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News Item7/5/18 1:26 AM
Anon | USA  Find all comments by Anon
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Jim Lincoln,

How is it that you are always the first and also the last to post on everything?

Sermon7/1/18 7:03 PM
Anon | Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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“ Great Sermon! ”
We face a difficulty: Is possible that only those who have heard about Christ can be saved? Or is salvation also available for those who haven't heard about him? The element which solves this dilemma is the criteria according to which God will judge those who never heard about Christ and grant them salvation. The Bible states that God is holy and will judge humans with justice (Acts 17,31), according to the available measure of revelation they had and their response to it, expressed through their deeds (Romans 2,6), words (Matthew 12,36-37) and thoughts (Hebrews 4,12). The amount of revelation one has determines a consequent measure of responsibility on his behalf (Luke 12,47-48). In the Western world, almost anyone has elementary knowledge about Christianity, and therefore the terms of one's salvation are clear. As for those who never had the chance to hear the Christian message or heard a perverted version of it, it is obvious that their judgment will require other criteria than responding to the historical Jesus Christ. God didn’t leave the world without a proper testimony about himself (Acts 14,17) and doesn’t condemn anybody without first revealing his grace. Pastor Cairn's explanation is thus wanting. Pygmies, Eskimos, Indians, Chinese dock workers may never have heard.

Sermon3/24/18 12:23 AM
Anon | Adelaide  Find all comments by Anon
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Christ among the Churches
Grant Thorpe
“ Great Message of Life and Hope ”
A wonderfully clear vision of Christ's redemptive presence in the life of the church and in Christ's followers. A veil has been swept aside as I read this and a brilliant ray of light and glory has shone into the darkness about Revelation and the counterfeit and hopelessly shallow world views of love and tolerance.

Sermon2/25/18 9:27 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Judge With Right Judgement
Scott Clements
“ Great Sermon! ”
I grew up in a home where we would go to church on a Sunday morning, sing a few praise & hymns. Sit down listen to the preacher take notes & share them with the other family members, we did that until I had a family issue that was difficult to make a choice. Either to go and speak to someone in the government services or just remain quiet. It was hard because I was screaming inside but didn’t know who to trust. I was suffering a breakdown & was raised by my foster parents. I let myself go a bit too far. I smoked, got drunk, slept at the beach. I didn’t want anyone to know my past. After listening to this sermon Pastor Scott uploaded, I can find a peace knowing I forgave but still felt betrayed; I know Christ is the higher judge. And higher authorities on earth will make my life a bit easier. I’m now married to the most fun loving man & talk to him. He is the father of my sons. He has changed me to what I am now not what I was. He’s my best friend, my buddy through the tough & funny times. Thanks Pastor Scott for the upload

News Item1/14/18 10:49 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Dr. Tim wrote:
I have read a good bit about the "doctrines of grace" since coming to SermonAudio. I reckon it must be grace that kindles the fires of brotherly love that burn so brightly in many of these threads. Makes me want to run right out and join a Reformed church.
I think you have enough of such issues in IFB churches... in fact what's happening here is tame in comparison...so less of the holier than thou please.



Have you ever read any of the reformed writers on the Holy Spirit?

E.g. John Owen, James Buchanan, Octavious Winslow, Edwin Palmer, Abraham Kuyper etc.

I suggest you do before deciding who holds a high view of the Holy Spirit and his work.

News Item1/14/18 9:54 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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[URL=https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=72007134753]]] Billy Graham: The Compromising Prophet, Ecumenism, Romanism, Apostasy, Separation [/URL]

Some here need to learn about separation, which is intrinsically tied to holiness.

[URL=https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=11710195902]]] Separation from disobedient brothers [/URL]

News Item1/14/18 8:39 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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[URL=http://www.metropolitantabernacle.org/Christian-Article/Cessationism-Proving-Charismatic-Gifts-have-Ceased-Sword-and-Trowel-Magazine]]] Cessationism - Proving that the Charismatic Gifts have Ceased [/URL]

Written by the pastor at Spurgeon's Met Tab, which is a 1689 Federalist church.

See also the following written by Brian Schwertley

[URL=https://www.the-highway.com/charismatic_Schwertley.html]]] The Charismatic Movement - A biblical critique[/URL]

Virtually all the reformers and puritans were cessationist, and cessationism is embedded in most reformed confessions of faith! Just something to think about.

