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News Item8/16/08 3:37 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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William wrote:
If you are really interested in the facts, here they are. They are documented, verified, and have come out of his very mouth.
Obama supports, defends, and promotes murder by abortion and the sexual perversion known as homosexuality.
If you really believe the Bible, how do you justify your defense of someone who promotes what God hates?
Christians do not have to limit their choice of president to Obama or McCain. They have a man of God they can support:
CHUCK BALDWIN of the Constitution Party.

You don't know the facts! When it comes to Obama, the media loves to embellish and outright misrepresent this man. It has been said that Obama is for same sex marriage. That is blatantly false! He has stated that he believes marriage is between one man and one woman.

If you're not too busy on tomorrow, tune in and listen to his dialogue with Rick Warren at 5:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Yes, he is pro-choice as is many other politicians and Supreme Court Justices and even many "Christians" and "Pastors". I take a different view, I am pro-life! Always have been and always will be!

News Item8/16/08 1:29 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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What Bush says means absolutely nothing! Why? He contradicts what is suppose to be his "true convictions" about the afore-mentioned things. Let me ask you a question: Would you be a part of a church that goes against the Scriptures? I wouldn't! Why would the President? Thus his Christianity has no credibility with me!

I realize that God alone is his judge, and I will leave that up to God. However, from where I sit, I don't belive that you can sign a law into effect and then embrace a church that goes against what you just signed into law! How does one reconcile that situation? I know that I couldn't do that.

News Item8/15/08 11:38 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Michael Hranek wrote:
So why haven't you listened?
Let me ask you a question are you by any chance a Roman Catholic?
Hey Michael:

Oh, I always listen to the same old "American style Political Rhetoric", but I am smart enough to know a bunch of hogwash when I see and hear it!

I am a member of a very powerful, Bible believing Baptist Church. What about you?

To Lurky:

I appreciate a straight (not strait) answer, especially when it is accompanied by thoughtful reflection, integrity, and sound judgment based on facts and not empty chatter!

News Item8/15/08 10:22 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Lurker wrote:
You sound like a news junkie. When you come to accept God as He is (sovereign in all things) you'll forget all this nonsense, which won't change a thing, and leave it to Him. I guess they didn't teach you that at cemetary, eh?
Hey Lurker:

You sound like an uninformed religious zealot. We, Christians are well aware that our God is an awesome God! That being said, even our Lord expects us to be informed about the issues and to act accordingly. If we left it up to you, and others like you, we wouldn't have any Christian liberties, we'd just sit back and "Let God do it!" What a pity: Zeal with ignorance is a dangerous combination.

News Item8/15/08 9:55 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Lurker wrote:
BO is a liberal Democrat. Is that original enough for you?
Hey Lurker:

No, that is not original! Remember, we hear that every evening on TV. Now, try something else.

News Item8/15/08 7:36 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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I've heard all of this before! You still miss my point my friend. I am well aware that people's ultimate and immediate need is a relationship with the Savior. That is why I share my faith all the time! I've encountered "church folks", "religious" people, and have had the pleasure of seeing a few come to know Christ in a "Authentic" way!

That, however, doesn't mean that people don't deal with issues that affect their well being, and bring about fear for the future. My point simply is I have observed that for the most part, the Republican party plays on the fears of people. Even Karl Rove has implied these very sentiments on Sean Hannity's show.

In America, we are simply not use to seeing a man of color with so many gifts and talents rise up from being a nobody, to a State Senator, to a US Senator, and to the nomination of his politcal party for US President...in just 4 short years! Who else has ever done that?

Therefore, the establishment must muddy him, denigrate him, lie on him, mispresent him, hate him, and yes...fear him. So, when you write back, please be original as I've already heard the things you have said! Tell me something different, like addressing my points.

News Item8/15/08 7:06 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear KK:

There are many "good people" who are pro-choice, even many, many Republicans I might add such as "John McCain". The current Vice-President supports his daughter homosexual lifestyle.

Our President belongs to a church that advocates ordaining Gay ministers, embraces same sex marriage, sees abdsolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality, promotes a pro-choice idealogy, and even questions the infalliablility and inerrancy of The Scriptures.

Therefore, my question to you KK is, can Mr. Bush be considered "Christian" by his church affiliation? And anyone can chime in if you like.

Additionally, I want to ask another pertinent question to this issue that I will deal with after I've heard from you. Is is a sin for a woman to abort her baby if the child was conceived from a rape? Is the law of God nullified by a woman's "unfortunate circumstance?"

Therefore, my

News Item8/15/08 12:42 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Once again you are wrong! I have NEVER tried to get Christians to see it my way as I am very much a Christian and have been one since the age of 15.

What I have tried to point out is that there is no monopoly on rightesousness by either party as every politician is human and thus flawed! As a caucasion man living in America, I have observed things about "us" that I am beginning to not like very much.

