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News Item3/28/08 6:21 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear KK:

I have prayed that our Lord will allow me to exercise a little more patience with the comedy that is being spouted. Your "horse" illustration did absolutely nothing to speak to what I am saying!

First, I do not speak for "Black America", which is a further demonstration of your ignorance...which is obviously rooted in a false stereotype of people of color. It is similiar to the idea that most Whites think that men like Jesse Jackson & Al Sharpton have been commissioned by Black America to be her spokesmen. Nothing can be further from the truth, and where do you get that from?

Second, why do you assume that I am a black man? Is it because I stood up for Barack Obama? Could it be that I see so much hypocrisy from the White establishment?

Third, America has yet to stand as a nation and say to the African-American community: "We're sorry!" The acknowledgement of wrong should serve as a vehicle for healing relationships.

Theologically speaking, I clearly understand that the root of racism and bigotry is sin.

Lastly, let's be clear about one thing: In this Country, no other ethnic group has been mistreated, disdained, and hated on the level of African-Americans!

News Item3/28/08 12:11 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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This latest response from you is an example of not making sense! You don't seem to be able to understand my point at all. I am simply using the principle that the White media and many (not all) White people are using to indict Barack.

"If he sat under that kind of teaching, then it must means that he embraces what his pastor said in his sermon." Therefore, my response is:

Are we to believe that since most White folks (especially the White church) were strangely silent when Black people were being lynched, hanged, beaten in the streets, bitten by police dogs, made to sit in the back of the bus, couldn't eat in the same place as Whites, couldn't vote, unjustly arrested and prosecuted, endured segregation and separation, discriminated against; that Whites agreed with that kind of treatment received by Blacks?

I don't think so! If we're going to judge Barack by sitting and listening to his pastor, then we must judge the people who sat by and watched the kind of atrocities Blacks received and did absolutely nothing!

News Item3/27/08 6:07 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Dr. Phil:

For me, the issue has never been about "self-rightesousness"; it has to do with the attempt to link one person with another who, made remarks that were clearly taken out of their larger context.

From that point, I simply used the silence of White churches during the critical times in our Country's history when people of color were treated very badly to ask the question: does it mean that all Whites approved of the atrocities that were levied against these people?

I think the answer is a resounding no! Therefore, for anyone to say that Mr. Obama set under Rev. Wright,therefore, he must feel the same way or that he has adopted the same idealology is simply untrue!

Lastly, I STRONGLY suggest that you go on youtube and hear Mr. Wright in the "full" context of his words and you will perhaps hear something different from the 30 seconds snippet!

News Item3/27/08 3:28 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear JP:

You make absolutely no sense! Also, you are very badly misinformed about the Black church's involvement with the societal ills, both in the past and in the present day!

The White church was busy making sure that they were "Theologically" correct and "Doctrinally" sound, but could not make their theology reconcile with how they treated their neighbors, which is something our Lord clearly taught.

Furthermore, I can assure you that the Black church's involvement with the problems in Africa are noted world wide! However, you still did not answer the questions I posed to you concerning the mysterious whereabouts of the White church when people of color were being treated like crap!

News Item3/26/08 12:21 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear JP:

Nothing I have said to you has anything to do with a so-called "Joker" card. the questions that I posed and you have refused to answer are real and relevant! To avoid this reality is, in my judgment, to play the joker card.

News Item3/25/08 6:17 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear DRS:

Thanks for sharing your painful experience; and I am glad you over came those painful memories. You're to be applauded.

However, it is quite different when an entire race of people have been treated in a disgraceful manner due to their skin color, and then tell them "What you experienced isn't real" and "You ought to simply get over it!"

As a person of color, I experienced racism and ill treatment growing up in the deep South in the late 60's and the 70's. However, I never allowed those experiences to define me. By the grace of my Savior, I overcame the obstacles! And that is the message that I share with people who feel angry over the past.

