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News Item6/19/07 12:04 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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When people ask me why I'm a conservative I tell them I used to be

When they ask why I changed I tell them it's because I wanted to
be a more faithful Christian--NOT because I wanted to be conservative.

But in the process of becoming a more Biblical Christian, I discovered
that the Biblical perspective resonates more with the conservative
world-view than the liberal, therefore the latter eventually had to

I don't mean to suggest that "democrats are unsaved & unfaithful" but
I would urge any/all people who consider themselves politically "left
of center" AND "Christian" to take another good look at themselves
to see if their position in life is as consistent with God's word
as it should be.

News Item6/19/07 11:34 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Date-setting would only make sense if we didn't physically die
and thus actually COULD look forward to the Lord's coming.

Since we DO physically die, THAT'S when "the world will end"...at
least for us--expecially if we die unsaved.

News Item6/19/07 11:27 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Coed gradescool for me was VERY humiliating, with the girls
consistently outperforming the guys in everything but athetics.

I foundered in both areas, which made me feel like garbage.

Mom tried to help by explaining that "girls mature sooner
than guys...and that's why they do better in school at earlier
ages"...which now sounds like an all to convienient "explaination".

The only thing I could do better than anyone in my class was
draw, but most of the stuff I drew then (mostly masculine and
military themes) would not be tolerated in today's classroom.

By late middleschool/early highschool I FINALLY got my academic
act together, but even this was problematic since my hormones
tended to rage at the very sight of women in my classes, making
it very difficult to concentrate, much less learn or even excel
in the subjects being taught.

My own experiences, combined with the excellent analysis by
brother "anonymous" in a previous post, convince me that coed
education MUST end if our culture is going to be the best it
can be.

News Item6/19/07 7:25 AM
john  Find all comments by john
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His name is Mr. Ratzinger. Any Christian who call him pope, needs to be corrected. Only Jesus Christ is our High Priest. Only Christ can interceed on our behalf to God, the Father. Ratzinger can even make his own coffy for fear that he may spill it on his dress, and we want to call him "pope".

News Item6/18/07 1:39 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Was it Ghandi who said "I am a Christian, a Muslim, and a Jew!"?

If so, he was clearly engaging in something called synchrotism--
but mostly (if not exclusively) for social-political purposes.

On the other hand, this poor gal sounds like she really means what
she says.

She'd probably like the Baha'i faith, but they might not let her
retain the sort of eclesiastical authority she's already assumed.

News Item6/15/07 1:56 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I try to remind people who reflect the CRC's recent decision on
this issue that there was no greater and more fearlessly progressive
precident-setter (and breaker) than Christ himself, and that if ANYONE
had the authority and opportunity to establish women to rule over His
church, HE would certainly have done so...even back then.

But he didn't. All 12 of the apostles were men. He could've
appointed his own mother, a VERY devout believer in her own
right, but he didn't.

Too many professing Christians today, whether they realize it or not,
think that they are smarter than God, and that if the church were
established in today's "sexually inclusive" culture, at least some
of its leaders would be women.

Survey6/14/07 8:08 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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It matters not how "strong" a person's profession is,
but the spiritual state of the person at time of death.

One must either "Endure till the end" (Matt 10:22) or
eventually repent as the Prodigal son did.

Repentance is the proper response to true conviction of
sin in ones life. If a person dies without repentance,
it means that person died with no conviction or acknowlegement
(or "confession") of his sins and therefore never recieves
Christ's promise in 1 John 1:9.

Faith without works is dead.

So far it looks like about 75% of you all agree with me.

May we all rather agree with God!

News Item6/14/07 11:56 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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"John Reinstein, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union
of Massachusetts, expressed reservations about the program, warning
that there could be a chilling effect on students or researchers."


As if watching those two planes slam into the World Trade Centers, and
knowing that the same perpetrators would love nothing more than to hit
us again isn't "chilling" enough!

People in our society (with or without the help of ACLU and similar groups)
have turned "our rights" into a huge idol, which God seems to be vigorously
attacking and condemning by use of this "War on Terror". Victory in this
struggle cannot be achieved without sacrificing at least some of our idols--
I mean--"rights".

News Item6/12/07 11:10 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Well said, Seaton.

