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News Item5/27/09 8:05 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Victor wrote:
Why, pray tell, would we be instructed to pray, "Thy kingdom come," if the kingdom is already here and fulfilled?
*Victor* --

The Kingdom HAS ALREADY "broken into" this present evil age. 2000 years ago, Jesus inaugurated it! However, it is NOT YET fully realized/fulfilled!

Now,... Look at these several passages for some light on the subject:
"is at hand" - Mt 10:7, Mk 1:15
"is come nigh unto you" - Lk 10:9
"is come UPON you" - Lk 11:20
"is within you" - Lk 17:21
is "not far" - Mk 12:34
"is NOT of this world" - Jn 18:36
"is come unto you" - Mt 12:28
"cometh NOT with observation" - Lk 17:20
"is NOT meat and drink" - Rm 14:17

Some standing with Jesus WILL NOT TASTE DEATH UNTIL THEY SEE the Kingdom (come with power) - Mt 16:28, Mk 9:1, Lk 9:27

We have [already] been translated into the kingdom! - Col 1:13

(This is good):
If "flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the kingdom" [1 Cor 15:50] then what are MORTAL, NATURAL MEN DOING walking into the Millennial Kingdom after they've come through the Great Tribulation alive???

And in Rev 12:10 (which is PRIOR TO the Rev 20 Millennium) it says: "NOW is come salvation, and strength, AND THE KINGDOM OF OUR GOD"!!! What's going on here???

News Item5/27/09 11:44 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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What a MISHMASH the literal pre-trib/pre-mill Dispy 1000-year earthly Millennial Kingdom will be! The Dispy Kingdom has:

· A glorified Christ sitting on an earthly throne in Jerusalem
· Initially inhabited and populated by ONLY the saved out of the Tribulation
· The presence of multiple millions of resurrected saints (of the Church Age) in their glorifed, imperishable bodies
· An animal kingdom restored to its pre-fallen, Edenic state (will any of them ever die?)
· Man, both Jew and Gentile, giving birth to SINFUL, FALLEN generations of children who live long but WILL SIN & die ... maybe.
· An uncursed earth which yields its produce effortlessly -- to SINFUL FALLEN men! (That'll work! or will it?)
· The presence of OT & Trib saints in their resurrected, glorified bodies who are NOT of the Bride or Body of Christ (the Church), but believed, died and/or were martyred during the Tribulation
· A system of OT sacrifice and Festival keeping reinstated (BACK to the types and shadows!)
· Periods of "no rain" for those nations who don't comply with the Feast of Tabernacles
· A Bible which tells of this Millennium but BILLIONS will nonetheless rebel against Jerusalem even though they KNOW the outcome and are familiar with the glorified Christ & His host of glorified saints!

News Item5/27/09 9:30 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Stringfellow wrote:
att:GG.....I neglected to ask which catholic church are you defending?the one in Rome now or the one in exile?
Michael Dimond
Brother Michael Dimond is well known in the traditional Catholic world. He has been a Traditional Catholic Benedictine Monk for 14 years, and is one of world's foremost experts on the changes that have occurred in the Catholic world since Vatican II. He and his monastery specialize in the study of how this post-Vatican II counterfeit Catholic Church contradicts Catholic doctrine and fulfills prophecy. He is also the author of a recent book entitled Padre Pio: A Catholic Priest who worked miracles and bore the wounds of Jesus Christ on his Body, and the tapes, magazines and books produced by his monastery which have been distributed in the hundreds of thousands.
That's a GREAT site!
It claims that the last 5 popes [Benedict XVI, John Paul II, John Paul I, Paul VI, and John XIII] are ALL antipopes, and that the UNBROKEN line of Papal Succession has been broken many times in RCC history! And since 1958, the RCC has had NO REAL POPE!

*Lance Eccles* & *GG*, are you listening? (*John Yurich* doesn't count)

News Item5/27/09 8:00 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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The Abrahamic & Mosaic Covenants are NOT mutually exclusive, rather, they are intertwined. But one must NOT conflate & homogenize the 2 as if they were one and the same thing!

The beauty of the Mosaic Covenant is that it kept the descendants of Abraham-Jacob (national Israel) as ONE, set-apart people. If there were no Mosaic Covenant, the Jews might have been scattered among the heathen soon after their exodus from Eygpt. God, in His wisdom, isolated the Jews, kept them "united," so that they would accomplish His ultimate goal: through them, bring God's Messiah into the world with a **WRITTEN RECORD** of tons of promises, hundreds of prophecies, many "TYPES" and "SHADOWS" (of Christ) established throughout their 1500-year Jewish history PROVING that Christ was indeed THE ONE!

