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News Item8/14/08 8:34 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Wayne wrote:
. . .I have both an undergraduate and graduate degrees from two well known Bible College & Seminary (Talbot & Dallas Seminary). You can't get any more evangelical and conservative as those schools! . . .

Well this explains a lot. First, neither of these "schools" are evangelical or conservative. They do not teach justification by faith alone and like John Hagee they promote dispensational heresy.

Therefore, this explains why you must be supporting Obama. You want to assist in ushering in the "great tribulation".

News Item8/13/08 8:33 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Wayne wrote:
". . .the best that they can come up with is 'he is un-American, un-patriotic, he has a funny name, he is a muslim, he has no experience, his wife doesn't love America,' etc." This is laughable!
If this is the best that they have, it sounds like enough to me (except for the "funny name" unless this goes with his being a Muslim). Neither does it sound like anything to laugh about, because if this type of individual gets to be elected to the highest office in the land, he could bring us to sorrow.

News Item8/13/08 6:58 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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the metal-urgist wrote:
I have to admit, Lance, that's a pretty funny coffee mug.
Dr. Phil:
Two questions:
If you are the real Dr. Phil, how do you trim your 'stache? And, what does empiricism have to do with anything?
To the RC (and Pentecostal) empiricism is everything. They walk by sight and not by faith. Faith is belief of the truth of the Bible, not belief in a picture, miracle, icon, or dramatic misrepresentation - empiricism. Empiricism underminds the need for the propositioanl truth of scripture. Thus empiricism lays the groundwork for revision of faith according to the ways of men.

I have no mustache nor is my head bald. Empirical assumption.


Why is it that you assume that one has bitterness if he raises a logical argument against the irrationalism of the RCC?

News Item8/12/08 6:28 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Lance Eccles wrote:
"The other danger is that people will think that by wearing a "Jesus is my homeboy" t-shirt, that that by itself makes them a good Christian."
I don't think I'd wear one of those, but at least you can say that the wearer is witnessing to his faith. (I don't know how effective this sort of witness is.)
I'm reminded of the ad for a coffee mug I saw on an RC website. It had on it a picture of a woman helping her husband barbecue sausages. As she helped him, she was thinking: "I'd rather be burning heretics."
Interesting ad on the RC website, Lance. Does this mean that she is "witnessing to her faith"?

Regardless, this "what would Jesus Buy?" question yields to the irrationalism of the subject. It implies that a)God is in need of something to buy it, and b)he would have to give up something to get it. This is particularly ludicrous in the light of "He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things."

"Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?"

But what can those in the RC say when empiricism is common practice as they buy and sell trinkets as part of worship because they believe this is how truth is imparted?

News Item8/8/08 8:25 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jethro wrote:
I know Evangelicals, of which I am one, are not renowned for paying attention to the original Bible languages, but it isn't rocket science to discover that the two Greek words 'arsenokoites' and 'malakos', imported into some modern English translations of the Bible as meaning 'homosexual', don't actually mean that at all. Even if they did, singling out homosexuality for special treatment is not only unfair, but misses Paul's point completely.
Having done that elemetary homework, I fully understand why Rowan Williams believes the Bible doesn't forbid all same-sex relationships.
Surely, he MUST be faithful to what he believes Scripture genuinely teaches, and not be swayed by what men try to tell him it teaches, even if these men are the Evangelical establishment.

You would be wise to listen to your son-in-law (Moses) and believe what Scripture genuinely teaches, and not be swayed by what men (e.g. Rowan Williams) try to tell you it teaches, even if these men are the Evangelical establishment.

News Item8/6/08 7:55 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Daniel Lee Ford wrote:
[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=725081115266]]]why vote McCAIN Kevin Swanson[/URL]
The Democrat candidate is the first pro-infanticide candidate to run for political office.
And NOW we see he's pro-killing Christians.
(SA story above)

Kevin Swanson tries to assemble a few reasons to vote for John McCain but has a hard time whipping up much enthusiasm in that order. It's sort of hard to figure out who should preside over the continued amassing of political tyranny and the breakdown of a society. But more importantly, what does God think about our political priorities? How does God want us to vote?
(2) 'issues' lead to the LORD God wiping out a nation:
a. shedding innocent blood
[URL=http://thereaganwing.wordpress.com/2008/02/21/john-mccain-is-not-pro-life/]]]McCAIN is not Pro-life[/URL]
b. support of sodomy
[URL=http://www.theamericanview.com/index.php?id=1132 ]]]McCAIN dont ask don't tell illegal view[/URL]
John McCain's repeated and mistaken defense of
"don't-ask-don't-tell" . . .
Hey Dan,

I agree. McCain is not much of a next choice in this contest, but at least he is not a Christian killing Muslim (that we know of yet).

