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News Item8/23/2020 2:28 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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The Quiet Christian wrote:
Amen, Brother John. Mockers are they:
This first understand, that there shall come in the last days, mockers, which will walk after their lusts, and say, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the Fathers died, all things continue alike from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly know not, that the heavens were of old, and the earth that was of the water, and by the water, by the word of God. Wherefore the world that then was, perished, overflowed with the water. But the heavens and earth, which are now, are kept by the same word in store, and reserved unto fire against the day of condemnation, and of the destruction of ungodly men. - 2 Peter 3:3-7
Mockers is the right word, Quiet Brother.

Very apt text.

Mind you, I am not looking down on these unregenerates, as though I have somewhat to boast of, as though I had some sense and they didn't. My claim has always been, "I am what I am by the grace of God, particularly redeemed, and called according to God's purpose and grace."

News Item8/23/2020 5:41 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Jail time, sanctifying work of the Spirit.

News Item8/23/2020 5:39 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Painting over God's provision of salvation? Silly people, unregenerates, hating the cure, preferring sin and death and hell.

News Item8/23/2020 5:35 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
Thanks fellow pilgrim for your post. If the Lord didn't use the evil people in this world, the world would cease to exist. The Lord even uses satan to accomplish His will. Just look at Job where He gave satan the permission to ruin that man's live. But then look at the final result.
In all the years you and I have been on this forum, this is the first time these types of trolls have appeared.
I now have them on ignore and will try my best to simply ignore them.
It was you that taught me to have an ignore list, Pilgrim. It is a wise thing to have.

Bro US, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Most helpful and edifying.

News Item8/23/2020 5:31 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
Amen brother! If someone who told me they were Christians and then stated that Christ was not their Lord, I would ask why and they would not give me "any" response. He is truly worthy to be trusted and obeyed.
I suppose it's a bit like a woman who marries a man without any intention of being obedient to him.

News Item8/22/2020 5:35 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
Our Lord uses His enemies and He often uses His children to assist Him.
Amen bro. I was just reading today of a Roman centurion who was put in charge of Paul the apostle while they sailed to Rome where Paul was to appeal to Caesar. This centurion showed Paul some great kindness when they landed at Sidon, permitting him to visit friends, so that they might provide for his needs. Acts 27:3

News Item8/22/2020 5:28 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
I learned a great deal from his Lordship salvation books. Basically if Jesus is your Savior then He must also be your Lord. This has nothing to do with works based salvation, but simply a relationship with Him. No one can deny He is both except the easy believism antinomian folks.
Pilgrim Brother, thanks for your whole post, really blessed me.

I remember hearing about Lordship salvation for the first time only a few years ago, and felt inclined to look into it. So I dug out an article by John which sought to introduce what it was. It was not long, but long enough to make all the main points and he gave biblical proofs concerning the subject.

To my mind, it was biblical Christianity through and through, and I saw nothing wrong with it. Indeed, if anyone should tell me that Christ was their Saviour, but that they wouldn't have this Man reign over their life, I would seek to graciously point them to scripture and show them their error, for they certainly are not yet saved.

The time to willingly bend the knee and acknowledge Christ as Lord is now, not some future time when God's enemies will be forced to do so.

As you say bro, it is not a form of works-based salvation, but the real thing.

News Item8/22/2020 2:25 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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hey_yo wrote:
My vote is not for Trump.
My vote is not for Biden.
I do not willingly support evil.
Hey Yo, you say that you will not vote for either Trump or Biden, seemingly because you will not willingly support evil.

Okay, that is your choice. That is fine by me.

But it seems you are on a crusade. You want others to join you in your stance. And if they don't come alongside you, you are going to call them "supposed Christians", saying that they won't come out from among them and be separate.

Basically you are an oppressor, trying by psychological manipulation to enforce non-voting on all who post here.

Not that I have no empathy for your stance. I myself would not vote for decades, simply because all candidates were unregenerate. There is no avoiding that. But my not voting did not prevent an unregenerate from being voted a member of parliament.

At the end of the day, if you choose not to vote for anyone, fine. But to try to enforce others against their conscience to also not vote, and even to refer to them as pseudo-Christians, is simply not on. That is not the Christian way, which is a way of grace. You are being legalistic in the extreme, and I tell you this for your good. Sure I do.

News Item8/21/2020 3:52 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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hey_yo wrote:
John UK:
'Context is always the...' blah blah blah.
Interesting. You discount what I said, namely, "Context is always the way forward in interpreting Bible verses," and use the 'blah blah blah' expression, as if to say it is all a nonsense.

However, if you ask any Christian pastor or theologian, anywhere in the world, if the context of a verse is crucial in order to correctly interpret it, they would all agree with me. You won't find them blah blah blahing their way out of what you have done in misinterpreting scripture and misusing it in a most dreadful way.

