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News Item1/1/07 8:02 AM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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"How anyone can see or think that this is a war to preserve our freedoms as Americans is beyond me. Wars to protect our freedoms means guarding our borders - not bombing the Middle East into the stone age."

Amen to this. And the statistics don't count tens of thousands the soldiers who die after they leave the battlefield, those who will die early and horrible deaths from breathing the depleted uranium, and from the experimental satanic vaccines the government forces them to take.

And of course close to 700,000 Iraqis have been Shock and Awed into an early grave.

Meantime, FEMA, the FBI and other government agencies in Washington, DC, are moving their offices 75 miles away from DC in order to avoid getting nuked.

Why do we have to blow up the planet? 9/11 was obviously orchestrated by our own government for an excuse to go to war to carry out their PNAC plans hatched 10 years previous to 9/11.

News Item12/31/06 11:08 AM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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"What's with all this Evangelical frenzy? It's overtaking the world, especially in developing countries! What has happened to the old paths wherein dwelleth righteousness?"

I can't believe this comment. Muslims and pagans and devil worshippers believing in Jesus is a bad thing now? I don't think I'd see a statement this blatantly antiChrist on an atheist site!

[note: I posted this below also and forgot to put the quotes around the first statement, and ran out of editing time, and I most definitely don't want anyone to think the statement about "evangelical frenzy" was mine]

News Item12/31/06 10:56 AM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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What's with all this Evangelical frenzy? It's overtaking the world, especially in developing countries! What has happened to the old paths wherein dwelleth righteousness?

I can't believe this comment. Muslims and pagans and devil worshippers believing in Jesus is a bad thing now? I don't think I'd see a statement this blatantly antiChrist on an atheist site!

News Item12/31/06 9:22 AM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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saved geezer, I don't think the debate with Saddam is about the death penalty per se, but rather how we the United States had any right to go Shock and Aweing that country, topping it off with lots of depleted uranium, killing close to 700,000 Iraqis, destroying their infrastructure, and then now we manipulate the trial and hanging of their leader, a leader by the way who the United States had put into power.

This was done on a holy day signifying mercy, a day when even Saddam Hussein used to let prisoners free to demonstrate mercy.

Saddam went to his death with courage and dignity, and now the Arabs have themselves a martyr, and history will be rewritten to explain away all of Saddam's evil crimes.

News Item12/23/06 4:56 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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"VOR, do you let Tex do all of your studying and interpreting for you?"

Well, cbc, I can't take the time to do the studying Texe has done. He's a foremost authority on secret societies and the New World Order. He's a solid Christian, a good-hearted man, with a solid ministry. He has been fascinated with history and the workings of the Freemasons and the groups working mayhem in the world since he was a teenager.

And he is not 501C3. This means he is free to tell the truth. He pays taxes like the rest of us, so he's not acting as an agent for the government.

So if he's not compromised by money, if he's got the heart and intellect, the training and the talent for what he does, why shouldn't I choose his information to study? It's always a good idea to pick the best source you can find for information.

I've never known Texe to be wrong about anything. He documents everything. I know my Bible, and I follow up. I don't trust anybody implicitly, and I always use my own discernment. And I do read lots of other people besides Texe.

His ministry has hundreds of books and tapes to sell. Texe has written around 40 books himself, the latest being Codex Magica, a 700 page tome that I recommend everybody to buy.

Time is short. The Bible says, My people perish for lack of knowledge.

News Item12/23/06 4:43 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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cbcpreacher -- if you think the Jews are the chosen people rather than the Christians -- you are just plain wrong. Read your Bible, Galatians 3 for example: Know ye not that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham... and more (read the whole chapter)

There's only two groups -- believers and nonbelievers. Within the believers are people of all kinds, Jews and Gentiles both. Nobody is any better than the other.

Revelation refers to Jerusalem in the last days as Sodom and Egypt. The Jews are cursed by God, the kingdom was taken from them.

If you love them so much, why not just join up? After all, it's just a religion, a false religion. Go get a yarmulke and a Talmud and go for it, Brother!

But you will become an enemy of God and of Christianity if you do. The Talmud is full of murderous hatred for Jesus and the "goy." But you won't be a "goy" anymore if you go join up with them.

