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Sermon5/27/16 5:58 AM
Tom  Find all comments by Tom
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The Keys of David (Whitley Wood Reformed...
Pastor Chalan Hetherington
“ This is a must hear! ”
Thank you.

Sermon7/28/15 12:03 PM
tom | London on  Contact via emailFind all comments by tom
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The Mark of the Beast
Michael Cannon
“ Great Sermon! ”
Relevant today

Sermon6/11/15 12:09 PM
tom  Find all comments by tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon6/10/15 9:27 AM
Tom  Find all comments by Tom
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Poverty & Helping the Poor
K. W. (Pete) Hurst
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastors nowadays are saving money for their offsprings like the unsaved. They will find every excuse out there to not give to the poor.

Sermon12/10/14 5:35 PM
Tom | big spring Texas  Find all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I never agree with you on every thing you've said on SermonAudio, but that would be UN realistic if I said I did. The thing appreciate about Berean is the willingness to take scripture for what it says. Stand strong and know that God will honor your effort to obey.

Sermon10/4/14 3:25 PM
Tom | NY  Find all comments by Tom
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
This message comes up frequently in Mr. Washer's sermons, basically that there are no truly great men of God. But in all honesty those who have done the most were extremely intelligent, brought up with character-building discipline (usually in a Christian home too) and from upper class families. Brainerd, Judson, Luther, Amy Carmichael, Spurgeon, MLJ, and more. All of these were wise and noble. Mr. Washer himself could have been a gas & oil lawyer so he should not claim to be below average in intelligence. When I hear these kinds of messages it just crushes me. I wasnt raised in a Christian family, I barely graduated high school, and I struggle with huge faults. It is hard to believe that God would use me. The only really normal people I know of who were greatly used of God were Gladys Aylward and the disciples of Jesus. Anyways, just my reaponse to this sermon.

Sermon8/26/14 12:11 PM
Tom | Connecticut  Find all comments by Tom
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Dr. Curt D. Daniel
“ Heaven ”
I just downloaded this sermon so I can't comment on it yet, but I've heard some things about Heaven. Since God is infinite, what we learn from Him and about Him will never diminish. It will be knowledge forever expanding. God will sing to us. If there is some music now that is so beautiful it can move us to tears, what about Him and the music He can express? What about our ability to receive His expressions of love with no sin nature to hinder us? God is Beautiful. How can we even imagine anything remotely similar to beauty that He alone is? Again, no sin nature to hinder us from beholding and appreciating Him. My two cents worth.

News Item8/13/14 2:10 PM
Tom | Usa  Find all comments by Tom
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If a woman was pregnant with an adulterer, would God allow her to give birth to the baby before execution or would God will her to be stoned immediately? Why doesn't God spare pregnant women when He commanded the Isrealites to slaughter other cities? I personally will not judge those who had abortion if it was a product of rape or someone with genetic defect. I pray God have mercy on them and the aborted souls.

News Item8/13/14 2:02 PM
Tom | Usa  Find all comments by Tom
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What kind of churches? Those that preach the health, wealth, prosperity gospel? Please do. Thank you, government.

Sermon7/25/14 1:46 PM
Tom | USA  Find all comments by Tom
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is not Scourby speaking...

News Item7/9/14 7:17 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Find all comments by Tom
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She hates it when people use Lord's name in vain. i hate it when I see images of "Jesus" in protestant churches. And some pastors still put images of "jesus" downloaded online and pasted on the powerpoints when giving a sermon. I believe that is idolatry and annoys me greatly.

News Item7/9/14 7:05 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Find all comments by Tom
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Babies are sinful and evil just like everyone else. It is wrong for abortion to exist but it is also wrong to assume they were purely innocent as if babies deserve heaven. God never treats Children differently than the others. Has God ever spared infants when he executed his judgement? Not according to my memory of the Old Testament. Remember when a group of kids laughed at a prophet's baldness, God summoned a bear to tear them to pieces. God shows no favouritism. That was the point of my comment.

News Item7/9/14 6:47 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Find all comments by Tom
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If it weren't for God's common grace restraining you, what makes you think you wouldnt end up being a homosexual? Our sin is infinite if it werent for God's grace restraining us. Learn to be humble and slow to anounce condemnation for God has been patient with you too.

News Item7/9/14 6:44 PM
To m | Taiwan  Find all comments by To m
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God rebuke us if for one moment we think we are more righteous than the homosexual. We are all lustful and need God's mercy, which should be the strongest motivation to fight sin and live a holy life.

News Item7/9/14 6:32 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Find all comments by Tom
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God, please teach us be brave like these brothers and sisters. May the Spirit empower us to live the true Christian life and be willing to give all for your sake. None of us deserve to live, yet you let us live. And since we all gonna die, we might as well die for Christ. Rest in Peace, our Nigerian brothers in Christ .

It is funny you see more comments on a Chinese pastor arrested over a cross with his church members being aggressive toward the police than the real persecution in other places. Chinese persecution on the Christians are moderate, not extreme. They aren't raped, murdered like those in Islamic states or India by the extreme Hinduist. The Chinese Christians can even download The Bible on a smart phone. But the so called Western Christians are very political and sometimes even to the point hypocritical subconciously.

News Item7/9/14 6:19 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Find all comments by Tom
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It is almost impossible to be a succeddful politician and a true Christian at the same time under democracy. People wanna hear what their sinful nature wants to hear.

News Item7/8/14 5:49 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Find all comments by Tom
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Many preachers from Taiwan teaching reform theology in underground Chinese church wish China would not open up itself to American Chrisitanity and the Western Christianity. God placed this moderate persecution to keep the Prosperity gospel and the Faith healing stuff out of China, let the true Christians persevere and thrive. Imagine if China opened up, and Benny Hinn arrived in China and destroyed all the foundations the good missionaries have built. Think.

News Item7/8/14 5:42 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Find all comments by Tom
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American Christians are too biased. They read too much horrible things on China that are half true. They are idolizing a cross, and turned violent on the police. I watched the video, the police surrounded the church and the believers turned abit violent then the cops retaliated. He is being persecuted over a wooden cross. Compared to the persecution in India by the extremist Hinduist civilians some of whom rape and murder Christians, American just turn their heads away just beacuse they are democracy. Hypocrisy exists very well in American Christianity even in the reform community.

News Item7/8/14 5:20 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Find all comments by Tom
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If it were not for the natural grace of God, we too would end up like him. Babies are evil too just like us, that is why God also commanded the prophets to slaughter pagan babies too. We are all born in sin including the infants. It is a curse God placed on these people who turned away from God. We all should repent.

News Item7/8/14 5:02 PM
Tom | Taiwan  Contact via emailFind all comments by Tom
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Only the less educated people who watch too much CCTV believe PROC can defeat the US's seventh fleet. But then again, God is in charge and will look after the true Christians in China, that is what I believe.
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