News Item8/5/08 3:23 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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KK wrote:
.............................................. ... You're 110% Right !!!
I only posted that link to show where "User Comment #36" came from ------- I don't believe Obama is affraid of himself, but I do believe he is the most unqualified, puffed up, arrogant, dangerously twisted, damnably perverse, anti-American, agenda driven individual "We" have ever seen run for the seat of the Presidency ... it says a great deal about the condition of America ... it says a great deal about the Democratic Party !!!
"We The People" best wake up !!! --- How much more will "We" take ???
When I look at Obama, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton and so many others in DC I just get visions of Hitler, Satan and Hell itself...
By no means do I think McCain is the right man for the job, but in light of the alternative he will have to do --- AND "We" MUST BE EVER WATCHFUL TO SEE THAT McCain WALKS THE STRAIGHT AND NARROW !!!
Have a great day !!!
"IN" Christ, KK
I knew that was what you were doing. I apologize if it appeared that I was responding to you. I appreciated the post. Also, you are right about McCain.

News Item8/5/08 10:42 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Dan Finney wrote:
. . . Your Pharasaic hatred and fear is overshadowing your Christian love.

Pardon me, but it appears that your "Christian love" is overshadowing your better judgment and discernment of Barak Obama. He has expressed enough of his mind to indicate where his true loyalties rest, and where he intends to take this country. He only says enough of what people want to hear to gain their confidence. It will be too late to do anything about it once he is in the White House.

ROMANS 16:17

Barak Obama's Black Liberation Theology is contrary to Biblical Doctrine.

[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/new_details3.asp?ID=16824]]]The Influence of BLT On Barak Obama[/URL]

News Item8/5/08 8:16 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Barak afraid of himself???

Who do they think they are fooling? This narcissistic race baiting tyrant is only afraid of one thing . . . loosing the opportunity to dictate his and Michele's BLT tenets. They have a vendetta to fulfill and reparations to gain.

News Item8/4/08 3:00 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Michael Hranek wrote:
Partial Birth Abortion. . .A murderous proceedure near to the heart of Michelle Obama and sadly to many "liberals" who voted for her husband knowing this is what he would defend as being legal and lawful in this country.
Hey Mike,

I would add that the reason why Obama has no problem with this is because it is approved to be done on Americans which the Muslims hate. The more we take out with abortion, the fewer they have to deal with later.

News Item8/4/08 8:54 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Since "The Rev" has gone Muslim, he must be pushing for this so the youngsters can get as much "pipe bomb" training as possible before they are let loose on the streets. We wouldn't want to get anybody hurt until they are ready!

"Islam" means "submit" . . . . or else KA-BOOM!!

News Item8/2/08 12:19 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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If God wants me to be rich (in money), then why do I not have much? Is this because God can not do what he wants? If that is the case, what kind of God is Osteen preaching that wants to do something but can't do it?

How does Osteen's message square with, "Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?"
James 2:4-6

In fact, Osteen is the master of ceremonies in the modern "Worship Circus".

[URL=http://www.sermonaudio.com/new_details3.asp?ID=14501]]]The Worship Circus[/URL]

News Item8/2/08 11:53 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Would this be considered an "X-Queen Makeover"?

Regarding GG, and the "Church's Spear" (Lance 'Ecclessia'):

"Let them alone: . . ." Matthew 15:13-15

News Item7/27/08 5:07 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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lyn wrote:
Jodie, again, what is a neutral site one could go to to verify these healings? Just because Bentley 'claims' proof is not proof. Even demonic spirits can perform signs and wonders; what message is Todd preaching with his healing? Does it line up word for word with scripture? Did you read the article, if not, why not? I must correct an earlier post of mine, this couple traveled their home in Texas to Denton, Texas, just outside of Dallas. Their son was turned away at their request for healing because he didn't 'look the part'. HOW DO YOU DEFEND THIS? Can Bentley only heal certain people who look like they can be healed?
I am not questioning your salvation, I am questioning your upholding Bentley's teachings and healings, so there's no need to repeatedly remind everyone of that.
I repeat my questions, what message does he preach, and if he has power to heal, how do you defend turning away a 7 year old autistic child for healing?