An example of this would be Fox News. there can be no denying that they hate Barack Obama and are scared to death of this man; not because he is evil, but because he is a Black man that goes against conservative stereotypes of Black people. Barack is tall, handsome, extremely intelligent, very gifted politically speaking, articulate, and most people in "White America" is crazy about him!

That scares the hell out of Fox News and their cronies to the point that they think that they have to assasinate and denigrate his character even to the point of questioning his name....that was given to him by his parents! If you don't think that there is something wrong with that, then you are the one who is missing a screw! By the way, Fox News says that they are "Fair & Balanced". What a joke!

News Item8/15/08 12:34 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Christiana:

I agree with you wholeheartedly! That is why I gave my life to Christ at the young age of 15, and have been walking with Him every since. In fact, I think your point actually undergirds what I have been trying to communicate to the people here: No political party has a monopoly on "Rightesousness" and "Righteous Living". All of these persons are flawed from the deep recesses of their souls, and need a relationship with Christ!

I've already pointed out in my previous posts that this might be a year that I hold out on voting for the presidency due to the critical issues that we face such as abortion and same sex marriage, etc. I am pro-life! I am against Gay marriage!

I am just sick and tired of turning on the news every evening and hear Fox news denigrate Barack Obama and his wife, while at the same time we never hear of any negative comments about John McCain and his lack of character! Why do they hate this man so much? Has he done that much that a news channel can spew out so much hatred? I think it is the fear of us White people trying to put fear in others. Whether you agree or not, I feel that way!

News Item8/15/08 4:44 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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William wrote:
Obama a good man?
When he was in the Illinois Senate he repeatedly opposed a bill that would have defined as a "person" a baby who had survived an induced-labor abortion and was born alive.
"As your President, I will use the bully pulpit to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality..." Barack Obama
Showing the love of Christ to others and supporting legislation which would legalize what God says is an abomination are two entirely different things. Do not confuse the two.
How can a "good man" or a true Christian support murder and sexual perversity?

That is a very good question! Why does the current Republican president stay with the most liberal church in America: The United Methodist Church. Remember, the same church that:

1. Ordains Gay Ministers
2. Advocates a Pro-choice agenda.
3. Advocates Gay marriage
4. Sees the homosexual lifestyle as acceptable

Why would a so-call "Christian Republican" president be a part of the very things that contradicts his political platform...and supposedly his personal convictions! So, please help me out with that one

News Item8/15/08 12:50 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Thinker wrote:

You're wrong! So far, this site has been about exalting The Republican Party had her candidates! I am a disciple of my Savior only! Unlike some people, I know right from wrong!

News Item8/14/08 9:09 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear KK:

Nothing you have said proves that Obama is a muslim or, is unpatriotic, etc. If Obama was a member of Rev. Wright's church, then he certainly was not a muslim! MLK was clearly not a muslim. And for the record, what Obama was referring to by making the statement concerning MLK and Malcom has to do with their strenght, their tenacity in the face of extreme oppression.

Most of the negative stuff you guys have come up with has come out of bogus books such as the latest one by Jerome Corsi. however, it has already been proven that so far there are at least 87 "serious" factual lies in the book!

Mr. Eric Burns, a well known writer and analyst checked out the book and he says "out of The first eleven reference of the book, there are nine references to his previous books!" In other words, he quotes himself in order to mislead the Country concerning this man. What a sham and what a darn shame! Sadly, some of you will believe the stuff. KK, I do agree with you that politicians can be corrupt! that is true of all Political parties!

News Item8/14/08 2:41 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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I challenge you to find one posting wherein I said: "You are a racist if you don't vote for Obama!" You are playing the race card by pretending to know what people think! I can assure you that Obama will garner around 98% of the African-American community's vote! Where do you get your stats?

Furthermore, I never said that I was "Ashame of being wealthy and White? Do you alkways embellish other people's comments like you have mine? I hope not as by your own admission you're too old for that!

So, find the posting wherein I said "You are a Racist if you don't vote for Obama" and then be prepared to repent beofre the Lord and apologize to me for outright lying!

News Item8/14/08 11:46 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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First, to "Dr. Phil," I don't think you understand the terms "conservative" and "Evangelical", nor do you understand the doctrine of "Justification By Faith."

If you did, then you would know that both Talbot and DTS believes that and teaches it better than any seminary in the world! John MacArthur also holds to a dispensational perspective as well and he also teaches Justification By Faith!

Dispensationalism doesn't preclude Justification by Faith. Where did you get that from?

