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News Item5/28/10 4:54 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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"a Fresh New Look and Feel"


Looks great. I've been with you now for six of those years and look forward to your continued ministry.

God Bless.

News Item3/23/10 3:45 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Cliff Leckey. wrote:
Sadly with Ian,s departure, the house of commons has lost it`s most well known Contender of the Faith.My only question is How did Ian Paisley keep himself pure in such a cess pit & With another exposure of corruption by MP`s, it`s all downhill from here.The house of Commons,,,what a den of thieves & robbers
Ah Cliff, you forgot the wee secret. All Christians live in a cess pit called humanity. As for these other politicians they are part of the great unwashed and will go to hell, which is the great sadness.

How did Ian Paisley keep himself pure - I am sure Ian himself would be the first to admit he is the chief of sinners. But the great promise of his Lord, your Lord and our Lord is.......
15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
16 They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

God does not call us to serve in the "safe" places.

Rev Ian Paisley was a man of his word, - and a man of "His Word."
Westminster, Stormont and this United Kingdom will be the sadder for his leaving. God be with him and indeed with this nation. Amen!

News Item12/25/09 8:16 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."

The best news article of the year, of the century, of the millennia of all time.

A merry Christmas to all who read this.
A merry Whatever if you don't accept this celebration at this time.
May God be with you and yours and may your life belong to Christ and His purpose. Amen.
May the Lord pour out His Spirit upon all.

1 Let brotherly love continue.
2 Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

20 Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
21 Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Sermon11/15/09 1:44 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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The Bondage of the Will
Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk
“ Great Sermon! ”
Many today do not like the doctrine of Total Depravity. But the will of the sinner is in bondage and only Jesus has the key to freedom. Rev Pronk brings a simple solution to this hard fact of life in the human condition. Do not underestimate sin - it is a power in you. The good news is that Christ does save His people and He unlocks the heart and will unto salvation, a work of grace, a work of the Holy Spirit. Thankyou!

Sermon11/15/09 1:26 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Limited Atonement
Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk
“ Great Teaching ”
Rev Pronk provides a straight forward and Biblical teaching and exposition of this Bible fact. It appears that some find Limited Atonement difficult to digest, but here Rev Pronk brings it to light and illustrates its reality. Thankyou!

Sermon11/1/09 4:00 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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“ Excellent Teaching ”
An excellent message and concise teaching of Romans Five verses. This can be a difficult passage but Kit Culver takes us step by step and reveals the teaching of Paul, in an enlightening way. Thankyou Kit Culver, I will return to you sermons.

Sermon9/27/09 1:13 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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The LORD our sanctuary
Rev David Silversides
“ Great Sermon! ”
Another good message from Rev. Silversides. Make the lord your sanctuary and don't listen and join with the world around you. Trust in the Lord alone and do not go into "confederacy" with what the world is doing. A timely message from the Prophet Isaiah.

Sermon8/24/09 10:34 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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John Owen on the Holy Spirit #1
Dr. Sinclair B. Ferguson
“ Great Teaching! ”
Dr. Ferguson does an excellent job on John Owen and his teaching on the Holy Spirit. I am reading Owen's book on the Holy Spirit from his Works at the moment and this is a great supplement to that work. Owen said, "There is all the difference in the world to knowing the truth and knowing the power of the truth." His work on the Holy Spirit reveals this great truth surely by the Spirit Himself. Thankyou Dr. Ferguson.

News Item7/24/09 3:03 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Our prayers are with you and all your family at this sad time. May God in his wonderful mercy and love be with you, strengthen and keep you and bless your family.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

News Item7/21/09 9:33 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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John UK wrote:
Well for once I will stand up on the side of the sprinklers, and lament with them that the EU is proving to be more than a thorn in the flesh of the Christian heritage enjoyed by the Scottish.
Och jings John, what a bonnie wee loon ye are today. I'll jist hae t gie ye ane o these.

Up here in the north of Scotland we have observed the same process of Liberalisation of church going on, as everywhere in the western world.
The Kirk is now a shadow of it's former self, which mind you has been going "doon the tubes" since the Disruption of 1843, when the Free Church left them.
One thing is for sure John Knox would never go to the Kirk today.

The recent Assembly where they sent a "Commission" of people to study and research whether a homosexual can enter the pulpit, has demonstrated that they cannot read the Bible anymore. Like the C of E they are suffering from the plague called Liberalism.