You are right. In the book of Revelation, the word "miracle" is used three times, and in each case it has a negative connotation regarding deception. For example, read revealtion 13 and 16 carefully. Some translations try to soften up the meaning by replacing "miracle" with the word "sign".

News Item7/26/08 9:05 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Dr. Phil, Obama said,"...I am confident that we are going to be able to find a church we feel comfortable with and that will reflect our concerns and values." --from [URL=http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1811069,00.html]]]Obama's Church Moves On After Exit[/URL]. You can relax, Dr. Phil, he won't be contaminating any Christian Church.
Thanks Jim,

But I was more concerned with the thought that a President of the US may be joining a Muslim "mosque". Haven't read the URL yet but, did he say anything about that as someone had said he did before?

Thanks again for the response. I will read the URL now and get back to you later.

News Item7/26/08 10:00 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Har D. Har-har wrote:
Dobson and Mohler can talk about abortion as if it's a slam-dunk win for McCain, but I'm not so sure it's so simple.
Believe me Har-D,

We do not think that it is a "slam dunk" for McCain, since all of the liberal communist press is in a "messianic" daze over Barak the "king of kings already assumed President". Most of them wet their pants in his presence. It is funny though; I didn't think the Muslims were looking for the return of Christ.

News Item7/26/08 9:54 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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John Yurich wrote:
That is totally false that Catholics are loyal to the Pope. I am a Catholic and I am not loyal to the Pope. I do not pay attention to anything that the Pope says. Where do you come up with this nonsense that the Pope claims to have authority over all churches, not just the Catholic Church? I do not believe that the Pope has authority over any other church but the Catholic Church. I believe that the Pope is just the earthly leader of the Catholic Church.
Your comments reveal that the Protestants here know more about RCC tenets than you do. You should study more carefully before making such statements since you are in agreement with the RCC.

News Item7/26/08 6:49 AM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Of course it comes from the RCC, and of course I defend the RCC, the only authority with the right to interpret the scriptures.
Others may think that they have some personal right to interpret scripture for themselves, but they contradict one another, and only sow confusion.
What gives the RCC the authority to interpret the scriptures when the Apostle Paul said that "the Holy Spirit teacheth us comparing spiritual things to spiritual."? In 1 Cor. 2, he mentions nothing about "the church" being the sole authority to interpret scripture.

Moreover, you forgot mention how "the RCC" contradicts the scriptures that they say they have the sole authority to interpret. For example, what contradiction do we see in the interpretation of: "There is only one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." Yet the RCC interprets this clear teaching to mean that there is a multitude of mediators - Mary, the saints, the priests, the Pope, etc. etc.

PS: You did not answer my question regarding yours and the RCC's interpretation of the doctrine of Grace.

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction in righteousness, That the man of God may be perfect. . ."2Tim. 3:16

News Item7/25/08 9:29 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Lance Eccles wrote:
The lies are a way of rejecting God's grace.

Or as another writer, Voltaire, said regarding the RCC: "Lie, lie, lie. Some of it will stick."


The Grace of God is a gift wherein faith and repentance are granted to turn men away from rejecting the gospel to belief of the truth. (Eph. 2:1-9) Now, this logically means that men have not received grace if they persist in rejection.

Therefore, your wrong view of grace indicates that you have believed the lie regarding the grace of God. Where does your training come from but the RCC that you persist in defending?

Now, who is the liar?

PS: Did Voltaire the liar really say this "regarding the RCC"?

Sir Richard Francis Burton once said,

"Indeed he knows not how to know who knows not also how to unknow".

News Item7/25/08 6:13 PM
Dr. Phil  Find all comments by Dr. Phil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:

I read somewhere in this forum that Barak Obama said in answer to a media question that he was going to join a church or "mosque" after he is elected President. He was asked why he hasn't joined a church since leaving "Rev. Wright's" church.
Do you know if this is true, and if so, can you tell me where this information can be found? Thanks,

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