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News Item1/1/12 5:07 PM
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Related: Listen to the Sermon Audio message called "Hagee Heresy" which proves the heresy of the false teacher John Hagee and Christian Zionism, which is used for political propaganda purposes in foreign policy (which most republican candidates bow to) for modern Israel.
You will not ever see U.S. media do a poll like this because of its ties to Zionism and liberal Jewish beliefs. This false teaching has **tricked Christians to blindly support Israel and its wars** (e.g. Iraq, Iran, Syria, et al).

Sermon1/1/12 4:53 PM
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Hagee Heresy
Kevin Boling
“ Heresy Behind Propaganda for Israel ”
Starts at the 14:00 minute mark. Christian Zionism, which Hagee espouses, is a theological (Jewish) innovation and heresy (contrary to historical protestant teachers) for the purpose of political Christian support of modern secular (not scriptural) Israel. Thus Hagee is an agent preacher and activist for AIPAC and its propaganda to Congress and American media (which also promotes Zionism, while Orthodox Jews reject it). This just touches the surface. Look at the history of Christian Zionism's doctrinal emergence from Darby, Scofield, and Dallas Theological Seminary.

News Item1/1/12 2:57 AM
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jodi wrote:
Actually it was our sins that crucified our lord . But he rose on the third day and reigns forever and ever . Amen
No, actually he was put to death by persons, "Jesus, whom YOU crucified, by the hands of wicked men" (preached Peter, who was a believing Jew), and it was THEIR SIN to do so, even as it was Judas sin to betray him into their hands. Of course this was by "the predetermined plan of God" (Acts 2; Peter continues), but that also does not negate their responsibility.

Jesus said (speaking specifically of Judas beforehand, but in principle also), "It is inevitable that offenses will come. But woe unto him by which they come!" Thus God's Providence, nor man's depravity, is specifically responsible for particular acts, such as the the unjust trial and crucifixion of Jesus (of whom even Pilate's wife said was "that Just Man"), who was entirely innocent and undeserving of their trumped up charges.

If a man is unjustly tried and unjustly sentenced to death, we hold it as a crime of that court that presided. The Jewish Sanhedrin, both Pharisees and Sadducees, and Herodians, who represented the nation of Israel, as its Supreme Court, are thus guilty of a corrupt trial and sentencing, and death penalty, representing the Jews.

Sermon12/22/11 10:30 PM
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“ Will-worship: Anarchy in Worship ”
Presently the most conservative "reformed" churches (and not just New Calvinism) are expanding their usage of musical instruments (what Calvin called Judaizing) during worship services yet they claim to follow the 2nd commandment's "regulative principle". This is hypocritical and astonishing and just more proof that modern Calvinistic reformed churches are as much will-worshippers in principle as the typical evangelical or fundamentalist churches. Even the most conservative Reformed Seminaries are liberal on this issue which foretellsd little change. There is a sharp contrast between Scotland's Presbyterian churches and those in the USA. It is willful disobedience and a symptom of having no fear of God.

Sermon12/22/11 10:00 PM
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Abhor Evil
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Important Message! ”
The preacher here thrusts the sword of the word of God into the heart of political-correctness in this message, including taking to task the modern "sissified church"! It is only a false love that tolerates evil. True love absolutely hates evil ("for love rejoices NOT in unrighteousness" 1 Cor. 13). This is one of the differentiating marks of a true church and true Christian versus nominal Christianity. And this is a practical sermon. David wrote in his Psalm, "Hate evil, you who love the Lord". "Sympathy with sin is conspiracy with crime"--C. H. Spurgeon

Sermon12/18/11 1:26 PM
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Disobedient To Parents
Elder Thomas Ray Floyd
“ Powerful, Needed Message! ”
This is a very comprehensive sermon that expounds historically and scripturally the subject's importance and the preacher spares nothing in regard to today's Christianity as well as the depravity of America today. He also goes after the heretical philosophy that has crept in to the church about a false and absolute 'equality' (egalitarianism) which has undermined God's proper and delegated authority through parents. It is a high crime in scripture to be disobedient to parents which is "worthy of death", as he expounds.

Sermon11/14/11 2:22 AM
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“ The Danger of Worldly Diagnosis/Philosophy ”
The troubled spirits of Cain & Saul were from hateful envy, unlike David. Depression is not an excuse to avoid truth-telling, self-examination, or indulging in personal sin. It might even be the *unrighteous expression* of legitimate provoked sorrow (Elijah), or anger turning to wrath, "going off" (Moses), tempting to retaliation (David with Nabal). Envy, unjust anger, suicide, self-destructive behavior, or revenge the Bible prohibits. The world's philosophy is to make "emotional well-being" their Chief End, and so they teach all to avoid the truth, just "move on", suspension of convictions, pursuing pleasure or industry as distractions to remedy. Thus guilt-ridden Cain, says Matthew Henry, turned his trouble-driven conscience ("more than I can bear") into building cities and industry, while remaining impenitent of Abel's murder, the reason for the shameful "mark" on him. Thus the worldly make *personal happiness* their pursuit by indulging the flesh, "let us eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die" (anesthetized living) instead of turning from sin in repentance and living "soberly, righteously, godly in the present (evil) age" (Titus 3). Jesus warned up front that being a true disciple might cost family and friends, broken relations (Luke 14), not peace with all.

