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News Item8/26/16 12:38 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Nothing but a bunch of lies about Graham not preaching the biblical doctrine of salvation. In every Crusade Graham preached the biblical doctrine of salvation that salvation comes only through embracing Jesus as Savior and trust in Him alone for salvation. So grow up.
You want to show us all how what David Cloud wrote is a lie, when he provides all his sources? Or is that too much to ask?

I think you've got a lot of growing up to do yourself JY, but most importantly:


News Item8/26/16 12:28 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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Rodney K. wrote:
Why I h'aint never! They aint cross eyed. They's a-trackin' two targets at wonst.

What, with just one shot gun and no bullets?!

News Item8/26/16 12:25 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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Faith and obedience go hand in hand in the saved.

You profess faith, but we know it's empty because we see no obedience, but rather wilful disobedience and hiding behind "only faith is needed for salvation" which is a total misunderstanding of the true doctrine of justification by faith, its grounds and effects.

I'm sure you'll keep lying to yourself to your dying day, so I'm only posting this for the unwary who may not recognise the fallacies in your arguments. In other words, spare me your parrot response!

News Item8/26/16 11:47 AM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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Rodney K. wrote:
That's a right nice way of sayin', "Don't make eye contact with the locals."
Well ma Paw always said them Hillbillys were cross eyed and so I'm a wondering how they'd know whether you's looking at them or not?

News Item8/26/16 10:06 AM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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Christopher000 wrote:
Btw: Steve, Observer is most certainly male, not some old woman trying to deceive everyone. Not sure why you'd infer such nonscense.
Hey Christopher

In his world of make believe wrong is right, error is truth, hate is love, true Christians are the enemy etc.

As part of his Romanist attack strategy, demeaning people and lying about them is fair game.

Nothing new bro. We know the wiles of the devil and have armor equal to it!

Lord bless you bro.

News Item8/25/16 8:27 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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2 John.9-11

"Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."

May the Lord's blessings be upon all those who love him in truth.

Wishing all the saints on here a very good evening.


Late edit for Ladybug

I discovered that MLJ also separated from J I Packer on the grounds of his ecumenism. Seems ironic that so many in the "reformed" camp in this country are enamored with the man and all that he teaches!

News Item8/25/16 8:16 PM
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Frank wrote:
SteveR, I have studied much about Saddleback church and my opinion is they are an apostate ecumenical church that preaches a social gospel. If you are associated with them, then that explains a lot.
I wrote a meditation regarding Rick Warren if you want it. Just let me know if I can be of assistance. I believe he said the following:
"At the 2005 UN Prayer Breakfast, he told an audience of Christians, Hindus, and Muslims, "God doesn't care what religion you are." He told acclaimed broadcast journalist and interviewer Charlie Rose that his Purpose Driven Peace Plan could include homosexuals, and he told the Pew Forum that his reformation could include Muslims."
Hey bro

Good to see you posting.

I saw your comment about JY being a parrot as opposed to a robot. Made me smile.

It's good of you to offer the shill your assistance. Having dealt with him over the years, I feel he is beyond reach. I hope I'm wrong, I truly do. I will continue to pray for his darkened heart. The Lord have mercy on his wretched soul.

Blessings to you bro.

News Item8/25/16 7:49 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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Kev wrote:
He probably is mad because of what you said to me Steve just as I was upset when you spoke badly of him the other day. That's what you do when someone attacks someone you consider your brother. ...
Hey Kev

I feel bad for you because you've probably never come across hatred like Stevie boy's. You have to realize that this bully likes picking on the those he considers are weak, and attacks using the same tactic as Islamists. You know, they come from the squalor of their countries and use the freedoms afforded by the West to undermine those very freedoms.

This shill stays around the board counting on tolerance because of sensitive Christian consciences whilst spending his entire time attacking all and sundry, abusing the Word of God and claiming that he is whiter than snow. And when the tolerance is no longer afforded him, he cries wolf and asks to be pitied because there is no one as reviled as him on the board blah blah blah

Treat everything he posts with a large dose of salt, and only counter his posts when his lie is meant to deceive and entrap the unwary. Otherwise my friend you will be wasting a great deal of time dealing with this evil person. He really doesn't care for anyone. He's just happy doing the devil's work!

