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News Item12/19/11 7:56 AM
Jerry  Find all comments by Jerry
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Yes, these two are admitted high level Masons. Why else would communist country's take them in and the Billy said, Oh the Church is being taken care of so well here in Soviet Russia or North Korea of all places.

Bob Jones Masons were really mad when Billy left their cult ring. Say good bye to Ian Paisley another High Level Mason (Orange Order in Northern Ireland Google That) that knows Bob Jones & The University Board of Trustee's well.

There all Masons. They worship Lucifer in secret and our God and the only in public.

News Item12/14/11 10:22 PM
Jerry  Find all comments by Jerry
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Basically Bob Jones" ism", and or Fundamentalism, is a political system embodied in a form of a close likeness of Christianity but with a hierachy system that is for bidden by Christ but must be obtained and enforced to keep the cult alive.

Imgaine no ruthless leaders like, Cjuck Phelps and the board of BJU that can't find a problem with a 44 year old pastor that can't drive 10 minutes to fill ou...t an actual police report on a little raped girl in his church but he can move heaven and hell to hide, lie and ship off the broken package 2,000 miles away.

So you now can see what should be evident all along as if Bob Jones & a few other Fundies think that they bought the rights to God's word and the Image of Christ and so now they can dicatate what they want to be true, who they want to be guilty, who they feel deserve to be free and mostly victums of their system can be punished indefinitly.

That is why you shake your head as I do, on all of these bad and I mean crazy bad decision that are frequentley made and why they come from what you thought were Godly men and women. Leaders in a system like this as well as the past the peple we know about called Pharasees by Jesus can do the opposite of Christ because they think and act as if they own God.

A real system of Christ

News Item12/6/11 8:41 AM
Jerry  Find all comments by Jerry
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News Item12/4/11 5:40 PM
Jerry  Find all comments by Jerry
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I have heard from very, very reliable sources and can prove it in court of law if necessary, that the man who may have started Colonial Hills Baptist Church had an(Ernest willis Experience)on the level that Ernest confessed to having at confession night with a well know woman currently in his church.

This man is also on the board at BJU, he is very old now and he pretty much installed Chuck Phelps in his position as Pastor even though, the Deacons did not really know what happened, in that Chuck was being installed and so they rubber stamped the deal.

The woman, that the supposedley the Founding Pastor of Chuck's Church, also has been said to of had an Affair with, still goes to this Church. She is pretty much alone in this church because her family has been splintered over this situation.

I can understand why the pastor that had this experience with this woman did not want to have confession night. So he is still able to hide from this truth but it is widley known at this point, with in the church members, that have been their for say 20 years or more, it's just that no one wants to ever talk about it much.

The woman, I am convinced would not have had the affair if this pastor we are speaking about did what his University and his leader would have said but

News Item12/3/11 10:32 PM
Jerry  Find all comments by Jerry
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I cant believe this is going on. Please pray for our country. This is just worng but God can do anything.

Sermon11/6/11 10:36 AM
jerry | Earth  Contact via emailFind all comments by jerry
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Good clear msg. Your presentation is on the level of Andrew and Rebekah. All should be able to hear! The Lord has truly blessed you. I pray that He will use you for many generations.

News Item4/24/11 2:50 PM
Jerry  Find all comments by Jerry
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Seems many do not like terminology, but I did listen to Dr Masters sermon and he was very clear on each point (including particular redemption)and likewise Spurgeon was happy to be labelled a 'calvinist' and say that was his doctrine and that was what he preached. Seems that the label is thriving in China and who knows but one day soon it might be a Chinese evangelist sent to our dark avenues and streets of our western world.


News Item4/24/11 2:10 PM
Jerry  Find all comments by Jerry
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John UK wrote:
I cannot hold up more highly, the work God has done, and is doing, at the Met Tab London, where Peter Masters
[URL=http://www.archive.org/details/TheDoctrinesOfGraceAndEvangelismByDrPeterMasters]]]Doctrines of Grace and Evangelism[/URL]

I agree with the Reformed Baptist Dr Masters position as presented in his sermon upon the 5 Points of Calvinism and Evangelism, but so do the majority of Reformed believers past and present.