News Item11/12/11 9:32 AM
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Boycott them. They are attacking the foundation of society, so how can you support and patronize them?

Sermon11/11/11 5:43 AM
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The Danger of a Nominal Christianity
Rev. Kevin McLeod
“ Warning: Fake Christianity Busted Here ”
"A Christian *profession* can be a great hindrance to entering the kingdom of God", he starts. This is a real preacher, and preaching, like only an Irishman can thunder. He "cries aloud and spares not" his audience, saying "You!" to challenge all Christian professors to a test. "You're just playing church to be seen", he cries! No flattery here! The preacher searches out and overturns every refuge of hiding. "There are going to be many surprises on Judgment Day...people we thought would be in heaven will not be there". "You're content with a little religion". We need more forthright preaching like this in American pulpits, where *conservative church membership* and activity (Churchianity), or mere doctrinal beliefs and confessions, is the refuge of Christian profession and a false security.

Sermon11/6/11 11:34 PM
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“ Great Message! ”
This message traces the history of human philosophy and music and its effect upon culture and Christianity in thinking. If you listen to this you will never think of music as "neutral" again, and will hopefully gain much discernment. Time for an old fashioned Album/CD burning? Think about it: "YOU ARE WHAT YOU LISTEN TO". Music is indoctrination, and not just in the words. Christians must practice what the Bible teaches in regards to their music (and all "culture" issues) oh their faith is a mere profession.

News Item10/30/11 11:16 PM
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JIP wrote:
Augustine originated this division of the 10 Commandments. Luther's no more guilty than his spiritual mentor, Augustine. Without Augustine there would be no Reformation.
Augustine is guilty of corrupt worship and teaching the 10 commandments wrongly, like any other man, if he does not divide Scripture rightly. Scripture, not Augustine (or Luther, Calvin etc), is our only rule of faith practice.

The Westminster Catechism, London Baptists, Charleston Baptists catechism (and Spurgeons), and most all today agree that the 2nd commandment of "not make any images", etc, IS the 2nd commandment (not part of the 1st). Moses would rebuke Augustine and Luther from the "ten words written by the finger of God". Huss began the Reformation before Luther, and Zwingli did not follow Augustine either. Many outside of Rome held to pure and simple worship. Man-followers would rather justify Luther than honor the holy word of God. They didn't reform Baptism either.

Thomas Watson wrote:

"The Church of Rome is reproved and condemned, which, from the Alpha of its religion to the Omega, is wholly idolatrous...against the letter of this commandment, they sacrilegiously blot it out of their catechism, and divide the tenth commandment into two."

News Item10/30/11 7:27 PM
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The truth is that Luther himself left open the door for this, and all corruption of God's worship, by not reforming the churches as did Calvin, Knox, Zwingli and others into simplicity and purity as required in the 2nd commandment and NT example.

The problem? Look at the Lutheran catechism and Roman Catholic catechism on the 2nd commandment, they BOTH remove the 2nd commandment by combining the 1st and dividing the 10th into two parts (as the Puritans called attention to), contrary to Scripture, which accommodates idolatry and will-worship. A Modern Reformation is needed, ironically by Lutherans, but including all other churches too!

See the text-featured Sermon (to the right): G.I. Williamson "An Urgent Need for Reformation".

This will only get worse, and it's happening in the Bible, fundamentalist, and reformed churches too, only less controversial and more subtle. Violating the 2nd commandment in worship is like opening Pandora's Box of evils to gradually spill then pour out, which God warns in the 2nd command that he will avenge on successive generations unless they repent.

Sermon10/30/11 6:04 PM
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Christian Apparel
Don Schunck
“ Needed Sermon for Today! ”
Irreverence is the mark not only of modern society but even the most conservative churches. The deterioration of dress began in the 1960s. It has become popular now for the most conservative and especially reformed pastors to make a show of taking off their coats (before they even get hot, and in AC buildings) in the pulpits and joining their congregation in 'dressing down for church'. It is a mark in particular among 'New Calvinists'. Do today's Christians imagine Spurgeon would be coatless or in a golf shirt or jeans while preaching the holy word? This casualness and cultural conformity before God is indicted by this sermon because "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom".

Sermon10/28/11 4:10 AM
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Biblical Headship
Pastor Joseph LoSardo
“ Politically-Incorrect Sermon! ”
This pastor dares to thrust through the doctrines of Political Correctness in regard to Men and Women and Marriage in society today with the Two-Edged Sword of the Word. Feminism and Humanist Democracy have infiltrated the church as much as society and a simple reading of the scriptures that this pastor touches on would make any politician shudder, and even most professing Christians to scramble to play down and attempt to neuter this teaching of authority and headship of men in God's Social Order. A follow-up sermon on women wearing hats in church, as a symbol of submission, as they used to (1 Cor. 11) would be in order. Even the seminars of "Biblical Manhood and Womanhood" attempt to flatter women into co-equal authority and soften men into feminine or pretended "mutual" submission. The truth is that Marriage and Society are now in chaos and have been since the Civil War when the Humanist Philosophy of absolute Equality (anti-authoritarianism) forced Abolitionism and sparked Feminism revolutionizing everything. The casualties of broken marriages are its fruit. Don't expect society to change until "conservative" churches do first, which will require pastors to Man-up and boldly preach and enforce it contrary to society's political-correctness.

