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Survey11/26/07 12:21 PM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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well Terry, I don't see you bringing any food to the table. Just left over scraps.


Survey11/26/07 12:18 PM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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What does regenerated mean to me? Well none of the options that I was given. I guess the 2nd choice “being indwelled by the Holy Spirit” would be the closes.
When I look this word up in the manuscripts, the English form is only found in 2 places, Matthew 19:28 and Titus 3:5. Since the letters of Paul were wrote far earlier, I use Paul’s words in Titus. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;”
So what is the definition of “regeneration”? The Greek word is, “παλιγγενεσία”. It is taken from “πάλιν” and “γένεσις”. The means, “(spiritual) rebirth (the state or the act), that is, (figuratively) spiritual renovation; specifically Messianic restoration”.
I look at this statement as “renewing of the Holy Spirit”. I don’t really agree with the baptism scenario, because that is never expressed by washing, nor is it the cause or means of regeneration. In fact Christians ought to be regenerated before they are baptized; and they may be baptized, and yet not regenerated, as Simon Magus was.
The word washing in the Greek is “λο

Survey11/26/07 11:43 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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what works were Paul referring to?


Survey11/26/07 11:30 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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Walt, if I am correct you are gathering your info from bible.org?
In my opinion that site is an anti-christ site! All I have to do is look at what Bible translations they use. They use the deception tools of the NIV and NASB.
No wonder you are lost in your comments.

Seaton, looks like you also follow this anti-christ site?

I will pray for those that their eyes and ears shall be open up to the truth of Yahweh's Words.


Survey11/26/07 11:17 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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R.K. if you must know, I use the King James only, plus the various Greek manuscripts.
It seems to me that you have no understanding of what Paul is saying about works.
I don't differ from Paul, in fact I agree with Paul.
But you have very little knowledge to the topic and subject of what Paul is referring to!
The works that Paul refers to is "being in the flesh", as he so states in Eph. 2:1-3.
These works are about our way of life, an orientation of life, a life lived apart from Yahweh's purposes. I agree with you, "if by grace, then it is no more of works, [what I just mentioned "being in the flesh"]...but if it [this grace] be of of works [being in the flesh] then is it no more grace,...
All I am stating is that there is a certain amount of works tied in with our Faith.


Survey11/26/07 9:40 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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Here we go again!
What is faith?
It is our reliance and obedience in an object.
Now when we say that "we have in Faith in Yahshua Messiah" we place our reliance and obedience in Him. Therefore in order for us to be obedient to Yahshua, we have works. Yes, works without faith are dead. But, there is a degree of works contained within our faith.
For those of us that have to work for a living. We put our Faith in our employeer, that we will receive a paycheck. But in order for us to receive that paycheck, we must show a type of works. No work, no pay! No work for the Gospel of Yahshua Messiah, no eternal life!


Survey11/26/07 9:28 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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May I ask where you getting those questions and answer from?


Survey11/25/07 12:50 PM
kevin | Georgetown DE  Find all comments by kevin
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I’m not sure where “Do we make void the law” is coming from.
He or she quotes verses. The sad part is when one quotes a single verse they take the verse out of context. So let’s take a look at Romans 3:31.
In this Chapter 3, Paul is showing that the Jews are more corrupt then the Gentiles. In verse 27 Paul says, “Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.” So we see that the law that Paul makes reference to is of FAITH, not the law of Commandments! What does he say next,” Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.” This law is the Torah. Verse 31. “Do we then make void the law through faith?” [By law here we may understand the whole of the Mosaic law, in its rites and ceremonies; of which Jesus Christ was the subject and the end. All that law had respect to him.]
“God forbid: yea, we establish the law.” This is correct. Because the Mosaic Law makes reference to the coming of Yahshua Messiah. Therefore we established the fact He became that new Lawgiver as Paul writes in Hebrew 6,7, and 8.
Next post will be on Romans 7:7


Survey11/25/07 4:42 AM
kevin | Georgetown DE  Find all comments by kevin
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I quote Seaton, “However I guess in Kevin's religion, Jesus's words don't amount to a Hill a' Beans???
Another Arminian??? Saved by his own effort???
First of all I am NO Arminian! I am NO Calvin! I study Yahweh’s Words and follow His direction, not some silly Church doctrines.
Second of all, I do understand what Yahshua says. Lets take a look at Mat 5:17
”Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.”
What is He fulfilling, the law and the prophets. Up to this time He couldn’t have destroyed the law because His death, burial, resurrection hasn’t took place. But once He was laid in that sepulcher, and was resurrected and went to His Father to be that atonement for all sinners, then those prophecies and the covenant of the law was fulfilled. Therefore, the prophecy of Jeremiah, which I quoted in an earlier post came to past.
Mat 5:18 “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”
And it didn’t, and all was fulfilled in Him, through Him once He defeated death at Calvary’s cross.
See Seaton, it's people like you that have a closed mind, you follow your little church traditions, not the Words of Yahweh.


