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News Item1/2/12 3:19 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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David1960 wrote:
How does one become Amish?
They have a set of rules called Ordnung which I'm sure has all the information required to enable someone to become Amish.

News Item1/2/12 2:58 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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That video was FASCINATING!

I REALLY appreciate Penn Jillette's candor, which is very illuminating regarding where he is, and where we (Christian believers) are.

His plea for some kind of "Rosetta Stone" to help him understand (and believe) what he reads in the Bible was convicting to me, in that I'm so often unmindful of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in my own life and the lives of all believers.

Without the Spirit we'd be as lost as Mr. Jillette presently is even though both we and he have the entire Word of God available to us.

As Pastor Hranek pointed out, prayer is vital to reach the lost--and often more effective than just trying to "argue" them into "believeing. Especially those as hardened as Mr. Jillette appears to be at this time.

News Item12/23/11 1:08 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Not your pope wrote:
Reformed: Once saved always saved.
Homosexual: Once gay always gay.

You are essentially equalizing the power of Christ (no one can snatch them out of my hand or my father's hand) with the power of Satan and sin, which is what homosexuality is.

News Item12/20/11 12:20 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
What's the Republican alternative? The Republican healthcare plan:
"First, Don't get sick."
"Second, if you do get sick, die quickly!"
This is an almost word-for-word quote from uber-liberal former Florida congressman Alan Grayson. I actually saw a clip of him saying this on the house floor a few years back.

I was always taught and told that the very Government-run healthcare programs Grayson and his ilk are so fond of are the same ones that actually produce the effects he ascribes to Republicans and their plans in the above quote (Is this an example of psychological projection?).

Obama himself even went so far as to suggest people might want to "take a pill" (i.e. self-euthanize--"die quickly") during an Obamacare q&a session a few months back.

"Don't get sick" certainly applies to government-run healthcare where treatment is forcibly rationed by the government, resulting in sick people often having to wait MONTHS to receive care they could've gotten almost immediately in a market-driven system.

News Item12/16/11 12:13 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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jpw wrote:
Evangelical Christians are fully and willingly participating in their own eugenics...
...And it's been going on for a LONG time now. My "Christian" parents didn't want the "hassle" of more kids, so mom took the Pill and dad got "an operation" back in the 1960s to make sure I wouldn't have any more siblings.

It was widely considered the "enlightened" thing to do at the time.

Oh well. 2nd and 3rd world immigrants seem more than happy to fill our self-imposed population vacuum, so we should be OK in the long run, I guess.

News Item12/16/11 11:59 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Mike wrote:
Truly a inspiring family. Praying for comfort of the whole family.
I wholeheartedly second that.

Today I have nothing but admiration for large families like this and others who resolved to not be intimidated by the overpopulation fear-mongering so prevalent near the end of the baby boom, which coincided with my own formative years.

My family and I, and people of my generation would frequently mock our Catholic and Mormon neighbors for "endangering the world" by their "reckless incontinence".

A later, more honest reading of the Bible, and Julian Simon's The Ultimate Resource, finally persuaded me that much of the overpopulation fears that I was taught in my youth were unfounded.

Had I known this earlier I'd have been much more motivated to settle down and raise a sizable family of my own. Sadly, Satan won many great victories against my family and my culture at that time.

News Item12/16/11 11:12 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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(lol--if achingly!).

That's one for the ages, or at least one that I will definitely remember. Thank you.

I've long been suspicious of a possible link (both spiritually and physically) between birth control (wind) and breast cancer (whirlwind), being that God is not mocked and we eventually reap what we sow.

Your "ALL" link is blocked, as I'm on break at work, and our system administrators won't let us view anything they deem to be too "controversial" (fear of liability and computer viruses, I guess); so I'll have to wait until I get home to read it.

News Item12/15/11 12:10 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Impressive exchange.

I think this country needs more NY Mikes and Arizona Neils to keep the socialists at bay.