Sermon10/16/11 8:30 PM
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“ Refutes False Arguments for Worship! ”
Wow! This powerfully and surprisingly refutes myths and false popularized ideas that "there are other hymns in scripture outside the Psalms", which justifies will-worship in the use of uninspired "hymns" and non-scriptural songs or by saying "but we preach using our own words". Enough of such falsehoods and erroneous thinking. Let Sola Scripture be the reformed churches motto for WORSHIP as well as doctrine, lest we provoke a Jealous God to wrath with our "good intentions".

Sermon10/16/11 8:21 PM
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“ A Powerful Message to 'Reformed' Churches! ”
This sober sermon is very troubling and proves the necessity of a modern reformation even more than when it was first preached. The respected Mr. Williamson's counsel, from a true Elder in this present age, should be heeded particularly by modern churches that claim to be "reformed", for he says plainly that they especially have not reformed! Following his logical exposition of Romans 1 he shows that the moral degradation of American society is a direct result of the *worse foundational sin of wrong and corrupted worship of God* (whose is still righteously Jealous), which can be laid at the feet of modern churches. This makes it plain that society will continue to collapse further into degradation until the churches repent of their corruptions and will-worship, which the 'New Calvinism' in particular refuses to consider.

Sermon9/4/11 8:11 PM
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Is This A Just War?
Jerry Marcellino
“ Just War? ”
What the "White House has told us" has now absolutely been proven to be false, lies, and propaganda, of which Christian churches are guilty of parroting with examination. The principles of Just War are absolutely true and of Christian principles, but the facts and justifications and manner of war were anything but just. Listen to Larry Wilkerson's (Colin Powell's chief of staff, who helped organize the UN presentation) present testimony on youtube video (interviewed about Cheney's new book) where he confesses that they repeated fraudulent information which the neoconservatives used to justify war. Neither was the destruction of Fallujah or millions of civlians done according to the principles Moses gave in Deut. as the pastor here recites. Christians bear responsibility for blindly believing propaganda to justify their own prejudices. NO ONE IN IRAQ MADE WAR ON AMERICA on 9/11.

Sermon8/21/11 4:47 PM
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Justification By Faith
Archibald Alexander
“ Relevant for Current Controversies! ”
The title of this sermon and its doctrine look familiar enough to all Protestants since the Reformation, especially among Reformed or Calvinistic churches, yet it is shockingly the most controversial, debated, and assaulted doctrine in this present day. Listening to this written message by Archibald Alexander will help clear up the present controversies and heretical notions of various degrees plaguing OPC and PCA Presbyterians, Sovereign Grace and Reformed Baptists, especially in regards to subjects like the New Perspectives on Paul, Federal Vision, Justification from Eternity, and many more errors that have crept in subtlely. A. Alexander is certainly worthy to be appealed to for help in clarifying this foundational doctrine of the Christian faith.

News Item8/1/11 3:07 AM
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Neofems posts to not even pretend to appeal to scripture, so by what arbitrary authority does she challenge what the Bible so plainly teaches? Listen to Matthew Henry, who breaks this Babel, commenting on 1 Cor. 11, which indeed most all churches ignore, i.e. the "inequality" of women to men.

"For the man was not made out of the woman, but the woman out of the man, v. 8. The man was first made, and made head of the creation here below, and therein the image of the divine dominion; and the woman was made out of the man, and shone with a reflection of his glory, being made superior to the other creatures here below, but in subjection to her husband, and deriving that honour from him out of whom she was made.
3. The woman was made for the man, to be his help-meet, and not the man for the woman. She was naturally, therefore, made subject to him, because made for him, for his use, and help, and comfort. **And she who was intended to be always in subjection to the man should do nothing, in Christian assemblies, that looks like an affectation of equality.**
4. She ought to have power on her head...that is, a veil, the token [symbol], not of her having the power or superiority, but under the power of her husband."

Presbyterian women in Scotland still wear hats.

Sermon7/25/11 12:46 AM
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The New Calvinism Considered
Jeremy Walker
“ Relevant, Timely Message! ”
This is a very important message, and perhaps for the first time the subject of New Calvinism is openly and formally warned against on American soil, and among Reformed Baptists, which is most proper. This must be heard as he openly reveals and speaks about not only the practices and examples, but the doctrines of John Piper and others (who are quoted often, and held up in almost celebrity fashion) that are contrary to sound, orthodox Christian teachings, particularly of those of the Reformed and Calvinistic faith which they claim to represent.
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