God necessarily had the OT Covenant fail because it had a weakness: the Jews themselves. ONLY the TRUE SON could fulfill & keep ALL the Law. No mere fallen man could. If the Jews COULD HAVE kept the whole Law perfectly, they wouldn't need a Messiah, would they.

The TYPE yielded to the ANTITYPE; the imperfect to the PERFECT. Only God can keep His promises and the Jews needed to be shown that. When the Jews cried out: "We will!" in Exod 19:8, they were lying from the get go. Jacob needed to be broken!

News Item5/27/09 6:45 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Candle Lit wrote:
So, you are saying that these are mutually exclusive covenants
National Israel fails
Spiritual Israel wins
And, the reason God (Who knew they would fail) would give these conditions to Israel in the first place would be?
Yes, on the whole, national Israel fails miserably. Yet, the Mosaic covenant was useful for another reason: it sifted OUT from among all national Israel those (Jewish) descendants of Abraham who would indeed inherit all the promises; even those promises established in the Abrahamic Covenant. THESE are "Spiritual Israel," the "True Israel," the faithful REMNANT. The land promises will indeed be LITERALLY fulfilled to Abraham and his SEED (ALL the faithful in Christ of BOTH the OT and NT) when this fallen earth is restored to its Edenic state at the NEW CREATION -- this is NO ethereal thing, but will be as real and as solid as can be! Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, and ALL God's OT & NT saints will inherit the promised land: the recreated WORLD! (Rm 4:13 & Mt 5:5) and not some patch of dirt in a yet Fallen world as in the Dispy Millennium.
And God gave this conditional Covenant to Moses & the nation of Israel to show that, even though Israel was His "son" (Ex 4:22), he WOULD fail as this "son" was only a TYPE of Christ

News Item5/26/09 6:36 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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John UK wrote:
#1 What about the tens of thousands of devils, which are not mentioned here, and who are equally powerful spirits, being fallen angels alongside the devil?
#2 If Satan is literally prevented from deceiving "the nations", does that mean that a "totally depraved man", who is incapable of spiritual discernment, has now the capacity to comprehend spiritual things?
#3 If No, what effect on the world do you think the binding of Satan actually has?
#4 If tens of thousands of devils are still roaming the earth, what difference does the binding of Satan have?
#1 If we had to be strictly literal about this then that would be like putting Al Capone in prison while his crime syndicate still ran Chicago

#2 If we had to be strictly literal then Satan would still be able to deceive those people groups which were NOT nations -- like clans, tribes, gypsies, ethnic people groups, etc.

#3 If we had to be strictly literal then we'd have to say that the world would be without the deceivings of that old serpent, which is the Devil, AND Satan. Hmm. Sounds like there might be TWO of them!

#4 If we had to be strictly literal about it then all we could say would be that ALL the other devils are still in operation. They're without their General, but .......

News Item5/26/09 2:59 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Candle Lit wrote:
YOUR PROBLEM, DJ, is that that you take the Bible, verse by verse, rather than taking it as a whole. You miss the big picture. [... ...]

God's covenental promises to national Israel were irrevocable because they were with Abraham, [... ...] NOT the people, and the covenant that God made was with Himself

"MY PROBLEM" is simpler than that, *Candle Lit*

"MY PROBLEM" is that I have a REAL hard time taking seriously and entering into debate with someone who doesn't know the difference between the Abrahamic Covenant [unilateral & irrevocable] and the Mosaic Covenant [bilateral & conditional]. On top of that, she forgets that I was talking EXCLUSIVELY about -- and responding to -- the question concerning the blessings & cursings of Deuteronomy 28 [again, bilateral, conditional, and for national Israel ONLY]! ........ But I'll let that slide.

Now, ... Anyone who conflates the two OT Covenants (Abrahamic & Mosaic) has VERY SERIOUS interpretive problems!

Furthermore, the promises made to Abraham were to him and his ***seed*** NOT seeds! Read Galatians 3 & 4 ...
and buy a few vowels.


Important verse of Scripture:
"For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel" [Romans 9:6]

News Item5/26/09 10:10 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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The catalog of literal, TEMPORAL blessings & curses found in Deuteronomy [found mostly in chapter 28] were all conditional. They were based on what national Israel did in its OT covenant with JHVH UNDER THE LAW. As long as this OT Covenant was in effect, so were these conditional, TEMPORAL, earthly blessings and curses toward Israel.

