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News Item7/13/08 5:32 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Enough Already:

I think you're reading through my posts too fast. I did not accused "you" of only wanting White men to be President. I said that there is an element of White people who, feel that way. I'm sure you know that is the truth.

I have no racial hang-ups whatsoever as I'm a mixture of many. I simply refuse to play the "political correct" game we play in America by saying that our Country is so innocent and pure.

We are wicked, vile, haters of God, etc. To put your mind at ease, let me tell you I am against Gay marriage! I am pro-life! I am even against "civil unions".

I wish I could vote for a potential President who embraces all these issues, but I also know that, there are other issues that we must contend with as well. Do I believe that one can be genuinely Christian and vote democract? Yes! The same is true for a Republican like John McCain who is as phoney as they come....especially as it relates to his so-called Christianity. I hope this gives you some perspective as to what I'm trying to say.

I don't know whom I'm going to vote for as it will be a tough decision. However, I know that I don't want a third term of George W. Bush!

News Item7/13/08 4:52 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Mike & Enough Already:

I think that I can address both of your concerns at once. First, for the record, I am not BLACK! Second, there is nothing racist about my speaking the truth about an element of White people who think that the US Presidency is a "White Boys" club only! That is the truth and has been for 200 years!

If I'm wrong, then prove it by pointing to any other ethnic group or female President. Surely, you're not going to make me and thousands of other Americans believe that only White men have been qualified to be President.

If you want to talk real, then let's be real, and not pretend that America is this Nation that is known for its equality amongst its citizens. Too many of us know better than that.

This is a Nation of profound hyprocrisy! God will judge our Country accordingly. If the truth is going to prevail, then we must admit that there is no potential President that is going to meet all of our desires, especially when it comes to Theology; no President has ever done that! We are electing a President, not the "Pastor of the United States". So deal with it!

News Item7/13/08 12:02 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Enough Already:

I see that you had no response to what I said about George Bush being a part of the most liberal church in America: The United Methodist Church!

To speak candidly, there is an element of White people who are shaking in their boots at the thought of a Black man being President. Everyone knows that is true.

Why is that true? Because the same element of White people believe in their hearts that the Presidency of the USA is RESERVED for White Boys! You can disagree with my assessment, but these 48 years on this earth has taught me much about the hearts & minds of people who think they are the priviledge ones.

News Item7/13/08 12:15 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Enough Already:

I am always amazed at the assumption of some white folks, as it relates to whom we should vote for. First, while I am absolutely thrilled to see a man of color in a historical situation, that doesn't mean that he will get my vote!

My salvation in Christ is sure and certain, and my theology is biblically based and solid. Yes, Mr. Bush is incompetent (dumb) as evidenced by the awful state of our Country o0n several fronts:
1. Thrillions of dollars in debt after he was given a surplus from the previous administration.
2. An economy that is one of the worst in our Nation's history.
3. Indebtiness to Countries like China (how pathetic!)
4. Our significance as a "World Power" has been destroyed..possibly beyond repair.
5. Our declinning Dollar (after a while even the Mexican Pesas will be worth more!)
6. The unpresidented corruption of a Presidential administration.

All under this so-called "Christian's" watch! Give me a break. I'd take Obama any day over John McCain who, lied about his marriage to his "Beer" drinking and Beer owner wife (some example for a First Lady, huh?) Imagine, a woman wants to be the First Lady who, contributes to the demise of millions of Americans each year!

How Sad!


News Item7/12/08 1:30 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Mr. Phil:

First, I can't believe that the designation "Doctor" is just a joke and not an indication of your education level.

Your statements are really baseless and are very slanderous toward Senator Obama, which is a sign of immaturity!

Let me ask you a question or two: What does it mean when the "Skinheads", "KKK", and the crooks at Haliburton supports George Bush and Dick Cheney?

Well, for Dick Cheney it means he simply lines his pockets even deeper. For the dumb President we have it means that he continues to be one of the "Good ole boys".


News Item6/28/08 6:20 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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This is nothing but a potically correct way of appeasing people who are hell bound! We all know that 2+2 = 4, not 5, and you CANNOT be RIGHT & Wrong at the same time! Its really quite simple people!


Sermon6/25/08 4:47 PM
Wayne | London UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Kevin for the courage to confront effeminacy in men. This is the first time in my 39 years that I have ever heard this issue confronted in love and without a hint of mocking. I also never thought seriously about the philosophy behind the magazines like "Mens health" and rather naively, I used to read them from time to time when feeling bored. I always felt that I could not live up to the 'success' lifestyles these magazines portrayed. But I see clearly that these so-called 'success - oriented' publications only serve to weaken my desire for Godly things. Thanks again, gentlemen.

Sermon6/10/08 1:52 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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Patience, Waiting on the Lord
Dr. Ken Elliott
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very encouraging and a must hear for any waiting upon the Lord-trusting Him to fulfill His promise!

Sermon6/10/08 1:44 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
A blessed sermon on Hope as an anchor and something the Lord brought before me in a special way as an encouragement. My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name. Refrain On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand; All other ground is sinking sand. When darkness seems to hide His face, I rest on His unchanging grace. In every high and stormy gale, My anchor holds within the veil. Refrain His oath, His covenant, His blood, Support me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my Hope and Stay. Refrain When He shall come with trumpet sound, Oh may I then in Him be found. Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the throne.

Sermon6/10/08 1:43 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Heard June 1st-Is our situation seemingly hopeless-is anything too hard for the Lord? Sarah did have the promised child!