News Item3/25/08 1:16 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear KK & Dr. Phil:

First, let me be clear: I will vote for no one who believes in abortion/and/or same sex marriage! So, your assumption in that regard is blatantly false! Second, in order for people to move on, there must be an acknowledgement of the atrocities of the past!

When will America do that? The Scripture says "If we 'CONESS' our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!" Notice, the word is confess, not deny.

Dr. Phil, your comment about affirmative action causes me to doubt that you are worthy of the title "Dr." Why do we have affirmative action? Because the White establishment has a loooooong record of discrimination and bigoty! When she begins to see all people as equals, then there won't be a need for affirmative action!

News Item3/24/08 10:54 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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You decided to take the cowardly way out because you have no answer for the questions I posed. I'm still waiting on your answers....and will not give up on you just yet. By the way, another question for you: What is "intelligent" about the way Black people were/are treated in a so-called Christian nation?

furthermore, to make Barack Obama responsible and accountable for his 66 year old ex-pastor is seriously lacking in "intelligence!"

News Item3/24/08 7:07 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear JP & KK:

I believe I can address the both of you in one response. Since many Whites in America are afraid of the power of Barack Obama, they need to find a reason not to vote for him. what better way than to you what his ex-pastor said, and by the way, if you had seen CNN news on last night you would have heard the full context of Rev. Wright's sermon.

That being said, let me ask a few questions of my own. where was the White church when Black people were being lynched and hanged in this Country that is "One Nation Under God?"

where was the White church when Blacks could not eat at the same restaurant or the same section as Whites? where was the White church when Blacks could not vote? where was the White church when Blacks were being bitten by dogs and hosed down by high powered water hoses?

Are we to assume that because the White church and White "Christians" were strangely silent that they espoused these types of atrocities? Can we say that every White person who set back and did not cry aloud against this kind of evil are themselves evil and therefore, we should conclude that they were in agreement with what was going on?

Sermon3/24/08 3:13 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Excellent Sermon!!! ”
Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for Brother Don preaching the Sovereign Grace of God in Salvation. Excellent sermon that exalts the Saviour Jesus Christ to Sovereign Lord and King! Bless the Lord oh my Soul!

News Item3/24/08 9:26 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear JP:

Good try. However, I am not buying your rationale for one moment. Why? There is no doubt that GWB is just as a deceiver as the rest of his administration! What about the Scooter Libbey case? I suppose that Dick Cheney was innocent in that as well? Mr. Libbey was stupid for taking the fall. If that had been me, I would have outed Cheney and Bush in a heart beat! They're all crooked!

There was a time in America that we thought Democrats were the "ungodly" proponents of government, but we've since learned that the Republicans are even more corrupted and greedy!

And to answer your question about John McCain and Colin Powell, the answer is a resounding NO! To elect McCain is tantamount to a third term of GWB. I can assure you my friend that America is having no part of that!

News Item3/23/08 8:51 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear JP:

George W. Bush clearly lied to the American people and our allies about why we went to war. The intelligence has come out and it has always been know by Washington insiders that we went after the wrong nation!

Even credible men such as General Powell has admitted that the intelligence showed that there was no threat by Iraq. Why did President Bush misinformed the American people? Because of greed and because of his need to feel dominant.

His administration has turned out to be, as one person said, "A culture of corruption." I think the record shows that he is a liar and cannot be trusted!

News Item3/23/08 6:15 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear KK:

I don't think that you are clear about Obama's "former" pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. First, I am familiar with Rev. Wright and his ministry, and while I am probably not on the same wave as he is theologically speaking, I would not classify him a racist.

Given his age and generation, Rev. Wright simply speaks as one who has endured much from this Country in terms of ill treatment due to his race and ethnicity. He shared his heart out of years of frustration after seeing so many injustices to his people, that in his theology he feels that God is on the side of those who are deemed the least.

I don't believe for one moment that you can hold Obama responsible for what his pastor said no more than he could control his white grandmother for making racist remarks!

