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News Item12/25/19 6:04 AM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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Sadly, it hasn't been in small degrees here. I have to be on top of the weather almost hourly because of a disability.
I am not set up for spring so am trusting God to see me through with what I have..for the next 5 days...has been 5 days, already of close to/or at 60F temps with lows only getting to mid 20s and 50s.
Please keep me in prayer..it is a life and death situation. I have to live at temps below a dry 48F.

News Item12/25/19 5:57 AM
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"Maybe, (yule) c-day"

He wasn't born this day.
You all stole this day from the RCs who stole it from the pagans who,if you could see the forest beyond the proverbial christmas trees, are celebrating christmas vainly while taking the name of our Lord in vain.
Please don't bring tradition over truth against the RCs. Evangelicals are far worse...we should know better.
Good intentions and sentiment don't excuse compromise.
How and with what one worships really matters. See Scriptures (not the perverted ones either)
Subjectivity rules in the church. Do what thou wilt...

News Item12/24/19 1:42 PM
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More psycho babble. A relationship with Christ will prevent it though,as we have eternal life through Him.

News Item12/24/19 1:40 PM
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The climate is changing. I live in Ohio and we are presently, in ,yet, another warm stretch of weather.
There has not been anything normal about our weather here except for the extreme number of 90F degree days which we have in the summer..Ohio, where I live, has been the Florida of yesterday. For the last few years, we have had warm/very hot weather for most of the year... along with an increase number of threatening tornadoes and storms. Even most of the thunderstorms are threatening with extremely high winds.

News Item12/22/19 5:43 AM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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Good comments...just wanted to add that even though sins may be covered for those who are saved, the repercussions and consequences of sins often times follow.
Of course, there are many examples in Scripture.
Good incentive to refrain.

News Item12/21/19 2:47 PM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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God turns people over to that and to those whom they place their trust over God.
We are under Judgment.
Pride comes before a fall.
Psalm 1 addresses those who will not, ultimately, stand.
And, of course, those under the influence of controlling substances,including pot...have a difficult time not falling.

News Item12/18/19 12:44 PM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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We need to quit going along with others' perversion of words and symbols.
The word "gay" is in the Bible and it does not mean sodomite. If we go along with using the word gay, we corrupt the Word of God.
The rainbow, likewise, never changed. Don't shy away from rainbows. They were never a representation of sodomy with God.

News Item12/17/19 12:15 PM
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Sobering thoughts, John.
Very relevant and, sadly, accurate.
I do thank God for those who are faithful and steadfast in preaching the Word and I really do appreciate your gracious tone and encouragement...very little of that to go around as well

News Item12/17/19 5:58 AM
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I appreciate the comments and discussion.
John, I pray so.. I truly want to honor God and His Word. There is so much compromise and deviance now. I truly believe that God has given us over to that which we love above his Word.
Something that you all probably know..but wouldn't "c mass" and "holidays" like it violate Biblical principles in simply that:
In the case of Jeroboam, for ex.- one took a pre-existing date of worship set by God and changed it.
In the case of "c mass"- one uses a pagan "holiday" and tries to christianize it.
Where as in a legitimate day of celebration for the Jews,like Purim, which is much like a day of Thanksgiving - there was no deviance from facts (actual date, ex.) and God's name is not misused.
Wouldn't that,alone,be enough reason to not celebrate these christianized "holidays"?
Perhaps this is just another barometer in revealing to us how much we love truth.
How we need Him!

News Item12/16/19 1:59 PM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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A legalist is someone who says that one must do works to be saved. No one here claims that.
Those who love God will want to follow Him in Truth.
No one can or cares to address Scripture that counters the observation of what people call "christmas".
People in church will not even consider what they sing this time of the year. There is error in most all of these songs. Why is it okay to worship Christ in error?
We do not have liberty in that which God hates.
B Mc, Frank and John have well addressed the topic.
Compromise in Christianity in America abounds. God is allowing it. He gives us what we desire. Too bad, we don't count the cost.
We would do well to read the pure Word of God to see what happens to nations and peoples who have it their way.

News Item12/16/19 11:36 AM
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one wonders...how one wonders...obviously, His Incarnation is in the Gospels.
What's that got to do with celebrating "christmas"?
Those who insist on license with error probably have no problems with the perverted versions of the Bible either. or Disney films,.and, shouldn't have a problem with Scripture plus tradition plus whatever else.."C mass" is judgment on Christianity.
Do what thou will...whether it aligns with Scripture or not.
God would have been considered a legalist then in regards to Jeroboam and all of the golden calves as well.
They meant well, after all, didn't they?
What a killjoy.
And again, God doesn't impose Himself upon the world.

News Item12/16/19 5:52 AM
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1517..we look for the second advent
We cannot celebrate that which is erroneous.
You, of course, would know that God did not give a date, so observing it whenever Rome decided to do it for us is a lie.I know a lot of people add a disclaimer. That should be a red flag there.
If Christ dwells within us, why would we need to meet Him at the cradle? Maybe this makes it easier to put Him on the cross during the ever changing spring date as well...how very RC..Many Christians could sing "We're with Rome for christmas". These things are past.We were told by God, specifically, how to remember Him. That would eliminate all man made holy days for us.
Taking God's name in vain is no small matter.. "ch mas" parties, sales?
It appears that Christians could keep their nativity displays and change them to naivete displays. The world loves a god with a beginning in a manger. They like us to bait them with gifts too.
God does not force Himself on others,nor does He have the need. It is by His Spirit and His Word alone...nothing added by which the lost are saved.

