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Survey7/24/07 3:12 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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try "pointless"

Survey7/24/07 3:04 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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About as bad as someone who hides behind a fake moniker.

Why did you change from "observer", did that give you away?

Survey7/24/07 2:42 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Doctor! See, they are tying to force their herbs (writing of other calvs - previous post by bw) on us! I knew it.

Why won't they just take their medicine?

Survey7/24/07 2:17 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Just like them calvs, refusing to take their medicine (the Bible) and taking some stinking herb (books written by other calvs).

Maybe if we got Dr. Calvin to prescribe the death penalty we could get somewhere... that is more their style anyway.

Survey7/24/07 2:07 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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haha. Gotcha. I missed a week or so on here and must have overlooked it. Very humorous, but very true.....

Keep up the good work doc. Have you just about got em all diagnosed?

Survey7/24/07 1:50 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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In all seriousness, when did this "dr" thing come about?

Survey7/24/07 1:12 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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He likes me so much! He calls me a son of God and I call Him father! Amen and amen. Not only that, but I am a part of his bride! amen and amen.

Survey7/23/07 12:16 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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(This survey is no longer available)
"Dr" Yamil? Your kidding me right?

When did this come about?

Survey7/23/07 11:01 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Rev. Exekial Jeremiah:

No offense meant, but you are wasting your time trying to convince this individual of anything. From many past dealings, I know from experience that you would best to "mark and avoid" and go with Titus 3:10, but insert "woman".

I do appreciate the fighting spirit though.

Survey7/23/07 10:06 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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JD: Is this stuff for real? I have a book of Romans, how about you? (and we beleive it to boot!)

Keep up the good work sir. You are in my prayers.

Survey7/23/07 9:20 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Amen JD. (Apparently they have allowed me back.)

And no, I am not Rev if the curiosity still remains for some.

And that Battlefield taint is the blood of Christ that I have been washed in, repulsive to most, glorious to those saved by it.

Survey7/13/07 10:21 PM
Bro. Williams | Ky  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Best watch it JD, your being associated with us Heman woman haters...

Just joking. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Survey7/2/07 2:53 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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correction regarding omnipotent:

Revelation 19:6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God OMNIPOTENT reigneth.

you postmillers, when did the mill begin?

Survey7/2/07 11:09 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Again... curious as to when a post-mil thinks the mil began.

Who are the post millers on here that won't fess up?

Survey7/2/07 12:33 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Honest question:

In the postmillenial view... when did the millenium begin?

News Item7/2/07 12:23 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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I agree with you. That is why I adhere to "study to shew myself approved unto God".

I also agree that those verses will unlikely change your mind, for your are approaching them with a preconcieved opinions and notions.

But... my wish is that all would just take the passage as it stands. But... in the same sense, I wish my father would get saved... yet I cannot make anyone do something that they do not choose to do.

Also, just as cults can be built on one verse, a man can be strengthened on one verse, a man can be saved with one verse, a man can be reproved of sin with one verse, etc. I am not claiming this passage to be the Gospel, but I will adhere to it wholeheartedly as best I can. The same goes for the rest of scripture.

Wayne, I am sure you can concede that we will only be chasing our own tails to continue this discussion, but it is your call.

News Item7/2/07 12:01 AM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Wayne: I mean no ill in the section you quoted me on, just what I said, I thank you for making the confession.

You are right though, when you say, "your only change", for that is essentially what anyone who doesn't adhere to the literal application is doing, changing God's word.

When you state that "nobody else sees it that way" you only strengthen my stance. For one, the majority is almost always wrong. Two, I am a Baptist (not some SBC washup or Separate wannabe, but a true Heritage Baptist), my heritage is one of being a minority with many not "seeing it that way". And, that is okay, most of the world doesn't see things God's way. Most of the Chrisitans don't see things God's way.

Furthermore, you asked why the Bible doesn't specifically say what YOU want it to say. I would recommend reading Isa. 28:9-13, Heb. 4:12, 2 Pet. 3:15-16, etc. I would have gladly put those verses in here, but lack of space will not permit.

Beyond this, as is the case, at times some can recieve parts of the Bible while others will not. Examples are numerous, but such is the case in most of the walks of most Christians I know, the more they accepted God's word, the more they gleaned. Food for thought, pun intended.

News Item7/1/07 11:34 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Yes, it is devisive, as most things of doctrinal substance. You also right that the passage serves no useful purpose to most, for most do not adhere to the scriptures, especially in practice. To those of us who do though, it is a very useful passage in order to "try the spirits" as God commands us to do.

I do thank you for humoring me (and God!) by making the confession in the past.

News Item7/1/07 11:12 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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Wayne: You know I hold to the Bible as absolute truth. So to answer your question, No, I have not changed my stance in believing the Bible as it stands. For, to accept that "correction" would be to accept a false correction.

Also, I was sorry to see you change your stance against God and His word in accordance with false teaching on this particular. I pray you will see your error.

News Item7/1/07 10:33 PM
Bro. Williams | KY  Find all comments by Bro. Williams
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HAHAHA. Always the jokester...

No wait, you weren't joking. The Cult IS faithful to her Lord the devil.

(BTW, SBC has been heading catholic for years, go fig)

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