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News Item4/28/07 1:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop, you didn't answer my question-are you perfect or do you lose your salvation every time you sin?

News Item4/28/07 1:17 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop, so what you are saying is that our salvation is a process completely dependent on works, and when Jesus said, "it is finished", He lied. Also, you didn't answer the point from the Hebrews passage, you just blabbed on about some "circular" reasoning to prove your point.
First, the prodigal never ceased to be a son. Him being "dead" was a description the father used because he thought he had lost his son.
Your point about David and Peter is only true IF they could lose their salvation Thus, you prove your point by making your point the main point-circular reasoning.
Judas is in Hell because he was never saved.
Unjust servant, lazy servant-never says they were saved. Many sit in churches (and some even fill pulpits) who are "sering" God, yet they have never met Christ. Again, more circular reasoning. You need to come up with something of substance or redo your studying, because you just aren't cutting it!

News Item4/28/07 1:06 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Stop-so are you saying that you are sinlessly perfect or that you have to get resaved every time you sin? It has to be one or the other according to you. Also, according to your reasoning, if you sin one second before you die and don't have time to ask for forgiveness, you end up in hell. You serve a very weak god if he isn't able to save you beyond your next sin! Jesus said to the thief, "Today you will be with me in Paradise". Notice Jesus didn't add, "If you don't have any sinful thoughts or say any curse words before you die". Am I condoning a loose lifestyle? No. I believe whole-heartedly in holiness. I believe that a changed life is evidence of a true transformation. A truly saved person will be different in actions because he has been spiritually resurrected to a new life, the life of Christ. Very simply: new creature-saved; same old sinful self with no desire to live for God-not saved. I don't care how many aisles they've walked or prayers they've said, they are not saved.

News Item4/27/07 7:44 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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James 1:2-"temptations"-trials, testing

News Item4/27/07 7:27 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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fivepoints, I agree with you whole-heartedly! People think that it would have been great to live in the time of the early church; they've got nothing on us. The Bible tells us we should count in all joy when we find ourselves in testing. It proves, and improves, our faith! We should desire to know not only the power of Christ's resurrection, but the fellowship of His sufferings! Persecution for Christ's sake means that we are doing something right! Rejoice, believer, in being counted worthy to suffer for our Savior!

News Item4/27/07 5:51 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Expositor is beginning to spew the same trash he has thrown at us at other times. We should not continue to humor him in his false teaching. He only continues to get more bold when we do, and who knows the damage it may be doing to some weaker soul.

Survey4/26/07 4:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H.-you have noticed the same thing that I have. That is why I have decided to remain quiet as well. I know that I personally would like to discuss these issues, and I was warned that it couldn't happen. I guess they were right. I will continue to watch the thread, but until the tone changes, I won't be posting. I know that will just devastate some of you, to you I say, God bless you and keep you in His love.

Survey4/25/07 8:30 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Lurker, you ask, "How is it that anyone could believe in Jesus in vain?" Many people, in their witnessing an preaching, don't present the Jesus of the Bible. He is given as a cure for our problems or a divine Sants to give us what we want. He's almost always presented in a way that doesn't interfere with a person's present lifestyle, but will instead, enhance it. Jesus is given to make life more fun, fulfilling, exciting, etc. He is very seldom presented as the Lord who wants us to die to self, take up our cross, and follow Him. People aren't presented with the cost of following Jesus; denial of sin and self, loss of reputation, family, fame, fortune, etc. So, why so many false professors? They are given the wrong Jesus, hence, another gospel. Believing in the Jesus of the Bible is never in vain; believing in the cultural Jesus never leads to eternal life.

Survey4/25/07 5:04 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Seaton, I'm not so sure that is the case. Maybe you don't want answers and are afraid to answer my question because then I will rightfully and by scripture answer yours in a way you don't like. Don't be afraid to answer a simple little question, you are quick to give your spin on the truth any other time. I can take it like a man

Survey4/25/07 4:59 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Seaton, I'll answer your questions when you answer my question.

Survey4/25/07 4:53 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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See Seaton's post? I rest my case. Question, Seaton, can someone who believes in the doctrines of grace, but doesn't think everyone has to believe them to be saved, really be saved?

Survey4/25/07 4:44 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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If I remember correctly, and I know I do, this same question was asked of a number of people a few months back. A simple yes or no was never given by any, but the implication was that if you do not believe the doctrines of grace you are not saved. The argument went that God would reveal the truth (Calvinism) to those who were truly elect. Simply put: Believing Calvinism=elect=saved; not believing Calvinism=non-elect=damned.