Survey11/24/07 8:41 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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We must ask ourselves, why did Yahweh create this commandments? What was taken place during this time period? Can't we agree that He set forth these commandments to the people of Israel who were held captive in Egpyt? These people, over a period of time have forgotten who He was. Therefore by the hand of Moses Yahweh, sent forth not only these 10, but a total of 613.
Now these commandments were of the covenant which He establish between those people which came out of Egypt.
But we read in Jer 31:31 "Behold, the days come, saith Yahweh, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:
32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith Yahweh:
Now take note He says Israel and Judah, there is a deeper message contained within this.
Can't we agree that we are now partakers of that new covenant, in which as Paul writes in Romans 8, the law is now wrote in our hearts, that's to say within our soul.


Survey11/23/07 6:29 PM
kevin | Georgetown DE  Find all comments by kevin
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Comments on Romans 8:29

Origen: “We know that the Messiah was in the form of Yahweh and took on Himself the form of a servant also. Which of these two is it that the believer is to be conformed to? … In my opinion, new converts are conformed to the image of the servant, and as they progress in the faith, they become conformed to that image which is the image of Yahweh.
In Scripture, words like “foreknew” and “predestined do no apply equally to both good and evil. For the careful student of the Bible will realize that these words are used only of the good…When Yahweh speaks of evil people, He says that He “never knew them.”… They are not said to be foreknown, not because there is anything which can escape Yahweh’s knowledge, which is present everywhere and nowhere absent, but because everything which is evil is considered to be unworthy of His knowledge or of His foreknowledge.”

Chrysostom: “What a superb honor! For what the only begotten Son was by nature, we have become by grace. The Messiah in His human nature has become the firstfruits of many brethren, even though in His divine nature He remains the only begotten.”


Survey11/23/07 5:16 PM
kevin | Georgetown DE  Find all comments by kevin
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Walt did you read my comment on 11/22/07 at 9:42 AM on the Early Church?

Mike, did you read my comment on 11/22/07 at 6:26 AM on Ezek 13? Could you respond to the Words of Yahweh in which He told Ezekiel to write?


Survey11/23/07 5:09 PM
kevin | Georgetown DE  Find all comments by kevin
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R.K. I deal in facts. To me words mean something. All I did was ask Walt to give me some of these men that he refers to. Take note, when put to the task, Walt comments, "I don't have time to get into a lenghty discussion on this topic." Well if this is the case don't bring it up! If he wants to, he can send me his info by e-mail, after all that's what I did on another survey post.
I asked a simple question to his statements, looking for him, and others, to back up their statements. What is wrong with this?
I can't help it if no one challenges me on my statements.

"Cut Walt a little slack" is this what Yahshua did when He faced the Pharisees and the scribes head on?


Survey11/23/07 3:30 PM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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Please forgive my ignorance could you please share some of those "eminent men of God?" So I could reseach this.
I believe they are wrong.

If these "sons of God" were the righteous of Seth, why would Yahweh say in Gen 6:3"And Yahweh said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years." Then in the next verse, Gen 6:4 "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." WHY?
Because these fallen angels impreganted the daughters of the blood line of Adam and Eve. Why? To destroy the prophecy that was foretold in Gen 3:15 "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
Satan theory was to pollute that bloodline in which the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS was to come.
As far as Enoch not being "inspired Scripture" my question who inspired or not inspired these books? Man or Yahweh?
Why do some have the Apocrypha while others don't?


Survey11/23/07 2:59 PM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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Walt where are you getting your info from? In all my years of research I have never heard of such deception!
Now I'm not a Catholic, but to say they are the ones to blame is senseless. I look at the major protestant Churches [those 501c]and I see deception within them.
Where did you come up with the 1260 year period?
Are you saying that 1/10th of Rome will be destroyed?
Why the Jews? I thought Rev. teaches us 12,000 from each tribe?
Your last paragraph absoultly makes no sense at all. Where is Yahwehs's Words did you find this?
"All speculation" sounds like deception to me.
This sounds something of the SDA doctrine.