Second, to Sherry: Again, who you vote for is your business! I NEVER told you to vote for Obama or any other person. I simply told you that to not vote for "anyone" based on "books" is not a good reson not to vote for them. If John McCain is your option, then he is a very poor option:

1. A serial adulterer
2. Broke up his family
3. Married to a Beer guzzling husband stealer
4. Scared to say where he stands on Gay Marriage
5. Represents a third term of GWB!
6. Washington insider.
7. Doesn't look presidential nor does he speak with the authority of a President!
None of those qualities makes him "honorable" as the conservative TV stations such as Fox news claims.

News Item8/14/08 1:50 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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There can be no surprise by this finding! For the most part, White Evangelicals vote Republican due to the fact that the party is perceived as being the party that honors the things of God, has more morals, etc.

However, we know that isn't true! John McCain is no Christian! He doesn't profess to be, he is scared to say where he stands on Gay Marriage, and he is certainly no "Saint" due to his breaking up and destroying his family by chasing a young, rich, beer guzzling blonde name "Cindy."

Yet, some White Evangelicals believe that he is "honorable". What a sad state of affairs. What a complete joke!

News Item8/14/08 1:43 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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"Christian" Warrior:

You've played right into the hands of how "Red Necks" attempt to impersonate "Christians." For the record, I am as White as they come! Your assumption that I've flunked out of school, come from Compton is the reason why there is so much racial divide in this Country!

I have both an undergraduate and graduate degrees from two well known Bible College & Seminary (Talbot & Dallas Seminary). You can't get any more evangelical and conservative as those schools!

I simply came on this site and was appalled by all of the foolishness that I've read. It is so-called "White Evangelicals" that stir up animosity and race bait by their nonsensical rhetoric by reading books that falsely depict a good man as some evil monster!

Where is the same crap when it comes to John McCain? How come you guys don't talk about his destryoing his family to run behind a rich, beer guzzling blonde?

Then, tonight I have to read more nonsense by someone parading around as a "Christian Warrior". What a complete joke! To sherry, that is why I said to you that I am sometimes embarrassed to be a caucasion man living in America!

News Item8/12/08 11:37 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Hey Thinker:

Everybody has heard that the President is a Drunk! That is by his own admission. The Obama's have been married for 16 years, and he has done really well! That is a clear indication that the man has character.

Too bad we can't say that for John McCain and his Beer guzzling wife Cindy, the "husband stealer."

I mentioned those men for the purpose of showing you and others who have been duped into thinking that The Republican party is somehow "God's Party," that God isn't own by no one!

I actually forgot to mention Bill O'Reilly, the sexual harasser who paid 10 million dollars to a woman who didn't want him and to keep her quiet! Yet, he thinks he speaks for God. What a complete joke!

Obama has character! The White establishment is up 24/7 trying to find dirt on this man, and the best that they can come up with is "he is un-American, un-patriotic, he has a funny name, he is a muslim, he has no experience, his wife doesn't love America," etc. This is laughable!

News Item8/12/08 3:37 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Dear Jethro & Other Commentators:

I don't mean to sound like a "Shock Jock", but homosexuality is very nasty when you consider the physical aspect of it. I am absolutely certain that our God, in all of His wisdom, did not intend for the Anus to be penetrated in that manner!

Medical Doctors will testify that they perform repair surgery all the time on gay men who's spintcher muscle has been damaged, and that their feces come out involuntarily (sorry have to be graphic to make a point).

That in itself proves that God did not intend for that kind of sexual behavior. It is a perversion of God's plan and must be repented of!

News Item8/12/08 3:14 PM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Thinker wrote:
Then you agree. These men, like all others, are sinners in need of a Savior. So, as a professed Redeemed one, let your mission be that to which you were called by the Lord Jesus Christ. "Go, therefore into all the world and make disciples."
Making disciples means a call to "deny oneself" - "take up one's cross" - and, "follow Christ."
You can start with Obama.

No, I think we can start with the men I listed since they are the "Righteous" ones. Obama, while clearly a sinner as we all are, has more character than the afore-mentioned persons. You don't hear about Obama running around on his wife or, that he likes "little boys!"

News Item8/12/08 11:59 AM
Wayne | Southern California  Find all comments by Wayne
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Sherry C. wrote:
Michael Hranak -A hearty Amen! Lurker- I agree. Wayne- and and

Apparently you agree with me about McCain! Somebody has mislead the Republicans into thinking that they speak for God. Wow! What a joke. Let's look at the Republicans:

1. George Bush-- a liar and a war monger.
2. Dick Cheney-- uses office to get richer.
3. Karl Rove--cover up man, running from US Congress to protect president.
4. Newt Ginrich-- a serial adulterer.
5. Bob Livingston-- would be speaker of house after Newt, but was exposed as a serial adulterer.
6. Mark Foley-- a Homosexual pervert who likes "little boys".
7. Rush Limbaugh--Drug Addict

I could go on, but will stop at the magic number of 7. This is the party that speaks for and represents God?? Wow! What a tragedy! I'll take Obama over these clowns any day!

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