News Item12/14/11 2:00 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
John SJ,
No offense taken!
For about a century now, I think the Far Left has dominated the critique of mainstream Progressive foreign policy, which has made it very difficult for a non-Marxist, Constitutionalist view, such as Ron Paul is voicing, to be taken seriously.
Recall the Vietnam War. The debate over it was dominated by mainstream containment Progressives of both parties, & various screwball leftists including old-school Communist sympathizers. Was anybody ready to hear anything like what Ron Paul is saying now?
Recall that the last publicly credible opposition lobby, the American Anti-Imperialist League, disbanded in 1921, & in any case, it had several prominent leftists in it, like John Dewey & Samuel Gompers.
Oh, good.

Pat Buchannan is the only previous Republican presidential candidate that comes to my mind that even remotely resembles Ron Paul on foreign policy.

It'll be interesting to see how well he does in the coming months.

News Item12/14/11 11:16 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
Recall that the US supported the 1953 Mordad Coup installing the Shah instead of the duly elected Mosaddegh, in part because of US/UK fears over oil nationalization.

The more noble-sounding goal of "containing the Soviet menace" through Nato, Seato, and Cento (of which Iran was supposed to be a hub) was what was taught in my HS history classes. No mention what-so-ever regarding oil interests. Guess we all got "the cover story", which was mostly true, but denied information regarding the more mundane economic aspects of our foreign policy.

Were I more of a reader like you and Jim I might have known this earlier, but at least I'm hearing it from you now. Thanks.

News Item12/11/11 11:56 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jesus would no more side with OWS than he did with the zealots of his day who were trying to undermine the Roman government.

He did have at least one disciple who was described as a former zealot, so if Jesus were around today he might have followers who would be former OWS people.

News Item12/11/11 11:44 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Angela Wittman wrote:
Hi Jim,
Thanks for the link to the BBC article... In all truthfulness, I am approximately 6 hours from Chicago in downstate Illinois and unfamiliar with Chigago's history.
You must be close to (or maybe inside of) the Shawnee National Forrest. That's some pretty country down there, where my grandparents grew up, near Harrisburg and Cave-in-Rock.

News Item12/10/11 2:55 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Claymore wrote:
Yesexcellent post But John SJ you are damned forever because you went to one of those evil, demonic, public schools. Attending government schools places you beyond ALL hope of grace.

No wonder they named a mine and a sword after you!

News Item12/10/11 1:09 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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kenny wrote:
No Christian parent should EVER turn their child over to the government to be educated.
Excellent post!

Much as I'd love to have attended Christian school from k-12th grade, my parents saw public school as a bargain--especially since they were paying into it already (via property taxes) and couldn't afford private school.

I have no kids of my own but I can understand what must have been truly massive temptation experienced by my folks to "just let the government handle it" so that they could get on with their own lives.

News Item12/8/11 12:35 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Wonder what the Atheist chaplains' collar insignia will look like. Maybe an atom and a photon, since material rationalists don't believe in anything beyond the physical (i.e. matter, energy, time, space, etc.).

News Item12/3/11 12:00 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
It seems like God criticized many rulers that he had removed, King Saul, being one. So yes, I'll criticize "Bumbling" Bush, actually I'm being very polite,
When you say it like that it almost sounds like you're elevating yourself to God's level. I could be misunderstanding you, but you sound super-arrogant here. I can tell you're a smart and well-informed guy, but you may need to get over yourself from time to time. Just sayin'

News Item11/28/11 11:24 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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What will their chaplain's collar insignia look like? A broom, a bubbling cauldron, a stone circle?

News Item11/28/11 11:18 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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The store owner should apologize to GOD, who hates partiality.

Been a while since I last visited it but John MacArthur's website's title page said "Skeptics welcome!". Which is the proper Christian attitude toward doubters.

News Item11/28/11 11:12 AM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Just what exactly is an atheist Bible anyway?
I was wondering the same thing. Sounds like an oxymoron.

News Item11/17/11 7:45 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Neil wrote:
I wonder if they'll try this with the Dolly Llama? Probably not; that would hit too close to home (Buddhism being fashionable among the Jet Set).
Wow. You're right. Can you imagine the hissy fits thrown by the "Free Tibet" crowd if Bennetton showed the Dalai Lama kissing Chinese leader Hu Jintao--or (gasp!) Mao Zedong?

Nelson Mandela featured with South African Apartheid leaders in similar context would probably also be too much for them.

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