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News Item10/25/15 10:02 AM
Enough already  Find all comments by Enough already
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John U.K.
gender guessing is not your strong point. But,you are good at insulting the opposite sex, probably why you aren't married. Remember I told you others use this same moniker...

News Item10/24/15 10:21 PM
Enough already  Find all comments by Enough already
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To Unprofitable Servant

My response to John U.K.'s comment to ms was not driven by pride, and yes, we all need to be more humble. We all need to love one another and not be so vicious and condescending.

Thank you for your response, it is appreciated.

News Item10/24/15 7:16 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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John U.K./'you mean comments like' -

What does the comment about J. L. have to do with the present topic? What is the connection?

Do you have a point, other that to attack the character of those who oppose you? Scary? Unusual? How so? It's easy to call others names, but proof really should be given as well. Grow up

Now that you've gone through all the comments from 'enough already', let me fill you in - others have used this same moniker.

News Item10/24/15 6:39 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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It seems a bit self-righteous to ask where some of us will be when we meet real people who want to throw us in prison, or behead us. With all due respect, ms was responding to your statement John U.K., " When you witness to people, it is not a bad idea to start where they are, not where you would like them to be....It is always best to obey the royal law of Christ in all things, including witnessing". According to those very words of yours, MS did in fact comprehend what you stated. Now, if you think you can 'save' John Yurich, have at it. However, it isn't necessary to get defensive when your errors are pointed out, such as "Tell him the mass is not scriptural in parts". MS was correct in responding to you pointing out that all of the mass is unscriptural. May we all be able to withstand being corrected without being offended.

MS - "Your snarky comment concerning self-righteous folk was uncalled for." agreed, apparently pride has reared its ugly head.

News Item10/23/15 11:09 PM
Enough already  Find all comments by Enough already
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Let me get this right-

It would appear the matter concerning sc's post has been settled. Why try to stoke the fire? Let it go....

News Item10/23/15 12:10 PM
Enough already  Find all comments by Enough already
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s c wrote:
Which part of my response back to you did you not understand,"nat"?
I explained it pretty clearly.
And since you take such a special interest in the content of my posts...you may want to read the ones in regards to abortion.
If you do,I don't think that you would take issue with my position,providing that you are against abortion.
which part of nat's response do you not understand? He was saying the other poster misunderstood you and was defending you.

News Item10/22/15 2:05 PM
Enough already  Find all comments by Enough already
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Where does it say

I think you are reading more into sc's comment than what is actually stated. Proper punctuation was used, so I am not sure why you are making the accusation you make. It appears sc states christians have discernment, so the long haired hippie would not be able to pass himself off as Jesus. Those who give lip service are prone to applauding men dressing up and claiming to represent Christ.

Maybe a stepping away and cool down period is in order?

News Item9/30/15 8:29 PM
Enough already  Find all comments by Enough already
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This is an interesting read-----http://christiannews.net/2015/09/30/please-pray-for-me-holy-father-kim-davis-embraces-pope-francis-bursts-into-tears-receiving-rosary/

News Item9/27/15 11:11 AM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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This wise counsel needs to be followed by all...

"I'm still praying for her to have wise counselors."

News Item8/30/15 1:30 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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Poor Mr. Lincoln doesn't realize that sales pitches are used to sell Bible translations, including the geneva bible. Kirk Cameron is featured in the ad...really? His dominionist views are enough to cause one NOT to purchase the bible he's a spokesman for.

You can have every translation available in your home and STILL die outside of Christ. Unless God rebirths the sinner, what good is a geneva bible, or an nasb? Have you been born from above by God's supernatural power Jim Lincoln? If you have, then you'd stop your incessant silly arguing over a translation and plead with lost sinners to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus. You'd stop with your incessant, never-ending links that you continually post. You are like a broken record, your comments are predictable and do not edify the saints, nor do they have any worth concerning the lost. In other words, your comments are worthless dung.

News Item8/20/15 2:08 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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How long will Jim Lincoln be allowed to continue spewing out his endless rubbish?

News Item7/31/15 10:12 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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Perhaps it's time to put this to rest. Jim Lincoln, you are entitled to your opinions. You will not change anyone else's stance on the matter; we are not called to be divisive and argue over translations. We are called to love one another and serve one another, pride will cause one to continue on in the battle until they can claim 'victory'.

Defending liberal wicked politicians, arguing over your translation preference and trying to force others to adhere to your view, and posting link after link after link is very telling. We are commanded to examine ourselves, I think you need to heed this command Jim Lincoln. Please, do NOT respond with any of your 'links'.

News Item1/26/15 8:58 AM
Enough already  Find all comments by Enough already
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So sick of the publicity seeking FG..
Obviously a staged performance..

Survey6/8/09 8:50 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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[Removed by SermonAudio.com]

Survey6/8/09 4:20 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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That is correct, I am NOT 'westy'. It is impossible to post back to back postings, so, if I were 'westy' I would not be able to post.
Time for me to move along, may the Lord bless His own

Survey6/8/09 2:38 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Oh my!! I think if you click on the little 'magnifying glass' next to my moniker and check out my previous postings, you'll see I am telling you the truth.

Survey6/8/09 2:23 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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I in NO way wish to get involved in this current 'debate'; however, I assure you...I am not affiliated in any way with this person[s] you are currently debating with, whatever moniker he/she may use.
I have been encouraged by your postings; I think you'll find on these boards more 'professing Christians' than you can shake a stick at. However, their ultimate 'goal' is usually prideful...they MUST have the last word, and they MUST prove themselves right. Dear sister in Christ, may I kindly advise you to walk away from these boards. It is not worth the frustration, aggravation, and unwarranted attacks you'll undergo. I have NOT posted here in many months; the only reason I post now is to assure you I am not affiliated with this 'person of interest' you currently are up against.

May the Lord guide you, may He richly bless you this day.

News Item1/31/09 8:33 PM
enough already  Find all comments by enough already
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An informative piece concerning this matter is found at www.stevenjcamp.blogspot.com/2006/12/where-in-world-is-churchbeing-salt-and.html
There is great insight to be gained from this article.

News Item1/24/09 2:26 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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Fed up, I agree. This website is geared towards and for born again believers of Christ, according to God's grace. Yet Satan shows up in the form of gg, lance, and john y. repeatedly as they spew out their man-made doctrines, proclaiming these teachings as the only source of truth. There is none so blind as the self righteous.

News Item1/24/09 2:08 PM
enough already | usa  Find all comments by enough already
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gg, you have nothing to back your claims. As for the Lord's supper, let's go to the ONLY authority the true believer has, God's word. From Luke 22:19, 'And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it and gave it to them saying, "This is my body, given for you, do this in remembrance of Me". {also see 1 Cor. 11:24-25}. The command here by the Lord is to recollect His finished work on the cross when partaking of the bread and wine, this isn't an established ritual as means of salvation. To say it is adds to God's word, which God forbids {Deut. 4:2}. Nowhere in that command, or in all of the bible for that matter, does Christ say we must institute a mass, and look upon the bread and wine as Him being among us, in our presence {John 6:53 isn't a means of salvation either, but that is for another post}. Just a clear command to recall His suffering, the price He paid, and now, it is finished.
Another thing gg, you said 'we must be obedient to her'...who is 'her'? Scripture commands us to be obedient to Christ and His word, which is the bible.
More heresy

BTW, Fed up with heresy, a hearty AMEN to your spoken truth.

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