Survey11/23/07 10:15 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Find all comments by kevin
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MurrayA said;
"I have presented my case and clearly you have no reply except to express your exasperation.
All you need do is admit the possibility that Gen.6:2,4 indicates that there were "sons of God" in the sense of godly and righteous people (which Noah was, Gen.7:1) in this early period. But of course, even to admit the possibility would spike your dogmatism, and that you are most unwilling to do. Now I am well aware that others take the view that the "sons of God" there are fallen angels, but this is an interpretation which (i) interrupts the flow of the narrative, and (ii) has difficulties such as angels (spirit beings) marrying men (bodily beings), which is bizarre (cf. Luke 20:34-36)."
Well, I’m one of those that researched and teach that the “sons of Elihom” are those fallen angels. I have taught this for over 25 years. Your assumption that these are the righteous people is silly! I guess you never read the book of Enoch. Please don’t tell me that the book is a hoax. Because in the book of Jude, he makes mention of this book of Enoch. In fact Jude also makes mention to those fallen angels who left their first estate. Now the question remains why would these fallen angels marry the daughters of “eth-awadam”?


Survey11/22/07 9:42 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Contact via emailFind all comments by kevin
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What I find really interesting, is those that followed in the foot steps of the known Apostles. I make reference to the Church Fathers that preceeded from John, Paul, Peter, James, etc. whcih would be Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, Irenaeus, Justin Martyr etc.
in fact some of these men were the messengers to the 7 Churches mentioned in the book of Rev.
I wonder why, when I read their letters that they never, not once, make refernece to a fly away rapture
I remember that a few years ago Grant Jefferies and his anti-christ crusaders tried to shove the letter of Ephriam of Syria, which turned out to be a hoax.
Like I said in an earlier post this doctrine never came to life untill 1830 when a sickly woman had a vision and Darby and Irving ran off and created a doctrine of deception.


Survey11/22/07 9:28 AM
kevin | Georgetown De  Contact via emailFind all comments by kevin
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No sir, I am not a Jew. R. K. this is a subject that is just to long. What name did his parent give Him? Now keep in mind the background of His parents. They were not Greek, English or Gentile, but Hebrew people, so they spoke Hebrew or maybe some Aramic. However, they gave Him the Name Yahshua who became the Messiah. Now what does Yahshua mean when translated? "Yah's Savior or we can say the Salvation of Yah". When one travels to Israel and speaks to the Hebrew people, don't we use the name that their parents gave them?
Another short fact, in Gen. we read that we have that Breath of Life placed into us. Take a deep breath. Can you feel yourself saying Yah? Now exhale. Can you feel yourself saying "Weh or Shua".
Also another short fact, how do we say Jesus in Spainish? "hey-soos". Now go up to a Hebrew person and say do you believe in "hey-soos". They will laugh in your face, because "hey-soos" means a war horse.
In my research I found out that names mean something. To me I have a deeper relationship with my Heavenly Father when I use the proper Hebrew names.
Now let me emphasize that I don't comdemn those that use Jesus as some others do.
This is just that I believe in.


Survey11/22/07 6:26 AM
kevin | Georgetown DE  Find all comments by kevin
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I am assuming that you rapture believers never read Ezekiel 13. Listen carefully to some of these verses.
Eze 13:1 And the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying,
Eze 13:2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say thou unto them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear ye the word of the Yahweh;
Eze 13:3 Thus saith Adonai Yahweh; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!
So we see that Yahweh is mad at those that twist His Words! Why is Yahweh mad and what are this FOOLISH Preachers, Ministers teaching?
Eze 13:18 And say, Thus saith the Adonai Yahweh; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?
Eze 13:19 And will ye pollute Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to My people that hear your lies?
Eze 13:20 Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.


Survey11/22/07 6:08 AM
kevin | Georgetown DE  Find all comments by kevin
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Wayne M, for your info I am 51. I have been studying Yahweh's word for over 25 years. I study manuscripts, not some silly church traditions or doctrines. In fact I quit going to Church, because I was tried of sucking on bottle milk and I needed the meat that Yahweh provides. It wasn't until I left the Church that I grew in wisdom and knowledge. By, the way, I am probably the most fear person in my county. The local Churches have demanded my removal from tv and radio.
I have my own tv program and 2 hour radio program every Sunday morning. I teach chapter by chapter, verse by verse, breaking down the KJV words in Hebrew or Greek. I document the various figure of speechs that are contained within the Words of Yahweh along with Biblical numerics. I translate names and cities to get the full meaning of the contextof which they lie in.
Now some may ask for an example of what church traditions or doctrines do I disagree with, of course the rapture doctrine and most definitely Christmas. As Yahshua Messaih WAS NOT born on Dec. 25.
Therefore, I believe that I also have the knowledge from our Heavenly Father.


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