastors. "Reverend Pharisee...pastor Sadducee", he says! It applies best to the modern "organized religious establishment" who make "civility" and "politeness" their own guardians to prevent their being rebuked, and the truth preached. Could it be that this message applies very broadly to many churches and pastors in America too, and explains the deplorable condition of modern Christianity? It is like Gilbert Tennant's sermon against "An Unconverted and Unregenerate Clergy". Could it be that similar judgment is about to face the UK and America for apostasy, as it did the Jews in 70 A.D.? The preacher considers it. Every historic revival has always challenged the present clergy and their political correctness and professed "orthodoxy" (traditions of men).

Sermon1/9/11 6:44 PM
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The Holy War!
Rev. Colin Mercer
“ Great Sermon! ”
So relevant for today, but seldom preached upon! Do we believe that we live in and need "saved from this wicked and perverse generation", or not? Clearly few are "saved from" out of it, since they traffic in it's *lifestyle*! Loose living is given room under the pretenses of "judge not", charges of "legalism", talks about "remaining sin", and an ungodly "tolerance", and "Christian liberty" is used in order to traffic in modern vices, addiction to immoral media, imitation of the world, and glorification of ungodly Hollywood--American Idolatry! There is a "tolerance" and "liberty" that "turns the grace of God (which all seem to profess) into lasciviousness"--which is lawlessness, and "sin IS transgression of the law". This sermons challenges that PRACTICAL HERESY of Modern Christianity. There IS a Holy War, but Captain Resistance has been slain easily, and Conscience compromised, and Satan's regiment has entered by both the stealth of Trojan Horses, and now in the outright assault, especially making use (again, like in the 1960s) of modern Youth, so that there is "no fear of God before their eyes". "Children will be disobedient to parents" is now entirely fulfilled, and there is only a "form of godliness, while denying the power thereof".

Sermon1/2/11 7:53 PM
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That We Should Be Holy
Hanserd Knollys
“ A Very Powerful & Searching Sermon! ”
This historic sermon uses direct application which indicts nominal Christianity, modern churches, including popular Reformed and Sovereign Grace circles, and defenders of 'New Calvinism' (as Dr. Peter Master's article describes) who emphasize mere Doctrinal and Imputational holiness without Practical holiness, thus "turning the Grace of God into Lasciviousness". This cutting sermon actually is bold to say who "are not the people of God", despite professions otherwise. Note the observance of the Christian Sabbath, or Lord's Day, is specifically mentioned as one particular mark of holiness by the original preacher, as well as worldly "lifestyle" issues that today are untouchable under the pretense of "Christian liberty" or "culture".

Sermon12/19/10 1:45 PM
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For All Have Sinned
Scott Richardson
“ Powerful Sermon! ”
Wow. The preacher presses what this really means, this often said truth that is often shrugged off, or superficially confessed (e.g. "nobody is perfect"), by proving that God must detest and hate sin, vehemently, righteously, and therefore punish sinners--though he seem to delay. He says "God must cease to be God if he were to cease to be holy or stop hating sin" and that it is contrary to *God's nature* to compromise or be passive with sin or cease to hate, punish, or judge it. An awakening sermon that dispels modern false teaching about God, or light notions of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

Sermon12/16/10 6:19 PM
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Repent or Perish!
Daniel Jarstfer
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very rare and needed sermon. I only question what the speaker thinks about what the Puritans wrote and taught regarding some "judgments"--e.g. the Great Fire of London, the Plague, and The Storm (Daniel Defoe)....3 calamaties that fell upon England, which they regarded as three specific judgments upon England (largely after the Act of Uniformity and out-turning of those great Puritan ministers). The preachers of the Great Awakening took special note of "God's plagues" and acts as the "wrath of God upon sins of the land" (e.g. Frielinghuesen, Tennant, Whitefield, Edwards, et al). 9/11 was a very marked act of Providence upon this nation, the first year of the New Millineum, and on a very symbolic-numbered date (which many regard suspicious). Great point about how Muslims label West with much truth, i.e. its gross immorality and pollution of the rest of the world through its media and influence.

News Item11/29/10 12:21 AM
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Mike wrote:
Isn't your expressed concern kind of like putting all your attention into stomping on a bug while a bear is approaching?
Hardly, I was only addressing what the billboard actually says, which specifically addresses the "Season" myth. By supporting, promoting and defending an unscriptural and superstitious date for Christ's birth it only gives ground and reason for mocking Christianity. By adding a "tradition of men" it causes the truth of God's word to be mocked and blasphemed, and is intellectually dishonest.

