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News Item6/3/19 11:41 PM
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Atheists are the first to say "RIP" aka Rest in Peace. Well how do they know they are "resting", or in "peace", it takes total faith to believe they are resting or in peace whatsoever. They don't have faith in God, yet they are hypocrites and have faith in the dead resting in peace, something which they don't see or have proof of either neither can ever have proof of.

News Item6/3/19 11:36 PM
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All these Antichrists brainwashing and imposing children into satanic paraphillia perversions deserve death, may they all burn in hell for the destructions they have committed upon children and their families as well. The west will never go to war to rid itself of these soul murdering Antichrists, thus there is no hope for the west anymore, it is lost forever.

News Item6/3/19 11:31 PM
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Mat 10 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household

Rev 19 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war... And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

News Item6/3/19 11:24 PM
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[Removed by Moderator Alpha]

News Item6/3/19 11:11 PM
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Civil war is the only thing that can save the west, but it will never happen as the global iron fist of Antichrist atheism which now rules all western countries uses as its greatest satanic tool, the imposition of the sickening doctrine of pacifism and disarms all humanity one gun at a time until only they possess them, and the criminals. Also people in the west have been too pampered they would never go to war and risk being called and jailed as a "terrorist", and lose their big screen tvs, their multimillion dollar churches, their houses and land and assets, etc. Nope they will ALL keep their mouths SHUT, bow and worship the Antichrist, as they already are. Only a small group will war against the antichrist as is spoken of in revelation but they don't seem to be any large number of people, since the masses worldwide will have been disarmed and brainwashed by the sickening doctrine of pacifism in the last days of the tribulation period, making no large group of people anymore able to make war with the antichrist, thus the world will say "who can make war with him?".

We are already here, the Antichrist is here, it is these globalist powers, and the USA is Babylon the great.

News Item6/3/19 10:57 PM
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There is one word everyone here needs to research in order to find out the key to dealing with this issue. The word is:


There are literally 100s of paraphillias that exist, and these top ones that are the most famous used to be in the list until the "medical professionals" removed these certain ones from the list under pressure from lobbyists who are all Antichrist atheists, as is 99% of all the scientific "community".

Beware when you find the list of paraphillias and start to read a few of the definitions they will shock you beyond belief, just remember they are all the same, perversions of the natural order, no one is born with any of them, they are twisted hobbies that people who have no shame experiement with and come up with due to their depraved demented thoughts. Don't let any children you know read the list of paraphillias, you don't want them exposed to even the thought of them, but you do need to know the list and memorize a number of them to use in any arguement especially in a court if you are ever charged and threatened with years in prison for not bowing to the paraphillia totalitarian Antichrist enforcers. Trump is now whipped by them and has shown he won't risk himself to bring about righteousness, Babylon can never be stopped anymore except

News Item6/3/19 10:46 PM
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It is not the energy drinks themselves it is the very high concentration of caffeine added to them. Caffeine being the narcotic drug of choice for Christians worldwide.

Just remember kiddies, when doing drugs like caffeine, use them only from well known natural sources in small amounts, not ever in processed or concentrated forms not found in nature or you may well end up having a dangerous or possibly deadly reaction.

There are thousands upon thousands of natural herbs and pharmaceutical compounds that exist around the world like caffeine, don't just wildly experiment with them without knowing what you are doing first, let someone else be a guinea pig first before you.

But remember in the end 1000s of times more people have died and continue to die from man made pharmaceutical drugs then natural drugs like caffeine, so you don't need to get paranoid about your drug of choice now, that is unless you are messing with one of the man made extracts or pharmaceuticals that the "medical professionals" approve for you and sell to you by "prescription", then you really should be paranoid.

Don't end up on your death bed saying "no one ever told me".

News Item6/3/19 9:51 AM
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The only hope for it in this life is war. Always has been and always will. Christianity is only what creates the righteous indignation needed to go to war to protect something of value, that being any Christian civilization protected by a military willing to go to war to protect itself from foreign Antichrist invaders of all kinds. As Europe has been pacified by the Satanic lie of pacifism, and had most all its guns confiscated, and had the UN become the global Antichrist military enemy of all mankind take over power, war is no longer possible as it was before these things happened. Thus the only hope for a Christian is to leave Europe, since Christianity cannot anymore save Europe, since it has no military willing and powerful enough to go to war to protect it in Europe. This is exactly the same for North America as well, it is also lost forever to the Antichrist and paraphillia atheist invaders.

News Item6/2/19 3:53 AM
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Wolf in sheeps clothing?

News Item5/22/19 3:11 PM
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News Item4/26/19 1:21 PM
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Here’s another example of the enemy’s, divide and conquer strategy...

News Item3/23/19 4:33 AM
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City council seems anti God 🤔

News Item3/15/19 5:10 PM
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Isn’t Vimeo owned by Google?

News Item3/11/19 8:36 PM
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“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone...”

News Item3/9/19 2:16 AM
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Minor correction;

”Me from Here writes:
Nor will any non Muslim country “ever” integrate them!

Why? There system as taught by Koran and hadifs is contrary, and only allows for there domination... not integration.”

News Item3/9/19 2:13 AM
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Nor will any non Muslim country “ever” integrate them!

Why? There system as taught by Koran and hadifs is contrary, and only allows for there integration... but only there domination!

News Item2/20/19 9:56 PM
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Ironic, if same standard used on them, they’d go berserk... wait a minute 🤔

News Item2/20/19 9:54 PM
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Tired of “picking and choosing” out of the Bible.

News Item2/18/19 3:06 AM
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Time to pray up and saddle up brothers and sisters in Christ, opportunities abound!

News Item2/15/19 1:27 AM
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“Facebook Inc., under pressure to reduce harmful, misleading and fake content,”

Facebook should start by deleting itself from the internet!

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