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News Item11/25/12 12:41 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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1. Where do you get that idea?
2. That's good to hear that you are in the faith!

I'm not bent on avoiding hard questions...I just get confused on these threads sometimes because this subject is so deep

News Item11/24/12 8:47 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Lurker you asked "How do you know that Christ's finished work has been credited to your account?"

My answer is that I have faith in a risen savior! He cleansed me the day I repented (I changed my mind) and he working in my life now to become more holy

Can I ask you the same question?

News Item11/24/12 6:42 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John why are Christians then warned about an evil heart of unbelief?
Why did God put any warnings into the bible if man is incapable of responding?

If an athiest gets the gospel presented to him and changes his mind and is converted then he can do something about that unbelief!
For we are saved by grace through faith...eph 2:8

News Item11/24/12 5:40 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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Is not unbelief an action as well as a choice?

News Item11/24/12 5:23 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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So the atheist does not love worship and obey his created because he does not belief in the gospel call.
Is he damned because of his unbelief then?

News Item11/24/12 4:41 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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So all men are capable of loving, worshiping and obeying their creator?

News Item11/24/12 4:28 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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John if God has only planned to save a few why would he tell all men to repent?

News Item11/24/12 4:01 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I know God is still in charge. I'm not trying to act as if I'm bigger than God because I am not! I am a vile sinner saved only by grace! Praise God he has made a way for us poor sinners to get to heaven!!
This is what's glorious! And now God says In
Acts 17

30And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

Some will and many wont!
Why? because some will be obedient and many will be disobediant.
A child must choose to obey his parents otherwise there are consequences.
A child that chooses not to obey will suffer consequences.
Is that so hard to figure out?

News Item11/24/12 3:51 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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My assurance lies in the finished work of Christ!
I understand that Christ does everything to save us but what I don't agree with is that he made me get saved because I was chosen.
Consider eve in the garden..
If she was totally deprived then she would have not needed to be deceived because her evil heart would have done it anyway.

You keep on saying how God is not getting his due glory.

I say God gets more glory when man chooses to obey him rather than God choosing a random person and making that person obey him. The latter makes God look like a dictater

News Item11/24/12 2:46 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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What makes you say I'm not giving God his due glory?

I praise God he saved me!

"Not by anything we did". Is not repentance and faith something we do??

My interpretation is that it is talking of works.

News Item11/23/12 6:06 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I believe God chose those that would choose him because if not then I can never have the assurance of my salvation!
I know I am saved because I believe

If God chooses the people who will follow him why in the world did he let Adam sin??
Sending his son was a sacrifice for him and he did it because he loved all of mankind!!
Why would God go through all the trouble of creating everyone?
Why not only create the elect and live happily ever after?

News Item11/22/12 1:57 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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I know I said I rest my case but I can't help myself

Cv you said you walk by faith. How can u a mere man walk by faith?
I thought the Calvinistic view didn't allow for action on mans part ( not a good one anyway). You know is the t in tulip an all that.
Please don't quote eph 2:8 in your reply because my reading of that particular verse differs than that of the Calvinist
Can you show me elsewhere in scripture that man is incapable of making a good choice like repenting and believing and through that being saved?
Ps I'm not wanting to come across as the enemy but as a brother In Christ with an interest on the subject

News Item11/21/12 7:59 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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People shouldn't box things. Cv you imply that arminion faith is fake right?
Just because someone DECIDED to repent because he read the bible and saw that the action required for salvation was repentance and faith doesn't mean that his faith is fake.
I am on a middle road. A Christian does not have to decide whether he wants to be a Calvinist or an arminionist they both have truth and we will not come to a conclusion on a Internet thread.
I rest my case

News Item11/21/12 2:27 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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God will do right and God is just therefore the one and only way that I can see him condemning a baby is if by his foreknowledge he knew that they would never turn to him.

News Item11/20/12 7:51 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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My view on this does not fluctuate haha but I can agree to disagree. It's ok.
With the help of The Lord I will teach my children the fear and admonition of The Lord!

News Item11/20/12 2:49 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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We can't read their minds. So you tell me, how can u tell if a baby has repented?

News Item11/20/12 2:39 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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"This idea that babies are not morally accountable is humanistic wishful thinking."

Do you have any babies my friend?

News Item11/20/12 1:17 PM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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So how then does God decide wether or not a certain infant is elect? The whole New Testament teaches that salvation requires action (repentance and faith).

An infant or an aborted baby does not even posess the ability to do either.

I will never believe that any infant or baby will go to hell if they die! It's completely unbiblical and cannot be proven by the scriptures.

News Item11/20/12 10:33 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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What is the proper way to evangelize?

News Item11/20/12 10:06 AM
Dwayne  Find all comments by Dwayne
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So William are you implying that if a baby dies that there is a chance that their soul would go to hell?
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