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Survey11/3/08 9:11 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Ah yeeess...that must be related to that scripture talking about God giving his people a heart of flesh in place of a heart of stone and writing his law on their hearts and putting his spirit in them(Ezekiel 36:26, Heb. 8:10). Thank you, Hope.

News Item11/3/08 8:55 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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No, John, that does not prove me wrong. Just because a church has sermons on this website does not make it a correct church. A church is correct according to the Bible's declaration not by presence on a website. If that is true, I would press SA to banish such an immoral church from this website. Again, present the scriptures to justify what McCain and Reagan have done. Present a case where Jesus or his Apostles say a man may leave his wife for another woman he falls in love with. It simply cannot be found. I haven't seen it yet in all my reading of the New Testament. Yep, the best thing McCain could do would be to repent and live single or return to his wife.

Survey11/3/08 8:46 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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However, on the other hand, DJC does a good job of explaining how corrupt the Human OS is.

Survey11/2/08 5:52 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Mike, do you think the unbelievers give glory to God for the good deeds they do? That is what I was implying....the unbelievers boast among themselves and think all good works will tip the scale to let them into heaven. So it is a truth unbelievers cannot receive until granted repentance unto life by God(Acts 11:18)..who alone ordains unto eternal life(Acts 13:48). We are not talking about programming here(I am sure there are some good computer science threads for this), but about God's foreknowledge and predestination.

News Item11/2/08 5:43 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Mr. Bush and these leaders can do all they want to start a "new relationship among religions" but the confession of the true church remains the same, namely "neither is there salvation in any other." Apart from faith in the Lord Jesus there is no salvation.

News Item11/2/08 5:19 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Arnie is for sure a liberal and it is too bad to see him pollute the Republican party. However, he is not alone in this action. We have the past few presidents and the current one to thank...and probably the next, unless they put their promises to action while in office. We shall see.

News Item11/2/08 5:16 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Interesting...the RCC can take Jesus' communion discussion quite literally("This is my body..."), but concerning creation, the RCC turns to symbolism. Why? Just because the Bible contradictions certain theories of man(such as evolution)?

Survey11/2/08 4:41 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Thanks for your reply. Good points as well...and from DJC too.

Any good works we do are because of God working through us. We have nothing in and of ourselves to boast about. To God alone be the glory. However, the world cannot receive this truth.

News Item11/2/08 3:48 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Thank you, Wayne.

News Item11/2/08 3:47 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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John Yurich wrote:
Well the Baptist minister of that Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona who married McCain and his current wife does not believe that they are in an invalid marriage. The Bible states that divorce is permissable for adultery and that remarriage is permissable.
Evidently, that is an apostate Baptist church where McCain got another marriage. The Bible says nowhere that a man is permitted to leave his first wife because he starts dating another woman and desires to marry her. It does not get much worse than that.

Survey11/2/08 11:16 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Regarding Christiana's response to DJC..

God says "There is none that doeth good, no not one."(Rom. 3:10-12) and as you said it is all filthy rags. Maybe that is what DJC was getting at. As for creating conviction and contrition, does not preaching have place in that? In Acts 2, the Apostles preached and the hearers were convicted in their hearts.(Acts 2:37)

So I see DJC's point. He is trying to wake up the self-righteous and the obvious sinner...something rare today.

Survey11/2/08 7:57 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Hi Michael,
I understand you plainly. Many will trust in their scholarship. I have been to many different churches..Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal(three different kinds), etc and i think I can safely say, many are like that in all these groups.
However, the pastor in the Baptist church where I was baptized and heard many sermons in my youth was a Calvinist. Yet he had time for discussion about salvation after services and was often present at Vacation Bible School held at the church facilities. Despite his confession of Reformed doctrine, he understood some basics of evangelism and evidently did not think Reformed doctrine extinguishes the need to evangelize. Another historic example would be George Whitefield.

