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Survey11/16/07 8:13 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Continuing with JD,

Since the words, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent are not in the KJV, do you also deny that God possesses those attributes as well?

God does not describe himself as a Trinity, do you also deny the doctrine of the trinity?

Survey11/16/07 7:47 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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"sovereign" adjective

1 a: superlative in quality : EXCELLENT
b: of the most exalted kind : SUPREME sovereign virtue
c: having generalized curative powers a sovereign remedy
d: of an unqualified nature : UNMITIGATED sovereign contempt
e: having undisputed ascendancy : PARAMOUNT
2 a: possessed of supreme power a sovereign ruler
b: unlimited in extent : ABSOLUTE
c: enjoying autonomy : INDEPENDENT sovereign states
3: relating to, characteristic of, or befitting a sovereign

In 161 verses in the Old Testament, The LORD declared "I am the LORD".

264 verses in the entire Bible, the term "the Lord thy God" is found.

1 capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: as
a: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe.

2: a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and powers and to require human worship; specifically : one controlling a particular aspect or part of reality

3: a person or thing of supreme value

4: a powerful ruler

1: one having power and authority over others:
a: a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due

2capitalized a: GOD 1 b: JESUS

If that does not satisfy you, then nothing will.

Survey11/16/07 7:17 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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JD, do you agree or disagree with the following quote?

"To say that God is sovereign is to declare that God is God. To say that God is sovereign is to declare that He is the Most High, doing according to His
will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth, so that
none can stay His hand or say unto Him what doest Thou? (Dan. 4:35). To say that God is sovereign is to declare that He is the Almighty, the Possessor of all power in heaven and earth, so that none can defeat His counsels, thwart His purpose, or resist His will (Ps. 115:3). To say that God is sovereign is to declare that He is “The Governor among the nations” (Psalm 22:28), setting up kingdoms, overthrowing empires, and determining the course of dynasties as pleaseth Him best. To say that God is sovereign is to declare that He is the “Only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords” (1 Tim. 6:15). Such is the God of the Bible."

Survey11/16/07 6:57 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Will you go on record and publicly confess before God and the witnesses here on Sermonaudio that God is NOT sovereign?

Survey11/16/07 3:51 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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The verb "believeth" = "πιστευων" is in the present active tense, thus "whosoever is believing"

Survey11/16/07 9:01 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Do you maintain that the WCF was literally "God-breathed" in the same manner as the Holy Scriptures themselves?

Do you even believe that the scriptures were God-breathed to begin with?

Survey11/15/07 5:16 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Westy: "So are the Prophets and the Apostles.
But in actual fact the way which the Elect receive and know the Truth is the same today as it was in the 17th century when the Westminster Divines lived."

With all due respect Westy, the apostles and prophets wrote under the divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit. We receive and understand today through illumination, not inspiration. By your statement, you are attributing infallability to the framers of the WFC. That is no better than the RCC.

Survey11/15/07 2:15 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Why do you conveniently omit verse 13, as do most fundamental dispensationalist preachers "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."

Notice the tenses of the verbs. There are all in past tense. I thought you said that one could not be born again by the Spirit until after the cross.

Survey11/15/07 11:01 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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According to your theology, was it virtually impossible for Nicodemus to be born-again by the Holy Spirit, regenerated and quickened and see the kingdom of God or enter the kingdom of God until after Jesus died on the cross.

In other words, was Jesus wasting his time in telling Nicodemus that he must be born-again when he couldn't and had to wait for 3 years to do it. If he died before that time, what would have happened to him?

Survey11/14/07 6:05 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Please continue.

Survey11/14/07 4:55 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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I am speaking to the doctrine of unconditional election period. The God of the Old Testament chose the Israelites to be His covenant people, yet not all were justified by faith (saved), yet they all had the same rights and priviledges to believe God as did their father Abraham.

God's plan has not changed. He still has a covenant family that now incorporated the Gentiles. The grounds for election still apply (unconditional) as well as the conditions for justification and that is still by faith.