News Item8/25/16 7:18 PM
Observer  Find all comments by Observer
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SteveR wrote:
Romans 3:4
Do ye not know all men are liars? To me it's the incentive to judge the spirit, and you have a questionable incentive. Of flesh or wickedness? We shall see
My friends, the Saints at Saddleback, are judges along with me

That's not what the verse means silly!

Can anyone believe that this blind shill takes Bible classes?

The Lord have mercy on those who attend!

News Item8/25/16 6:58 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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SteveR wrote:
Maybe you need a new scriptural proof text when dealing with people like me pastor?..
Hey Kev, here's my suggestion:


News Item8/25/16 6:45 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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SteveR wrote:
I apologize for implying you a premedated liar. But I believe you jump to conclusions without all the information needed for your audience

Lets read the liar's words in his post of 8/25/16 5:35 PM :

"Wow! Your willingness to lie for no good reason and desire to be a Pastor means one thing, you will be rich!...."

"willingness to lie" is hardly an implication. It is an outright accusation!

News Item8/25/16 6:18 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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Kev wrote:
Steve I never once said Billy Graham wasn't a Christian. That is not my place. I did question his motives because of his huge salary and I question his ethics because he has been a pastor for more years than I have been alive and still makes mistakes such as on my video. False prophets never dress like wolves Steve and I'm not saying he is one but I am commanded to beware. I write my comments on my phone. You personally attacked me in multiple ways for sticking up for the truth. Is that not something that is commendable?
Hey Kev

Think nothing of what Stevie boy posts. It's his nature to attack true believers. So, take it as a compliment and move on.

He knows nothing of the grace of Christ. He is still in the flesh.

Remember what I posted earlier:

Galatians 4:29 But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.

Lord bless.

News Item8/25/16 6:08 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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SteveR wrote:
Your post accused Graham of being a democrat, fan of Islam, Pope and Clinton. Nothing to back it up, but innuendo.
Like I said. You will do well financially in the pastor business
What an utterly shameless liar this devil is.

He is a democrat - time stamp 11.06 ff

Re: Islam - time stamp 3.25 ff

Re: The Pope - time stamp 9.43 ff

Re: Clintons - time stamp 10.53 ff

All explicit, no innuendos.

News Item8/25/16 5:43 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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Kev wrote:
Did you watch the clip Steve there was not one lie out of me Steve. Watch the video and tell me where I lied and I will apologize.
When I went to saddleback they never once preached Jesus Christ crucified. Do you not find something wrong with that? Or the depravity of man, the Holiness of God or our utter need of a Savior.
Yep, says it all.

He believes mormons are Christian, that Islam is a great religion and much misunderstood blah blah blah

News Item8/25/16 5:00 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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By the way, the interview with Schuller that bro Kev posted up took place in May 1997 when Billy was 78!

Therefore his comments about the wider hope and people being saved who have never even heard of Christ were hardly the comment of a senile old man misspeaking

The Roman shill will stop at no lie.

News Item8/25/16 4:33 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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“During my life I have made about thirty pilgrimages to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes and about ten to her shrine in Fatima” (Fulton Sheen, Treasure in Clay, p. 317).

Thus by his own testimony, Fulton Sheen’s hope of eternal life and acceptance before God was in Mary.

In his autobiography, Billy Graham described his first meeting with Sheen. Graham was an evangelist with Youth For Christ. He said he was traveling on a train from Washington to New York and was just drifting off to sleep when Sheen knocked on the sleeping compartment and asked to “come in for a chat and a prayer” (Graham, Just As I Am, p. 692). Graham said: “We talked about our ministries and our common commitment to evangelism, and I told him how grateful I was for his ministry and his focus on Christ. … We talked further and we prayed; and by the time he left, I felt as if I had known him all my life.”

Thus Graham plainly said that he accepted Fulton Sheen’s sacramental gospel as the truth even in those days.”

David Cloud fully documents every assertion he makes and his booklet is freely available at:

[URL=http://www.wayoflife.org/free_ebooks/billy_graham_and_rome.php]]]Billy and Rome[/URL]

Just watch the Romish shill have an apoplectic fit.

