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Survey11/7/06 7:52 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Now that's a good one.

Survey11/7/06 7:50 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Well I believe I still have a section in my homepage where you can post all the things that you hate about me.

Survey11/7/06 7:47 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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What is it that I said that offends you?

Survey11/7/06 11:23 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"My concern with the KJV issue is that the zeal some have for their preferred translation is to destroy the confience others have in the word of God in another translation."

What's wrong with that. If there are other translations that are dangerously flawed, does this not concern you?

Would to God that every Christian would shun away from a translation which is based on a text that is corrupt.

Survey11/2/06 8:04 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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The site:


Is a reference to the work of an ecumenical theological liberal from Germany.

You served to prove my point again Jeremiah.

Survey11/2/06 7:55 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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SO much for the preservation of God's word for every generation.

Survey11/2/06 7:53 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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So what Jeremiah is trying to tell you is that no matter what Bible you have in your hand, it is unquestionably full of errors.

Hopefully one is skilled enought to determine where the errors are.

Survey11/2/06 7:50 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"This is the task of textual criticism: to examine the manuscripts and determine what is original text and what are copying errors."

Unfortunately that's not the job description which your liberal textual critics have adopted.

Survey11/2/06 7:39 PM
yamil  Find all comments by yamil
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News Item11/2/06 7:36 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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The Devil knew Hitler

Survey11/2/06 7:25 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I have not followed much on the debate between you and JD. When I see something of relevance then I make a comment on it.

I think that's within the limitations of SA rules.

Now, if you want to gain in a profitable discussion with me, tell me: What is your bone with Revelation 20?

I think that is a safe place to start.

Survey11/2/06 7:18 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"Yamil...either you are on the right track or you aren't. There is only one track...only one. That is God's track. Run the race to win, not to seek controversy..."

You might have to explain yourself. In my opinion one cannot run the race without stirring up controversy. If you knew me personally, you will know that I do not waste time trying to argue with people. I do it here as an exercise. I think this is the nature of this forum.

Survey11/2/06 7:14 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"If you are not in the mode of thinking that you aren't going to find like minded thinking among God's people then why bother creating havoc on people that are trying be like-minded toward others who are following the word."

I have found several people with whom I have found a kindred spirit here among whom are also Calvinist.

John UK: would to God that every Calvinist were like him.

Lurker: though we have major odds, I pray for the salvation of his wife and he prays for my ministry.

Arthur: When it come to the Bible Version debate we are devastating combination.

MBL: He loves me so much as I do not mention Peter Ruckman (oh no I am in trouble now).

That's all that come to my mind of those I find a kindred spirit while at the same time we have opposing differences.

Of course JD, DB, and some others we are in agreement in every major issue.

Survey10/31/06 11:42 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I appreciate your analysis of Romans 11:16-24 but you have a number of things that are wrong with it.

1. The Bible makes no distinction between saved Israel and unsaved Israel. The Bible does make a distinction between individual Israelites and Israel as a nation. I think your confusion lies in the fact that the Bible does speak of a spiritual seed and a carnal seed. But the devastating truth is that the Church has never been reffered to as Israel.

2. The passages in Romans 9-11 makes a distinction between Israel as a nation and individual Israelites. But the theme of the passage is a reference to Israel as a nation: "I say then, Hath God cast away his people?"

3. Your dichotomy(saved vs unsaved Israel)is impossible to reconcile with such verses in the passage as verse 25:
"25For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in." Is this Israel saved or unsaved? I think it is impossible to answer under your hermeneutic.

Although, your commentary was hard to follow I believe I captured the general point of your post.


Survey10/30/06 7:58 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I mean if you want to get technical, Covenant theology is nothing more than a form of 3 dispenational theology.

And if you want to get real technical dispensationalism can be traced all the way to the writing of the New Testament. It occurs in the NT 4 times.

The church has always recognized different dispensations.

Survey10/30/06 7:54 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Your comment is quite silly. We all claim that our systematic theology can be traced back to the founding fathers. But I think that begs the question

You have to deal with the facts, not these strawmen arguments.

The fact is that the Bible makes no reference to God allowing only a predetermined few to go to heaven.

This is not a tenent of dispensationalism nor of Covenant theology. It is simply the Bible.

Survey10/30/06 7:46 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"And then impose them on others, it seems, just as JD also does.:"

The truth is that my comments carry as much weight as yours.

The question is which one would be more tenable.

If you do not want me to impose my comments on you than you have the option of not participating in this forum.

Otherwise your complaint is quite childish.

Survey10/26/06 11:22 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"It would appear that in the minority is the place to be, would it not?"

Yes. I just thought that your perspective was a bit ironic.

Survey10/26/06 11:21 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"Yamil, what do you mean a Calvinistic Arminian?"

Its just a play on words: An arminian that believes in eternal security.

It's just a funny way of explaining how silly labels are.

Survey10/26/06 11:17 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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CATS: Calvinism's ArchRival Theologians.



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