Sermon6/10/08 1:42 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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Prayer, Promise, Privilege
Rev Malcolm Watts
“ Great Sermon! ”
Heard this June 1st as I was thinking upon God fulfilling His particular promises and it is in answer to prayer! The Importance of prayer: confused-ask; needy-seek; lonely-knock; Prayer is to glorify God-so we must recall the particular times promises in our own personal desperate plights were fulfilled..this encourages faith as we must pray if we have a word for it with confidence, for we have the blessed access to God as Father who WILL give good things!

Sermon6/10/08 1:41 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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Give Me This Mountain
Rev. David Park
“ Great Sermon! ”
The sermon was a real blessing when heard June 1st dealing with Caleb's request for a possession an inheritence....praying for a place (Hebron) he wholly followed the Lord and 45 long years waiting in the wilderness Caleb still treasured the promise of God in his heart. If God has God given us a promise-we must hold on to it. Humanly speaking the situation might be impossible. Can we wait with a full assurance of faith a long time to see the promise fullfilled? Patience..if the Lord has given a promise..there is a set time in God's calandar. I mention this as I had just began to listen when I picked up 'the Trinitarian Bible Society Golden Thoughts calander' and looked at June 1st 'Exceeding great and precious promises'-a scripture the pastor then dealt with! The two promises I have waited many years for -amazingly are in the Golden thoughts chapters for thursday and friday that same week. So thank you Rev Park for a wonderfully encouraging sermon!

Sermon6/10/08 1:40 PM
Wayne  Find all comments by Wayne
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Jacob's Desire to Return Home
James R Hamilton
“ Great Sermon! ”
Found this a great encouragement June 1st. It is time for jacob to move on many years after God's original promise and God arranges the circumstances to bring such about. The sermon is wonderfully detailed and in seeking guidence shows that we too must not rely on providence 'alone 'but seek a fresh word.. today's word..to rubberstamp the original promise with a divine seal of approval. We must be prepared to obey in faith for God is the one who will enable us to go forward despite the many obstacles. Rev Hamilton shows how all was divinely orchestrated to enable Jacob to depart- God will keep His promises as it impossible for him to lie. If any are seeking guidence and especially desire a particular move, they will find Jacob's story here invaluable.

News Item6/8/08 6:39 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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enough already wrote:
Wayne, with all due respect, anyone who is truly born again would not vote for Obama or McCain; not based on skin color, age, or any discriminatory factor that lost sinners bring up, but based on the fact that neither candidate is a blood bought born again Christian, neither candidate stands for biblical morals and values. To make color an issue is to stoop to the level of pagans. This Christ-rejecting nation will get the leader she deserves, may God have mercy.
Dear Enough Already:

By using your logic, then we should not have voted for George Bush either! In these eight years, I haven't seen this great "Christian" statesman that some talk about. furthermore, that same principle applys to Ronald Reagan....who never professed to be a "Born Again" believer.

News Item6/8/08 12:22 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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He resigned his membership because stupid people like Sean Hannity and other "Red Necks" on Fox TV seem to want to demonize him. Isn't it interesting that while Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly criticizes Barack for his "association" with Jeremiah Wright

While they maintain their membership in the Catholic Church! You talk about being a hypocrite, this is over the top!

Why would they continue in a Church that tried hard to cover up the deviant behavior of so-called "men of God" which, resulted in millions of dollars of hush money? Give me a Big Break!

News Item6/8/08 12:15 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Lance Eccles wrote:
Is Obama a black man? If he were elected president of Kenya, he would probably be called that country's first white president.
Is he a Black man? Well, I guess if his Father was an African, then he must be a Black man. On the other hand, his Mother was White/Jewish, so what does that make him? I don't know why its such a big deal!

News Item6/7/08 10:09 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dr. Phil wrote:
And there will be a bonus, reparations, and pay-day coming if he is elected. Guess who will do the paying.
It won't be "Lay Us Bare 'n Con".
The amazing thing about some segment of White America is that they have nothing on Barack Obama, so, they invent things as a "scare tactic."

Is it really that bad to have a Black man as President? In over 200 years, have we not had at least one Black man who was qualified enough to be President? Or is it just a "White Priviledge?"

Survey6/6/08 9:22 AM
Wayne | UK  Find all comments by Wayne
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'have personally examined thw entire NIV in conjunction with the Jehovah's Witnesses NWT back in 1992 and was horrified to find hardly a difference.'

I have to agree as I sudied with the JW's but wouldn't use their NWT as I found an authorised version still sealed and unopened in a drawer at home I Timothy 3: 16 was God's turning point and not found in the NIV or NWT.


Just now I have receieved the TBS Quarterly Record-the magazine of the Reformed Trinitarian bible Society. There is a request from a prisoner in Florida who for 2 years has been studying the King james debate and had been using the NIV. He says 'I was hard headed, but asked the Lord to show me the truth, and He did. He opened my eyes. I desire the complete, blessed Word of God. Not in pieces or with man's interpretaions built into it'

Also a brit using the NIV as told it was the best version, then the new KJV (The next new thing) until he was compelled to compare text re: fornication. As he says in his street preaching muslims say to him: 'Many, many bibles, only ONE Koran' As a bricklayer with no formal academic qualifications he says 'I have no problem with the AV; in fact, it becomes more prescious as the days go by'

I never read a book until the AV and can understand it-praise God!

Survey6/4/08 1:30 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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Some scriptures to ponder...

Rom 9:15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
Rom 9:16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.

Act 11:18 When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.

Sermon5/24/08 11:10 PM
Wayne | Oregon  Find all comments by Wayne
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Salvation of the Lord
Don Bell
“ Outstanding Sermon! ”
A very Christ honouring sermon. Salvation is from the Lord and Brother Bell proclaims the Gospel plainly and boldly. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation through Him alone!!
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