Read Galatians, check out Texe Marrs website. The Judaisers have fed Christians a big load of balogny.

News Item12/23/06 4:13 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Mike, you are such a dupe.

I wonder how many Islamic kids are getting beat up around hte country? Probably lots. But you'll never hear about it because it's not the message the controlled media wants you to hear.

I suppose you think the world is all at peace except for this one poor teen who got, supposedly, attacked.

Come on, Mike. God gave you a brain. Turn off your TV. These news stories are selected, sometimes created, for your brainwashing pleasure.

News Item12/23/06 4:09 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Kenny, I agree with your post below.

Any homeschooler who would be foolish enough to take any favors from the government education industry is helping to tie the noose around the neck of the rest of the homeschoolers.

Instead, we should suck it in and support groups like Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) -- a group of lawyers that defends homeschoolers all over the country from Child Protective Services, truant officers, and other government creeps looking to take people's kids and control our lives.

News Item12/23/06 3:58 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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"Just remember this the next time you hear of Islam being a "loving, peaceful" religion."

Then ask the NeoCONS who are swarming America with Islamics and Mexicans, many illegal, why they are doing this if we are supposed to be at war with these people.

People are at each other's throat all over the world. 12 Americans are killed EACH DAY right here in America by illegal alians. It's not going to get any better, and the global crime syndicate pushing toward the NWO will create civil war in America -- just like they have in Iraq. Don't you understand these people WANT murder and mayhem? That's how they get people to surrender their rights and freedoms and come begging them for "peace and security."

There is no more hateful religion than Judaism. The NeoCON Bushes and Clintons are cryptoJews. The Talmud is full of murder and hate toward the "goy" and toward Jesus.

Texe Marrs says the Muslims and Jews are like "two scorpions in a bottle" that need not to be let out.

And Catholic dogma states it's good to kill, lie, cheat, do whatever, to eliminate all religions other than Catholicism. Militant Jesuits are doing a good job, as is the Mossad, the CIA and British intelligence of stirring up murder and mayhem everywhere.

Survey12/22/06 9:28 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Dessie, stay away from diet soda. The aspartame is deadly to your health.

Do a Google on aspartame and read up. If you think the FDA is there to protect people from unsafe food, think again!

God bless the Internet.

News Item12/22/06 9:09 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Alan from Washington state, I think you're right. Albert is not the only one on this forum who rails away. Plenty of the rest of us do too. It's really not Christian. I'm surprised the Catholics even want to hang around here at all, but I figure they must enjoy talking about the Bible just like all of us.

They are polite and reasonable and they don't spam, have a lot of good comments. Probably this forum wouldn't be as good as it is without them.

Seems like there's plenty of heresies strewn around here, some as bad as anything the Catholic church espouses.

Maybe we should realize there is a common enemy to us all -- Satan, who is the one behind all the heresies and just wants to kill us all.

Maybe all of us have more in common than we think we do.

News Item12/22/06 6:51 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Dessie, Google up "satanic vaccines" and see what you get.

Survey12/22/06 6:48 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Could we have a general miscellaneous topic thread? Then the other threads can be kept "pure."

Survey12/22/06 6:42 PM
Voice of Reason  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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"Well, I wonder what other thread can be hijacked?"

Yamil, Maybe it was shut down because it had way over 3,000 posts in it -- the majority of them your spammy one-liners. You are rudely hijacking the entire board with your disgraceful board etiquette. Ever think about that?

Your walk talks and your talk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

News Item12/21/06 3:42 PM
Voice of Reason | Turn off the Hellevision!  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Max, you are right in your comment. And I understand Abe Foxman is best buddies with Pat Robertson and has written books and pamphlets urging the King James Bible to be banned as "hate literature."

News Item12/21/06 3:32 PM
Voice of Reason | Don't Nuke 'Em  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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".most Americans have no idea more of their fellow citizens – men, women and children – were murdered this year by illegal aliens than the combined death toll of U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan since those military campaigns began."

Jim, you are starting to get the Big Picture. Take it a little further.

WHO is opening up our borders and swarming us with illegals? The SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE WAGING WAR ON INNOCENTS IN THE MIDEAST FOR NO REASON!

