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Survey11/10/06 4:58 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"I stated clearly why I believe it simply cannot mean every person who lived...it contradicts too many other verses. "

1. Your comment begs the question. You have been resorting to this deceptive means a lot. This demonstrates the bankruptcy of your position.

2.The only thing it contradicts is your unfounded presupositions.

Survey11/10/06 4:56 PM
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Mike wrote:

"It refers I believe to peoples in general as a large group out of all the world."

The semantics game.

1. You are speaking in generalities. You believe that the world is reffering to the elect. No need to be evasive. I was straight forward with you, show some backbone and be straightforward with me. The worst that can happen to you is being hit over the head by the devastating truth. This is not so bad unless you hate the truth.

2. Any time that world reffers to a particular group of people it is qualified with a modifier. You know this.

Survey11/10/06 4:51 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Mike wrote:

"I believe Christ in speaking to Nicodemus in John 3:16 1 stating a great and rich truth about God..and at the same is correcting the wrong thinking of Nicodemus. He was thinking as a proud religious Jew. The Holy Spirit revealed to him...and to us all...that God sent His Son into the world as in not just the Jewish nation. The best way I can word it would be world as in all people groups and nations in opposition to the narrow Jew-only "world" of the Jews.:

The problem with your analysis (I see that you refuse to consider) is that in John 3:16 there is no comparison/contrast made between the Jew and the Gentile. In fact the word Gentile is not even mentioned in John. You supposing what was in the mind of Nicodemus is isogesis.

Its the Calvinistic way of twisting the Bible to conform to their presuposition rather then allowing their presupositions to conform to the Bible.

Mike, as hard as it is for you to swallow, there are various passages where the gentiles and jews are compared and contrasted, but John chapter 3 is not one of them. I know that may be the closest thing you have (though you still have a way to go) to explaining away the plain meaning of the word "world," but the context speaks nothing of what you mentioned.

It is wishful thinkin

Survey11/9/06 8:06 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"Since this is so related to our topic, dO you believe the scriptures contain contradictions?"


You already know my definition. I am waiting for yours.

Survey11/9/06 8:05 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"Again, you have yet to agree or disagree with the fact,not every time "world" is used, does it mean the exact same thing. Sometimes it refers to all people groups, sometimes to the world of unbelievers, sometimes as an expression for a large group of people "

I agree. But this is determined by the context not by your unfounded presuposition.

One thing is for sure, world has never been reffered to the elect.

Examples of how it can be used:

Animal world
world of politics
Latin World

As you notice their is always a modifier when it refers to something other than its natural meaning.

Survey11/9/06 8:01 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"If you are comfortable with ignoring the rest of scripture,&looking at John 3:16, then you are entitled to do so. But this is a very shallow way of dealing with the word of God. "

Actually its called forcing you to deal with what the verse actually says. Instead of jumping around through an endless loop of versus which you also strip from its context.

How silly is that. You are unwilling to deal with what the verse actually says, but you want to appeal to another verse were you also refuse to deal with what it says.

I believe that truth is truth no matter how it is analyzed. And other Scripture confirms what another part says, but you must know what it says first.

Survey11/9/06 7:56 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"This leads to all manner of possible confusions and "rabbit trails" "

I find it quite humorous how the Calvinist constantly try to switch the tables. I accuse them of something, and its not long before they accuse me of the same thing. Not only are they bankrupt of scriptural proof; they are bankrupt of any original criticism!

Uh... Mike... I am not the one trying to change the subject. You are. So your critcism is quite dishonest.

Survey11/9/06 7:53 PM
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Mike wrote:

"Your outright refusal to look at Psalms where God is angry alongside John 3:16 only further clarifies the fact that you have no real desire to hammer out these truths for yourself, and seem to only refer back to one verse for your systematic theology. I reject a theology based on one verse. This leads to all manner of possible confusions and "rabbit trails" "

Oh I have a storefull of versus, but unlike you I rather stick to one at a time. Verselaunching does nothing to advance the debate. And as I said before, if you are not willing to come to a consensus in one verse, what makes you think that we will reach a consensus in another verse?

We do not have to agree but we can come to a consensus. This you are unwilling to do.

I think you are giving me the itchy-twitcthy hopping around dance.

Survey11/9/06 7:48 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Wait a second, I missed Mike from PA's post...

News Item11/9/06 7:39 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"But, election, predestination, and all of that, are NOT the gospel, of course. Those truths are meant for the study of more mature Christians (and mature Christians have intelligently disagreed for centuries over these truths, which if anything, is a testimony to the depth and complexity of the nature and workings of God). And I believe these truths must be revealed by God.

I'm not even a Calvinist when it comes to preaching the gospel, but a three point Christian. It's all about Christ: Death, Burial, Resurrection. On these three precious truths rests all the glorious grace of God and hope for humankind."

I agree.

News Item11/9/06 7:38 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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"We Calvinists should preach with more conviction than the Arminian, because we know the efficacy of preaching the Gospel does not ultimately rest on our abilities or the willingness of others, but in the sovereign grace of God that unfailingly calls out the elect unto salvation in the timing and purposes of God."

Unfortunately, that's not the case. Firstly, I have yet to have a Calvinist knock on my door. Even in my large circle of influence they have not had a Calvinist knock on their door neither. It seems to me that your theology is conducive to evangelical laziness.

People of my faith have a stronger fervor for the lost because we do not believe that the amount of the elect has been settled, we believe that salvation is available for all of mankind. We also believe that one's destiny is not settled but that we can be used by God to alter the destiny.

The Calvinist that evangelize do so against the grain of their theological presupositions. They have no reason to do it but blind faith. They ignore the obvious contradiction between unconditional election and the great commision and accept it as an illogical explanation but they are obliged to obey it. Those who follow Calvinism to its logical end, become hypercalvinist, and these ironically are the more honest

Survey11/9/06 7:23 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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he he

News Item11/8/06 8:04 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Oh. oops.

Survey11/8/06 8:03 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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My Perspective on Paul's Perspective from a Biblical Perspective is that Perspective on Paul's Perspective from a Biblical Perspective is a biblical perspective because Perspective on Paul's Perspective from a Biblical Perspective is Biblical. That's if you believe that Perspective on Paul's Perspective from a Biblical Perspective and that Perspective on your Perspective from a Biblical Perspective is actually's Perspective on Paul's Perspective from a Biblical Perspective.

News Item11/8/06 7:59 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Survey11/8/06 7:48 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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He has...

and its right in front of your eyes as well.

"For God so loved the world..."

It's not as complicated as you would like it to be.

Survey11/7/06 8:07 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I had excellent discussion with a Calvinist which happen to be from the UK who other Calvinists unjustly attacked ( I guess he got too friendly with me). Would to God that every Calvinist were like him

Survey11/7/06 8:06 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Ray I appreciate your concern. But this is a kitchen and it gets pretty hot. I think that if you compare my comments with those of your colleagues (uh-hum the all of a sudden pious Remo) I believe that mine would be low in the pole of offensive.

I approach people in this forum as they approach me. If they approach me hard, I will approach them in like manner. The only difference is that I do not attack them personally, I attack their ideas and point out how silly they are.

Those that love theological systems more than God's word will inevitably find offense.

Survey11/7/06 7:57 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Well at least the title was good.

Survey11/7/06 7:54 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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I think if you read the last few posts, I am the last person that is puffing.
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