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News Item12/1/19 10:55 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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The Honorable Gov. and his critic don't know the Bible. One of many examples:
"shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?" - Job 2:10

News Item11/29/19 1:41 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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I've decided "transgender" people are crazy, so the question reduces to whether you want to humor lunatics with their self-delusions or not. Or from another perspective, I'd rather not talk to someone at all, or extremely minimally, than be subject to irritating pronoun correction. Who wants to converse with a nagging Grammar Nazi?

News Item11/28/19 8:51 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Lack of leadership accountability is a cultural problem, for it can be found in every sector - gov't, corporations, NGOs, churches, and families.

News Item11/27/19 8:42 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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What John Birchers and other half-informed commentators on Rome don't understand is, Lib Theology is official Catholic Social[ist] Teaching taken to its logical conclusion. They had it coming.

It seems very few conservatives take the trouble to educate themselves on what Rome explicitly teaches, resulting in half-baked analysis like this. Or else they're afraid to offend the Catholic demographic.

News Item11/27/19 8:30 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
URL for the message below.
Democrat procedure now is to accuse Trump supporters of what they do themselves, since people without a conscience do not believe hypocrisy is a sin. Recall Hillary's Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy?

News Item11/27/19 12:10 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Years ago, my parents reported secessionist opinions among Canadians they met while vacationing in the western provinces. I wondered whether these people were serious, or just venting.

News Item11/25/19 12:01 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Be careful what you wish for! Given the murderous invective and even violence tolerated against conservatives these days, I'm not sure a Fed. death penalty is a good thing to restore now. What will happen if the Democrats get the power they lust for?

News Item11/22/19 12:10 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Actually, the "Elephant in the Room" hazard for long-duration manned missions, like to Mars, is not blood clots but this:
Apollo mission planners tried to avoid expected solar flares, and got lucky since the LEM had no radiation shielding whatever.

The Chinese want to go to Mars in the 2030s. Given the costs and hazards of it, they're welcome to try.

News Item11/22/19 11:24 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Diane wrote:
Man was never meant to go into outer space.
If so, then man wasn't meant to go into water, either, since we lack gills, fins, etc. And we can have circulatory problems there too, as with the bends.

But while the manned space program may have had incidental technical benefits, I think it was more about redeeming wounded national pride than anything else. So we beat the Russkies to the Moon. What did we get from the billions it cost? Nice pictures, rocks and some raw data for scientists to ponder.

OTOH, unmanned exploration has been much more cost-effective and productive, but just the same, I still doubt this is good stewardship of taxpayers' money, though it's small potatoes now compared to other gov't wastage.

News Item11/22/19 9:06 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
...Franklin Graham isn't committed to Christian values
Pot calling the kettle black!

News Item11/21/19 3:50 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Mike wrote:
I wonder how they define epidemic?
Calling it a "widespread bad habit" might make people feel bad, so they shift the blame to something out of one's control to avoid guilt. Defining away guilt is the Left's way of salvation.

BTW, I informally define "habit" as something one can do while thinking of something else. This explains how I can drive towards the market when (for example) I am supposed to take my wife to the doctor instead.

News Item11/21/19 10:25 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Neil, you brought up an interesting idea, fall[sic] Syrian oil is just a small percentage of world production, it's enough to really fuel terrorists with money
It looks like you're shifting ground to another absurdity. Is America supposed to invade every possible income source for terrorists? If so, then what about our buddy Saudi Arabia? Your favorite gangster Hillary Clinton, while Sec. of State, claimed its donors "constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide."

News Item11/21/19 9:53 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Headline says, "Opioid Epidemic Has Hit Their Church"
But the text says "a family member" or "someone in their congregation knows a local neighbor...". These folks are NOT necessarily part of a church!

So this is bait-and-switch exaggeration to hype someone's book, as the article writer works for its publisher, who also paid for the survey. Now I don't deny there's an opioid crisis, but it's hard to get the story straight from those with a profit agenda.

News Item11/20/19 2:55 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The u.s. is there to protect the Syrian oil fields...
Surely we couldn't be that stupid - Syria ranks 59th (tied with Ivory Coast) down the list of leading oil-producing countries.

Democrats say they believe oil is bad for the planet anyway. I think it is too, but for a different reason: it gives Washington fools a pretext to interfere overseas, e.g. Operation Ajax.

News Item11/19/19 1:56 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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People on both sides obsess over this company. Aren't organized churches enough to fuss about?

"education, homelessness and hunger"
I wonder what solutions they endorse for each of these?

Education: American education is overpriced while increasingly dumbed down and politicized. It is a racket for teacher's unions and tenured Communist professors, so I don't know what can be done short of boycotting outright.

Homelessness: Exacerbated (if not caused) by gov't interference in the housing market coupled with increasing social acceptance of substance abuse that makes people unfit/unable to even pay rent. Any magic bullets for this?

Hunger: You'd think Michelle Obama would've led a campaign against this (instead of obesity) if hunger in America is as bad as many claim. There's plenty of food thrown away every day by markets and fast-food.

News Item11/16/19 11:23 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
from, "Abortion Can Be Medically Necessary"
This betrays your worldview: Because some unbelieving "experts" say something is so, you uncritically believe it implicitly, as if they are God, just like Catholics believing everything their church says, whether they understand it or not.

I might be able to address their arguments if more detail and examples were provided, but they conveniently omitted these.

News Item11/15/19 11:28 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Dr. Jim is not Dr. Tim wrote:
Do you oppose women teaching a children's Sunday school?
Yes; 1 Cor. 14:34.

News Item11/15/19 1:26 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Anyone with teaching authority, including women Sunday School teachers, is a church leader, but churches are selective in obedience to Scriptural directions on ecclesiastical practice.

News Item11/15/19 1:04 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Irony: Gerald Gardner founded the modern Wiccan movement, at least in the UK.

Even during the more "Christian" Tudor era, when one could be persecuted or worse for religious heterodoxy, folk superstition, comparable to modern Wiccan practice, prospered. There were women healers offering disgusting, screwball disease remedies which were not perceived as witchcraft unless followed by some mishap.

History is complicated, but often distorted by people who suppress things not agreeable to their personal agendas. But the Bible implies historians should tell the whole truth, not just the bits we like.

News Item11/14/19 1:33 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Frank wrote:
… At graduation, only 2 boys said they wanted to serve the Lord in the mission field and no females said their goal was to be wives and mothers.
That squares with what I've heard of parochial schools in our area. And I wonder how many young men are fit to marry girls who *do* have that as a life goal (I have a daughter in that age range, so such thoughts come up). Life here has taught me that Americans break social bonds with distressing ease and frequency, as turnover in our church has made plain. Several coworkers have quit their jobs without even bothering to say good-bye (maybe they hate me but wouldn't say so).

Our civilization is collapsing before our eyes. We are Sodom now.

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