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Sermon4/11/07 1:33 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Count All Things Loss For Christ - 7
Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag
“ WONDERFUL Sermon! ”
I came to this message, discouraged over persistant, ever-present sin, thinking, "Ah yes, this is what I need--an exhortation against sin, counting all the things that tempt me loss..." If I had heard such a sermon, I would likely have become more discouraged at the failure of such efforts. What I truly needed was the relieving, refreshing and comforting reminder that even the best deeds (if I even could do them) would be loss, and that even the best saints have nothing to hope in but Christ! It's a breath of fresh air...a subject that can never be heard too often.

Sermon4/10/07 2:25 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Gethsemane's Amazing King-Lamb
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Wonderful Sermon ”
Many breathtaking comparisons in this sermon. What a lovely, and kingly Saviour!

Sermon4/9/07 3:33 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Is God's Word Your Treasure?
Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag
“ Important Sermon ”
"I will delight yourself in my statutes; I will not forget Your word...open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from Your law....my soul breaks with longing for Your commandments at all times." These and other verses from Psalm 119 came to mind when listening to this sermon. God's Word is so sweet, and so precious, and yet it seems that the smallest taste only leaves us seeing how much more there is to grasp: how we've only scratched the surface! If only God's people would turn back to His living, everlasting Word! The Word, and Christ, the Word, is the only Rock on which to rest.

Sermon4/9/07 1:19 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Empty Grave Clothes!
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Delightful Sermon ”
This was especially delightful since I was ill last night and able to listen to it live! Thank you for broadcasting it. It was a good sermon. I really liked the comparison between the evidence of the grave-clothes and the sign and seal given to us in the Lord's Supper to aid our faith.

Sermon4/8/07 5:36 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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How Can I be Righteous in Christ
Rev. Foppe VanderZwaag
“ A Marvel ”
If I were to tell all the ways that this sermon taught and encouraged me, I would have to repeat the entire thing, so I will only say that I give it my highest recommendation. As Rev. VanderZwaag stated, "It's almost too good to be true!"

Sermon4/7/07 1:02 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Good Sermon ”
What rich imagery can be found in that passage! I loved Dr. Beeke's point about constant neediness showing that we are trusting God, not ourselves. His connection with baptism at the end was great! Comforting to hear again of God's mercy in spite of our foolishness and ignorance. I also liked the way he brought out the awl in the ear and our slavery to Christ, "O Lord, I am Your servant, Your slave, for You set me free!" (Ps. 116) I didn't quite understand the connection with his discussion of human slavery, because the Old Testament truly didn't say that slavery was wrong (except of a fellow-Israelite). Otherwise, a helpful message!

Sermon4/5/07 5:10 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Blessed Assurance I
Dr. Jim Berg
“ Interesting Sermon ”
I was quite interested in what Dr. Berg had to say, and I could definitely relate. However, it wasn't clear to me whether he meant "you either have it or you don't", or if he allowed for varying degrees. The Puritans, whom he quoted from, also speak frequently and familiarly of discouragement: even times of near-despair when they were only kept from worse by the candle of hope always left burning in true believers. Willem Teellinck has quite a lengthy and helpful section on that in "The Path of True Godliness", even explaining how God uses such disconsolacy for our good. The Bible, too, is full of this, especially in the Psalms. Often we have supernatural comfort, joy and confidence, but many times we pray in the words of Ps. 88, or others: and "long", "mourn", "weep", or cry out, "how long, Lord? Return!" And in the Song of Songs: "I searched for my Beloved, but I could not find Him," while at other times we shout, "I am my Beloved's and He is mine!" At any rate, those glimpses we get encourage us and give us a foretaste of what the perfect, joyful communion in Heaven will be like! I liked his point that we must pray that we will "abound more and more" (and indeed, we will be exceedingly motivated to do so if we have tasted the sweetness of such assurance)!

Sermon4/5/07 9:08 AM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Confession and Forgiveness
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Helpful Sermon ”
Oh, the black, loathsome, odious foulness of sin! How appallingly wretched it is to fall into the same sins again and again, day after day. It has been easy for me to come close to despair even after confessing sin; wondering if God will truly forgive so many times. Although I've come a long way, it is still very good to hear a sermon that acknowledges the abominable ugliness of sin, but still gives us hope in the overflowing abundance of mercy provided for us in the blood of Christ, and the assurance that God will pardon immediately after we confess. No need to carry the guilt around forever when it has already been "buried with Christ"! Also a good reinforcement on proper confession. Charles Spurgeon said, "Great thoughts of your sin alone will drive you to despair; but great thoughts of Christ will pilot you into the haven of peace."

Sermon4/4/07 1:58 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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C. H. Spurgeon
“ Sagacious Sermon ”
Being the daughter of a pastor, I recognised so acutely those categories he mentioned. His descriptions were most insightful, and not only that, but his warnings against them, effective. I always enjoy his rich store of metaphors!

Sermon4/2/07 3:11 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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Jesus, Simon, & Cross Bearing
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Joy in the midst of suffering! ”
Oh, what a sweet message! I love Samuel Rutherford's quote, "Welcome, welcome, cross of Christ, if Christ be with it!" What joy there is in crosses, when it brings us closer to our dear Saviour, who bears both us and our crosses with, and for us! And how much easier it is to walk in His footsteps. I always think of that when I walk through three or more feet of freshly fallen snow: it's so hard--but when you have someone else's footsteps to place your feet in, it is still hard, but the hardest part is already done. Nothing is worth the exchange for the cross of Christ! "Lead me in the way everlasting!" (Ps. 139)

Sermon4/2/07 8:58 AM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
What a comfort! No stone left unturned concerning things that we fear might separate us from God. Fear is far too easy, but looking back, it is clear that everything always brings us closer to Him. Inspiring with hope to press on with no doubts in our loving and mighty Saviour.

Sermon3/31/07 2:02 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Find all comments by Emily Shearouse
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The Creation of the Woman - 6
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Instructive Sermon! ”
Very interesting: answered several questions of mine, as well as addressing things I had not even thought of. It ends well.

Sermon3/29/07 3:40 PM
Emily Shearouse | Halifax, Nova Scotia  Find all comments by Emily Shearouse
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“ Unutterably Lovely ”
Lovely, because it is so Christ-centred, and Christ is loveliness itself.

Sermon3/27/07 4:47 PM
Emily Shearouse | Nova Scotia, Canada  Find all comments by Emily Shearouse
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The Panting, Thirsting Soul
Dr. Joel Beeke
“ Refreshing Sermon! ”
As usual, a wonderfully enheartening sermon from Dr. Beeke. It seems, the more we have tasted God, the more we long for Him with a longing that only He can fill. It's encouraging to hear that such a longing is a sign of mercy to come. Another point I especially relished was that earthly disappointments send us fleeing to Him all the more, showing us the emptiness of everything else. How true!
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