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News Item2/12/14 3:12 PM
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We respectfully ask that all who post here please refrain from hurling insults. Keep things civil, folks. Thank you!

News Item1/26/14 10:11 PM
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Andrea Gerber wrote:
Any way to keep it from displaying that badge? I only use the app to listen to specific messages I want to hear, not interested in the red badge. Thank you for your quick reply!
Sorry. There is no way at the moment. It will turn off by itself when a webcast is no longer in progress.

News Item1/26/14 2:13 PM
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Andrea Gerber wrote:
Just found your app and it is very nice. Is there a way to get rid of the red badge over the home icon? When I press the home icon to see what the 20 things are (the badge says 20), nothing comes up. I have no idea what the badge is for nor how to get rid of it. Help please.
Thank you for writing. That "red badge" represents the number of live webcasts that are currently in session. If you pull-down-to-refresh the HOME tab, you will see the webcasts there. Thank you!

News Item1/22/14 3:37 PM
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We actually already do integrate with e-Sword. Please refer to our announcement page by [URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/new_details.asp?ID=32853]]]clicking here![/URL]

News Item1/11/14 11:43 PM
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Graceonline wrote:
I have downloaded the SermonAudio app on my dual core android and tried to play video sermons by Don Fortner. Despite of all of your hard work making this site available the videos just do not play correctly. The sound is extremely stuttery all the time. Tried various players namely mobo and mx without success. Any suggestions at all? Also do you have a technical problems section on this website?
Be sure to use our official Android App found in the Google Play Store. Let me know if you need any further assistance.

News Item1/1/14 12:16 AM
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TeenChristian wrote:
Excuse me SermonAudio Staff, I just wanted to drop a note saying thank you for the wonderful app, these sermons have been a very rich blessing. That and I know this isn't part of the news post, but what criteria must a sermon fit in order to be a staff pick? (I was just wondering because I have heard some really good sermons and I'm left scratching my head wondering why they aren't chosen) Thank you!
We don't mind feedback. Really, it's quite alright. If you email us sermons that have been a blessing to you and recommend it to us for a staff pick, we'll do our best to listen to them and make the final call. Thank you!

News Item11/28/13 2:08 AM
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AA wrote:
I mean no disrespect but my app does not work since you changed it I hate it please Fix it as soon as possible I miss the sermons please fix
If you can supply us with a bit more information (such as the exact error message you are seeing, your iOS version, what device you are using, etc), that will be most helpful. Thank you!

News Item10/5/13 2:29 PM
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We now support ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags for MP3 uploads via FTP and Dropbox. It's now easier than ever to submit+upload sermons via FTP!

News Item8/29/13 10:05 AM
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Johnnie G. Walker wrote:
New modified app does not work on ipad- the program crashes when you click on MP3 to play the sermon. This started after the new modification on video.
We are aware of this problem in 2.13 and have issued an immediate fix. Look for 2.14 once it becomes approved in the App Store. Thank you!

News Item11/7/12 11:08 PM
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C3H8wolf wrote:
Will data charges apply to the whole time am am listening if not on wifi?
I want to listen while I drive through my stereo adapter but don't want to rack up huge data charges.
Yes. That is correct. If you are not on WIFI, there is no other way to get the data other than via the data charges on the phone.

News Item10/15/12 10:10 AM
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disappointed wrote:
this app was something i used multiple times a day, unfortunately there was no warning that if you updated to the 2.7 version that the app will no longer work on an iphone 3GS... this is very disappointing and i would love to be able to go back to version 2.6 so that i can use this app once again!!!!
We are very sorry to hear that it isn't working for you. Incidentally, what version of iOS are you using? It will help us pinpoint the problem. Thank you.

News Item10/3/12 6:05 PM
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Dr. Jeff Voegtlin wrote:
I have a question about the church-
specific apps. Can anyone tell me how
much it is better than the SermonAudio
apps? If you use it, who downloads it?
Your church members, other people from
your area, or others from around the
world? What percentage of those
I like technology and I think it would be
"neat" to have our own app, but I wonder
about the upfront cost and ongoing costs
compared to usefulness.
A "church app" is not absolutely necessary because your church's sermons and presence are available on the main SermonAudio.com app.

However, the church app does give you a number of additional features such as photo albums, twitter feed, blog posts, and it presents many more additional ways to browse your sermons (ie: by date, by speaker, series, Bible reference, etc). Not to mention that folks can search the App Store for your church name.

News Item10/3/12 1:40 PM
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Alexandra wrote:
Is SermonAudio working on a radio app for the android?
We are doing our best to implement the radio for Android devices but we're running into some snags. Developer, give us a holler if you have experience with Shoutcast and Android!

News Item9/7/12 12:27 PM
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Ariel wrote:
Hy! Firt of all, thanks!! Secondly I have a little problem downloading sermons, I hope you can help. I listen to them perfectly on my mobile device but when I want to download the sign to subscribe to the newsletter won't let me through. I'm already subscribed. Cookies are enabled. Thanks in advance for your answer. The Lord bless you.
Try clicking on the LATER button if you are still having trouble. Thanks!

News Item7/9/12 12:33 AM
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Tony_G wrote:
I have a LG phone model LGL45C with Android version 2.3.4 and I am able to use the Android app for listening to MP3 audio files. However, when I try to load a streaming video I am getting the error message . . .
"Sorry this video cannot be played."
Do I need to download something else to make the video play?
Try using the other options presented there to play the video (even the lower bitrate option).

News Item3/16/12 6:55 PM
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David1960 wrote:
I have a question concerning the video from SermonAudio on my Roku XD.There is an issue with the sermon videos skipping every so often during playing.Is this issue due to something with the source or is it a problem with my player?
I've tried watching different sermons from different broadcasters but the video still skips ahead intermittently.
BTW I love the fact you guys are available on Roku and this is the only problem I've had.
We have not experienced this issue. My first guess would be that it is a problem with your Internet connection speed and/or consistency. I'm sorry you are experiencing this issue.

News Item1/15/12 12:29 AM
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jon kepler wrote:
Is this app applicable to the Kindle Fire?
We are looking into it. Thank you.

News Item1/6/12 9:48 AM
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vicki wrote:
Will you be providing an app that can be used on the Kindle fire? I really enjoy this website and would like to be able to use it on my Fire
It's on our TODO list! Thanks!

News Item1/4/12 5:21 PM
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sfrost216 wrote:
Where are the sermon files stored that i upload? On your site or in a file on my computer?
When you upload your sermons to SermonAudio, the file is stored on our servers. Of course, you still have the original file on your computer.

News Item12/19/11 10:24 PM
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Rev. Dennis W. Royall wrote:
Is there any intention of extending this capability to Canadian churches?
Sorry. This is just a US-based feature at the moment.
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