News Item12/15/19 11:42 AM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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If Christ wanted His Incarnation celebrated, He, no doubt, would have let us in on that...as well as the Apostles and every other Christ follower in Scripture.
God was always very precise and specific in regards to holy days...to the letter.
Those who devised their own days (Jeroboam, for example)..who we read over and over and over...must be significant...Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin...were under God's wrath for such.
If one doesn't know the date (can't find it in Scripture) and has to use poetic license when singing of such with disregard to errors,..wise to just drop it.
His Incarnation is part of the Gospel message but just that. Scream out Jesus all year long...people will quickly put you in your place. They aren't celebrating Him now and they still won't after all of the production passes.
Truth, without the need for disclaimers, is more than sufficient.

News Item12/15/19 7:48 AM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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Aside from Scriptures that support why we ought not to celebrate "christmas", practically speakingtThis time of the year is very imposing. Has it ever occurred to those, even with good intentions, that we ought not to force Christ on people? Insisting on everyone parroting the "m c" sentiment, insisting that He is the reason for the season? It really does more harm to the cause of evangelism when Christians have to use worldly "holidays" as a means with which to try to reach the lost. Focusing on the cradle, diminishes the significance of the cross. Using worldly "holidays" diminishes the sufficiency of the Word.
The lost would better take note if we were completely authentic,not tacking on disclaimers.

News Item12/14/19 1:02 PM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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Thank you, Doc...I just think that while we preach it, that it must be without any deception. Even the songs that Christians sing this time of the year are filled with lies. No wonder that the world has little problem with singing them as well.
What's very disturbing is that Preachers,when presented with the concerns, wish not to address Scriptures such as adding to the Word, how we are told to remember Christ, syncretism, observing times, etc.
It's not wise to go along with anything that is outside the Word of God or follow those who do even in the name of Christ.
...especially, in using the name of "Christ".

News Item12/14/19 12:28 PM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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Thank you John...Doc, obviously, we want to preach the Gospel all of the time. The problem is that many Christians use Jesus as an excuse to have their cake and eat it too, in a manner of speaking.
Any deception is a hindrance to the furtherance of reaching people concerning the One who is Truth. Adopting any day to glory in that which we ought not to is a violation of Scripture. We glory only in the cross and for good reason. Nor should we emulate pagans and witches in observing times...
Galatians 4:10-14
10 Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years.
11 I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.
I think that most people are aware of the origins of this "holiday". Lying to them and saying that "Jesus is the reason for the season" undermines our integrity and is non-sensical...as He is the reason for all seasons. Following am erroneous line of reasoning..we would only preach Christ on "chr mas" and "ishtar"..and of course trunk or treat.
John makes a very valid observation.

News Item12/13/19 11:57 AM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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If we find this time of the year to be thee time to proclaim the Gospel, we are most miserable.
It's tantamount to a husband whose wife has amnesia,not knowing the date of her birth so celebrating it on his former fornicating girlfriend's date of birth.
It really is a stumbling block to most thinking atheists and agnostics when those who defend the truth follow after a practice that is not in the Word.
Adding to the Word is no small offense.
Glorying in His Incarnation when we were told to glory only in the cross is not either.
Dump the deception already.
Using Christ as an excuse to engage in the same festivities as the world is pitiful. And quit using God's name in vain for your parties, cookies, decorations,lights, etc etc etc
Jesus isn't in any of those things.
Christians who celebrate this are not only a stumbling block to non-believers but to other Christians as well.

News Item12/10/19 8:01 AM
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Thank you for your gracious posts, Dr. Tim, Frank and others . I always appreciate the discernment of B. Mc as well.

My concern is that we do no service to God by meeting Him at the cradle.
AS Paul stated...
Galatians 6:14

“But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”
We were told how to remember Him:
1 Corinthians 11:24

“And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me.”

We dishonor Christ by using the pagan and witch calendars/ holidays, trying to some how "christianize" them by tacking God's name onto them.
A pagan day can no more be redeemed than a lost person who professes to be a Christian by vainly using the name of Christ.
Defending Truth necessitates no deviance there by. By default, we lie when going along with an erroneous date.
Frank, my disability is a faith walk..totally dependent on God and thankful...still, naturally, asking for less risky life support solution.
Thank you for asking.

News Item12/8/19 11:54 AM
s c  Find all comments by s c
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He likes to win the vote of most evangelicals and RCs.
If he would read the Bible, he would know that no one who followed after Christ practiced what we know as "christmas". The pagans, of course, did.
He would also know that God abhorred man made "holy days" (1 Kings 12 RE: Jeroboam).
He would know that there are many lies in "christmas" carols and God hates lies.
He would know not to take God's name in vain...attaching "christ" to cookies, decorations, shopping, etc. etc. etc.
That we are not to observe times of the seasons...and that Paul gloried ONLY in the cross...the cradle was quite insignificant without the cross.
It might occur to him that, though other "gods" had birth days. The Word had no beginning and is Eternal. Jesus' Incarnation was not His beginning.
We only have liberty in which days of the week we worship which would not, obviously, include pagan celebrations.
Adding to Scripture is,clearly,warned against.

News Item12/8/19 11:45 AM
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Their line of "reasoning" would quickly change if they would have need of a kidney and the only one available was from a fair skinned donor.
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