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News Item5/21/07 11:28 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Reminds me of Amos 8:11

News Item5/16/07 12:48 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Not of this world" basically summed up my sentiments
regarding this person/issue.

Falwell, Martin Luther King, et al, are a perpetual
embarrassment to me, not because they weren't great
men, but because their extra-pastoral activities tend
to diminish the extreme importance of thier primary duty
(preaching salvation) in favor of lesser, more temporal
benefits like political security and civil rights.

When pastors do this it deceives the ungodly into thinking
the pastors' lesser causes are an integral part of their
ministry and are as important--if not MORE important--than
the preaching of the Gospel.

I would have FAR more respect for men like Falwell and
King had they made a greater effort to delegate or
"deaconalize" their non-spiritual persuits...like the
apostles did in Acts 6:2-4, rather than allow themselves
to be so distracted from their responsibilities as pastors.

News Item5/15/07 11:16 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Considering just the title of this article, one would
tend to expect just such a thing to happen.

That is, the more liberal (read: WORLDLY) the church
gets, the less distinctive it becomes from the rest
of the un-churched world.

If there be little or no distinction, why would one
even bother to go to church at all?

News Item5/10/07 11:33 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Dispenationalists will surely be offended,
but amillenials like myself are merely

Is it a sin to make money off of someone
elses bad theology?

Clever guy, this man is!

News Item5/10/07 11:17 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Granted meat was not to be eaten until after Noah's
flood but surely even those living prior to the flood
nursed their own kids!

This artical is yet another one that reminds me of
Proverbs 14:12

News Item5/9/07 11:22 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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People who think like this are allowing their own pessimism to
get the best of them.

I also suspect a selfish motive in limiting the number of people
which (in their minds) means more resources for those who remain.

Think about it.

As long as people as a whole GIVE more than they Get, population
INCREASE is actually much better for all of us than population

Though not much of a reader myself, I did manage to come across a
wonderful book which explains this and many other seemingly counter-
intuitive concepts of human economy and resource-usage, called
"The Ultimate Resource".

I highly recommend it.

Sermon5/7/07 11:27 PM
John  Find all comments by John
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Great expression of the slave of the Master. Committiment VS surrender! Thank you

News Item5/6/07 12:48 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Because this ark is not full-scale BUT fully functional, I presume that
this man is accounting for the non-scalability of water, which often
forces engineers to alter dimensions on smaller scale models of boats,
harbor inlets, etc. in order to predict how the real things would work,
without having to spend the extra money of building full-scale models
all the time.

I believe they call it Rayleigh modeling (with Rayliegh numbers), if I
remember my fluid dynamics classes (taken over 20 years ago!).

I've been told by modern engineers that Noah's ark, specifications of
which were called-out by God himself in Genesis, would have been (I mean,
WAS!) a very stable marine platform in all 6 degrees of freedom
(roll, pitch, yaw, heave, surge, and sway) even on high seas, unlike
the perfect cube-shape of the ark of the Epic of Gilgimesh, which would've
tumbled end-over-end in a similar environment.

Even if you ballasted one corner of the "cube", Gilgimesh's ark would still
spin like a top, making everyone on board VERY sick.

News Item5/3/07 11:14 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Money-money-money! If you want to "know" the value of anything
in this society from the standpoint of one of it's members, break
it down in terms of how much MONEY it costs.

On that note, I'm sure glad this article didn't do a cost equivalence
of the wife's role of "pleasing" her husband with that of "the oldest
profession. 'Nuff said!

News Item5/2/07 11:02 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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If I was the owner of those 2 pit bulls, I'd be building a
monument to that brave little terrier, not just for saving those
kids but for keeping ME out of the BIG trouble I no doubt would
be in had my dogs gotten to those kids!

An obvious downside to guns is that they can be stolen and used
to hurt/kill others, but at least they can't jump out of the safe
by themselves and go marauding around and threatening people.