News Item8/25/16 4:23 PM
Observer  Contact via emailFind all comments by Observer
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Thank you Christopher.

"Graham’s ecumenical associations made him incredibly broadminded and tolerant. As we will see, he even came to the position that the mode of baptism is not important, that infant baptism equals regeneration, and that people can be saved without trusting in the name of Jesus Christ.”

“Billy Graham’s sad and fearful compromise with Roman Catholicism began as early as 1944. In that year he was befriended by Fulton Sheen, one of the most influential Catholic leaders in America.
When Sheen died in December 1979, Graham testified that he had “known him as a friend for over 35 years” (Religious News Service, Dec. 11, 1979).

Sheen was a faithful son of Rome. In his book Treasure in Clay, a copy of which is in my library, Sheen said that one of his spiritual secrets was to offer Mass every Saturday “in honor of the Blessed Mother to solicit her protection of my priesthood.”

Sheen devoted an entire chapter of his autobiography to Mary, “The Woman I Love.” He said, “When I was ordained, I took a resolution to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist every Saturday to the Blessed Mother” “... All this makes me very certain that when I go before the Judgment Seat of Christ, He will say to me in His Mercy: ‘I heard My Mother speak of you.’....


News Item8/25/16 4:14 PM
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The January 1978 issue of McCall's magazine contained an interview with Graham by James Michael Beam. Graham admitted his change in thinking:

“I am far more tolerant of other kinds of Christians than I once was. My contact with Catholic, Lutheran and other leaders—people far removed from my own Southern Baptist tradition—has helped me, hopefully, to move in the right direction. I’ve found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics, for instance, they believe in the Virgin Birth, and so do I. They believe in the Resurrection of Jesus and the coming judgment of God, and so do I. We only differ on some matters of later church tradition.”

This is strange talk. The errors of the Roman Catholic Church are not mere matters of “later church tradition.” Roman Catholicism is the perversion of the gospel and the corruption of the New Testament church by the intermingling of biblical truth with paganism and Judaism. Rome’s false sacramental gospel of grace plus works requires that we label it cursed of God (Gal. 1:6-10); but Dr. Graham long ago determined to look upon Roman Catholicism as true Christianity, and he has led multitudes astray by that decision.”


News Item8/25/16 4:04 PM
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Lurker wrote:
Hey Bro,
Nice to hear from you. Also was nice to read your multi-part post yesterday. Spot on.
There are a multitude of ways to expose J4J's errors and all should be brought to the fore. Those with eyes to see will agree and those who don't won't. It's that simple.
As for Kev...... no doubt he has learned a lot because of this discussion but there comes a time when it is best to call it quits. Continuing just provides a platform for J4J to continue wreaking violence on the precious truths of the bible which is really sickening.
That said, I am convinced J4J really and truly believes what he sets forth. And that is what tells me he has never been called in mercy to this day. And for that he needs our prayers...... not our scorn which is so easy to do, especially for me.
Love you, brother.
Agreed bro that J4 is sincere in what he believes even if misguided. I agree with your conclusion about his standing before God and also agree with you that he needs our pity and prayers. May the Lord be pleased to hear and answer them.

Love you too bro.

Blessings to you and all yours.

News Item8/25/16 3:47 PM
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“God had instructed Graham to mark and avoid those who teach contrary to apostolic truth (Rom. 16:17). He had warned him that error is like a canker (2 Tim. 2:16-18) and leaven (Gal. 5:9) and that “evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Cor. 15:33), but Graham disobeyed God’s instruction and ignored His warning.

In an interview with the Religious News Service in 1986, the 67-year-old Billy Graham admitted that his ministry was deliberately ecumenical even in its early days (Christian News, March 31, 1986).

From that time, Graham moved ever closer in fellowship with Roman Catholicism and theological Modernism. As John Ashbrook, author of New Neutralism II: Exposing the Gray of Compromise, noted, “Compromise takes a man farther than he intends to go.”

The Bible warns that “evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Cor. 15:33).

How did Graham’s ecumenical relationships affect him?


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