News Item4/24/07 9:14 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Bro. Williams, I didn't see your next post before I responded. I apologize. I could offer an excuse for my quick over-reaction, but I won't. Again, I'm sorry.

News Item4/24/07 8:44 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H-what I find amazing is that there are some people who will find something negative to say about every person that may be quoted. Bro. Williams, for your info, Babylon is symbolic of religious systems which are carnal, wicked, fleshly, worldly. If that isn't doctrinally sound for our day today, I don't know what is. The Babylonian harlot of Revelation is symbolic of the ecumenical movement of our day headed by the Roman Catholic Church. Biblical believers today MUST come out of this Babylon of today. The nonsense expressed in this article is very indicative of the worldliness of the church. Let's learn from Tozer's lesson.

News Item4/24/07 8:04 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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JKB, thank you for the link! This guy hits it square on the head! I have been trying to get this point across to my congregation for about a year, and do you know what happened? The people with children are leaving the church! They want the church to raise their children for them and then when their children stray, they can blame the church! It's high time for the church to get back to parents raising their children and evangelism becoming a way of life instead of a program in the church. We need to scale back on (or eliminate) VBS, youth groups (how many people on this site have lost their "christian" youth to the world through this "ministry"), and a plethora of other programs and get back to teaching and preaching the Bible without shame or apology! Fathers, we need to be the spiritual head of our homes and the main Bible instructors of our families! The world, and many in the church, will think you're crazy, but, in fact, you are just being biblical. It must start NOW before we lose any more of our children!!!
Michael H.-A.W Tozer is just such a man that we need to be reading today. He was honest and forward about the problems and the solutions. We need some Tozers to be raised up, not only in our pulpits, but in our pews as well!

News Item4/24/07 7:01 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY (that's what you think!)  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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First Idiot-I am not ordained by the state or anyone else-my call came from God,not from man-stick that in your ear! You spew your filth and it's ok? If you want heresy, go join the RCC or the JW's. Your garbage needs to be kept off here! Government agent? Who are you-Hugo Chavez? Your conspiracy theories are really quite far out and you really need to get a grip! Maybe if you would tape what you are going to post before you do, and then listen to it, you will realize how dumb it really sounds! Enough for now, I must go spy on my congregants and make sure they aren't burning any heretics, you know how government agents are. Signing off-Agent 777

Survey4/23/07 10:16 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H-I've heard of him, but I've never read anything by him. I have read of some missionaries who wanted to go out in days gone by, and some were told by the staunch Calvinists of their day, "If God wants to save the heathen, He can do it without your help". I'm thankful they didn't listen. Obviously the early christians weren't like that either or we wouldn't have the gospel here. We need to be sharing the gospel and let God take care of who's "elect" and who isn't!

Survey4/23/07 9:55 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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Michael H. and Wayne, THANK YOU!! I'm wondering if he isn't just looking for a good argument. How anyone can, with any integrity, compare thee RCC with Us IFBers is beyond me! As a matter of fact, the Baptists were viciously persecuted by the RCC during the days of the Inquisition because of their opposition to RCC doctrine. And he talks about me being made into mincemeat! Thanks bro's!

Survey4/23/07 9:37 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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MurrayA. Claims and practice are two different things! We don't demand baptism to assure salvation. We don't add communion as necessary to salvation, claiming the actual body and blood of Christ. Not all IBF's are KJV only (quite a generalization there!). You are correct in Rome's rejection of Calvinism and the comparison with SOME IFB churches. However, some IFB churches adhere to the doctrines of grace (I won't say Calvinism because we aren't point for point with him). Infant baptism, christianity as state religion, and burning heretics at the stake are three points of disagreement that I can think of. Remember, MurrayA, generalizations are unfair and almost always untrue. One more thing, "I fear in debate with a Roman apologist the latter would make mincemeat of you." Bring it on!

Survey4/23/07 9:01 PM
Cbcpreacher | NY  Find all comments by Cbcpreacher
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MurrayA. Your assertion that Independent Fundamentalist Baptists arenothing more than Rome minus the tradition is ludicrous. There's a reason we are called "fundamentalists". Rome teaches salvation through the church. IFB's teach salvation by grace in the finished work of Christ. Rome teaches saving grace through baptism, mass, etc. IFB's teach saving grace through the finished work of Christ alone. Rome teaches tradition and pope=to scripture. IFB's teach sola scriptura. Take your argument with Yamil to a neutral area and leave us Bible believing and salvation through Christ IFBers out of it!!!
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