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News Item1/20/2020 10:22 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
...I am pretty sure you’d stick out if you were carrying a severed hand to pay for your purchase
Of course, but why can't crooks do it in a back room? China is already experienced in harvesting body parts. BTW, a coworker who vacationed there said it's hard to find retailers who'll take cash anymore.

Revelation must be wrong since it says the Mark is supposed to be on the forehead, not the hand. Or else this is another example of foolish, overconfident interpretation of its symbolism. I remember when Hal Lindsey, who predicted Christ would return in 1988, suggested the Revelation locusts were Soviet Hind helicopters. The man deserved to be tarred and feathered as a false prophet, but it didn't seem to upset End Times enthusiasts at all.

News Item1/20/2020 9:58 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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From what I could find online, the already extremely well-financed DoD (Newspeak for "War Dept.") established a trademark-enforcement office in 2007, as if they are a business enterprise, even though businesses already pay Federal taxes.

They must've been inspired by the macho brand cults of Jeep and Harley-Davidson.

News Item1/18/2020 10:22 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Brilliant: instead of stealing your wallet for credit cards, thieves will merely chop your hand off instead. There's already a market [e.g. China] for other body parts.

By now it should be clear that in considering adoption of new technology, its potential for abuse should also be weighed.

News Item1/15/2020 4:44 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Maybe God is using reprobates to "clean house" of offensive idols in Europe since Christians haven't done it (if there are any). Unless I missed the memo, the 2nd Commandment is still in force, 1 John 5:21.

News Item1/15/2020 4:29 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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According to Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, thieves were considered "Socially Friendly" by Communist dogmatists, explaining why thieves got easier treatment in the Gulags than "politicals." Democrats, natural allies of criminals, seem to be imitating this thinking, albeit in a different way.

But I predict that once their speed-bump, Trump, is gone and Democrats capture the Fed. gov't (which I consider only a matter of time), Christians will be treated worse than convicted felons.

News Item1/15/2020 9:47 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Something to bear in mind: the purpose of local zoning laws is to reduce causes of conflict between neighbors. For example, your neighbor decides to use his property to process cow manure; you could likely sue him for causing a Nuisance with the stench, since:
"A public nuisance is an unreasonable interference with the public's right to property. It includes conduct that interferes with public health, safety, peace or convenience."

Likewise, schools have a lot more weekly traffic than churches, which could annoy the neighbors. The article does not say whether this is even an ostensible concern of the County, and of course, it's not hard to imagine zoning laws being abused by hostile officials.

News Item1/9/2020 2:31 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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I think the influence of immature or perverted parents and peers is 10× as bad as visual media. Delinquent children have existed long before film and TV, hence the Torah law for executing incorrigibles.

News Item1/9/2020 9:39 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Catholics have been media "Moral Guardians" for a long time now. Here's plausible fodder for you Jesuit conspiracy theorists:

The leader of Parents Television Council, Brent Bozell [related to the late Wm F. Buckley], is on the board of advisers of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, an organization defending Catholics against defamation (i.e., any Protestant criticism of Catholic doctrine). It was founded by Jesuit priest Virgil Blum.

Surely there must be conservative lobbies in this country NOT involved with the RCC. Yet Catholic leaders also support Leftist causes like Latin American immigration, minimum wages, and universal health care.

News Item1/6/2020 7:40 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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A seminar on Catholic Social Thought may be interesting, but it is actually more socialist than Biblical.

News Item1/5/2020 10:58 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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The pot calls the kettle black. It takes even more faith to trust science since its empirical "laws" are grounded in fallacious inferences. Christianity doesn't have that problem.

News Item1/4/2020 1:35 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Been there, done that: Several US denominations split over slavery before the Civil War - Baptists and Methodists in 1845, Presbys in 1861.

Southern Presby theologian James H. Thornwell labeled Republicans as atheists.

News Item12/30/19 11:24 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Reminds me of a WW2 song: "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition," title inspired by a remark by USS New Orleans chaplain Lt. j.g. Howell M. Forgy during Pearl Harbor.

News Item12/27/19 12:52 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Gratuitously incendiary and divisive "Christian" op-eds like these make me suspect the writer has been blackmailed or bribed by Democrats using FBI or NSA surveillance, given their demonstrated track record on Trump, and given the ethical depravity evident in much of organized Christianity.

News Item12/21/19 9:36 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Countermeasure: Turn off Location Services. It saves the battery anyway

News Item12/20/19 11:04 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Glad they did. Note that the historic, very pedantic Reformed confessions were silent on this issue.

News Item12/12/19 9:53 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Don't get too excited, Earth idolaters. According to Wiki:
"for large passenger aircraft, an improvement of the energy density by a factor 20 compared to li-ion batteries would be required."

For perspective, the radial-powered Lockheed Vega could carry six in 1927, back when mail contracts were vital in keeping American commercial aviation viable. I don't know the tipping point for electric planes, but it took the 32-seat DC-3 for commercial aviation to be really profitable (and this plane still makes money for some tertiary operators).

News Item12/7/19 11:33 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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In contrast to the "1984" dystopia, what's appalling is how willingly people voluntarily surrender their privacy on social media. Truly a Faustian Bargain with information-greedy corporations like Google, now complicit with the truly "1984" body-part harvesting PRC state.

I don't know where to draw the line between keeping friends and relatives informed on one hand, and cheap, self-glorifying exhibitionism on the other.

News Item12/5/19 9:49 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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It's irresponsible to publicize "preliminary" results. Why not wait until after the annual meeting instead?

The writer says it may be "bad news," so why this bottom line then?
"the study found no evidence of a significant correlation between hypothalamic volume and cognitive performance."

Six million Pill users are far fewer than I thought.

News Item12/4/19 1:12 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Dr. Rugh wrote:
Nowhere in the Old Testament is there any word that the Gentile nations ought to observe the sabbath
Fallacy of Argument from Silence. Jonathan Edwards addressed the issue persuasively in

News Item12/2/19 6:28 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Dr. Arthur Waldron on China, Hong Kong etc.:

He says organ harvesting done on Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists because they're less likely to have STDs.

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