News Item4/24/11 11:20 AM
Jerry  Find all comments by Jerry
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John UK wrote:
to attend a church where I was content.
There might be many pseudo Christians who are arminist, yet there will be more arminist Christians in heaven than frenchies, because frenchies are not very good at telling sinners that Christ has made a way for them to be saved by his cross and blood. In fact, frenchies are not very good at telling anyone anything.
So what church do you attend where you are so content and is so good at telling sinners? Now we know the frenchies are failures, but arminians fair a little better, it must surely be a good example to follow? Proof?

Sermon10/15/10 11:02 PM
Jerry | Steinbach, MB Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jerry
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you brother Paul for this message. It has helped me much to understand the truth about dating.

Sermon8/5/10 12:15 PM
Jerry  Contact via emailFind all comments by Jerry
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Jesus Christ Is Lord
Henry Mahan
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank God that He made Jesus Lord! May God be pleased to conquer our hearts and cause us to believe and trust Him as Lord of ALL things.

Sermon6/17/10 5:44 PM
Jerry | Tennessee  Find all comments by Jerry
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What a blessing. This sermon blessed my soul. Thank God for giving us a Love for the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is my prayer that the Lord shut us up to the Faith of Christ alone.

News Item4/11/10 11:20 PM
Jerry | WA  Find all comments by Jerry
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What they found is an ape.
He was found on the surface of the earth, so how old could he be?

Sermon1/14/10 10:17 AM
Jerry | Tennessee  Find all comments by Jerry
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“ Great Sermon! ”
What a blessing as I am starting the journey of the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ in me. May God give me His strength in the battle and depend on Him as my strength.

News Item3/26/08 4:59 PM
Jerry | Mo.  Find all comments by Jerry
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It is a shame so-called 'Christians spend so-o-o much time fighting amongst themselves, then claim they are biblical to do so. Satan is having a field day; such actions do not promote the gospel whatsoever. Remember this, we will be held accountable for how we spent our time, as well as our mean-spirited words. What happened to thinking of others as better than ourselves??!! Is this how the Lord wants us to rightly divide the word?

News Item11/21/07 12:08 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Thanks Dessie. Praise God and God Bless you!

News Item11/19/07 12:41 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Mic said: "Get out there and help the poor."

Rick Warren does not help the poor. He makes an ostentatious display to make people think he's helping the poor. Rick Warren is a panderer who seeks the approbation of politicians and celebrities. If he was truly a follower of Christ he would be hated by most politicians and celebrities. Furthermore, I resent your blanket accusation that anyone who exposes today's frauds in the pulpit doesn't care about the poor.

News Item10/14/07 7:43 PM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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JP, I absolutely agree with you about the sodomite agenda sir! Perhaps my previous post wasn't clear. In fact, our governor, and I use that term loosely, has just signed another "education" bill which yet again capitulates to the homosexual agenda. But hey, let's form our own schools. The puritans did the same. My only concern is that we, as members of the body of Christ, should maintain our focus on the gospel. Regarding politics: I am all for Christians exercising their freedom to vote. My point is that both political parties have a track record of hoodwinking us. I am tired of us being exploited for political gain and power. I won't pick any bones about the Israel matter.

News Item10/14/07 2:13 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Good points Tony. I must admit, I also am often quite judgmental about homosexuals. I live in an area where their agenda is upfront, obnoxious, and "in your face". However, as Christians we must remember that the geatest sin is rejection of Christ...not fornication, homosexuality, murder,et al. Christ's blood is powerful enough to forgive any sinner who repents. Your comment about the Israel/Republican lobby is right on the mark. I am so jaded with both political parties. I am also sick and tired of the imperialistic, arrogant, and jingoistic drivel that is constantly being spewed out on conservative/"Christian" radio. It goes something like this: "God blesses those who bless Israel...All American Christians must support Israel." BLAH! BLAH! BLAH!

News Item10/6/07 2:53 AM
Jerry | California  Find all comments by Jerry
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Good work Rob. You've done your homework. Which is more than can be said for the average American. I support Ron Paul for the exact reasons that you mentioned.
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