I used to be angry with my female co-workers for
leaving their kids at home or in daycare so they
could persue a career and make money in addition
to their husbands' already ample incomes, but have
since found out (in many cases) that it was their
HUSBANDS who pushed them into the workforce in
order to obtain an even bigger house, nicer car,
and more sumptuous lifestyle for their families.

Like you said. It's MAMMON-worship.

News Item6/9/07 4:07 PM
john  Find all comments by john
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"Skull & Bones" also appeared on the Nazi Gestapo unifomes

News Item6/9/07 1:25 PM
john  Find all comments by john
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"Behold, I never knew both of you" Jesus

Only His (Jesus) righeousness saves!

Thou shall have no other gods before Me!

Only a Mason who calls himself "born again" could meet with Razinger and feel good about it.

News Item6/8/07 12:02 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Lawrence Krauss, a physicist and astronomer at Case Western Reserve University,
said evolution is an important campaign issue. "Evolution happened whether or not
a candidate believes in it," he said, and presidents shouldn't let "religious or
ideological beliefs trump reality."

This is a weird statement. Is he saying that people should be prepared to violate
their own personal convictions in order to accommodate his view of "reality"?

Sounds like a very unreasonable statement...and this from a COLLEGE PROF, no less!

News Item6/8/07 11:41 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Regarding Keller's statements , Campbell said "it shows that bigotry
from time to time can still rear its ugly head in society."

No suprise here. Ungodly people often refer to spiritual discernment
as "bigotry" and "intolerance" because they assume that they can "see"
what we can't and that what we think we see is not really there, when
exactly the opposite is true.

Since the first paragraph states that Keller was adressing "followers",
rather than the public as a whole, there should be no court case to
persue...but I'm not a lawyer so maybe I'm missing something here.

Jimmy Carter's recent claim that Mormons are Christians indicates that
he himself most likely is not one. Otherwise he'd surely be able to
differentiate between the two faiths.

Unsaved family members gave me the usual silent treatment when I tried
to point this out, but most of them regard the exclusive claims of Christ
as upity and bigotted, regardless of the source. SIGH!

News Item6/7/07 6:50 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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No suprise.

These days more people are on the
internet, playing video games, or
listening to talk radio than watching
TV as much as they used to.

News Item6/7/07 11:10 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I guess it beats being eaten by wolves
or some other predator.

News Item6/6/07 1:55 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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If the Good Samaritan were truly good,
and his charge was a law-breaker rather
than a mere victim of violence, I would
expect him to turn the man in once he
fully recovered from his wounds.

News Item5/31/07 2:04 AM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Amos 2:1 is the most frequently quoted Bible verse against
cremation that I'm aware of.

Interesting to note that Christ was buried following his
crucifixion when most others suffering such a fate were
cast into Gehenna (the burning trash dump) after such
a cursed demise as the one He suffered.

Cremation is becoming an increasingly economical way of
dealing with those who've passed on.

My mom was cremated because it was cheaper/more convenient
than having her body shipped to Illinois, where her previously
perchased grave plot was located.

News Item5/24/07 4:45 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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Our church (OPC) recently aquired a small, Mandarin-speaking reformed
congregation as tennants, leading me to the assurance that we had an
outreach to ALL Chinese people in our community. I didn't realize
the former Hong-Kongers might stay away because it's not their language.

I'll have to ask my pastor about this.

News Item5/24/07 4:36 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I heard that the kids are the ones that
suffer most.

News Item5/23/07 2:10 PM
John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by John
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I would think that most orthodox Muslims would have
a VERY difficult time adapting to American life,
considering the moral madhouse our nation/culture
has become over the past few decades.

Though I would love to see Iraq become a "democracy",
I'd hate to see it become similarly degraded as our
own culture is regarding the wide-spread acceptance of
sexual role-diffusion of men & women, proliferation of
homosexuality, abortion, high-divorce, porno, drugs, etc.

I can't help but wonder if more than a few of the
Iraqi insurgents we're fighting over there have similar

I'm old enough to remember "laughing" at the stodgy Soviet
retorts about "America and the West" being "decadent and
divided". Never-the-less, there was MUCH truth in what
they were saying at the time. Even more so now. Sad.

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