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Survey6/22/07 4:04 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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I love you MBL.

I forgive you for being a Ruckmanite and for being wrong every single time we talk.

Survey6/22/07 3:58 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Calvinsts always have questions but no answers.

When one is done masterfully answering one, they already have another one in line.

Must be nice to be able to lazily sit back and ask all the questions without providing any effort to demonstrate his own position.

Survey6/22/07 3:47 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Unless you consider this forum a church or church service, I do not see how you can come up with such a conclusion.

Survey6/22/07 3:14 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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I would have to say that Abigail hit it on the nail.

Wayne, If you use Matthew 19:9 to justify divorce you have a problem. The cause of it is fornication. Fornication can only occur by an unmarried party. That means that the ground for it was infidelity before marriage.

Marriage in the Jewish culture is completely different than the western culture. While in the Western culture one is married and then goes to the honeymoon, in the Jewish culture, one goes to the honeymoon first and then gets married. In the Jewish culture one is also considered married during the bethrothal stage (what we would call the engagement) that's why Mary was called Joseph's wife even though it states that they were merely bethrothed. If anytime before (and only before) the honeymoon the man discovered that his wife is not a virgin he can write a bill of divorce. The Bible allows for divorce only BEFORE physical consummation and not AFTER physical consummation.

Survey6/22/07 12:02 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Well Dusty,

It is certainly not the fabricated meaning that does not exist anywhere in the world except in the F_anciful L_and of the Calvinist.

But to answer your question, since the subject is people then one will have to choose #2.

See, its not as complicated as you would like it to be.

Survey6/22/07 11:52 AM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Wayne wrote:

"You are not living in the real world."

We are living with a real God. There is never an excuse to sin. This includes adultery.

Try reading the context, it hardly makes a case for divorce.

I Corinthians 7:10
"10And unto the married I COMMAND, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: 11but and if she depart, let her REMAIN UNMARRIED, or be RECONCILED to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife."

It is quite apparent that the offended party has only two choices (a) remain unmarried (b) be reconciled. Nothing about divorce and remarriage.

"6Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

Survey6/21/07 8:06 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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There is nothing general about stating:


One can't get anymore specific than that.

Preach the Word? Sure:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Does it seem impossible to you that God should love the whole world?

Survey6/21/07 7:43 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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News Item6/21/07 7:42 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Survey6/21/07 7:19 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Pride or not. If the Bible forbids it then, then you have an obligation to obey it.

There has been noone in my congregation that has been condemned for it, but this does not mean that they would be qualified to preach.

Pride would be insisting to take on something that God prohibits you to take.

Survey6/21/07 6:46 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Biblical Grounds for Divorce/ or Remariage?

Since you are in the mood for criticism, you might want to rethink your heading.

The death of a spouse does not REQUIRE remarriage by the one left behind.

You are best to label your post, "Biblical Conditions for Remarriage."

Or just give it up altogether, since you do not stand a chance against the Weapon of Mass Instruction.


I can easily prove each of the points to you, but I think that it would be only fair to ask that you prove your points first since you were the one to bring it up (the subject was "Is A man who has been divorce QUALIFIED to be in the Ministry" not "Does the Bible allow for divorce"). Or at least you should consent being intellectually honest and put the same amount of effort.

Survey6/21/07 6:16 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Oh, wretched sinner out there, if I am the only one in here you will here this from, so be it, but listen clear. God loves you. Yes you. He died for you! He desires YOU to repent and come to his loving arms. There is no sin too deep where his grace cannot reach. And while others stammer at this truth, while others are reluncdant to scream it from the housetops I want you to hear it from me. God does not only love an elite few. No my friend. Rest assured: God loves you! God loves you! GOD LOVES YOU!!!

Survey6/21/07 6:13 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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So much for what God hath put together let no man put asunder.

I Corinthinas 7:15- That's called separation, not divorce. Big difference.

Matthew 19:9- That's divorce before marriage. There is no such thing as fornication after marriage. That's called adultery. Try brushing up on your "Manners and Customs."

Romans 7:1-2- That's not called divorce. One can't divorce a dead man. It's called death. Otherwise everyone that is divorced would be called a widow.

News Item6/21/07 5:49 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Yeah Jim, I think me and you went to different schools together.

Survey6/21/07 5:48 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Yes. If an amoeba could so easily refute your theological system, imagine what a real person can do?

Survey6/21/07 5:46 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Survey6/21/07 5:42 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Well what do you know, you have been confounded by a child.

Survey6/21/07 5:27 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Especially when one throws out the word with nothing palbable to back it up.

Survey6/21/07 5:25 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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The issue is centered over the meaning of "husband of one wife."

There are those, like I and JD, that believe that the passage means "only one wife for life." But even upon this conservative (and correct BTW) interpretation there is some difference in application.

Some like JD, believe that it disqualifies anyone who has been divorced regardless of whether or not it occured before or after salvation.

Some like me, believe that the requirements abide after one is saved.

THen there are those, like MBL, believe that the phrase means "one wife at a time."

Now let me see if I can post a survey.

Survey6/21/07 2:25 PM
Yamil Luciano | Las. Vegas NV  Go to homepageFind all comments by Yamil Luciano
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Do what you will JD, but remember that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump (especially if that leaven is in Bibliology).

I recommend the following articles by David Cloud.





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