Survey11/2/08 6:52 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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I don't know about the other Calvinists here, but I see nothing insufficient in Acts 16:31, nor do I believe it is contrary to the Doctrines of Grace. Everything recorded in Acts had a reason..and everything that happened to that jailer and his family happened for a reason....and ordained of God. If not, then I see no reason why the Apostle Paul discussed God's work of predestination and calling and justfying those whom he predestinated(Rom. 8:29 & 30).

News Item11/2/08 5:10 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Does he meet the Biblical qualifications of a saint or even bishop? I sure don't see any scriptural warrant saying the bishop has to take a vow of celibacy. It sounds like a pious thing to do, but....the Apostle Paul said forbidding of marriage is a doctrine of demons. Now the RCC will say "But they choose do be celibate." Ok, fair enought, but Roman Catholic clergy(as well as certain ranks of clergy in the Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches) are not free to marry as well, so logically they are under bondage to a doctrine of demons.

News Item11/2/08 4:52 AM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Could somebody turn the thermostat down,please?
Some fresh air on the matter would be nice. My opinions on the matter: If you think the earth should get warmer, get a sauna and greenhouse so you are not imposing your opinion on your fellow citizens. If you think this warming is real and don't like warm weather, move to a cooler locale. It shall be interesting to see what kind of a winter I experience here at 60 degrees north latitude. Ah well, I enjoy sauna...and a warm summer, but a cool snowy winter is nice too, but my favorite season is spring.

News Item11/1/08 8:20 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Lance, then the article is wrong where it states the RCC teaches theistic evolution? Ok. Fair enough. But why cannot the RCC make up its mind about creation. But going by the title of the event at the Pope's science academy, I see the Pope is more interested in calling it the evolution of life and the universe instead of creation. That say a lot. And yes it has much effect on whether a scriptural presentation of the Gospel is given. Afterall, if creation is not really what the Bible says it is, maybe salvation is not either.

News Item11/1/08 8:11 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Glad I am on the other side of the big pond to observe this from a distance. One thing for sure....it will be interesting no matter who gets the Presidency...see if they hold to their words and convictions or just be the typical modern politician with much hot air. I am bored with the hot air though, so can someone turn the thermostat down so we wake out of slumber and repent and reform our ways?

News Item11/1/08 7:48 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Mike, from what I have read, I thought she was pentecostal. Then maybe she belongs to some kind of Bible church. Reports I have seen say she was born Roman Catholic, saved in Assembly of God(although the AG churches I have been to don't know much of scriptural repentance, so she may not really be saved). Personally, I don't know who or what she is. And she attends some kind of Bible church elsewhere(exactly what kind of Bible church...can be anything from Reformed to Fundamentalist...to charismatic) Perhaps she can make a statement as to exactly what she is...but that may hurt her reputation.

News Item11/1/08 7:14 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Some interesting parts in the article exposing the heresies of Rome...

1-Mr. Hawking says at the Pope's event "I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science," he said. "The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws."

Denies God's sovereignty over his creation. Easily leads to an evolutionary mindset.

2.The Catholic Church teaches "theistic evolution," which accepts evolution as scientific theory. Proponents see no reason why God could not have used an evolutionary process in forming the human species.

A problem with the Normative Principle idea.."If God did not say it, it is ok to add it." And clearly shows the RCC accepts a manmade opinion about God.

3.Hawking is a guest at the week-long event, which will explore the theme: "Scientific Insights into the Evolution of the Universe and of Life."

The Bible talks of the creation of life, not it's evolution.

News Item11/1/08 7:05 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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John Yurich wrote:
Why do you state that McCain and his old lady are in an adulterous relationship? McCain and his old lady are legally married to each other. Why do you state that Palin is in league with the RCC? Palin belongs to a Fundamentalist Protestant Church in Alaska.
McCain is not legally married according to the Bible. He ended up dating another woman(his current wife) and asking his first wife to divorce. It does not get much worse than that.

Palin's spiritual background is as confused as the Roman Catholicism she was born into and the pentecostalism she now appears to belong to. Or was it a Bible Church...actually all three at some time..maybe even now.

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