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News Item3/15/08 9:35 AM
nl  Find all comments by nl
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Homeschooling and private schooling can be difficult to distinguish.

Many homeschoolers are involved in cooperative teaching arrangements, paid academies, academic camps, seminars, geography bees, spelling bees, speech, debate, academic clubs and competitions. Many classes are taken through private teachers who deliver education face-to-face and through DVD, satellite, and online web sites where audio, video, and IM may be employed. Significant costs are often incurred by homeschooling families as by private school families in seeking the best for their children. Much learning also comes through internships and community service.

Public schools often allow the teaching of Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and any religious / values system except a religion of repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 20:21).

The Bible makes education of the children to be the responsibility of the father in the covenanted marriage.
The Bible affirms both homeschool families (Deut 6:1-9; Psalm 78:1-2; more) and private school families (Galatians 4:2).

May Almighty God's Kingdom come and His Will be done and may freedom and liberty flourish for all types of homeschool families and private school families in the USA and every nation on earth.

News Item3/14/08 7:21 AM
nl  Find all comments by nl
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Leaders can become idols and division can arise around the advocates of particular leaders.

"For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? - 1 Corinthians 3:4

The Falwells and others of this world have had their followings. But, there has always been a shortage of leaders in the dusty harvest fields.

"Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest". - Luke 10:2

Christ's directive to pray for more laborers has always been valid and has never been withdrawn. Yes, most prayer is humble closet work that takes place away from the glare and glory.

Great leadership has always required great service. In the future, it will sometimes carry a great price.

"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake". - Matthew 24:9

In Revelation 11, when the two great witnesses are killed, it is said that "..they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry..."

Zeal will be required to resemble the leadership of the Lord Jesus Christ (Psa 69:9, Jhn 2:17). Many leaders will come from outside the USA.

News Item3/5/08 6:15 AM
nl  Find all comments by nl
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To his credit, Mr. Mike Huckabee commented to indicate that the upcoming 'economic stimulus' package approved by Congress and the White House is more likely to stimulate China than the USA. The upcoming retirements of the baby boomer generation will decrease government receipts while increasing government spending (aka social security and medicare payments).

Mr. Rich Dad Poor Dad aka Robert Kiyosaki also comments on Yahoo Finance about the impact of 'economic stimulus'. Mr. Kiyosaki also comments about the massive debt of the US federal government. Link: [URL=http://finance.yahoo.com/expert/article/richricher/69637;_ylt=AvSz40L1Sx5H_6ydxKZUnLK7YWsA]]]American Empire In Decline[/URL]

ALL of the remaining US presidentail candidates appear ready to continue (and expand) US over-spending and debt. Past empires have come and gone; the US empire is in decline. Only one King (Jesus Christ) will rule over a Kingdom that has no end.

Sermon10/5/07 10:05 AM
NL | MS.  Contact via emailFind all comments by NL
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“ Very Encouraging! ”
Wonderful and encouraging testimony of how the Lord is working in your life PJ and all that are His.

Sermon9/6/07 11:40 PM
NL  Contact via emailFind all comments by NL
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“ Powerful Sermon! ”
It's so true we need not fear for that we have a hiding place in Jesus. Perfect love casteth out all fear!

Sermon8/19/07 7:59 AM
NL  Contact via emailFind all comments by NL
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This is a wonderful first sermon and will be sure to bless others as it has me!
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