Rather, "isn't your expressed concern kind of like" an ostrich burying its head in the sand about the myth of December 25th--and justifying this myth and tradition as if it is a scriptural mark of Christian and gospel truth for the atheist to believe?

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. (2 Peter 2:1-2)"

The greatest blasphemy is false teaching, mixing error with truth, and establishing a Fake Christianity, which substitutes 'Christmas' for Nativity.

News Item11/28/10 10:05 PM
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Well, it is most certainly a Myth to claim or celebrate or venerate December 25th as the birth of Jesus Christ, which is certainly no culumny against the doctrine that he was born of a virgin, Emanuel, God with us. Therefore, the billboard (while perhaps is intended against all Christianity) is correct, since it is contrary to both the Bible as well as reason.

Pastors of yester-year, like Spurgeon and Samuel Davies, were more bold and less concerned about political correctness (as modern pastors are, along with Fox and WND) and openly condemned the date of Dec. 25th--which they admitted was pagan and popish "superstition"--and not a Holy Day, or holiday, that Christians were bound to observe or keep as the "birth of Christ".

But today it is too $profitable$ for "tithes and offerings" by the real Scrooges who count their collections in both Modern Churchianity, as well as on Wall Street. It is the modern churches' and christian merchandisers' "black Friday" too!

News Item11/28/10 7:56 PM
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Has there ever been a "terrorist plot" that the FBI was not directly involved in as provocateurs? No, not one.

But it's useful for propaganda purposes to justify Homeland Security (a fascist Security State) that is federalizing all controls over state and local governments and "changing our way of life"--i.e. something they say only terrorists want to do.

The disproportionate expense and virtual paranoia over terrorism is irrational compared to deaths and danger on public highways, yet everyone is bowing their gullible knees, empowering a new powerful centralized government that has all the marks of growing totalitarianism, where "freedom" is NOT being preserved, but taken away. WAKE UP!

Sermon10/31/10 10:49 PM
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God Is Angry With The Wicked
Scott Richardson
“ Direct, uncompromising sermon! ”
You won't hear this on a Sunday morning, even from other sovereign grace churches. What should anyone desire to be "saved" (saved from what?) unless they KNOW that "God is angry with the wicked"--anyone unregenerate, unconverted, remaining and living in sin--EVERY DAY, ALL THE TIME? This is the CONTEXT of the gospel, the only reason "good news" (gospel) is good, gracious, loving, and merciful! This is what is missing in modern Christianity, rather Churchianity, even among the most orthodox. "There is no fear of God before their eyes", because they have been told that "God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life"--A LIE, ANOTHER GOSPEL! Hear this and tremble, then flee the wrath to come, to Christ as a Savior, for he came "to save his people from their sins". Preacher Richardson, like Elijah, has died, and now there is a famine in the land of this truth.

Sermon9/12/10 10:05 PM
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A Mormon on a Mission
Steve Marquedant
“ Important Message! ”
Indeed, Glen Beck could be called justly an Ecumenical Anti-Christ, because he has a "different Jesus". It should be noted that the Jesus of Mormonism is derived from its ecumenical and philosophical twin in Freemasonry, where a social and political savior is in mind. This is perfectly consistent with Beck's Mormon teaching of the Founders, most of which were Freemasons or Deists, or of a Unitarian doctrine, i.e. acknowledging the humanity of Jesus Christ (for popular approbation), but denying his Divinity (as does Mormonism too) as well as the inspiration and authority of the Bible (as Thomas Paine, Jefferson, et al). This Beck also unites with the Jews, and pays absolute homage to Modern Israel (of secular Zionism, not the theology of the law and prophets), complete with hints of "sheep of another fold" Mormon teaching that includes "Jewish fables and endless genealogies" (as Paul warned Titus) in a kind of American-Israelism. This dangerously leads to Statism and false Ecumenical America worship (idolatry). John's epistle says that whoever denies that Jesus Christ (God's anointed) is the son of God (of divine nature) "is an anti-Christ". This Judeo-Masonic and Mormon teaching does, wrapping Jesus in an American flag, dangerously.

Sermon8/8/10 5:31 PM
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Biblical Repentance
Rev David Stewart
“ Great Sermon! ”
Straight forward preaching and call to repentance, away from modern anti-Christianity. Timely, needed, powerful, plain.
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