Because these were ALL under the OT Covenant, the Church -- the new, fulfilled Israel of God [Galatians 6:16] -- does NOT take any of these for itself for we have "a BETTER Covenant, which was established upon better promises." [Hebrews 8:6]

Therefore, the conundrum put forth by pre-trib/pre-mill Dispies to Amills about the Church claiming the blessings but not the curses found in Deuteronomy is a "red herring" and an imaginary, contrived "problem." It's simple: they simply do not apply; neither the specific blessings for obedience nor the corresponding curses for disobedience unto the Law of Moses. For we are not under the Law, but under Grace. [Romans 6:14]

Any knuckleheads out there (like those of the Faith or "Name it and Claim it" Movement) who take for themselves the blessings of the OT, are NOT doing so because they are Amills, but rather because they are mostly covetous, disturbed, deceived, and bewitched charlatans.

News Item5/26/09 7:15 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Jack Jarvis wrote:
that's a lie-plain and simple,and I think even you know it
I've read back through this topic,and it's been destroyed,but it's still used by you as propaganda
why do you keep repeating untruths?
and I notice a very important question remains unanswered
if you claim the blessings of Israel,how do you get away with dumping the curses on the jews?
let's get an answer-no more Hoekema Hokum Amill comedy
Hi, *GK*!!!

News Item5/25/09 4:47 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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"The Days After the RAPTURE"
There are NO genuine Christians on earth. The Church is gone.

Some interesting questions that should confound the pre-trib/pre-mill Dispies:

· Will the Gospel still be preached by those who were professing-Christians only?

· If their preaching of the Gospel is truly believed, will these new "Christians" be saved? And will these new converts be a part of the Body of Christ?

· Because the "Church Age" has ended, is the Gospel still in effect?

· Because the "Church Age" has ended, will there be no more members of the "Bride of Christ?"

· Has the "fullness of the Gentiles" been completed as per Rom 11:25? If so, does this mean that now, during the Great Tribulation, ONLY Jews can be saved?

· Are those Gentiles who are saved after the Rapture (even those saved during the "Millennium") a part of national Israel since the Church is a thing of the past?

· Will Scofield Reference Bibles and Ryrie Study Bibles be collectors items?

· WHO exactly will do the preaching during the Trib since the Church has been taken away and what form of Gospel will they preach?

· Will true believers of the Gospel during the Trib go through the Great Tribulation? And why aren't they spared such terror as was the Church who escaped via the RAPTURE?

News Item5/25/09 3:56 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Candle Lit wrote:
Animals do not sin, but some do know "right from wrong."
Trained animals learn only "approved and disapproved" behaviors as taught to them by their masters through the use of reward & punishment. There is NO ethical element or internal moral code underlying their behaviors!

You can train a dog to do almost anything WITHOUT him having any pangs of conscience. Or perhaps YOUR dog is so ethical that he would never allow you to train him to do something against his moral code! You could probably easily train a dog to STEAL the next door neighbor's newspaper out of his driveway without your dog having much guilt about it. Of course, after a while, all his pent up accumulated guilt and shame will see him calling a psychoanalyst after it "got to him" and he thought about it for some time.

Trained animals sense and respond to their master's displeasure and exhibit what their silly masters interpret as "shame" or "guilt."

The whole notion of animals knowing "right from wrong" is utter nonsense.

[URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPaDpJJT8B8]]]Dumbest Dog in the World[/URL]!!!

News Item5/25/09 12:25 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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What utter foolishness!!!
This is anthropomorphism taken to new heights -- or perhaps new lows.

Animals with consciences?
Animals "hard-wired" with a moral code or ethic?
Animals differentiating between right and wrong?

Since when has any animal/mammal (other than Man) been made in the image and likeness of God and tasted the FORBIDDEN fruit?

If all this folderol is [cough] true, then an animal can go AGAINST his moral code and ......... SIN! Huh? Perhaps those animals who DO sin will then need a "kinsman redeemer" -- a member of it's own species to "save them."

This whole thing is insane and absurd!

Knowing right from wrong presupposes a standard to be adhered to.

As far as I can see, this whole thing about animals having moral codes of conduct is merely another attempt to put animals on equal footing with Man. Another attempt to blur the distinction between Man and the rest of the creatures. Another attempt to show that Man isn't all that different than chimps, dolphins, or elephants. Instead of these evolutionary nincompoops dragging down man, they're attempting to level the playing field between Man and animal by going in the back door -- building the animals up!