News Item1/8/18 8:07 AM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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John UK wrote:
I have a FRIEND whose faithful love 

Is more than all the world to me, 

‘Tis higher than the heights above, 

And deeper than the soundless sea: 

So old, so new, so strong, so true; 

Before the earth received its frame, 

He loved me - Blessed be His name!
And now he doesn't care whether I repent or not, he loves me that well!

Sermon10/9/17 3:08 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Under New Management
Rev David Stewart
“ I love, I love my Master... ”
Thank you Rev. Stewart for such a precious word which draws the soul out to love and cling to a Saviour whose great love, mercy and compassion for guilty souls is a stark contrast to Satan's malice, shrewdness and hatred. Exceedingly precious are those words of Christ; "the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." In this blessed Saviour our souls find rest, our lives know hope and our hearts rejoice.

Sermon10/1/17 8:51 AM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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Hope Next to the Ruins
Dr Jerry Bilkes
“ Hope maketh not ashamed ”
A word much needed and much appreciated. Thank you for such a gracious sermon guiding poor souls home out of the ruins. Not a change in circumstances is needed, but a change in heart so that we can say, like Mary, "be it unto me according to thy word."

Sermon1/6/17 3:58 PM
Anon | Scotland  Find all comments by Anon
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Fellowship with God
Rev Malcolm Watts
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you

Sermon12/1/16 9:19 PM
Anon | Georgia  Find all comments by Anon
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Halloween's Hero
David Walker
“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon11/20/16 2:42 PM
Anon | Richmond Hill, ON Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Anon
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Evidences of Genuine Faith
Dr. Mark Minnick
“ The Word speaks plainly ”
True believers who are born again have nothing to worry about ever because the Word gives us assurance of our Eternal Salvation. Jude 24-25King James Version (KJV) 24�Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, 25�To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Romans 8:38 Context 35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. We don't trust in 'feelings' but in Christ and faith in Him, is a gift from Him. John 3:3 and John 3:16 and ..... Romans 10:9

News Item3/13/16 7:24 PM
Anon.  Find all comments by Anon.
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Well, at least now we have a name to include in our prayers! $3,000+ monthly rent would drive anyone nutty! Maybe try a different Hospital, that one gets bad reviews.
Pro 10:18 He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.
Pro 10:23 It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.

News Item8/23/15 10:05 PM
anon. | usa  Find all comments by anon.
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Dave from oz, I hope you can meditate on these precious verses and have God's peace over sins forgiven.: 1Cor. 6.9-11, 1 John 1.9, Matthew 6.37, Matthew 12.31, Mark 3.28, Isaiah 53, Isaiah 55.7. Each of us has turned in our own way and sinned terribly. Dont despair. Ask the Lord for Godly sorrow- repent and believe. Dont leave out the believe. Have faith.

Sermon7/30/15 9:00 AM
Anon | Georgia  Find all comments by Anon
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“ Great Sermon! ”

Sermon7/15/15 4:48 PM
Anon | Glasgow  Find all comments by Anon
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Moses' Choice
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson
“ 'Passion of Jesus' preached 7 july by David Scott ”
Just listened to BOTH sermons preached at Kingsview on 7 July 2015 by David Scott Retired. Who is this man? When was he inducted into the APC?

News Item7/7/15 12:00 PM
Anon | USA  Find all comments by Anon
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There was a time not too many years ago when US Navy warships flew the "church pennant" to signify that church services were taking place. It was a long and thin flag as are all pennants, for those unfamiliar, with a Cross. Official regulations at that time had the pennant flying above the National ensign/the American flag, showing that our nation is/was "under God." But those days are most likely behind us now...sadly. Church pennants are probably no longer flown and chaplains are hounded for being too tied to God rather than the secular. Argue as you must, for it is your natures, but there is precendent.

Sermon6/1/15 11:25 PM
Anon | Atl Ga  Find all comments by Anon
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It's Time To Wake Up
Gary Collins
“ Great Sermon! ”
Powerful sermon!

Sermon5/30/15 10:36 PM
Anon  Find all comments by Anon
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We Need Some Men
Gary Collins
“ Great Sermon! ”
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