Survey4/24/07 12:11 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I suppose skipping a meal or two won't compromise ones health,
but going too far with this "fasting" thing will inevitably
lead to the basic sin of causing harm to ones own body.

I personally don't see the value of physical fasting in our
post-apostolic age, preferring to adhere to the spiritual
aspect that Lurker pointed out in the Isaiah passages.

Physical fasting is not regarded by the church I presently
attend as a "means of grace". Neither is footwashing, but
I won't try to argue with those who claim to have been blessed
by either activity.

News Item4/24/07 11:40 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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True Christianity and its activities ought to be significantly
distinctive from worldly activity. Most of the activities stated
in this article are much better done in circuses and on MTV.

Reach "the youth" by being distictive, not by being just like
everyone else. 1 Cor. 14:8

News Item4/23/07 12:56 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Yeah. This is what Americans used to be like, when I was young.

Now we're just ready to assimilate into whatever the rest of the
world wants us to be...or so it seems...please, don't be angry
with us...whimper-whimper.

News Item4/20/07 4:48 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I distinctly remember, on more than one occasion, hearing testimony
AND receiving a small Gideon New Testiment from one of their
representatives in my own public elementary school in Ohio, back
in the early 70's.

I guess the "separation-of-church-and-state" crowd weren't quite
so restrictive and pervasive back then...at least not in that part
of the country.

In contrast, my high school, in 1980, had a COW when a professing
Christian student wrote an open letter to all his fellow classmates,
including his own testimony and an enclosed Bible tract.

Jewish students seemed most offended, but many others were also.

Another friend, who attended public school back in the late 50s told
me they actually used to open class with PRAYER.

How the times have changed!

News Item4/17/07 12:08 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Had this gunman encountered one or more of my fellow shooters
I'm sure the overall death tool would've been much less than 33.

Then again, I and my friends would've been nearly as helpless
and unarmed as the rest, since it's illegal to have a gun near
schools or hospitals here in CA.

Unless you're close enough to jump the gunman while he's reloading
there's not much anyone can do in such a situation except stay down
and/or get the heck out of there.

Though I would never advocate arming EVERYONE, as someone on this
thread seems to suggest; it might not be such a bad idea for at
least some of the faculty to be armed AND suitably trained for
just such a tragedy.

News Item4/16/07 2:31 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"Wayne Stayskal".

I'm Googling him now.

Thanks, Janet.

News Item4/16/07 2:16 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"My Ugly Came Out".

That's gotta be one of the most creative phrases I've heard
used by people to try to compartmentalize their sin!

That being said, I can't help but suspect a lack of attentiveness
on the part of the murdered husband regarding his wife and her

God's word itself regards her as "the weaker vessel", not as a
critisism of her but an admonishement to him to keep short accounts
with her and where she is in their relationship.

We guys, as heads of the house, are ultimately responsible for what
happens on our watch, and by God's grace will be able to lead by
example. His example.

News Item4/13/07 11:22 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Women tend to go shopping more than men, and the
internet is becoming an increasingly convenient
place to do this.

News Item4/12/07 11:52 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"God loves the homosexual just as much as the heterosexual, and so should we."

So says Billy Graham, in response to people who focus on homosexuality more
than other sins (like Fred Phelps).

But this statement has virtually NO convicting power in it to save anybody, much
less a hard-core homosexual. As written, it may even ENCOURAGE the homosexual
that his "lifestyle" is somehow acceptible to God and his people.

I'd rather he said God will CONDEMN the homosexual just as much as he will
the heterosexual unless they BOTH repent of ALL their sins, including
homosexuality, and believe on Christ.

News Item4/12/07 11:16 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Considering how glorious the human body is, and doctors'
extensive knowlege and awareness of it in all it's
intricacies, it's a wonder that ALL doctors are not
Believers. Then again, ultimately, God himself has
to open their eyes...just like Lurker said.
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