"Science" has lost its mind.
We can thank Darwinism for that.
And maybe Walt Disney!

News Item5/25/09 11:53 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Candle Lit wrote:
Question: How will we be priests in God's Kingdom? Priests are mediators
First of all, we are ALREADY in God's Kingdom! And as "priests," we offer up the sacrifice of thanksgiving:

Psa 107:22
And let them sacrifice the sacrifices of thanksgiving, and declare his works with rejoicing.
Psa 116:17
I will offer to thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving, and will call upon the name of the LORD.

Christ, of course, is the sacrifice we offer. ALL our priestly work points directly to HIM alone. Our sacrifice also includes our bodies as per Romans 12:1.

As to being mediators:
Again, we ALWAYS point to Christ. The Gospel we carry is that which does the mediating between sinful man and God. So in this respect, the Gospel we proclaim is our mediatorial work as "priests." Strictly speaking, we are not true mediators as there is only ONE mediator between God and man: Christ. So the ONLY way I can see us carrying out some mediatorial work is through proclaiming the Gospel.
It's really a good question you ask.
But I wonder if it isn't taking the concept of our being a kingdom of priests just a little bit too far.
That's a possibility.
I tried with a Biblical based answer nonetheless. I could be wrong.

News Item5/25/09 10:56 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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You REALLY need to come to some sort of an understanding of the "Already, But Not Yet" quality of The Kingdom of God.

Obviously, your wooden, literal understanding of The Kingdom has the SAME quality as that of the Jews who rejected Jesus Christ when He first came and could only fathom a kingdom which was earthly. Well, that's what a stubborn, wooden, literal interpretation of Scripture will drive you to: the SAME place as those carnally-minded Jews who crucified Christ.

Here's something to chew on:

Should YOU and YOUR pre-trib/pre-mill Dispy eschatology be correct, then all the Jews of the Millennium can say:
"SEE! WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG, and we were RIGHT about rejecting Jesus the first time! This LITERAL, EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom was what we were waiting for all along! And now it's here! Just as we said! Our so-called Jewish 'unbelief' was really TRUE FAITH all along and you Christians (who, BTW, aren't around any longer) were WRONG!"

News Item5/25/09 10:12 AM
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GK wrote:
yeah-I've read that before-couldn't stop laughing
My face STILL hurts from laughing so hard about your believing that in YOUR literal 1000-year earthly Millennial Kingdom (which, BTW, is still in a Fallen, natural world), there will be a literal river -- with ONE source at a house supposedly in Jerusalem -- which MAGICALLY increases in water volume as it flows along.

You couldn't detect metaphor and imagery if it hit you over the head with a sledgehammer.

News Item5/25/09 9:48 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Candle Lit wrote:
So, the Bible says, "there will be a 1000 year reign of Christ on earth."
Good enough 4 me!
That would be good enough for me, too, *Candle Lit*
I'd be a pre-trib/pre-mill Dispy in a fingersnap if that's what the Scriptures said.

But they DON'T.

You just will NOT find it said that: "Christ will reign ON EARTH for a 1000 years." Rather, it is stated that:

(v4) "they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years" [NO "on earth"]
(v6) "but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years." [NO "on earth"]

When Christ returns at His 2nd Advent, He will come in glory for FINAL JUDGEMENT. The show will be OVER. When the author walks on to the stage, the play is ended. Immediately after the Final Judgement, there will be the Restoration of ALL Things; the creation of the NEW heavens and a NEW earth; the Eternal state. THIS will be the "AGE TO COME" and will last forever ... not merely a 1000 years. In this "AGE TO COME" wherein we see a newly created heaven and earth, ALL the so-called "land promises" made to Israel WILL be fulfilled to the MAX. THIS is how the OT promises will be LITERALLY fulfilled.
God keeps His Word.

News Item5/25/09 8:35 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Nothing is stopping you from holding to a wooden, literal interpretation of Ezekiel 47:1-12.

But as for me, I'll let the NT both interpret AND fulfill the Old.

I read in John 7:37,38 Jesus crying out: "If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. He that believeth on me, AS THE SCRIPTURE HATH SAID, 'out of His belly shall flow RIVERS OF LIVING WATER.' "
IOW, Jesus Himself is declaring that He is the source of that spiritual river of living water to which Ezekiel alludes.

