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News Item12/23/06 7:30 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Remo, here is an interesting article about tithing I just came accross:

And one for Wayne : The Great Ecclsiastical Conspiracy

News Item12/23/06 2:18 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Oh well, I guess Noah and his tribe lived to a good old age back in that era.... maybe the flood washed away a lot of the nasty bugs. Plus handling the animals may have boosted their immune system. But God has given us a considerably reduced time frame; vaccinated or not, healthy or not, everyone gets the chance to die.

News Item12/22/06 11:23 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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"people think that all Christians are ignorant bufoons"

Hey, dunno bout you but I sure am!

Now how does this work.... if I don't get vaccinated I will live forever?

Or is it just that I won't die of cancer (i.e. some gross disease gets me first coz I wasn't vaccinated)?

On the above situation, hard to tell the facts from the media (they've been vaccinated against reporting facts) but in this country at least it is against the constitution to force medical treatment on anyone. Mind you the government do their best to trample on this.... very sad for the little girl and her parents anyway.

News Item12/21/06 6:30 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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You forgot I already heard the other side of the story, read it in the bible.

News Item12/21/06 4:50 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Well Jesus is the King of Kings - no votes are needed! And even though the Roman Catholics don't want him, poor wretches.

News Item12/21/06 4:48 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Mike, what is your problem with that passage you so often quote? Is it a favourite of you fundyathiests of something?

Such things happen to those that mock God; just remember that.

News Item12/20/06 5:21 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Without seminary training could the apostle Paul have accomplished all that he has in terms of traveling around the world preaching?

Mans system usurps the place of the Holy Spirit..... without a degree from a seminary Paul would not be welcome to preach at most of the churches today.

News Item12/20/06 1:43 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Remo the tithe is an OT offering of foodstuffs - given every three years if I remember correctly. It has no relevance here whatsoever as we are discussing money.

News Item12/19/06 8:23 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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You're a girl Mike??


News Item12/19/06 6:01 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Missed out on the job Jez? Then how about looking elsewhere?

Sounds like the type that sue their school when they fail an exam.

News Item12/19/06 5:56 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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"Pastor" Mike = Sarah at times. Mike is a fundyathiest. This is about fraud after all....

News Item12/19/06 5:50 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Remo, giving freewill gifts is entirely scriptural. This is the example set out in the NT.

News Item12/19/06 5:44 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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My parents IL worked in Saudi Arabia for many years & got away with taking in a foreign language bible only because the Saudis did not know what it was (couldn't read it).

I'm not sure how the Arabs will handle the tourists they want to come there now as my mother had to wear a full burkha att all times when on the streets or she would get in trouble with the religious police. Tourists are welcome but you have to wear this black tent!

Amongst other things my father helped build secret booze cabinets concealed within built in cupboards for high level Saudi officials houses.

News Item12/18/06 11:09 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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That's nasty.... had my share of snake bites but being strangled is something else!

You'd think the guy could have done something but apparently not.... or maybe he was too worried about hurting the snake like the Sheriffs officers were.

Each snake has it's own personality so saying that 'this breed is tame and that breed is dangerous' is a fallacy. Sadly they tend to get grumpier and nastier as they age, like many humans.

News Item12/18/06 10:56 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Just don't get it hey?

You are talking business, I am talking scripture. That is why we disagree.

An example: "Imagine a person who shells out over $35,000 dollars for Seminary training and preparation". A scriptural example for this?

There isn't one. Again, not a biblical precept; an institution established by man to usurp the teaching position of the Holy Ghost. Roman Catholic origins...

As for "The labourer is worthy of his hire" (Luke 10:7) a brief glance at the immediate context - where these labourers are instructed to carry neither purse nor scrip, and to "eat and drink such things as are set before you" - shows that a fixed salary was the last thing our Lord had in view.

But I'll leave you to your business!

News Item12/18/06 5:04 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Good point Neil. What Wayne is not grasping is that there is no such thing as a single, full time salary paid pastor in the bible. This idea came from the church of Rome Wayne. In the early church it was always Christ as the head and "all ye are brethren" - everyone took part in the service accordingly, the men speaking in turn etc. Now it is generally 'the congregation' (a passive audience) and 'the pastor' (a guy that does everything) viewed as distinctly separate.

You won't find a single reference in NT scripture to 'the pastor' nor will you find a church epistle written to 'the pastor'.

That is why we need to reason from scripture & not from our own notions. I am not saying that many (probably most) of the pastors out there are not genuine and well-meaning. Just that their position is not scriptural.

Please look into it.... read the NT through again without the preconcieved notions that come so easily to you and I.

News Item12/18/06 1:51 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Wayne reckons "God expects that the man who preaches the gospel should live by the gifts (salary) of those who benefit from the gospel."

As I said (freewill) gifts are scriptural, a salary is certainly not. If you can't see that the two are quite different no-one can help you. A preacher on a salary is a hireling, he preaches for money.

The *only* case in Scripture of a 'minister' receiving a fixed salary occurs in Judges 17 where a man named Micah contracted and paid a Levite priest to serve in his house of idols and images. Great example Wayne!

"how is a man to take care of and provide for the needs of his family? To me, this is a dumb statement!"

Get a job. Paul was a tent maker,Peter a fisherman etc.... not a one of the apostles were hirelings as you deceitfully claim. Yes they receieved gifts but never a salary; they preached regardless of if they recieved any gifts or not. You accuse the scriptures of being dumb, not me.

The problem is you start with the false premis that they must have had a single full time pastor in each local church - which they didn't - then you apply human reasoning to figure out how this guy is going to pay his way. Wrong from the start and downhill from there my friend!

News Item12/18/06 1:41 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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How can Halal meat conform with both "Jewish and Muslim religious traditions" when the throat slitting must be done by a Muslim?

I can understand the parents great displeasure.... halal is not far off being meat offered to idols quite apart from the cruelty and discrimination aspects.

Survey12/16/06 4:59 PM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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The problem lies with God's children abandoning him, clearly not the other way around.... Luke 15, Ezekiel 3, Galatians 5, Hebrews 6 etc etc.

News Item12/16/06 4:05 AM
Chris M | Australia  Find all comments by Chris M
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Penguins plan to dominate the world? One learns something new each day on SermonAudio! Sounds like the weird 'Happy Feet' movie I read about, perhaps Algore was behind that one too.
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