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News Item3/15/14 3:46 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Undermine religious opponents.

News Item3/15/14 3:46 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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One can observe the effort by some to deliberately wear down people who hold specific views by engaging them in petty squabbles. This is related to Argumentum ad nauseum insofar as it is an attempt at domination by sapping disputers of energy to continue. On the Internet these people are often called trolls but in fact there have been public announcements by governments (or denominations e. g. The RCC) of the intention to hire such people to undermine religious

News Item3/15/14 2:27 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Lurker writes;
belonging to an eternal covenant of grace (which was not established till Calvary, btw)

R. K. Borill responds,
Notwithstanding logic (logos btw means logic), I think you statement says a lot about your understanding (or lack thereof) of the sovereignty of God. If the covenant of grace was not established until Calvary, how is he the "lamb slain from the FOUNDATION the world"?

Revelation 13:8 KJV
[8] And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

News Item3/15/14 2:10 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Under the Gospel, when Christ, the substance, was exhibited, the ordinances in which this covenant is administered are the preaching of the Word, and the administration of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper: which, though fewer in number, and dispensed with more simplicity, and less outward glory, yet, in them, it is held forth in more fullness, evidence, and spiritual efficacy, to all nations, both Jews and Gentiles; and is called the New Testament. There are not therefore two covenants of grace, differing in substance, but one and the same, under various administrations.

News Item3/15/14 2:04 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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The covenant of grace was differently administered in the time of the law, and in the time of the Gospel: under the law it was administered by promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the paschal lamb, and other types and ordinances delivered to the people of the Jews, all foresignifying Christ to come. These things were, for that time, sufficient and efficacious, through the operation of the Spirit, to instruct and build up the elect in faith in the promised Messiah, by whom they had full remission of sins, and eternal salvation; and is called the Old Testament.

News Item3/15/14 10:51 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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You said "this is a digression, let us stick to the Truth imparted to us in the scripture and remain poise".

Good advice my friend.

News Item3/15/14 10:44 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Sorry I went back through to find the example of affirming the disjunct that you made regarding Prebys affirming faith and works of the law. But it's been erased from my phone. I'll try to be more specific next time.

News Item3/15/14 10:32 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Hey, did you catch John UK's fallacy of "appeal to emotion" in his tremendous run on sentence (ad nausea).
In appeal to emotion
The speaker manipulates the emotions of the listener, either verbally or nonverbally, to fallaciously support a secondary claim.
The emotion that is manipulated can be anything that is useful, including pity, sympathy, hatred, spite, etc. Whatever will trigger acceptance of the secondary claim is used.

News Item3/15/14 10:22 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Yes. Very often. By the way, how many aliases does Observer have, and does every talk to himself?

News Item3/15/14 10:06 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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1517 writes:
RK and everlasting,
I am reading through Isaiah and came across chapter 54. Have you cited this already? It is a clear illustration, from the mouth God through the prophet, that his Covenant is perpetual. He just prophesied Christ in chapter 53, continues the monologue in 54. Specifically, verses 9-10 covers the history of mankind. His saving Noah, confirming a future Redeemer, and affirming a "covenant of peace" that "shall not be removed" is indicative of a perpetual covenant with his people; past, present, and future. How Glorious and Merciful!

R. K. Borill responds,

No, I had not used that one although I did point out Isa. 53 with regard to the "seed", but they did not take that into consideration. But Isa 54 is excellent. Thanks for bringing that one out.

News Item3/15/14 10:02 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Thanks for the the tip on the masked marauder. If my analysis of the fallacy is off. Let me know. Sometimes they use multiple and it hard to pin point exactly which one they are using. For example, I see a lot of red herring, begging the question, affirming the consequence. The latter is very often used. Thanks.

News Item3/15/14 9:51 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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1517 and everlasting,
I suggest we use the arguments of our opponents to help sharpen us on their overwhelming use of irrational fallacies. For example, Lurkers earlier use of "Affirming a disjunct." Two propositions were given and they were independent. When one of them turns out to be true, the arguer claims the other is false.

Another example of this is "The baby has red hair, or the baby has web feet. The baby does not have web feet therefore it has red hair."

In his fallacy, Lurker is making a mistake of assuming that two propositions are connected when they are not.

News Item3/15/14 8:37 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Clarity writes:
Is anything worth your time? Your typical response on this thread is usually a one liner dismission. Try making a case once in a while to show you care and know enough to answer an issue.

R. K. Borill responds,
If the person I'm writing to has the mind to argue with some degree of honesty about the facts, and with some degree of Biblical conviction even if they oppose I will engage. Otherwise, my experience has shown that very little progress is made except to strengthen the narcissism of those who love the sport of mental ping pong.

News Item3/15/14 8:06 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Clarity writes:
Read up on the history and you'll find that the Catholic authorities wanted to strangle at birth the political movement of the Huguenots. This was strictly a political fight between mother and daughter, who were exactly alike in their political ambitions and murderous outlook.

R. K. Borill responds,

Ok you just proved my point about the delusion. Now the history is written to call a massacre of thousands an "attempt to strangle a political movement" by Catholic "authorities". This is so ludicrous, I won't even waste my time with this one.

News Item3/15/14 7:06 AM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Isn't it amazing how history is changed to encapsulate the delusion. How quickly they forget St. Bartholomew's massacre of the Huguenots and the Inquisition massacres and accuse the reformers of murder. Just amazing.

News Item3/14/14 9:30 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Dr. John Robbins has a great essay that shows events such as this being right in line with Revelation 13 prophecy:

Evangelicalism, The Charismatic Movement, and the Race Back To Rome. (1986)

News Item3/14/14 8:27 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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1517 writes:
RK, hang in there truth always sets people in disarray.

R. K. Borill responds,

Thanks brother. I'm not giving up; I just don't see where I have made much progress here with Observer and John UK. Therefore, I think it is time for me to move on for now. I hope that you and "everlasting" can be more effective and gracious than I. I get weak sometimes and leave off the logic and pick up the tactics of those who oppose.

News Item3/14/14 8:08 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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everlasting wrote:
God made a Covenant with Abraham AND HIS SEED. God ordained that Covenant as everlasting in perpetuity. And God does not lie.

R. K. Borill responds,

Hey brother; I appreciate your picking up where I left off. I hope that you can help the cause better than I did.

News Item3/14/14 7:31 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Thanks Dude! Glad you liked it. What happened at Westminster? I crossed paths with Federal Visionists. I lost the battle.

News Item3/14/14 6:59 PM
R. K. Borill | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Find all comments by R. K. Borill
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Observer writes:
Well, now I know you're a preacher and have sermons on here, I'm sure looking forward to hearing some of them to see how preachers who know zip all about their bibles go about preaching for a living.

Who knows, I might even leave some friendly notes for hearers to help them discern whether you speak the truth in Christ, or just fabricate matters to make a living. If the interaction here is anything to go by, I know which option my money's on.

R. K. Borill responds,
Take your best shot dude. Given what I've seen here, I have no concerns.

Romans 12:19 KJV
[19] Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

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