Now try to figure, why? Who stands to profit from this? Who stands to lose?

Who profits? The New World Order because they will destroy America's middle class, usher in vioence and mayhem and marshall law in America, get to kill a lot of people.

Who loses? The American middle class, all people who love freedom, want to live in peace under the Constitution.

Who gets treated like a terrorist? The law abiding American, who is humiliated, searched, detained, screamed at, threatened, surveilled, and made to look upon his neighbor with suspicion and fear, just like the police state in 1984.

You should read that book. It was amazingly prescient.

News Item12/21/06 3:13 PM
Voice of Reason | Turn off the Hellevision!  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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"How come Pat Robertson or some other wealthy outfit didn't help out this school board? The stickers seem very reasonable to me!"

Jim, Pat Robertson is a Freemason, working for the satanic New World Order. His picture on the cover of Time Magazine a few years ago showed him making the Freemason clutching-the-heart sign, to let all the initiates know who he REALLY is.

And while he owned an entire television channel, the Family Channel, never one time did he ever either produce a Creation film himself or allow one to be shown on the channel. All those years we had a supposed "Christian" channel but not one Creation film to counteract all the evolutionist propaganda of the billions-of-years films shown on the Discovery Channel and others.

The same can be said about abortion. The controlled media has bent over backwards to keep the truth about abortion from the American people, because Americans would not stand to allow the abortion holocaust to continue if they knew the truth. Pat Robertson could have exposed abortion for what it is, but did NOTHING all those years he was airing the Three Stooges and Leave it to Beaver, etcetera.

He supports China's one-childi policy, advises that our country go in and assassinate Hugo Chavez, beloved president of Venezuela.

News Item12/21/06 3:02 PM
Voice of Reason | Don't Nuke 'Em  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Jim, if you think the Jews have special rights and privileges over Christians, that it's them and not us that are God's Chosen People --

why do you not become a Jew? What's stopping you?

If you prefer the Jews over the Christians, why be a self-hater? Just go join up with the side you really think the most of. Go ahead, be true to yourself.

But remember that they have a curse on them. They called en masse for Jesus to be crucified, said Crucify Him! Crucify Him! His blood be upon us and on our children!

Go ahead and support their murder of the innocent people, the children, the mothers and fathers, in the lands around them, lands where the people have lived for centuries, and the phony Jews went and pushed them out based on what they claim to be their superior rights because of DNA.

God is not a racist, and Judaism is JUST a religion, a FALSE religion. You can join any time. But you just may be shocked to find out what the wicked Talmud says about Jesus and the "goy."

You just have no idea of what's going on behind the scenes with the intelligence operatives of the U.S., Britain and Israel. All is not as it seems. Do a Google on mind-control, MK ULTRA, M5, Manchurian Candidate.

Ankerberg is part of the Illuminati controlled opposition, so stop trusting him. Wake up.

News Item12/20/06 4:20 PM
Voice of Reason | Don't Nuke 'Em  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Why shouldn't Iran have nuclear power? Doesn't everybody else have it? Having nuclear power is a long shot from having nuclear bombs or missiles to launch them.

Seems like the trigger happy nutcases in the world is not Iran, but America and the NeoCONs.

News Item12/20/06 4:12 PM
Voice of Reason | Don't Nuke 'Em  Find all comments by Voice of Reason
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Matt H says: "Send in the troops!"

Why? Should we send in the troops to Israel, who not only has nuclear power but "its air force is led by F-15 and F-16 fighters, armed with U.S-designed missiles and precision-guided munitions,” (WA Times, “Military power Challenged,” 8/10/06). “Israel receives $1.8 billion annually in military aid, used to buy U.S. equipment. The IDF active force numbers about 170,000 on an annual budget of $34 billion…The army is built around six divisions and nearly 1,700 main battle tanks. The air force maintains 400 combat aircraft. The naval fleet features three submarines able to fire cruise missiles, and 66 coastal boats with guns and ground-attack missiles.”

Israel justifies her military superiority as vital to her survival, and American Christians agree. They believe they’re blessing God’s chosen people and helping fulfill His plan of the ages by empowering the Jews to recover their Promised Land.

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