BTW that Assembly decision is already having an affect in Scotland. I recently heard of a Kirk nearby which has NOW split over it, and the anti-queer-pulpit group are now meeting in their own houses.

But we have a long, long way to go in our nations folks. God be with us all.

Sermon6/14/09 9:27 AM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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The state of the nation
Dr. John Douglas
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have recently been reading Isaiah 3 as part of my devotions, and I noticed how timely this chapter speaks to our nation, and other nations, and the awful state of our church and nation today. God's Holy Word demonstrates how alive it is to people, nations and believers, yet they will not see. A good message Dr. Douglas, I thank you sir.

Sermon5/16/09 4:07 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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“ Brilliant Message ”
The genius of the Puritan again! Are you really converted? What are the real signs? False conversion is a weapon of the devil. How many build their hopes on false beliefs? And are really nominal Christians. This is a must hear and part of a must series to make you think!

News Item4/19/09 5:01 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Mike wrote:
Arthur, does the CofS represent the best of Scotland? If not, why should you be embarrassed at being a Scot? My children have some Scot blood. I certainly won't ever tell them it's something of which they should be ashamed. I'm not ashamed to be American just because the Episcopals here are off in looneyland. My grandfather sacrificed much to become a citizen here. Bishop Robinson's corruption has nothing to do with it.
Ne'er gie up.
Och jings dinna fash yer wee heed ower they glaikit eejits ma loon. The de'il hay the brain as weel as the hert o them. Yon kirk is in a rare ol fankle.

Hope New York is faring well with you and the clan these (Obamy) days.


I left the Kirk in 1993 having become disgusted with its leadership and direction. But this is representative of the way of this island today. Sadly.

News Item4/19/09 2:39 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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I am thoroughly embarrassed to be a Scot this day. Whatever blind liberal plonker wrote this article for the Kirk obviously cannot read the Book of Romans and Jude either.

Liberalism makes you blind and stupid according to what we see in the so called "Church"(?) of Scotland and its shameful partner in crime down south in England.

Well lets hope they can read these verses

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie,

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

....for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

May God have mercy on their evil souls.

Sermon4/5/09 1:07 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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(This sermon is no longer available)
“ Great Teaching! ”
Limited Atonement, a hard message for the church, but a Biblical fact and truth. Matt Haney here explains some of the difficult texts and demonstrates that indeed Atonement is and always was meant to be effectual for the elect, thus limited to them by God. Well worth a listen folks.

Blog3/27/09 1:34 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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""Flavel makes long discussions on how God's providence aids the church, how providence was at work in the timing, place, and situation of our birth, and how God moved in so many ways in our conversion, our sanctification, and our preservation. He provides scores of biblical examples and verses to support his theology and provides numerous daily illustrations as well.""

Thanks for this info SermonAudio.

I have just ordered Flavel's book.

And I know a few Arminian's who really need to read it judging by the quote above.

Sermon3/22/09 1:07 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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“ Great Doctrine! ”
Excellent teaching on Limited Atonement by John Owen. The death of Christ is a ransom therefore will it definitely be effectual for the elect and none other. Would you believe that Christ procured the end and not the means? Of course not. Thus the blood of Christ is effectual in reconciliation unto God, by God. Amen!

Sermon3/15/09 2:02 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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Romans 7 & 8
Dr. J. I. Packer
“ Great Teaching ”
Biblical and Practical!! Dr. Packer teaches in a very realistic method emulating the old Puritan way, and brings a good message for the Church today. Romans 7 and 8 as he states is the home of Calvinism and the home of the Christian. That we should be able to perceive even in today's world. Thankyou Dr. Packer.

Sermon2/22/09 1:27 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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The Canons of Dordt #22: Faith is a Gift of...
Rev. Cornelis (Neil) Pronk
“ Great Teaching! ”
The old debate and ancient arguement in the church, termed Reformed versus Arminian, remains very much a struggle within the congregations and denominations today. This excellemt message illustrates and highlights this point.

Survey12/31/08 5:38 PM
Arthur | Scotland  Find all comments by Arthur
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To all the commentators on SA.
May the Lord bring you blessings in the new year of 2009. May HE keep you in His Grace. May you serve Jesus Christ and walk by faith not by sight.

24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,
25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

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