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News Item9/27/13 10:45 AM
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"Ah..let me educate you on the absolute without actually reading your posts."
Evangelicals who believe the only mission of God is to dismantle RCC, while disregarding those who would point out their own fallacy, are arrogant and can only see the church through culturally colored lenses. I see a bunch of near pharisees trying run down the John Yurichs of the world and scream him out of their heavenly kingdom.

News Item9/27/13 9:51 AM
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confess the weaknesses in their own churches.

News Item9/27/13 9:50 AM
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My point, again, is to shed light on the REALITY that some who decry the conspicuous heresies of the RCC, are unwilling to take a moment for introspection. Some will hide behind their duty to expose false doctrine, while neglecting to

News Item9/27/13 8:34 AM
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Christopher000 wrote:
Also, some of the comments in this thread lead me to believe that I can belong to any church, religion, cult, or whatever, and be a saint.
You, like most here, read what you want to read because you do not like it when the spotlight is turned toward you. This is the problem with the west, especially America; it thinks it is the New Jerusalem and stands atop the mountain looking down at all the heathens and condescends to point out who is saved and not saved. The bloated protestant churches of the west are doctrinally idolatrous as well. Take Arminianism, notion that Jesus died for EVERYONE and everyone need only ALLOW GOD to come into his/her heart. Or the satanic doctrine that a born-again believer could actually lose his/her salvation. That is just two of the fundamental beliefs of a major portion of professing believers in America. Why is the RCC the only one receiving the "righteous indignation" of most posting here?

News Item9/27/13 8:19 AM
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Two more witnesses of Christ cowardly struck down by muslim devils. I see no one wants to comment about this, everyone would rather relive the Reformation, burn down the obviously mislead RCC. Exactly my point yesterday, western, soft play acting Christians "standing their ground" against online heretics while our brothers and sisters are becoming Hebrews 11 witnesses. God bless those Nigerian father and son, may they have their rest now in glory.

News Item9/26/13 6:06 PM
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Are you really going to invoke Matthew Henry while refusing to acknowledge your sinful PRESUMPTION of accusing people of DECEPTIVE maneuvering through the use of varying monickers. Besides, you continually refuse to read the post thoroughly and realize that many members, one body is clearly not a DIVISIVE plot but a Scriptural reality. The body is not one dimensional, holding only those who, externally, wear certain stripes, though inwardly indwelled by the same SPIRIT. Further, you and Dorcas have aligned in sinfully calling others TROLLS. What do YOU have that YOU did not RECEIVE? That is Scripture as well. Because someone adds light to a multi-dimensional reality (idolatry of ALL sorts) does not make them divisive. If yours is the definition, then Barnabas would be on the outside as well. Be for Real, b4real.

News Item9/26/13 5:48 PM
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To be clear, I AM NOT SteveR.

News Item9/26/13 5:46 PM
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Of course God's mercy does not wink at sin, it ABOLISHES it. You were an idolatrous, dead sinner like us all and were saved by God's grace. God isn't concerned with your church affiliation as He is with your soul. Pointing out false doctrine needs to remain in that realm and not transgress into judgment. That, sir, is a SIN as well. Much like your presumption that anyone questioning your tact us somehow in the camp of the enemy. Plus, calling out hypocrisy is not a sin. Some are gifted to evangelize, others to teach, and still others to exhort. Doesn't Paul point that out in Romans 12? Yours is not the only MISSION.

News Item9/26/13 5:01 PM
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The point of Kings and Chronicles is to point out God's mercy outweighs idolatry. You think the ONLY point is YOUR point of dismantling one form of idolatry while leaving other idolatry alone. God has many MEMBERS of ONE body. Therefore, I represent the foot while you the hand, it whatever, AndI am pointing out the hypocrisy of easy street western Christians telling each other who is in and out, when it is God who holds that mantle.

News Item9/26/13 4:44 PM
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John of UK,
You're playing a semantics game..OF COURSE I do not Justify, capital J, anyone. Besides, Luther, Calvin, Wycliffe, and others were TAUGHT by Roman Catholics but read the SCRIPTURE. People are saved by CHRIST; Catholic, Buddhist, Muslim, Protestant, white, black, blind, old, young...everyone, no one it thing else.

News Item9/26/13 4:31 PM
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John of UK
I don't justify Catholics as Catholics, but Christians. Anathema from "Catholics" or "Evangelicals" carry no weight.

News Item9/26/13 4:01 PM
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John of UK,
A sinner is saved by the finished work of Christ ALONE. Like Paul, Isaiah, and any other who has been pressed by Christ sees Him as He is; perfect, righteous, Holy, Holy, Holy. Simultaneously, you see who you APART from Him, a sinner, worm, a Jacob. Everyone who throws cozy judgments on who and who is not a Christian should realize their own complacency and KNOW that being a "Catholic" doesn't keep you from being a Christian, it is being dead in your trespasses. Much like being a "Protestant", "Evangelical" or any other label makes you a true believer. Using emoticons, calling people trolls, and referencing Bunyan means nothing to Christians hiding from Muslim devils, sitting in a Korean prison, or silently whispering Maranatha as the Islamists blade comes down.

News Item9/26/13 3:01 PM
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John of UK, never answered my question too busy accusing someone of not reading Bunyan (which I have). Your words refer to Progress, yet your tone and skirting the question related to your own indictment of my Spirit-less soul is more fitting of a inhabitant of Mansoul under the sovereignty of Diabolus.

News Item9/26/13 2:39 PM
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The reason you have a Bible to read is do to the fact that God used ROMAN CATHOLICS by name (Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, etc..) to preach, defend, and translate it. Besides, PSEUDO CHRISTIAN WESTERN CHURCHES ARE NOT CHRISTIAN, PSEUDO CHRISTIAN WESTERN CHRISTIAN CHURCHES ARE NOT CHRISTIAN....EITHER.

News Item9/26/13 2:32 PM
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To finish my thought...Christians do not need to suffer beheading to be a Christian, but, those in the West shouldn't says who's a Christian (RCC or evangelical) as if they are "fighting the good fight" from a cozy perch. Besides, as it is the call to evangelize, to save souls hanging by the Jonathan Edwards thread over hell, so it is the calling to rebuke and exhort. It is not either/or, but both. God, hell, and beheaded Christians are real....most if these posts lack the genuineness or grasp the depth of that.

News Item9/26/13 2:26 PM
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As it certain there are Christians who will not suffer beheading or must be a Christian

News Item9/26/13 2:14 PM
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Now your posting like a Christian. Exactly, none of US have resisted unto blood, striving against sin, and are ALL worms but by the Grace of God, RCC and evangelicals.

News Item9/26/13 2:10 PM
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John of UK
Again, now you sit on the judgment seat, dividing who is a sheep and who is a goat. I do not have the Spirit of God? I suppose a little rubbing against your mountain top palace is a spiritless iniquity and definitely cannot be from someone who has the Spirit of God. So ANY that cometh against you is in grave err and doth endanger his own soul?

News Item9/26/13 1:57 PM
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So John from the UK, you like the view looking down your nose at the rest of the cretans below? Exactly my point.

News Item9/26/13 1:52 PM
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Try Hebrews 11 for what a real Christian does and 2 Tim 3:12 reveals the consequences of a Godly life. Western churches, especially in America, do not know what this like because they are soft, milk sipping, hedonists. Face it, no one in America is being persecuted, and if they are, they retract or run to mother government.
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