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Sermon7/26/2020 4:09 PM
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Do What is Good, Pt. 1
Scott T. Brown
“ Relevant! The Christian & Limits on Gov't Authority ”
Finally, some courageous teaching from a pastor regarding the abused text of Romans 13 as if it teaches Government Authority without limit that Christians must obey. This message refutes that tyrannical notion while also rejecting the anarchist position. It is the duty of pastors to teach accurately on this subject instead of bowing to political correctness or a false patriotic duty of absolute obedience. Listen and pass it on. Yes, Covid policy matters to Christians just like home school policy did.

Sermon3/1/2020 8:01 PM
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“ Socialism--Relevant Interview for 2020 ”
Great interview. Socialism began long before Bernie Sanders and AOC. Various elements are long accepted on the right, too.

Sermon3/1/2020 7:27 PM
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The Severity of God's Law
Evangelist Rolfe Barnard
“ Lawlessness & America's churches ”
This message is relevant to understanding apostasy in America and the rise of false Christianity which is marked by abandonment in teaching and being governed by God's laws and warning of their penalty from scripture as foundational to the gospel. This hints about the continued rise of democratic socialism through the hippie culture of the 60s and 70s.

Sermon1/6/2020 2:27 AM
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March 9, 2004
Dr. James White
“ The gospel of Adrian Rogers examined ”
Both part 1 and 2 are worth hearing today. This is what is wrong with American Christianity, i.e. PC teaching and traditions of men vs. Biblical examination and authority. This hermeneutical error of the popular Dr. Rogers demonstrated makes room for the heresy of Universalism and a multitude of errors that are based on humanist philosophy of equality and a false love that is world pleasing. Still relevant! The Bible is not politically correct and contrary to human philosophy but men love the darkness more than the light of the truth.

Sermon12/29/19 6:29 PM
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“ Excellent & Needed Sermon! ”
This identifies the sinful corruption of the majority of American churches which claim to believe in God and Christ while willfully breaking the ignored 2nd Commandment and worshipping God according to their own imaginations and casual man-pleasing ideas without reverence or fear of the consequences warned of. Image-filled traditional ritualism and modern casual innovations in church worship services are both guilty of the sin of will-worship.

News Item11/30/19 7:09 PM
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Excellent and fair commentary about this by James White on Dividing Line last week. Must listen.

Sermon11/10/19 4:54 PM
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“ Excellent, timely and sobering Message! ”
This message is clear, sober, timely and absolutely refreshing and clarifying Christian teaching on the subject of sexuality and homosexuality and transgenderism. It is not Christian love to accept evil. Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth. The message begins with God as Creator and therefore the great Moral Legislator of mankind. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and modern Christian churches have lost it. Gods laws are for man's good and to ignore or oppose them is foolishness, harmful to man, and moral & social anarchy. Highly recommended message!

News Item9/15/19 2:54 PM
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But for Benny, Zacchaeus just went too far in his repentance.

And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.”

News Item7/21/19 5:04 PM
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Trump's female pastor. Who also had some connections with Bush, Romney (strangely) and Obama (more strangely) according to the article. I was not aware of this until someone mentioned it in this thread. She has a very strange bio, of course.


Sermon6/16/19 6:03 PM
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Kingdom Anomaly
Jose Ruel Pascual
“ The Power of Nations Controlled by God ”
Another relevant sermon for today from Daniel demonstrating from history, fulfilled prophecy that God holds power and is sovereign over all nations. Also that present governments are increasingly acting like a Beast against Christians. The world is hostile and in rebellion against God. Christians cannot expect friendship with the world and must be independent from its evil influence. This sermon calls people to be saved from it instead even as Peter did on his first sermon.

Sermon6/16/19 4:27 PM
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“ Excellent & Relevant Sermon! ”
This message is very relevant to today as government representatives and officials seek to entrap and make new laws to persecute Christians and extinguish the Bible and Christian teaching and morality from influence by means of government. This is a well-spoken pastor and his message is clear.

Sermon5/19/19 3:12 PM
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1 Corinthians #50 - God's View of Women...
Rev. G. I. Williamson
“ Dear Southern Baptists, Listen to the Apostle Paul ”
This is even more relevant today than it was 16 years ago; millenials and younger generations seldom hear this taught. In particular, controversy is brewing in SBC as Liberal Theology has infiltrated and now seeks revolutionary supremacy. Beth Moore and J. D. Greear are two popular Southern Baptist voices that are pushing to change and alter the clear instruction of inspired Scripture toward democratic philosophy instead of Gods social and church order. The church is to be transformed and obedient to the apostles teaching instead of conformed to the world and democratic-humanist and feminist, egalitarian culture which is in rebellion to God. Liberal Theology, with its 'Wokeness', denies Scriptural authority in social order as clearly revealed by the apostles. Paul is very clear and has the authority of Christ to teach how the church is to be ordered and who is qualified to teach and lead. It begs the question too about why women are in seminaries since their covert ambition is clear. Williamson's teaching with helpful context is that of wise and respected elder and should be listened to again.