Again, I call your attention to George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Newt Ginrich; none of these men in my judgment are men of character!

News Item3/23/08 11:14 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear KK:

I think you're full of it! America has over 200 years of hatemongering against people of color, especially Black folks!

Now that we have a candidate that is effective in crossing rhe racial divide, there is always somebody trying to throw a "monkey wrench" in the plan.

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Newt Ginrich, Dick Cheney, Bob Livingston, and the vast majority of the Bush Administration are/were hardly men of character!

Is it because that Ombama is Black that you are really opposing him?? Are we to believe that in America, only White men have character? History has proven that many of them were the biggest crooks we have ever known!

News Item3/23/08 10:50 AM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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DJC49 wrote:
Thank you, Wayne, for proving my point as you could come up with no other candidate for "Greatest Country in the World."
But you DID offer a bunch of hyperbolic invective:
America ...
"HATES God" (?)
"HATES prayer" (?)
"EMBRACES murder of inocent unborn babies" (embraces is too strong, but I agree with you here)
"EMBRACES sexual perversion" (?)
"PRIDES itself in racism" (???)
"PROMOTES greed, and arrogance" (?)
I don't know where you live, sir, but it's probably in front of a TV set and not in the real, everyday America that I know of. And for a COUNTRY which has so much hatred of God and prayer, you probably have a very difficult time of finding a place to worship with your fellow Christians every Sunday, huh.
Dear DJC49:

I have just returned from a short vacation, and didn't get the chance to respond to your last posting. I am very informed and do not watch much TV at all! However, you haven't proven me wrong at any point that I mentioned. So, my question to you is what points were not true of the 21st Century America? I'd be interested in hearing them.

Sermon3/17/08 12:39 AM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Another Christ honouring sermon by Brother Mahan. Thank you for posting these sermons they are a blessing to the body of Christ.

News Item3/15/08 6:42 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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nothing wrote:
I must say taking pride in a nation that is corrupt, from the government on down, does not make sense. America is filled with greed, selfishness, arrogance; rejecting God in every way. We must stand firm in the faith, defending God's word, and not get caught up in defending a wicked nation. Let's not live on past glory, whatever blessings we had are evaporating. Yes, this is sad, but true.
Dear Nothing:

You are absolutely 100% correct! I am with you ALL the Way!

News Item3/15/08 6:31 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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DJC49 wrote:
And your candidate, Wayne, for "Greatest Country in the World" would be .................... ?
Dear DJC49:

The better question is who is your candidate for best Country in the world? If you think a Country that hates God, hates prayer, embraces murder of inocent unborn babies, embraces sexual perversion, prides itself in racism, promotes greed, and arrogance, then you are indeed delusional!

Now, show me how America is the best Country in the world using the afore-mentioned items as serious matters to consider.

News Item3/15/08 6:14 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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mh488 wrote:
Josh I agree with you. The last time man turned from God things became pretty wet. I guess it is inevitable that things will get pretty hot, the only question is when...only The Lord knows that. America is the greatest country on the planet, but the silver is tarnishing quickly. Pick up your bibles people and put down your sins and repent.
Dear Josh:

I have heard that statement many times over my 48 years on this earth: "America is the greatest Country in the World."

May I ask in what sense are you making this assessment? Surely, you're not talking about us being the most "Godly" or "God-Fearing?"

America is wicked to the core! There is so much hypocrisy in this nation of ours, until it literally stinks! We are still hung up as to whether a Black man or a woman is qualified to be our President.

We have a history of racism, bigotry, inequality, white collar corruption, murder of inocent babies by abortion, Child molestation/abuse, an approval of same-sex relationships, which is a clear perversion of what God had in mind, and the list goes on and on. We don't want prayer, nor do we want anything to do with God..except in a crisis!

Sermon3/13/08 4:50 PM
Wayne | UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Very encouraging sermon...what ever the crisis is our confidence in the ONE who is able to deliver? Very helpful sermon with a good illustration from Jim Andrew's own life.
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