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News Item1/19/09 9:50 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Mike wrote:
Not directed at Mark M.
I don't see President Bush as a liberal nor a socialist. I'd say a neoconservative. Sort of.
You asked the question "So are Dubya/Obama real Socialists or real Liberals?" I wanted to find out if you thought there were much of a difference, since you said they were mutually exclusive.
I will let Mark M. explain what he meant when he used the phrase "real Liberal".

Yes, Bush is a sort of kinda neo-con, but he is more neo-Confused than neo-Conservative. In no way is he Conservative.

Obama also is neither Liberal nor Socialist. He seems more like a Social Democrat to me. He believes in neither the unfettered rights of private property (a feature of Liberalism) nor the common ownership of the commanding heights of the economy (a feature of Socialism that is mutually exclusive to Liberalism).

News Item1/19/09 7:52 PM
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puritanbooks wrote:
Guilty is guilty, you can slice the pie in many pieces as you wish. But they were all destroyed (killed) in sodom..
All the unregenerated are guilty by association.. Maybe tomorrow or later today God will call them to Christ to be regenerated.. Untill then, guilty worhty of the second death..
All that perished in Sodom were guilty period, but God saved Righteous Lot out from Sodom.
All the unregenerate are guilty period.

Please do not use the truth of Adam and Christ as federal heads to abolish biblical standards of evidence.

News Item1/19/09 7:38 PM
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Mike wrote:
What do you mean by "real"? If by Liberalism you mean today's version, then we can freely say a cowflop by any other name would still stink.
I assume your question is directed at Mark M. who originated the phrase?

Strong words you directed at Bush there btw Mike, if I read you correctly.

News Item1/19/09 7:32 PM
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puritanbooks wrote:
It's no different then a robber in a bank and one outside waiting in a getaway car. Both are guilty by association... All in Sodom were guilty by association, men, women, and children..
No. The robber and the getaway car driver are guilty of robbery, and conspiracy to rob by their own proveable actions. The analogous legal doctrine is acting with "common purpose" not "guilt by association".

Righteous Lot lived in Sodom and was not guilty by association.
It is easier to argue for "mercy by association" from God's dealings with Sodom:-
"That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I WILL SPARE ALL the place for their sakes......
And he said, Oh let not the LORD be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake."

News Item1/19/09 7:22 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Max wrote:
A country that has voted a President in purely because of the colour of his skin.
Now that is racism!
If it were true it would be racism but there is no evidence that 'a country' voted on that basis.

Of course in our own Britain there is also all party consensus to support sodomites, abortionists, and Muslims just as with both parties in America.

News Item1/19/09 6:51 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Btw the account I was reading predated the 1951 repeal of the Witchcraft Act by about 20 years.
The death penalty for witchcraft was removed prior in 1735.

News Item1/19/09 6:35 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Dr. Richard Bacon wrote:
But the question falls more into the category of what the magistrate should do. Should he fail or refuse to follow God's justice?
Coming to this debate somewhat late I can't help but be struck by the fact that I read a biography over the weekend that included a brief mention of the conversion of a Spiritist (i.e. witch) under the Christian gospel ministry.

Presumably, the law of the land was deficient in affording this woman time to come to repentance in accordance with the determinate, eternal, electing love and justice of God?

If a witch has not taken a life, by what gospel standard of God's justice do you assert that life should be taken from him/her, if indeed that is your position?

News Item1/19/09 6:16 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
We live in a constitutional republic (rule by representatives), not a democracy (direct rule by the people),
I think the requisite term that would reconcile both positions is the term "representative democracy".

I could not hold to a definition of democracy that precluded representation and required direct rule by the people.

Of course, as you know, many of us live in representative democracies that are not republics.

Mark M. wrote:
We have let Socialism in to this country to a degree that I hoped not to see, and a lot of came in under Dubya's administration. Just imagine what a real liberal is going to do to us in the coming four years.
So are Dubya/Obama real Socialists or real Liberals? The two are mutually exclusive!

News Item1/16/09 8:15 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Personally I've used the same toothpaste brand all my living memory.

Christ is a faithful shepherd of His people. How faithful are modern denominations or independent churches?

"Just 16 percent of Protestants surveyed said they are exclusively loyal to one denomination"

I wonder if all 16% go to the same one true church?

News Item1/12/09 6:50 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Neil wrote:
Now the "soulless corporation" is an interesting topic for debate. Should there be such a thing as limited liability for owners or shareholders?
What's to debate? The answer is "No".

News Item1/9/09 6:35 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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If they are gentlemen maybe it's a "cultural issue"?

On with the baseball caps (reversed), cowboy hats, kippah's, turbans, puritan wigs, beefeaters ..... ?

News Item1/9/09 4:18 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Pikestaff wrote:
So THIS is Socialism
Ah you beat me to it!

News Item1/9/09 12:16 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Shouldn't the forum debate rather be about the wearing of hats by men in this church?

News Item1/8/09 4:24 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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and what is socialism?

News Item1/6/09 6:51 PM
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John Yurich wrote:
You are just confusing everybody by using the same name that I am using. So stop using the name John Yurich. I have been using the name John Yurich for the past 2 or so years and then you came along recently and started using the name John Yurich. You have no right to use the name John Yurich.
Alas, poor Yurich!

News Item1/6/09 6:40 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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It's alright Neil, no defence taken.

News Item1/6/09 3:43 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Hey Mike, good to see you back on here, haven't seen you posting here for a long time .... but I do occasionally look up your blog and remember the work there.

I was responding to the positive and unsupported inference by Jim Lincoln that it would be good for the Christians to have specifically Israeli-style "law and order". I think that inference is what needs support.

I don't have time to do the research now but back in the early 90's I well remember the self-same pro-Israeli style western Christians (ICEJ, CFI, PFI etc) lamenting the Intifada and the decimation of the Palestinian Christian population. An example I remember given at the time was the size of the Christian population of Bethlehem. It seems the pro-Israeli Christians have short memories of the time of their own preferred rule now that times have changed .....

Law and order is good, but the Israelis singularly failed to provide it to the Palestinian people.

News Item1/6/09 2:54 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
An interesting article, I would suggest the folks here read the whole thing, besides [URL=http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=14002]]]The Beleaguered Christians of The Palestinian-Controlled Areas[/URL].
We can only hope that Israel will regain control of the whole of Gaza to bring law and order to a land that shows the [URL=http://www.answering-islam.org/Books/Barton/11.htm]]]Inadequacy of Islam[/URL].
Under the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza up to the Oslo peace accords the nominally Christian population amongst the Palestinian people mostly emigrated or worse were assimilated or intimidated into Islam. I don't think you will find many Christians (both nominal and real) who have a great affinity for the Israeli occupation and the protection that it offered, but you may find the odd one ....

News Item1/6/09 1:28 AM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Mike wrote:
So, John Yurich, when did you move to the UK?
And since when did Walmart start trading in the UK under the Walmart name?

News Item1/4/09 8:04 PM
Guinness  Find all comments by Guinness
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Guinness wrote:
AAC - do please tell us how you would like to see a legal system operating without the dreaded "due process" criticised on your linked website? You would seem to desire even more arbitrariness in the legal system not less.
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