Under the New Covenant, the ceremonial laws, which included circumcision and the dietary restrictions have been completed in Christ because they were all types of Christ and pictured the atonement he would make for his people.

Did God change His plan. Unconditional election in the Old Testament in that He chose a covenant people soley out of the pleasure of His grace and out of His good pleasure, but in the New Testament, he bases His choosing (election) on our merits or on the basis of something we do in our own power.

Survey11/14/07 4:02 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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What conditions did the children of Israel have to meet in order for God to have chosen (elected) them to be His people and to be their God?

Survey11/14/07 1:14 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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So what you are trying to imply is that God chose the children of Israel to be His elect because they believed on Him or made a decision of their own freewill to accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Or did He first choose out a people who were without merit, but out of His good pleasure, established a covenant with him with both physical and spiritual blessings. He instituted laws, ceremonies and offerings for them to obey. Did He not say that He will make them His people and that He will be their God? (Lev. 26:12)

Does God change? I'd say NOT. (Mal. 3:6)Does He not promise that His elect will be saved? Nowhere is it promised that the saved will be elected.

Survey11/14/07 11:11 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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What you are confusing is salvation with divine election. Belief does comes before salvation, justification, not before election. The verb "believeth" in Romans 1:16 is in the present, active tense. Thusly "for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that [is believing]". It is not a future tense as "for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that [will believe].

The same Greek word is applied in John 3:16.

Survey11/14/07 10:30 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Do you believe that due to the fallen depraved nature of man, that he will seek a holy, righteous God on his own? Can he turn himself around and love the Lord the God with all his heart, obey Him and worship Him while being dead spiritually in tresspasses and sin by an act of his own free-will? Or does it require a divine act of God the Father to draw a lost sinner to repentence and faith in Christ?

Survey11/14/07 10:08 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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If I may post an editorial comment. There seems to be misconceptions on both sides. One minimizes the sovereignty of Gof and maximizes the responsibility of man while the other maximizes the sovereignty of God and eliminates the responsibility of man altogether.

The other misconception some has is that they equate the doctrine of election to mean the same as salvation (the acquittal of sin, justification) when in fact it is not the same.

God's chosing of a people for Himself is not based on any acts or merits of any man, but a sovereign act of His good pleasure. When he called the children of Israel to be His covenant people, He didn't instantly redeem them of their sin and save their soul. They had to come to that point for themselves by faith. They were still part of God's elect, but were not saved until they were justified by faith. God still has an elect people today comprised of both Jews and Gentiles who will be saved by grace through faith in the person of Jesus Christ.

Although election is unconditional, justification is by faith. All men are commanded to repent from their dead works and to believe the gospel of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. However due to the fallen nature of man as being totally depraved, a sovereign act of God must happen.

Survey11/10/07 1:49 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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"But whether the person being baptized should be wholly immersed, and
whether thrice or once, whether he should only be sprinkled with poured
water — these details are of no importance, but ought to be optional to
churches according to the diversity of countries. *** Yet the word “baptize”
means to immerse, and it is clear that the rite of immersion was observed
in the ancient church.***"

-John Calvin (Institutes of the Christian Religion Vol. 4, Chapter 15, Section 19)

Survey11/10/07 11:23 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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Rhetorical questions don't require an answer, Phillip gave him one, the codition on which he could be baptized.

If it was indeed rhetorical as you saym then Phillip would have said, nothing.

Keep trying.

Survey11/10/07 11:00 AM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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A Presbyterian,

Just goes to show you that you do not take the bible as authoritative but as subordinate to your traditions.

The word "hinder" is also translated "forbiddeth" with is an means what it says. In the case of the eunuch, he was forbidden to be baptized until he made a profession and confession of his faith.

Survey11/9/07 5:36 PM
Discerning Believer  Find all comments by Discerning Believer
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One of the nicest things about scripture is that it is consistent throughout. Salvation comes first then baptism.

Mark 16:15-16
"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 16. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."

Acts 2:41
"Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls."

They first received the word and then were baptized.

The Philippian jailer was converted and then baptized.

There was never an instance in the NT where someone was converted after baptism.

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