To look at the immediate context is second to looking at the text, and to look at the rest of the chapter is the third thing, and to compare with the rest of the Bible is the fourth thing. What you have done is wrenched a text out of its context, and used it in a most abominable way.

And then you attack the posters on here and accuse them by using the expression "supposed Christians", thusly elevating yourself above all others, making judgments from a lofty height. This is not conducive to your peace, nor to your sanctification, nor to your growth in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

It is friendly advice I give you. That is all.

News Item8/21/2020 2:01 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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hey_yo wrote:
John UK:
I do not dismiss various interpretations.
Context is always the way forward in interpreting Bible verses. Have a look here at the context:

2 Thessalonians 2:11-14 KJV
(11)  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
(12)  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
(13)  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:
(14)  Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I hope that helps, hey yo.

News Item8/21/2020 3:42 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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I don't like this at all.

News Item8/21/2020 3:37 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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It's the Hour of Decision.

News Item8/21/2020 3:33 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 KJV
(8)  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
(9)  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
(10)  And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
(11)  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
(12)  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

There will always be those who reject the truth of the gospel, through which they could have been saved. And the penalty for so disdaining God, is that God will send them a strong delusion so that they will believe the lies of the devil even more, with no hope of ever getting at the truth ever again. It is a most serious spiritual malady, for which there is no cure.

Note, when you hear the truth of the gospel, you are duty bound to receive it and thank God for it. To reject the gospel is to reject Christ, and to reject Christ is to reject God, and if you reject God you are self-condemned.

News Item8/20/2020 4:27 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Frank wrote:
Fellow Pilgrim! There is not one comment you made here that I disagree with. As you know I am not interested in politics in the least. I am a stranger and alien in this lost and fallen world.
Have a great evening brother.
And you brother!

I'm just about to turn in. Ah, the bliss of being unconscious for a while.

News Item8/20/2020 4:24 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Adriel wrote:
Sometimes division is good - even necessary.
Of course, Adriel. If you read the document you may find that it agrees with your sentiment. It certainly does not teach that there must be no divisions.

News Item8/20/2020 3:16 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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John Yurich will not vote for Joe Biden, because John Yurich has got a lot of sense; and he will vote republican, because he has already told us that.

News Item8/20/2020 12:10 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Brethren Quiet Brother & Pilgrim Frank, there are men better than myself who could evaluate this statement, especially as it is tied to your First Amendment.

The RCC did not believe in freedom of expression in the dark ages, and communism and socialism are obviously in our day seeking to deny freedom of expression.

But even in the west there is no such thing as absolute freedom of expression. Imagine if there was. No, it cannot be. No, no matter where we stand, we will always draw a line. It is the only way.

As an observer, it seems that Republicans draw the line around themselves and permit nothing else. And that Democrats draw the line around themselves, and permit nothing else. And do they both uphold the Constitution?

Please note that I speak out of ignorance, as I have never been interested in politics, especially since after conversion, and can never fathom why so many Christians are so fascinated by it.

News Item8/20/2020 6:13 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Brother Michael, I am deeply saddened by the difficulties and trials of life that you have endured in recent times, which have had such a serious effect upon your life. The old Michael seems to be fading away, and yet the Lord is always able to lead his people back to greener pastures.

Psalms 23:1-3 KJV
(1)  A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
(2)  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
(3)  He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

The Lord is your Shepherd, and he will do all that is necessary. He is good at that sort of thing. Thankfully he has an everlasting love, as I am always discovering to mine own benefit.

To quote an old friend....

Always with the love of Jesus.

News Item8/20/2020 3:41 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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[The American tradition of freedom of expression, complete with its attendant responsibilities, is our school for democratic citizenship. It trains us to think critically, to defend our ideas, and, at the same time, to be considerate of others whose creeds and convictions differ from our own. It enables us to learn from, and peacefully live with, one another despite differences. It further instills in us an understanding that the mere exposure to ideas we find offensive is not an act of “violence.” And it admonishes us that if we value the freedom of expression, we must extend the same measure of freedom to others, even to those whom we believe have gone very wrong in their thinking.] from the document

I quite like this document, and would love to see it implemented by each one here on the forums.

That is my opinion, and I hope it is respected, even if it is wrong. Blacklisting can only lead to complete censure, as evidenced by the PC culture and the determination by those powers-that-be to refuse to let the man in the street use his own brain, citing that he is incapable of sensible thought.

News Item8/20/2020 3:25 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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With the role of pastor being one of the multitude of spiritual gifts to the church, it behoves all the flock to pray regularly and successfully for their pastor, and not make his life a misery by grumbling, complaining and generally not understanding the pressures he is facing on a day to day basis. He is not superman, but just another member of Christ's flock playing a role in the ecclesia.
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