The passage in Ezekiel therefore does NOT refer to some future changes in geography with a literal river that magically increases as it flows, but points directly to Jesus Christ Himself -- Living waters with their SOURCE at the house (temple) of Our Lord. Living waters flowing from His altar (place of sacrifice: His Cross). Living waters flowing out and increasing as it goes bringing LIFE to everything that was formerly dead: the "Sea of Jews" (the Dead Sea) as well as the "Sea of Gentiles" (the Great or Mediterranean Sea). Christ, the Living water, makes CLEAN both Jew and Gentile. It's all imagery pointing out spiritual truths -- not geography!

Cross-reference Rev 22:1,17
"a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God AND OF THE LAMB."

News Item5/24/09 10:01 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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Do you REALLY believe that the central message conveyed in Isa 11:6-8 is about animals having their natures changed? Tell you what, my friend, if you insist upon reading Scripture in the wooden, literal sense in which you do now, you'll definitely be missing out on valuable spiritual truths God has for you concerning His "Already/But Not Yet" Kingdom which exists ... NOW!

Isaiah 11:6-8 pictures various creatures which were formerly antagonistic towards each other (predator vs. prey; strong vs. weak) living in total peace ... in the "Shalom of God." It's a **PICTURE** of the Restoration of All Things; the New heaven and the New earth; the "AGE TO COME;" the Consummation of Christ's Kingdom -- the Kingdom of God FULLY realized AFTER the 2nd Advent & FINAL Judgement (one event).

You see, this Kingdom of God was ushered in by Jesus Christ at His 1st Advent! His Kingdom is essentially a spiritual one and is presently in the form of His Church. Through Christ, the "AGE TO COME" has BROKEN IN on this present evil age (the fallen world age). We enjoy a taste of this "peaceable kingdom" of Isa 11:6-8 NOW as His Church which is composed of various "creatures" who would yet be antagonistic towards one another if that "little boy" had not led them.

It's NOT just about animals!

News Item5/24/09 7:17 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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When reading Rev 4-22, one MUST realize that he is reading APOCALYPTIC Literature! That's the genre. And as such, it is loaded with SYMBOLISM and metaphor which can NOT be altogether taken literally. The truths that it is attempting to convey MUST be interpreted in the light of MUCH clearer portions of Scripture such as the Epistles and Gospels and NOT the other way around! The Revelation is NOT a chronological history, rather, it is John describing from about 7 different perspectives or angles WHAT HE SAW: VISIONS.

We would NEVER interpret the following verse literally:
"For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a THOUSAND hills." [Ps 50:10]
Why not?
Because it's POETRY -- that's the genre!
Certainly ALL cattle belong to the Lord. A THOUSAND here represents the idea of: "however many there are" or "all."

Much is the same case with the HIGHLY symbolic and metaphorical language found in the apocalyptic literature known as: The Revelation.

Taking these 2 genres of Biblical literature literally will find you shortly in Bible Disneyland -- with Jack Van Impe.

If anyone thinks, for example, that there's a angel in heaven LITERALLY pouring plagues out of a bowl on to the earth, he needs his head examined -- or his Scofield Reference Bible burned.

News Item5/24/09 5:00 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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"and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob"
Here, Paul is quoting Isa 59:20 from the Septuagint (LXX). However, it doesn't mean that the Deliverer will save ALL Jews (Jacob). We get a better idea of the full meaning when we see how Isa 59:20 reads in the KJV (which takes its translation from the Masoretic text rather than the LXX):
"And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and UNTO THEM THAT TURN FROM transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD"
So it's a select REMNANT rather than ALL of Jacob! The LXX carries the idea of GOD doing the "turning away," and the Masoretic text the sense of WHO from Jacob will be delivered!

"Israel," in the context which we find it, refers to Jews (of course), and "Gentiles" are non-Jews (of course).
Throughout Romans 11, Paul refers to the Jews as "Israel" (vv. 2,7,25,26,).

"And the LORD gave unto Israel **ALL THE LAND** WHICH HE SWARE TO GIVE UNTO THE FATHERS; and they possessed it, and dwelt therein. And the LORD GAVE THEM REST ROUND ABOUT, ACCORDING TO ALL THAT HE SWARE UNTO THEIR FATHERS: and there stood not a man of all their enemies before them; the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hand. There failed not ought of any good thing which the LORD had spoken unto the house of Israel; ALL CAME TO PASS." [Joshua 21:43-45]

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