Sermon3/31/19 5:41 PM
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“ Insightful Sermon! God's social order subverted, confused ”
The subversion and confusion of Gods social order is traced biblically and culturally in this insightful message. This is relevant immediately to both cultural and church controversies regarding men and women, complimentarianism, egalitarianism, feminism, husbands and wives, homosexuality, immorality and the rise of transgenderism. This is greatly needed & worth hearing in its entirety.

Sermon3/20/19 5:02 PM
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“ Needed Sermon for Social Justice Controversy! ”
This dated Part 1 message of 3-part series from Rev. G.I. Williamson, who is especially respected among conservative & reformed Christian ministers, is needed and especially relevant today due to the Social Justice controversy and calls for Reparations being brought up in Congress. This challenges both the left and the right who avoid directly even considering what the Bible alone teaches about slavery, preferring to keep the PC norm that slavery is evil and an injustice, despite repeated instructions of the apostles letters that slaves should honor and obey, and masters should treat justly and fairly--especially as Christians! While many conservatives say this was temporary instruction Rev. Williamson shows that to be fallacious as well in its context among all other family relations. He explains how the Bible and such passages should be the Only Rule of faith and practice, contrary to all calls past and present for abolition, social structure changes and other agitations.

Sermon3/9/19 6:12 AM
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“ Awakening to Wokeness, Who is Guarding the Flock? ”
Sheep are being scattered and wounded and wolves have entered, divided the flock. Hirelings seek to preserve their institutional employment and reputations despite the casualties. There should not be any fear of "devouring our own" when it's happening already. Those holding to truth are being attacked & devoured daily. Bad shepherds are not defending the sheep but giving cover to wolves. The politically minded vs. the scripturally minded is becoming clear. "The fear of man brings a snare". Phil J. played the man and confronted the problem directly. "Who me? Don't tell me how to keep watch. I'm a good old shepherd", say the institutional hirelings. Divisions are good and necessary sometimes to preserve the truth. The wolves are already doing it anyway.

News Item2/17/19 7:09 PM
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Great comments by WP!

Wayfarer Pilgrim wrote:
When the hoity toity, better than thou , TGC, or SGM began networking and casting their net for churches, Something was not right .
Many of these churches were guided into into the SBC, ( thank you, Southeastern Baptist Seminary, Mohler and Moore) many were elder led, and that goes to direct conflict with the autonomous foundation of each baptist church. Baptist churches are not pastor led, or elder led, we are parishioner led. When elder led, many over step their boundaries by telling members,” this what is permitted, sign here so when we abuse you, you can’t leave or sue us”.
Mahaney, Driscoll and McDonald have had to be put in time out on account how he treated people. If the SBC had wisdom they’d do more than apologize, they’d would not have elected JD Greer as president, and he’s a Mohler., Moore acolyte, and so with that expect more apologies.

Sermon2/11/19 2:36 AM
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“ SBC President's Accommodative LGBT Sermon Exposed ”
The audio analysis of Pres. J.D. Greear's sermon from Romans 1 on the topic of homosexuality begins at the 33:20 minute mark thru about 01:48:00. This is a must-hear message where Dr. White clearly exposes the false interpretation & applications of this passage, including parts where Greear borrows and uses the same PC talking points as the so-called Gay Christian community. Every Baptist and Southern Baptist ought to be astonished at such false teaching which is plainly calculated to minimize, accommodate and normalize homosexual sin and attitudes within the churches, SUBTELY shaming & calling churches to be accepting of such persons rather than plainly calling them to repentance, as brands to be plucked from the fire. SBC churches should rebuke or remove or disassociate from him.

Sermon1/25/19 4:42 AM
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“ Basil Manly, Greatest Preacher & So. Baptist Founder ”
This is a great exposition with lively testimony from historic Southern Baptists regarding Basil Manly who might be the greatest Baptist preacher in American history, while today his name is obscured. His influence in America among baptists was greater than Spurgeon's in England. The message is powerful and inspiring...until the very end (so disappointing!) when Mr. Smith goes totally PC and feels compelled to condemn his "remaining sin" (misapplied and misdefined per Rom. 7) of defending slavery (which the Bible plainly does!), under the typical labels of "man-stealing" and "property", without proof and with no mention that O.T. law established slavery, with both Israelis and foreigners from either indebtedness, purchase or war, and as if the NT instructions of it are no longer valid. So listen to the first 75%, but ignore the last PC caveat which teaches the root of "social justice" as doctrine, which Paul never taught.

Sermon1/20/19 5:19 PM
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Steps of Conversion
Justin Hoke
“ Wow! Worth hearing! ”
Don't miss 19:30 to 27 minute marks. The preacher calls out modern churches contrasting between the true gospel and false gospel, true Jesus vs false Jesus, true pastors versus false pastors, yes Arminianism versus the doctrines of Grace in a searching sermon.

Sermon1/13/19 6:19 PM
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Love Warns
Justin Hoke
“ Prophetic Sermon to Modern Conservative Churches ”
This pastor has led by example and discharged his duty according to this passage in Ezekiel, as a true modern watchman, and was persecuted by his conservative church for it! Listen to this, it can be applied broadly to Modern evangelical conservative Christian churches. A powerful, timely word, backed up by example! A Courageous and powerful message full of light, defying like Daniel to bow to higher powers of SCOTUS or to the Pharisees and Saducees of PC-driven Churchianity.
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